Last week, the Department of Microbiology, Virology, and Biotechnology at Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University held the XIX International Summer School "Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Biomedicine." This scientific event, held annually since 2005, aims to provide high-quality education, promote cutting-edge science, and support the development of young scientists, even amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Summer School serves as a platform where Ukrainian students, graduate students, and young scientists from various countries can interact and listen to lectures from leading scientists worldwide on a wide range of topics in modern biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine.

On March 18, 2024, a scientific-methodological seminar on "World-system analysis as a method of researching global political processes" was held at the Department of Political Science was held

The main speaker, doctor of philosophy, prof. Vasyl Popkov highlighted the essence of the problem and its relevance for contemporary world political processes. The seminar was attended by lecturers of the department, students and postgraduates of the "Political Science department" specialty, who took an active part in the discussion of the topic.

On 29 January 2024, the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology carried out a solemn ceremony, where graduates majoring in Political Science were awarded their master's diplomas. The faculty's leadership offered words of encouragement, urging them to continue progressing and explore new opportunities. They highlighted that many doors are open for them, and exciting ventures lie ahead. We look forward to seeing these young colleagues pursue further studies in the doctoral program!

The school serves as an educational hub for students, learners, and political enthusiasts.

The School hosts enlightening lectures and discussions and offers a fantastic opportunity to delve deeper into political science and understand the dynamics of both domestic and global politics.


Thanks to Alvaro Alba, Deputy Director Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB)/ USAGM, the special section created on for the publications dedicated to cooperation between the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) and the OCDS:

For the moment it consists of an introductory article, the USAGM publication at the beginning of the joint work, the two articles by Kateryna Vakarchuk and her two videos. We will be adding to the section the materials that will be made in the future!


2nd International Round Table “INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS IN THE DIGITAL AGE”, November 28. Format: online (remote). Purpose: discussion of current issues of international digital media communications.  Kateryna Vakarchuk proposed the presentation "Russian propaganda in media of Latin American countries", noting the main narratives that Russia is spreading in the region, appealing to the colonial past of Latin American countries and strengthening anti-American sentiment.

vakarchuk conf

On October 1, 2023, Luigi Nicolò Segarizzi, Research fellow, Institut d’études européennes (IEE-ULB), Brussels, and Attaché – Political, Press and information Delegation of the European Union, Chisinau, visited the Center. The purpose of the visit was to establish stronger scientific and public ties between our institutions, united by the desire for truth in the post-truth era. The focus of our future joint projects is exposing Russian disinformation, which has acquired a universal scale and whose influence negatively affects the lives of all European peoples.

On October 27-29, 2023, training was held as part of the Train the trainers project for representatives from the Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa regions. The purpose of this project is to train trainers in cross-sectoral crisis simulation exercises. Now there are 16 certified trainers in Ukraine, including Ganna Grabina, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of International Relations, and member of the OCDS.

On October 21, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., a guest lecture on the topic "The role of remote monitoring in agriculture and spatial planning" will be held online for students of the Faculty of Geology and Geography , specializaion 103 «Earth Sciences» and speialization 106 «Geography».
The lecturer is Yaryna Oleksandrivna Butenko, PhD in agricultural sciences, senior researcher of the department of information technologies and innovation marketing of the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Sciences.
The lecture is open for students of the faculty and all interested in the topic.

Connection via the link: 

Conference ID: 895 1977 5053

Access code: r61jYu

During 1- 21 September 2023, Tetiana KONDRATIUK, a PhD in the geology of oceans and seas, and Valentyna YANKO, a PhD candidate at the Geology and Geography Department of Odesa National Mechnikov University, perform their research work on board the Romanian research vessel "Mare Nigrum" in the Romanian and Bulgarian waters.

The works are carried out within Odesa National Mechnikov University’s associated participation in the international project "DOORS" - "Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea.” This EU research project incorporates science, politics, and industry to recover the Black Sea.

July, 25-28 – The congress “Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises”, co-organised by the international association DiscourseNet and the Latin-American association ALED, at Valencia University, Spain (Olga Brusylovska, Kateryna Vakarchuk)

The Odesa Centre for Disinformation Studies

Hard times always reveal true friends and we are happy to say we have them. During this semester our international colleagues, legal scholars, kindly agreed to give distance guest lectures to the Law students of the Economics and Law Faculty, thus reaffirming the fact that, despite the wartime and related unfavorable conditions, our partners will not leave us behind and do everything they can to aid us and provided:


Key note speakers:

  • Liliana Rodrigues, former MEP, professor at the University of Madeira (Portugal)
  • Olga Brusylovska (Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine) «The Role of Poland in the Formulation and Implementation of EU Eastern Policy».
  • Jaroslaw Janczak (Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poland), «Geopolitics of the European Union: Transformation of EU’s External Borders in the Context of Changing Global Order».
  • Anna Serdinova, (Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine) «World Economy Impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian War»
  • Ihor Todorov (Ughgorod National University, Ukraine) «Cooperation between the EU and Ukraine in the Light of Strengthening the Resilience in the Region».

Moderator: Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva

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Associate professor of the international relations department Volodymyr Dubovyk took part in the round table "Russia's invasion of Ukraine: repercussions for Belarus and Moldova" at the Fletcher school of law and diplomacy, Tufts university (U.S.) on October 13, 2022.

On October 10-14, 2022, the XII International Summer School "Response to New Nuclear Realities: Concepts and Actions" was held, organized by the Odesa Center for Nonproliferation and the Bodrum Institute with the support of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and the Richard Lounsbury Foundation. The Summer School was held in the Turkish city of Bodrum. During three days, full of lectures, discussions, and a simulation game, where each student represented his own UN member country, 44 participants from 10 countries took part in the School offline and online. The School's program focused on the study and analysis of the impact of the war in Ukraine on arms control and nonproliferation. The Odesa Center for Nonproliferation supported 8 Ukrainian students in their professional and academic activities by providing scholarships for their participation. The main goal of the Summer School is to train the youth of Europe and the countries of the Black Sea region in the field of nonproliferation, the policy of nuclear countries, arms control and disarmament. Polina Sinovets, Director of the OdCNP and Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, prepared two lectures for School participants, namely "War in Ukraine: impact on non-proliferation and disarmament" and "Russian nuclear doctrine and European security ".


Associate professor of the department of international relations Volodymyr Dubovyk has started his fellowship at the Tufts university (Medford, U.S.) on October 10, 2022. He is invited by the Fletcher school of law and diplomacy.

In the fall semester of the 2022/23 academic year, two university-wide optional subjects about Ukraine began at the University of Warsaw.

The Odesa Center for Nonproliferation presented a new monograph "Arms Control and Europe: New Challenges and Prospects for Strategic Stability" edited by Polina Sinovets and William Alberk, published by Springer. The monograph consists of three parts: "The US, Russia: new challenges and strategic stability in Europe", "Extended deterrence and arms control in Europe", "Regional dimentions of strategic stability in Europe". The Department of International Relations of the I. I. Mechnikov National University made a significant contribution to the monograph, which includes articles by Professor Olga Brusylovska, Associate Professor Polina Sinovets, Associate Professor Iryna Maksymenko, the OdCNP's leading expert Valeria Gergieva, and IR ONU 2015 alumna MA Valeria Hesse.

The Odesa Center for Nonproliferation (OdCNP) presented its new publication, which contains the most complete nuclear history of Ukraine. The book was published by Springer. Thanks to the cooperation of the best Ukrainian experts in the field, the book reveals the significance of Ukraine's role in the USSR's nuclear program, and also analyses the dreams of nuclear deterrence and the importance of civil cooperation in nuclear energy.

Vira Nasikivska, PhD student of the International Relations Department, took part in the XXXII Eastern European Summer school for young scholars that was held in Warsaw from 12 to 23 September, 2022. The program of the School consisted of a series of lectures and seminars conducted by prominent professors from well-known universities of Poland. The School was primarily aimed at the young scholars gaining experience in the chosen research fields and getting acquainted with the latest trends and practices in the humanities.

On August 22-24, the conference "Undergraduate Conference: Economics in the XXI Century" took place in Vienna on the basis of the Central European University.

Three students from Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University specializing in “International economic relations” were representing Ukraine at the conference with their research work:

From June 20 to July 12, 2022, at the Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology Department of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University the XVII International Summer School for young scientists, postgraduates and masters in molecular biology, biotechnology and biomedicine was held.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov

Philological faculty
Department of language and General humanitarian training of foreigners

Information sheet


Department of language and General humanitarian training of foreigners of Philological faculty of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University offers you to publish articles in the anniversary collective monograph “Modern problems of languages teaching methods and training of foreign students at universities”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department and 30th anniversary of the Preparatory faculty for foreigners.

We will publish the original articles in the following areas:

  1. Actual problems of contemporary linguistics and literary criticism.
  2. Tradition and innovation in the methodology of language teaching.
  3. Linguocultural aspects of language teaching and problems of intercultural communication.
  4. Actual problems of teaching of foreigners at the stage of pre-University training.
  5. Actual problems of theory of translation.

You can read more in the information sheet


Starting March 19, at the Faculty of International relations of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University there will be series of lectures conducted by experts from the European Union’s Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) ( about EU-Ukraine cooperation in the framework of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. The lectures will cover the role and mandate of EUBAM, the role of Customs Services in trade facilitation measures, as well as the importance of EU border control (the deailed agenda of the course is available at the link).

For more information, please, contact the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, the responsible person: Tatiana Rodionova, Associate Professor, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This year at the department of language and general humanitarian training of foreigners a club has been formed for our foreign students and undergraduates, who gladly entered the student association "Scientific and Cultural World of Ukraine".

The first event of the club was readings dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Ukrainian Kobzar. On the eve of the significant dates of March 9 and 10, our foreign students talked about their impressions of Shevchenko's personality and his work, about the information field of Shevchenko's image in his native country. And also read poetry in the Ukrainian language and the language of their country. Among the participants of the event are students of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology ̶ Brenich Anastasia (Moldova), Al-Kadoori Hashim (Iraq), Leshchenko Maxim (Moldova), Yin Sichuan (PRC), Wang Haoyu (PRC); Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology ̶ Shevchenko Anastasia (Russia); Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technologies ̶ Yilmaz Said Nurbaki (Turkey), Zhaksibek Asyl (Kazakhstan); students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Economics and Law ̶ Khudyakova Irina (Moldova), Marin Roman (Moldova).

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