Chair of constitutional law and justice

epf const leader

The Head – Professor, Dr. Hab. in Law Stepanova T.V.

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The Department of Constitutional Law and Justice was founded in 2002 according to the decision of the Academic Council of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University by the Rector’s Order № 14-02 dd. 10.07.2002.

Professor, Dr. Hab. in Law Tetiana V. Stepanova has been acting as the Head of the Department since September 2020.

The Department provides learning of the bachelor, master and PhD law students.


3 Professors, Dr. Hab. in Law:

  • Head of the Department, Professor, Dr. Hab. in Law Tetiana V. Stepanova
  • Professor, Dr. Hab. in Law Liubov O. Korchevna
  • Professor, Dr. Hab. in Law Olga V. Prieshkina

5 Associate Professors, PhD:

  • Vladlena V. Borshchenko
  • Zoya V. Kuznetsova
  • Maria O. Sarakutsa
  • Suliko V. Pilyuk
  • Angela V. Levenets

2 laboratory assistants:

  • Anna D. Miakisheva
  • Katerina D. Miakisheva


 First (bachelor's) level, specialty 081 «Law»

  • Constitutional law of Ukraine;
  • Constitutional (state) law of the foreign countries;
  • Judicial and law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine;
  • Municipal law of Ukraine;
  • Advocacy of Ukraine;
  • The newest human rights;
  • Legal forms of human rights' protection;
  • General Basics of procedural law;
  • Migration Law of the EU (in English);
  • Fundamentals of EU law;
  • International protection of human rights;
  • Introduction to Mediation (in English)

Second (master's) level, specialty 081 «Law»

  • Constitutional law and human rights issues;
  • European law;
  • Insurance law;
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution;
  • Protection of human rights in the ECHR;
  • Comparative procedural law

 Third (PhD) level, specialty 081 «Law»

  • Current issues of constitutional and municipal law;
  • Current issues of procedural law;
  • International human rights standards

 Others (non-Law) specialties:

  • Basics of Constitutional Law;
  • Constitutional Law;
  • Insurance and banking law


Lecturers of the Department take an active part in research activities of the Faculty and University, carrying out research within the approved research theme of the Department «Modern constitutionalism in the process of formation and development of Ukrainian statehood» (2018-2022), the results of which are reflected in academic publications in journals and periodicals.

The department was the sole organizer as well as co-organizer of annual international and university conferences, and since 2017 together with the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics holds a remote all-Ukrainian (since 2021 – an international) conference on «Legal dimension of constitutional and criminal jurisdiction in Ukraine and in World», based on the results of which a collection of abstracts and conference materials is published.

In 2017 on the results of scientific topic Department published a collective monograph: Implementation of international standards in the observance and protection of human rights in the legal system of Ukraine, col. monograph / for ed. Dr. Hab. in Law, prof. L.O. Korchevna, Ph.D., Assoc. Z.V. Kuznetsova. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2017. – 218 p.

Individual monographic researches of lecturers of the department should be singled out:

  • Stepanova Т. V. Procedural status of participants in the litigation in the economic legal proceeding – theoretic, legal and praxeological aspects: monograph. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2017. – 494 p.
  • Stepanova T.V. A dissenting opinion of a judge as a component of the judge's view in economic litigation: a monograph / T.V. Stepanova, V.D. Naifleish. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2015. – 196 p .;
  • Prieshkina O.V. Constitutional Order in Ukraine: issues of development, institutionalization and development: monograph. – Odessa, 2008. – 280 p.;
  • Prieshkina O.V. Local democracy in Ukraine: institutions and organizational and legal forms of implementation: a monograph. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2005. – 248 p.;
  • Kuznetsova Z.V. Advertising management in Ukraine: organizational and legal aspect: monograph. – Odessa: Science and Technology, 2005. – 172 p.;
  • Korchevna L.O. The problem of multi-source law: comparative law research: a monograph. – Kyiv: Institute of State and Law. V.M. Koretsky NAS of Ukraine, 2004. – 360 p.


 Professors and lecturers of the department are active in publishing individual tutorials and manuals (Prieshkina O.V. Local government in Ukraine: legal regulation of direct democracy: Textbook. – Kyiv: Condor, 2004. – 336 p .; Stepanova T.V. Insurance law of Ukraine: Textbook. – Odessa: Atlant, 2014. – 183 pp .; Stepanova T.V. Economic procedural law in schemes: Textbook. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2016. – 210 p.).

