Butenko Viktoriia

Phd in Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance

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  • In 2004, she graduated from Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikova, received a full higher education in the specialty "Management of organizations", qualified as a manager-economist.
  • In 2013, she defended her candidate's thesis on the topic: "The economic mechanism of adaptation of enterprises of the poultry complex to the conditions of innovative development" in the specialty 08.00.04 - economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity).

Stages of professional formation

11.2004 - 08.2007 - senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes of the I.I. Mechnikova

09.2007 - 08.2013 - assistant professor of the Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

09.2013-08.2015 - senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Modeling of Market Relations Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

09.2015-08.2018 – Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Modeling of Market Relations Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

09.2018-08.2022 – associate professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

09.2022 - to the present - associate professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Scientific degree, academic title:

Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University on June 25, 2019, protocol No. 10 awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance. The associate professor's certificate was issued based on the decision of the certification board dated October 15, 2019 AD №003214. 

Advanced training, internship:

2014 – professional development at the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research in the Department of Market Mechanisms and Structures.
2016 - internship at the Varna University of Economics (Bulgaria) under the advanced training program: "Balance of economic and legal processes in society and the business environment in the conditions of globalization" (certificate No. 000046 01.10. 2016).
2019 - advanced training at the "Institute of Modern Professions" educational center on the program: Accounting and tax accounting (304 academic years) Diploma № 623

Courses taught:

  • Finances;
  • Budget system;
  • Financial support of the socio-economic sphere;
  • Enterprise finance;
  • Financial and banking statistics.
  • Financial controlling.

Scientific and methodological works

  • V.V. Butenko. Methodological recommendations for coursework in the discipline "Budget System", Odesa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, 2017. 32p.
  • V.V. Butenko. Budget system: educational and methodological guide for students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions. Odesa: Astroprint, 2018. 342 p.
  • Methodological recommendations for the study of the academic discipline "Financial support of the socio-economic sphere" for students of the specialty 072 "Finance, banking and insurance", educational degree - master's degree. Odesa: FOP Bondarenko M.O., 2019. 68p.
  • Methodological recommendations for coursework in the specialty 072 Finance, banking and insurance for full-time and part-time students of the first (bachelor) level of higher education. Odesa: FOP Bondarenko M.O., 2021. 47 p.

Field of scientific interests
Management of the scientific group "Financier", involving students in scientific activities, conducting scientific meetings, listening to and discussing reports, participation of students in scientific events of various levels.

Scientific interests are devoted to the analysis and research of the financial system in modern conditions of the socio-economic development of Ukraine.

Scientific publications:

Identifiers and personal profile:


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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