Yanko Valentina
Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor
Head of the Department of Physical and Marine Geology
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Research interests: Geology, specialty marine geology; palecology and ecology; paleontology, specialty paleontology of invertebrates; ecological micropaleontology; foraminifera of intercontinental basins (Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Marmara, Black Sea, Sea of Azov, Caspian Sea, Aral Sea); foraminifera as indicators of natural and anthropogenic stress; ecotoxicology of foraminifera and their chemical defense mechanisms; marine Quaternary geology and paleoceanography; paleoclimatology; global sea level changes; Quaternary history, paleoceanography, glacial and intraglacial periods, sapropels and anoxic events; marine environment monitoring; Quaternary geochronology of the Ponto-Caspian.
Undergraduate courses: General geology; Historical geology and paleontology; Micropaleontology; Geology and minerals of the Black Sea.
Graduate courses: Actual problems of geology, marine geology.
PhD courses: Advanced Topics in Paleontology, Micropaleontology and Paleoecology (taught in English)
Scientific-methodical, organizational and other types of work
- Head of Department
- Guarantor of the educational program of the third educational and scientific level (PhD) of specialty 103 "Earth Sciences"
- Invited editor of the scientometric journal Quaternary International
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of Odessa National University. Geographical and Geological Sciences Series
- Member of the editorial board of the professional journal Geology and Minerals of the World Ocean
- Member of the IGCP Canadian Board (CAN-IGCP)
- Member of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP Scientific Board
- Geological Society of America
- Micropaleontological Society
- Cushman Foundation for Foraminifera Research
- Canadian branch of INQUA
- European Coastal Union
- Grzybowski Foraminifera Research Foundation
- International Association for the Promotion of Geoethics (IAPG)
- Ukrainian Society of Mineralogists
- Union of Geologists of Ukraine
- Paleontological Society of Ukraine
Links to scientific publications:
Total number of publications about 400. Hirsh Index h=12, number of citations 891.
Publications for the last 5 years (2017-2021)
Journal articles cited in Scopus
- Shnyukov, Y., Kobolev, V., Yanko, V. 2021. Mud-volcanic deposits of methane gas hydrates in the Black Sea. E3S Web of Conferences 230: 01005 https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123001005
- Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V., Makeev, A., Yanina, T., Lahijani, H. 2021. INQUA Focus Group SACCOM: 1709 “Ponto-Caspian Stratigraphy and Geochronology (POCAS)”. Quaternary International 590:1–4. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2021.04.03
- Mudie P.J., Yanko, V., Mudryk, I. 2020. Palynomorphs in surface sediments of the North-Western Black Sea as indicators of environmental conditions. Quaternary International 590: 122-145.
- Chepizhko, О. V., Yanko, V. V., Kadurin, V. M., Naumko, I. M., Shatalin, S. М. 2020. Experience in applying expert analysis and rank correlation during geological and forecasting work on hydrocarbons. Mineralogical Journal 42(4):33-49.
- Yanko, V., Yanina, T. 2019. Toward an understanding of human responses to environmental change in the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors (IGCP 610 final report). Episodes 42(4) . DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2019/019028
- Mudie P.J., Yanko, V. 2019. Microforaminiferal linings as proxies for paleosalinity and pollution: Danube Delta example. Micropaleontology 65(1):27-45.
- Yanko, V. 2018. Editorial to IGCP 610. Quaternary International 465:1-10.
- Yanko, V., Yanina, T., Kurbanov, R. 2018. INQUA IFG 1709F Ponto-Caspian Stratigraphy and Geochronology (POCAS). Quaternary Perspectives 25(1):11-12.
- Yanko, V., Kislov, A. 2018. Late Pleistocene - Holocene sea-level dynamics in the Caspian and Black Seas: Data synthesis and Paradoxical interpretations. Quaternary International 465(A):63-71.
- Esin, N.V., Yanko, V., Esin, N.I. 2018. Evolutionary mechanisms of the Paratethys Sea and its separation into the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Quaternary International 465(A):46-53.
- Yanko, V. Editorial to IGCP 610 Special Volume // Quaternary International 465:1-10.
- Yanko, V., Kondariuk, T., Motnenko, I. 2017. Benthic foraminifera indicate environmental stress from river discharge to marine ecosystems: example from the Black Sea. Journal Foraminiferal Research47(1):70-92.
Abstracts of conference papers cited in Scopus
- Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V. Kravchuk, A., Kulakova, I. et al. 2021. Meiobenthos as indicator of gaseous hydrocarbons reservoirs existing under the seabed of the Black Sea. EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-963 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-963
- Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V., Kravchuk, A., Kulakova, I. 2021. Meiobenthos as search indicators for methane accumulations under the black sea floor. Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Programs 53(6). doi: 10.1130/abs/2021AM-364524
- Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V., Chepalyga, A., Yanina, T. et al. 2021. The Karangatian epoch in the Azov-Black Sea (Pont) basin: stratigraphy, paleogeography, correlations, geological history// Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Programs 53(6). doi: 10.1130/abs/2021AM-364553
- Kadurin, S., Naumko, I., Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), Kadurin, V.M. et al. 2021.Deep nature of hydrocarbon fluid within the Black Sea shelf based on inclusions in authigenic minerals // Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Programs 53(6) doi: 10.1130/abs/2021AM-366241
- Yanko, V., Kislov, A. 2017. Late Pleistocene-Holocene dynamics in the Caspian and Black seas: data synthesis and paradoxical interpretations. PAGES Zaragoza 5th Open Science Meeting “Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective”, 9-13 May 2017, p. 146.
- Esin, N.I., Esin, N.V., Yanko,V. 2017. On the origin of salt in the Caspian Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts. vol. 19, EGU2017-18414.
Monographs / Chapters in monographs
- Shnyukov E.F., Kobolev V.P., Yanko V.V. et al. 2021.Gazovye fakely Chernoho morya.(Gas seeps of the Black Sea). DNU «MorHeoEkoTsentr» NAN Ukrayiny, Kiev, 505 p. (in Russian)
- Shnyukov, E., Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V. Mud Volcanoes of the Black Sea Region and Their Environmental Significance. 2020. Switzerland, Springer, 494 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40316-4
- Kadurin, S., Yanko-Hombach, (=Yanko) V., Smyntyna, O. 2020. Ukraine: In search of submerged late Palaeolitic sites on the north-western Black Sea shelf. In: Bailey. G., Galanidou, N., Joens, H, Lueth, F., Peeters, H. (eds) The Archaeology of Europe's Submerged Landscapes. Springer, Cham, p. 413-428.
- Kadurin, S., Yanko-Hombach (also Yanko), V., Smyntyna, O. 2020. Ukraine: In search of submerged late Palaeolitic sites on the north-western Black Sea shelf. In: Bailey. G., Galanidou, N., Joens, H, Lueth, F., Peeters, H. (eds) The Archaeology of Europe's Submerged Landscapes. Springer, Cham, p. 413-428.
- Yanko, V., Schnyukov, E., Pasynkov, A. et al. 2017. Late Pleistocene-Holocene Environmental Factors Defining the Azov-Black Sea Basin, and the Identification of Potential Sample Areas for Seabed Prehistoric Site Prospecting and Landscape Exploration on the Black Sea Continental Shelf. In: Flemming F et al. (eds) Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 431-478.
Articles in professional journals
- Chepizhko O. V., Yanko V. V., Kadurin V. M., Naumko I. M., Shatalin S. M. 2021. Dosvid zastosuvannya ekspertnoho analizu ta ranhovoyi korelyatsiyi pry provedenni heoloho-prohnoznykh robit na vuhlevodni (na prykladi shelʹfu Chornoho morya) (Experience in applying expert analysis and rank correlation when conducting geological and forecasting work on hydrocarbons (on the example of the Black Sea shelf). Odessa National University Herald. Geography and Geology 26, 1(38):233-248 https://doi.org/10.18524/2303-9914.2021.1(38).234716
- Yanko V.V., Kondariuk T.O., Kadurin S.V. 2020. Istoryya geolohycheskoho razvytyya severo-zapadnoho shelʹfa Chornoho morya v ppozdnem neopleystotsene-holotsene (History of geological development of the north-western shelf of the Black Sea in the late Neo-Pleistocene-Holocene). Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 12:123-136 (in Ukranian). http://archive-transactions.igs-nas.org.ua/article/view/185756
- Chepizhko O.V., Yanko V.V., Naumko I.M., Kadurin V.M., Shatalin S.M., Shuraev I.M. 2020. Chepizhko O.V., Yanko V.V., Naumko I.M., Kadurin V.M., Shatalin S.M., Shurayev I.M. Kompleksne tlumachennya chynnykiv i parametriv produktyvnykh vuhlevodnevykh struktur (Comprehensive interpretation of factors and parameters of productive hydrocarbon structures). Odessa National University Herald. Geography and Geology 25. Issue 2(37): 289-309 (in Ukrainian). DOI: 10.18524/2303-9914.2020.2(37).216578
- Янко В. В., Кондарюк Т. О. Origin and taxonomy of the Neopleistocene-Holocene Ponto-Caspian benthic foraminifera. 2020. Geological journal 1:17-33. DOI: 10.30836/igs.1025-6814.2020.1.196975.
- Chepizhko O.V., Yanko V.V., Kadurin V.M. et al. 2020. Znachymistʹ mineralohichnoho ta litoloho-petrohrafichnoho ranhu v ranzhuvanni heolohichnoyi informatsiyi (Significance of mineralogical and lithologic-petrographical rank in the ranking of geological information) Mineralogical journal 42(4):33—49 (in Ukrainian). https://doi.org/10.15407/mineraljournal.42.04.033
- Shnyukov, E.F., Yanko-Hombach (= Yanko) V. 2019. Degassing of the Azov-Black Sea bottom. Proceedings of INQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 11-18, 2019, Tehran, Iran, INIOAS, pp. 148-152. ISBN 978-964-5938-72.5 http://www.avalon-institute.org/inqua/pdf/Proceedings_INQUA_2019.pdf
- Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko) V., Kadurin, S.V., Kravchuk, A.O. et al. 2019. Locating and identifying the location of intensive deep fluid streams on the Black Sea bottom using meiobenthos // Proceedings of INQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 11-18, 2019, Tehran, Iran, INIOAS, pp. 171-174. ISBN 978-964-5938-72.5 http://www.avalon-institute.org/inqua/pdf/Proceedings_INQUA_2019.pdf
- Mudie P.J., Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V. 2019. Microforaminiferal linings as proxies for paleosalinity and pollution: Danube Delta example. Micropaleontology 65(1):27-45.
- Mudie P.J., Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko), V., Mudryk, I. 2020. Palynomorphs in surface sediments of the North-Western Black Sea as indicators of environmental conditions. Quaternary International 590:122-145.
- Chepizhko, O.V., Yanko, V.V., Kadurin, V.M. et al. 2017. Zabezpechennya ratsionalʹnoho vykorystannya resursiv morya shlyakhom vprovadzhennya kerovanoyi tekhno-heolohichnoyi systemy shelʹfu (Ensuring the rational use of marine resources through the introduction of controlled techno-geological shelf system). Geologyya y poleznye yskopaemye Myrovoho okeana 4:54-64 (in Ukrainian). http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/145188
- Shnyukov E.F., Yanko V.V. 2017. Problemy vuhlevodnevoho potentsialu Chornoho morya ta shlyakhy yoho osvoyennya (Problems of hydrocarbon potential of the Black Sea and ways of its development). Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Myrovogo okeana 4:41-53 (in Ukranian)
