ONU I.I. Mechnikova gained access to Wolfram products
Odesa National University has a one-year subscription to Wolfram products. Both teachers and students can get products from Wolfram using a corporate account in the onu.edu.ua domain and register a Wolfram ID by email
Available products are downloads for PC, Mathematica | Online, Mathematica | Desktop, and Mathematica Student.
Wolfram products can be used in many fields: art and design, bioengineering, biology and life sciences, business and finance, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil and environmental engineering, computer engineering, computer science, economics, electrical engineering, environmental sciences , geography and GIS, language and linguistics, mathematics, medical engineering, medicine and medical imaging, atomic engineering, physics, psychology, social sciences, statistics, and others.
Special thanks to Prof. Volodymyr Kulinsky, Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University's application for funding within the program to train qualified translators for European Union institutions has just received the green light from the European Parliament.
The classes for the English-speaking groups of the international students at the Economics and Law Faculty as well as the Mathematics, Physics, and Information Technologies Faculty enrolled in November are at full hand.
It's the first time we've ever started studies of the international English-speaking master group in the specialty 126 "Information Systems and Technologies" and the second time in the specialty 073 «Management».
All the classes are online. The students are doing great job by fulfilling the requirements of educational programs. Very soon will get on with their first exams at our university. Let's wish them good luck!
The graduates from People's Republic of China of the master program of management fully delivered in English endeavored their thesis defense at the ONU Mechnikov Economics and Law Faculty last week.
The theses themselves as well as the defense were exclusively in English.
We highly value our cooperation and bilateral support in these times of hardship.
We hope that our cooperation will strengthen the friendship between China and Ukraine.

From 2018, at the Faculty of Biology of the Odessa I.I. Mechnykov National University opened a set for a new specialty - 206 «Landscape gardening» for the preparation of specialists of the first (Bachelor) level of higher education. Graduates will receive an educational qualification - a Bachelor of landscape gardening. The term of study - 3 years 10 months. Licensed volume - 60 people.
Training program by Professor Jason David Hans, Fulbright Academic Exchange Program Scholarship in Ukraine, for the academic year 2017-2018
During the entire 2017/2018 academic year, at the invitation of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology (ONU) Jason GANS, editor-in-chief of the journal “Family Science Review”, professor of the Department of Family Studies at the University of Kentucky (USA), Fulbright program winner, teaches classes in English for doctoral students, graduate students, masters and students of ONU in the direction of "Scientific Research", and for teachers - a scientific and methodological seminar "Publications of research results in foreign journals."
East Summer School (Wsсhоdniа Szkоlа Lеtniа) is international institution for studying of history and modernity of Central and Eastern Europe.
The Workhop is supported by the program of Collaboration of Civil Societies in the countries of Eastern Partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany