ONU Mechnikov was included (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/.../world-ranking...) in the international ranking THE World University Rankings 2025, where it took 1501+ place (out of 2857 universities whose records are included in the ranking). Link to the source in the first comment 

The delegation of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University visited Harbin, China, and took part in the International Seminar on Cooperation between Ukrainian and Chinese Experts 2024, which was held at Harbin Engineering University.

The delegation included Vice-Rectors Andrii Smitiukh and Oleksandr Hryhoriev, Director of the Centre of International Education Nataliia Kriuchkova, Head of the Office for International Relations Yurii Hrynchenko, Director of the Interdepartmental Scientific and Educational Physical and Technical Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Yaroslav Lepikh, Head of the of the Department of Land Hydrology Valeriia Ovcharuk, Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Angelina Chuhai, Professor of the Department of Oceanology and Marine Environmental Management Mykola Berlinskyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology Inna Khomenko, and Associate Professor of the Department of Algebra, Geometry and Differential Equations Nataliia Sharai.

The members of the delegation made presentations, participated in discussions and held a series of talks with representatives of Chinese universities on the prospects for further cooperation.

The topic of study concerns the latest scientific knowledge on climate change from interdisciplinary perspectives, from the natural sciences to socio-economics and the arts.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students of various specialties from Ukraine, Armenia, Denmark, Finland and other EU countries are invited to participate.

From August 25 to 31, 2024, in Hamburg, Germany, within the framework of the project “European Universities' Support to Legal and Civil Society Capacity for the Environmental Restoration of Ukraine - GROMADA”, Associate Professor of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology Inna Khomenko took part in a transdisciplinary summer school with a lecture on “Climate Resilience and Environmental Law: Overcoming the Climate Consequences of War and Environmental Crimes”.

The main goal of the summer school was to explore the role of citizen science and international law in preventing and mitigating the environmental consequences of war by providing communities with tools to address environmental issues.

The summer school culminated in a mock trial, which examined war crimes committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine that had or may have serious environmental consequences: Kakhovka Reservoir, Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, and ecocide. The task of the summer school participants was to comprehensively study the legal aspects of war crimes against the environment and represent the interests of the plaintiff (Ukraine, supported by the United States, the European Union and Georgia) and the defendant (Russia, supported by Belarus, India and China) at the mock trial.

Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Justice of ONU Anzhela Viktorivna Levenets carried out international academic mobility to the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and took part in the International Summer School “Internationalization and Internationalization at Home through Virtual Exchange: Creating a Motivating Environment for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)” within the project ‘BNI-UE-2023-23: Cooperation of Adam Mickiewicz University with Ukrainian Universities within the Alliance of European Universities’. During the summer school, she attended lectures by Polish colleagues on the organizational aspects of the internationalization of the educational process, the main challenges faced by both teachers and students from different countries, and ways to solve them. The experience of communicating with colleagues from different Ukrainian universities turned out to be extremely positive, which led to the establishment of new connections and communications.

01-15.07. 2024 Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration of the Economic and Law Faculty of ONU Maryna Chaikovska carried out scientific mobility to the Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel, where she attended lectures by leading professors, the Innovation Transfer Center, and the laboratory of interdisciplinary projects (analyzed the challenges of teamwork in the context of interdisciplinarity, successful cases of increasing the effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams); business incubator (a meeting was held with startup owners and their mentors, effective methods of selecting viable ideas, business models for their scaling, and sources of funding for startups in the EU and Ukraine were discussed).

The Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Associate Professor Iryna Raevska and Department’s Associate Professor Olga Grynko visited Brussels with a study tour to the European Parliament. The visit has become a part of the grant programme awarded to our Master's degree programme "Translation from the English and a Second Foreign Language into Ukrainian". Within the grant implementation, the programme is focused on conference interpreting training. 

On Friday, 05 April 2024, Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, professor at the Touro University Law Centre (US) held another lecture for the Economic and Law Department’s students of the ONU. The would-be law practitioners discovered many insights about the peculiarities of American common law.

