Olena Oleksandrivna Nihreieva


Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD in Law), Associate Professor

Associate Professor at the Department of General Legal Disciplines and

 International Law

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In Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University has been working since 2006 in the following positions: lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor at the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law.


Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Master in Law (2004).


Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD in Law), Odessa National Law Academy (2010). Topic of PhD. thesis: "Legal Regulations of Ship Mortgage".


 Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law (2013)


The sphere of scientific interests includes issues of international public and private law, as well as maritime law. Has actively been conducting research work within the framework of the scientific theme of the Department. Her latest work includes publications on selected issues of the international law-making and enforcement process and the concept of obligations erga omnes (in Ukrainian and English). Author of 100 scientific works in the field of international public law, maritime law



  1. Nihreieva O. The Interpretation of Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 in the Context of “Ukraine − Wood Products”: Learning from Errors in E.Baroncini, I. Espa, M. L. Marceddu, L. Mulas, S.Saluzzo (Eds). Enforcement & Law-Making of the EU Trade Policy. Bologna: University of Bologna, 2022. P. 61-82. URL: http://amsacta.unibo.it/6953/1/Enforcement_Law-Making_of_the_EU_Trade_Policy.pdf [In English].
  2. Nihreieva O.O. Lawmaking In International Law: Topic Issues in Plavich V.P. (Ed), Formation and Development of Lawmaking in Society Transformation Conditions, Odesa, Phoenix, 2018, P. 267−293. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/28498 [in Ukrainian].


  1. Nihreieva O.O. The International Legal Regime of Outer Space: Between Res Communis and Res Nullius. Space Science and Technology, 2022, Vol. 28, № 1 (134). P. 22-41. URL: http://dspace-scitechjournal.org.ua/uk/archive/2022/1/02 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Nihreieva O.O. Global Commons Through The Prism of Collective Rights in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2021, Vol. 4. P. 791 – 820. URL: https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.17394/102970 [in English].
  3. Nihreieva O.O. International Crimes and Obligations Erga Omnes in the Context of International Environmental Law. Constitutional State, 2021, Vol. 44. P. 139-147. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/32286 [in Ukrainian]
  4. Nihreieva O.O. Towards the Essential Characteristics of Obligations Erga Omnes In Almanac of International Law, 2021, Vol. 25, P.29−37. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/31485/1/29-37.pdf [in Ukrainian].
  5. Nihreieva O.O. The Common Heritage of Humankind and Global Commons: Interrelation between Concepts. Constitutional State, 2020. Vol. 39. P. 86−93. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/29257/1/86-93.pdf [in English].
  6. Nihreieva O.O. Types of Obligations Erga Omnes in Modern International Law. Bulletin of the Southern Regional Center of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 2020, № 1. P. 162−170. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/27058/1/7-14.pdf [in Ukrainian].
  7. Nihreieva O.O.Obligations Erga Omnes in the Context of General Legal Theory in Bulletin of Odessa National University. Jurisprudence series, 2019, vol. 24, issue. 2 (35), p. 7−14. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/27058/1/7-14.pdf [in Ukrainian].
  8. Nihreieva O.O. Enforcement of Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law: To the Issue of Measures. Constitutional State, 2019. № 35. P. 96−105. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/25888/1/96-105.pdf [in English].
  9. Nihreieva O.O. Soft Law in the International System: the Question of Content and Functions. Constitutional state, 2018, Vol. 30, p.147−153 URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/19438/1/147-153.pdf [in Ukrainian].
    Nihreieva O.O. Sources of International Law in the Activity Of Modern International Criminal Tribunals. Constitutional State, 2017, No. 27, pp.154−159. URL: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/11103/1/154-159.pdf [in Ukrainian].


  • International Public Law
  • International Law of Internet
  • International Legal Regulation of Cryptoassets Cirсulation
  • Theory and Practice of International Law-making


  • Vice-Dean of Research, Faculty of Economics and Law (2015-2016)
  • Executive Secretary of Editorial board of scientific journal of Category B "Herald of Odessa University. Series: Jurisprudence " (2015 -2017)
  • Co-leads the permanent Student Scientific Society on Public International and Private International Law (working language - English)
  • Responsible executor of Department’s research theme No. 309 “National Legal System of Ukraine: Current State, Trends and Directions of Development” (state registration number No. 0121U112814). Period: 2021 – 2025.


  • Joint program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the International Public Organization "Universal Examination Network" on the topic "Fundamentals of Testology and Development of Test Items" (2019)
  • ERASMUS+ KA107 program at the University of Foggia (Italy) (2019)
  • ERASMUS+ KA107 program at the University of Cadiz (Spain) (2022)
  • Visiting professor at the University of Foggia (Italy) (2022) – “International Trade Law” (3 credits, working language – English)
  • Visiting professor at the University of Bologna (Italy) (2022) – “Economic Sanctions and WTO Law: the Case of Ukraine” (1 credit, working language – English)


  • Certificate of Merits of the Odessa Regional Council (2018)
  • Certificate of Merits of the Odessa Regional Administration (2013)
  • Certificate of Merits from Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University and the Faculty of Economics and Law


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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