- Yanko V.V., Kadurin S.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kulakova I.I. 2017. Meyobentos kak poiskovyy priznak skopleniy gazoobraznykh uglevodorodov v donnykh otlozheniyakh Chernogo morya (Meiobenthos as a search feature of accumulations of gaseous hydrocarbons in the bottom sediments of the Black Sea). Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Myrovogo okeana 2: 26-59 (in Russian)
Other publications
- Kadurin V., Naumko I., Yanko V., Kakaranza S., Dikol O. 2021. «Truby dehazatsiyi» i perspektyvy naftohazonosnosti pivnichno-zakhidnoho shelʹfu Chornoho morya (za heoloho-heofizychnymy i heokhimichnymy danymy) ("Degassing pipes" and prospects of oil and gas potential of the north-western shelf of the Black Sea (according to geological-geophysical and geochemical data). Heofizyka i heodynamika: prohnozuvannya ta monitorynh heolohichnoho seredovyshcha. – Lʹviv: Rastr-7 (in Ukranian)
- Naumko I. M., Kadurin V. M., Yanko V. V., Zinchuk I. M., Sakhno B. E., Kadurin S. V., Kakaranza S. D., Dikol O. S. 2021. Hlybynna pryroda vuhlevodnevoho flyuyidu na shelʹfi Chornoho morya za vklyuchennyamy v autyhennykh mineralakh (Deep nature of hydrocarbon fluid on the Black Sea shelf by inclusions in autigenic minerals) Zbirnyk tez naukovoyi konferentsiyi Heolohichna nauka v nezalezhniy Ukrayini, NAN Ukrayiny, In-t heokhimiyi, mineralohiyi ta rudoutvorennya im. M.P. Semenenka. – Kyyiv, p. 68-71(in Ukranian)
- Naumko I. M., Kadurin V. M., Yanko V. V., Zinchuk I. M., Yaremchuk YA. V., Kadurin S. V., Beletsʹka YU. A., Redʹko L. R., Zankovych H. O., Dikol O. S. 2021. Hlynysti mineraly donnykh vidkladiv ploshchi «Pradniprovsʹka» yak indykator hlybynnykh flyuyidnykh potokiv pivnichno-zakhidnogo shelʹfu Chornoho morya, Ukrayina (Clay minerals of bottom sediments of the Pradniprovska area as an indicator of deep fluid flows (north-western shelf of the Black Sea, Ukraine). Problemy heolohiyi Fanerozoyu Ukrayiny. Zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ za rezulʹtatamy XII Vseukrayinsʹkoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi, LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 6–8 October 2021, Part 1, pp. 19-24 (in Ukranian)
- Shnyukov, E.F., Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko) V. 2019. Degassing of the Azov-Black Sea bottom. Proceedings of INQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 11-18, 2019, Tehran, Iran, INIOAS, pp. 148-152. ISBN 978-964-5938-72.5
- Yanko-Hombach (=Yanko) V., Kadurin, S.V., Kravchuk, A.O., Kulakova, I.I. 2019. Locating and identifying the location of intensive deep fluid streams on the Black Sea bottom using meiobenthos. Proceedings of INQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 11-18, 2019, Tehran, Iran, INIOAS, pp. 171-174. ISBN 978-964-5938-72.5
- Yanko V.V., Chepyzhko A. V., Kaduryn V. N. Yanko V.V. 2018. Systemno–ranhovi heolohichni modeli pry prohnozi ta poshuku rodovyshch vuhlevodniv na dni Chornoho morya (System-rank geological models in forecasting and searching for hydrocarbon deposits at the bottom of the Black Sea). Materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovlyi konferentsiyi «Morsʹki heoloho-heofizychni doslidzhennya: fundamentalʹni ta prykladni aspekty», Odesa, 8 - 9 November 2019, p. 27-30 (in Ukranian).
- Yanko V. V., Kravchuk A. O., Kaduryn S. V., Kulakova Y.Y.2018. Meyobentos kak vozmozhnyy yndykator skoplenyy metana pod dnom Chornoho morya (Meyobenthos as a possible indicator of methane accumulations under the Black Sea floor). Materialy mizhnarodnoyi naukovlyi konferentsiyi «Morsʹki heoloho-heofizychni doslidzhennya: fundamentalʹni ta prykladni aspekty», Odesa, 8 - 9 November 2018, p. 83-86 (in Ukranian).