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On Friday, 29 March 2024, Robin Boyle Laisure, Professor of Legal Writing at St. John's University Law School (USA, New York), gave a lecture on Contract Drafting to the undergraduate students of the ONU’s Economic-and-Law Department (speciality 081 "Law"). The lecturer equipped the students with the practical knowledge on the structure, content and wording of contracts in the US legal system.

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In 2021 ONU Mechnikov signed the Magna Carta Universitatum - MCU 2020: a global commitment to promote and support academic freedom, institutional autonomy, the connection between teaching and research, social responsibility and the core values of higher education.

Join us by signing the 2020 MCU and become part of a community committed to continuously improving the future of higher education.

Apply now here: https://www.magna-charta.org/magna-charta-universitatum/mcu2020

#MCU2020 #ResponsibleUniversities #AcademicFreedom

On March 22, 2024, Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, professor of Touro University Law Center (US), gave a lecture on US contract law to the undergraduate students of Economics and Law Faculty of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 081 "Law". The students had a unique opportunity to learn about the differences of American contract law rights and the Ukrainian law, asked questions and participated in scientific discussions on the topic.


Representatives from leading Ukrainian universities, along with Vice-President of the European Parliament Ewa Kopacz and representatives from European university alliances, met at the University of Strasbourg in France. The event, coordinated by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, saw Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University represented by Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Andrii Smitiukh. During the meeting, representatives from European university alliances shared their collaborative experiences with Ukrainian universities. Notably, the partnership between Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University and the SEA EU Alliance, particularly with the University of Gdansk, was highlighted as a commendable example. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Vice-Rector of the University of Gdańsk, summarised this collaboration in her report.

On March 4, 2024, in the humanitarian building premises of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, with the contribution of the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Odesa, a memorial plaque was solemnly innaugurated in honor of the outstanding writer, translator, journalist, lawyer and public figure of Bulgaria Aleko Konstantinov.

In his introductory speech, the head of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency, Kiril Kilchev, congratulated the management and students of ONU present at the event. The life and activities of Aleko Konstantinov were another example of the close ties that exist between Bulgaria and Odessa. And the opening of a plaque in his memory is a sign of further strengthening of the long friendship between our peoples.

Andrii Smitiukh, Odesa National Mechnikov University Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, represented our University at the Global Congress of the Alliance of European Universities SEA EU "Strong Partnership to Face Global Challenges and Achieve Sustainable Development Goals". The event took place at the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal, and brought together 213 participants from 31 universities and 14 private institutions spanning 28 countries across 4 continents.

During the SEA EU Global Congress in Portugal, Odesa National Mechnikov University, along with 42 other institutions, became a signatory of the Global Gateway Declaration. It reiterated the commitment of the signatory organisations to the goals of sustainable development, quality education, social justice, human rights protection, promotion of a culture of international cooperation, peace, respect for human life, promotion of academic mobility, open science and free exchange of ideas.

A new chapter in the internationalization of education at Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University (ONU) unfolded as the first offline defense of master qualification works by foreign students, whose
studies were conducted entirely in the English language, took place.Despite the challenges posed by the wartime situation, Chinese master`s students from the Management specialty (Faculty of Economics&Law) arrivedin Ukraine to personally present their works before the Examination Committee.

The committee included the heads of the Management and Innovation Department - Eduard Kuznetsov, the Marketing and Business Administration Department - Olena Sadchenko, the program guarantors: Prof. Yevhen Maslennikov, Prof. Yuriy Hrinchenko, and Prof. Yuriy Robul.

The defense was attended by ONU Rector Vyacheslav Truba, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Andriy Smitiukh, the Head of the Faculty - Liudmyla Tokarchuk, Director of the Center for International Education Nataliia Kriuchkova, and Deputy Head of the Faculty - Olha Poberezhets.The successful implementation of programs conducted in Englishcontributes to the quality of education offered by ONU and strengthens the University's position in the international educational landscape.

In late 2023, a group of Chinese students visited Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University to complete their master's degree in Management at the Faculty of Economics and Law.
Andrii Kavetskyi, the Head of the Faculty's Student Council, and Kseniia Maltseva, the Head of the Faculty's Student Union, undertook a duty to coordinate international students in a series of integration events, aiding in their adaptation to the Ukrainian environment.