Prof. Stepanova T.V. is a member of the author's team of the tutorial on commercial law of Ukraine, the textbook on commercial procedural law, the Great Ukrainian Legal Encyclopedia.

The lecturers of the Department have published more than 30 educational and teaching-methodical manuals. Among the latter are methodological manuals in such disciplines as: «Advocacy of Ukraine» (2020), «International Protection of Human Rights» (2020), «Current issues of constitutional and municipal law» (2020), guidelines for the courses «Organization of judicial and law enforcement agencies» (2021), «Fundamentals of European Union law» (2021), «Constitutional law of foreign countries» (2021).


Department’s members constantly improve their professional level and qualification, which is confirmed by obtaining the appropriate certificates and diplomas.

In particular, on January 13-18, 2020, prof. Stepanova T.V. passed advanced training in the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine under the auspices of USAID under the program «Latest Methods of Teaching Sectoral Legal Disciplines» (Kharkiv).

Assoc. Prof. Kuznetsova Z.V. and Assoc. Prof. Levenets A.V. in 2021 passed advanced training at the National University «Odessa Maritime Academy».

On April 17-24, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Sarakutsa M.O. took part in the training of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence with the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Union «Foreign Policy and Communications in the EU».


In order to attract students to research at the Department there are two student research clubs: On Current issues of European law (under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Sarakutsa M.O.), as well as a research club on advocacy (under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Pilyuk S.V.), law courts club (under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Borshchenko V.V).

Lecturers supervise students’ works performed to participate in international and national conferences and published in journals, including the separate section during the annual student conference at the Faculty of Economics and Law of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.

In September – December 2020 Prof. Stepanova T.V. and Ass.Prof. Karmazina K.Yu. participated as curators of the Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University’s team in the International Conflict Analysis Programme «Empowering youth with conflict analysis skills – empowering community», organized by Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict and Odessa Regional Group of Mediation. As a result of participation in that Programme the team of Economic and Law Faculty’s students won the second place.

Under scientific supervision of Ass.Prof. Karmazina K.Yu. in April of 2021 Master degree students of «Law» speciality Kryvoruchko Olena and Shevchenko Mariia won in All-Ukrainian Contest of Student Scientific Works and obtained the diploma of II grade.


Lecturers of the Department take part in international projects.

For example, Assoc. prof. Kuznetsova Z.V. was a participant in the international project «Formation of innovative culture in Ukrainian universities» (2010-2013), organized within TEMPUS. Assoc. prof. Sadovska O.M. took part in the international project EUNEG «European Neighborhood Policy and high-quality public administration», organized by TEMPUS in 2012-2015. The results of the study are reflected in the textbook «Special Features of Migration Policy: Problems, Searches, Solutions», published by Comrat State University in 2015 under the collective authorship, which also includes Sadovska O.M.

Assoc. prof. Sarakutsa M.O. during 2010-2013 participated in the international English-language program (Open Society Institute) for lecturers from different countries ReSET (Regional seminar for excellence in teaching «The EU as an emerging European security actor: Exploring theoretical paradigms»).

Ass.Prof. Levenets A.V. in 2014-2015 took part in 2 stages of international research «Procedural Guaranties of People in Custody», which took place in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

In 2016 Assoc. prof. Sarakutsa M.O. and Assoc. prof. Karmazina K.Yu. took part in the project of the British Council in Ukraine «English for Universities» and obtained the certificates, which prove their opportunity to teach subjects in English.

In September 2016 prof. Stepanova T.V. and Ass. prof. Karmazina K.Yu. took part in the training on «Academic Integrity» (Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project – SAIUP, organized by the American Councils for International Education with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and with the support of the Embassy of the United States).

In 2017 Assoc. prof. Sarakutsa M.O. also successfully completed 100-hour «English for Academics» course organized within framework of the British Council in Ukraine.

From 2018 until now prof. Stepanova T.V. is a member of the Odessa Regional Council for Justice Reform, which was formed under the auspices of the EU project «Pravo-Justice», and in 2018 acted as a national expert of the EU project «Pravo-Justice».


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Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


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Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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