- 45. Yanko V.V., Kravchuk O.P., Kravchuk H.O. Morsʹka heolohiya u Odesʹkomu universyteti: istoriya, dosyahnennya ta perspektyvy (Marine geology at Odessa University: history, achievements and prospects). Materyaly V Mizhnarodnoho heolohichnoho foruma «Aktualʹni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku heolohiyi: nauka y vyrobnytstvo» («Heoforum-2018»), Odesa, 18 – 23 June 2018, p. 348-350 (in Ukranian).
- Yanko V.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kondariuk T.O., Mudryk Y.S. 2018. Osnovnye napravlenyya mykropaleontolohycheskykh yssledovanyy v Odesskom natsionalʹnom unyversytete ymeni Y.Y. Mechnykova (The main directions of micropaleontological research at Odessa National University named after II Мечникова). Materyaly V Mizhnarodnoho heolohichnoho foruma «Aktualʹni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku heolohiyi: nauka y vyrobnytstvo» («Heoforum-2018»), Odesa, 18 – 23 June 2018, p. 351-353 (in Ukranian).
- Yanko, V.). IGCP 610 Progress Report (2013-2017). In: A. Gilbert, and V. Yanko (Eds.), 2018. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 14-21, 2018, Antalya, Turkey. Doküman Evi, Avcilar, Istanbul, pp. 1-26.
- Yanko, V. 2018. The Ponto-Caspian biostratigraphy, sea level, and salinity reconstructions using benthic foraminifera as the main tool. In: A. Gilbert, and V. Yanko, V. (Eds.). Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 14-21, 2018, Antalya, Turkey. Doküman Evi, Avcilar, Istanbul, 202 p. ISSN 978-605-245-321-6 185-190
- Mudie, P.J., and Yanko, V. 2017. Microforaminiferal linings as a proxy for paleodelta and paleosalinity analysis: Danube Delta example. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy. University of Palermo, 130-134. ISBN 978-88-940049-1-5.
- Shnyukov, E.F., and Yanko,V. 2017. Mud volcanism of the Black Sea region. In: Gilbert, A. and Yanko, V. (Eds.), 2017. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy. University of Palermo, 175-178. ISBN 978-88-940049-1-5.
- Yanko,V. Kadurin, S.V., Kravchuk, A.O., Kulakova, I.I. 2017. Meiobenthos as an indicator of gaseous hydrocarbon reservoirs under floor of the Black Sea. In: Gilbert, A. and Yanko, V. (Eds.), 2017. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy. University of Palermo, 224-229. ISBN 978-88-940049-1-5.
- Yanko, V., Kadurin, S.V., Kravchuk, A.O., Kulakova, I.I. 2017. Meiobenthos as an indicator of gaseous hydrocarbon reservoirs under floor of the Black Sea. In: Gilbert, A. and Yanko, V. (Eds.), 2017. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy. University of Palermo, 224-229. ISBN 978-88-940049-1-5.
- Yanko, V. 2017. The Murphy International Scientific Meeting “Lost and Future Worlds: Marine palaeolandscapes and the historic impact of long-term climate change”, The Royal Society, Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire, UK, 15-16 May 2017. https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2017/05/climate-change/
- Yanko V.V., Kadurin S.V., Kravchuk H.O., Kulakova I.I. 2017. Meyobentos yak poshukova oznaka skupchenʹ hazopodibnykh vuhlevodniv u donnykh vidkladakh Chornoho morya (Meiobenthos as a search sign for accumulations of gaseous hydrocarbons in the bottom sediments of the Black Sea). Tezy dopovidey IV Mizhnarodnoh heolohichnoho foruma «Aktualʹni problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku heolohiyi: nauka y vyrobnytstvo» («Heoforum-2017»), 19 – 24 June 2017, Odesa (in Ukraniian).
Educational and methodical literature
- Yanko V.V., Kravchuk A.O., Kulakova Y.Y. 2017. Meyobentos metanovykh vykhodov Chernoho morya (Meyobenthos of methane outlets of the Black Sea). Pheniks, Odessa. 220 s. Monograph-Atlas. ISBN 978-966-928-223-1 for teaching courses in Paleontology and Micropaleontology.