Our Chinese guests participated in events organized by theStudent Council and Student Union, explored the Botanical Garden and visited the Paleontological Museum of their Alma Mater, as well as took a tour around Odesa.
The visit of Chinese students to Our University during these challenging times shows their support and, likewise, stands as a testament to their trust in Ukrainian education, particularly in Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.

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On November 23, 2023, the first vice-rector of the ONU I. I. Mechnikov, Maiia Nikolaieva, had a meeting with the Ambassador of France to Ukraine, Mr. Gaël Veyssière. The meeting was also attended by the delegation of the French Embassy of Olivier Jacot, adviser on culture and cooperation, Oleg Sosnov, head of cultural projects, and Yaroslava Lezhentseva, head of the Odesa representative office of Alliance Française, and by ONU representatives - head of the international relations department Yurii Hrinchenko, Dean of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology Nina Kravchenko, Head of the Department of French Philology Malvina Marinashvili and Professor of the Department of French Philology Marianna Knyazyan.

Last week the Autumn Science School organized for the students of our University came to an end, as well as the Mechnikov National University professors' scientific mobility  at the University of Gdańsk.
Students and professors had the opportunity to visit the structural divisions of the University and historical monuments of the city, to familiarize themselves with the approach to the implementation of the goals of sustainable development in the activities of the University.
The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the cooperation between the University of Gdansk and ONU I.I. Mechnikov. The representatives of ONU student council and trade union told about their activities at the universities and discussed joint projects together with the of the University of Gdańsk representatives. The administration of the University of Gdańsk prepared an exciting program for our students. It included visits to museums of modern art, galleries, the city of Sopot to see the waterfront with beautiful views of the Baltic Sea. 
In addition, the congress participants were given a tour around the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the library. The students learnt about the history of each campus and shown the university’s vast territory. The university representatives also attended a lecture on "Media and the war in Ukraine”. The lecture featured a story by journalist Vasylisa Stepanenko who worked in hostility spots. In their free time, the students had the opportunity to see the "heart of Gdansk" - the Old Town. 
This short trip became a huge motivation for the further development of each participant.

During 12 days, students of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University attended various workshops and lectures as part of the "Summer School for the Promotion of Democratic Values" held at Gdańsk University (Poland).

The summer school, European Science Campus 2023, took place from July 19th, 2023, to July 30th, 2023, at the University of Gdańsk, has concluded with the participation of four students from Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University from the faculties of Economics, Politics, and Biological Sciences. The event aimed to enhance the scientific competencies of students at different educational levels.

The Young Science Congress, which took place from July 6th to July 11th, 2023 at the University of Gdansk, in partnership with ONU Mechnikov has been completed. The Congress aimed to facilitate the research exchange among young scholars as well as to and establish closer relations between the University of Gdansk and ONU Mechnikov.

Young researchers from Odessa MechnikovNational University have made their way to Gdansk for the prestigious Scientific Young Congress

Organized in collaboration with the University of Gdansk, this remarkable event is set to ignite a passion for scientific exploration and innovation.

We're proud to announce that our university's esteemed rector, Professor Truba Vyacheslav, and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Professor Smitiukh Andrii, have been invited to join the distinguished scientific committee of this groundbreaking gathering.

Stay tuned for updates as our brilliant young minds exchange ideas, present their groundbreaking research, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Upon the invitation of the University of Gdańsk ONU Mechnikov delegation consisting of the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Andrii Smityukh, Head of the International Relations Office Yurii Hrinchenko, Head of the Educational Department Svitlana Hvozdiy, Head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Justice Tetiana Stepanova, and Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology, and Biotechnology Oksana Zinchenko, participated in the Governing Week of the SEA EU Alliance in Gdańsk.

Vyacheslav Truba as a rector of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University and Krzysztof Kowalczuk as a rector of the University of Natural Sciences in Lublin have signed a Cooperation Agreement between the universities.

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