- Yanko V.V., Kadurin V.M., Naumko I.M., Kakaranza S.D., Kravchuk. G.O., Dikol O.S. Method of directed rank interpretation of geological and geophysical information based on the theory of fluidogenesis, patent for utility model № u202104358 from 26.07.21.
Project Reports
- Report on Scientific Research Project "To study the interaction between nature and human society in the north-western Black Sea region during the late Pleistocene and Holocene" (final) № 557 / [V.V. Yanko, V.M. Kadurin, O.V. Smyntina , etc.]. Odessa: ONU, 2018. 248 p. № state registration 0116U001496.
- Report on Scientific Research Project "To study the processes of formation and spatial distribution of methane in the Black Sea and theoretically substantiate its impact on eco- and geosystems of the basin" (final) № 539 / [V.V. Yanko, I.O. Suchkov, O.V. Chepizhko, A.O. Kravchuk and others. ]. Odessa: ONU, 2017. 181 p. № state registration 0115U003212.
- Report on Scientific Research Project "Development of forecast criteria for the search of deposits in the Black Sea on the basis of the theory of fluidogenesis" (final) №590 / [V.V. Yanko, O.V. Chepizhko, V.M. Kadurin, etc.]. Odessa: ONU, 2021. 181 p. State registration number 0119U002196.
Editorial work
- Gilbert, A. and Yanko, V. (Eds.), 2017. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 14-21, 2018.
- Gilbert, A. and Yanko, V. (Eds.), 2017. Proceedings of UNESCO - IUGS – IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy. University of Palermo, 258 p. ISBN 978-88-940049-1-5.
Participation in scientific conferences (for the last 5 years). Name of the conference, year, city, country
- EGU General Assembly, 19–30 April 2021, Vienna, Austria
- 76th Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 25, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine
- GSA Annual Meeting, 10-13 October 2021, Portland, Oregon, USA
- 75th Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 26, 2020, Odessa, Ukraine
- NQUA IFG 1709 POCAS Third Plenary Conference and Field Trip, Tehran, Iran, October 11-18, 2019.
- International ЕXPO OFFSHORE CONFERENCE 2019, Odessa, 26-27 September 2019
- International Scientific Conference "Marine Geological and Geophysical Research: Fundamental and Applied Aspects", Odessa, November 8-9, 2018
- 4th MEDSALT Management Committee Meeting Working Group 3 - Deep Biosphere Workshop/General MEDSALT WG workshop аnd MEDSALT Dissemination Meeting, Beograde, October 9-10, 2018.
- V International Geological Forum "Current issues and prospects for the development of geology: science and production" ("Geoforum-2018"), Odessa, June 18-23, 2018
- UNESCO - IUGS- IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 14-21, 2018, Antalya, Turkey.
- XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Innovative Economic Development in the Context of Ukraine's Integration into the European Scientific and Innovative Space", Odessa, Ukraine, 4-5 October, 2018.
- 74th Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 23, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine
- UNESCO - IUGS- IGCP 610 and INQUA IFG POCAS Joint Plenary Conference and Field Trip, October 1-9, 2017, Palermo, Italy..
- PAGES Zaragoza 2017. 5th Open Science Meeting “Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective”, 9-13 May 2017, Zaragoza, Spain.
- EGU General Assembly, 2017, Vienna Austria
- The Murphy International Scientific Meeting “Lost and Future Worlds: Marine palaeolandscapes and the historic impact of long-term climate change”, The Royal Society, Chicheley Hall, 15-16 May 2017, Buckinghamshire, UK.
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Society and Earth Sciences", September 21-23, 2017, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
- Scientific-practical seminar "International cooperation in the field of marine research - an important factor in the exploration of Black Sea regional projects of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the European Union", Kyiv, October 10, 2017.
- IV International Geological Forum "Current issues and prospects for the development of geology: science and production" ("Geoforum-2017"), Odessa, June 19-24, 2017
- 73-d Scientific Conference of Faculty and Researchers of ONU, Section of Earth Science, November 30, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine.
Advanced training
- Department of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi (2020).
- Iranian National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, Tehran (2019).