Research activity

Scholars of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law have actively been carrying out research through work on doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations, preparation of publications for journals and collections of scientific works. The Department takes part in all-Ukrainian and international scientific events, acting as an organizer and co-organizer of scientific conferences and round tables. One of the directions of scientific activity deals with the rendering cnsultations and expertise at the request of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, members  of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, etc.

In 2018, within the implementation of the research theme of the Department "Features and Trends of Lawmaking in the Context of the Transformation of Society" (duration: 2014-2018; state registration number 0113U003317, supervisor - Professor Plavich V .P.) scholars of the Department prepared a collective monograph Formation and Development of Lawmaking in the Conditions of the Society Transformation: Monograph / ed.  by Professor Plavic V. P. Odessa: Phoenix, 2018. 348 p.

Individual monographs include:

  • Streltsova Ye. J. Unification of International Law and Its Influence on National Legislation: monograph. Odessa: Publishing house "Helvetika". 2019. 522 p.
  • Plavich V.P. Problems of Modern Law Understanding: Theoretical-Methodological and Philosophical-Legal Analysis: monograph. Odessa: Astroprint, 2011
  • Bachur B. S. Institute of Land Relations in the Civil Customary Law of Ukraine in the X - mid-XIX Centuries: monograph. Odessa: Publishing House of Odessa Legal Institute of KhNUVD, 2008. 206 p.

The current research theme of the Department No. 309 "National Legal System of Ukraine: Current State, Trends and Directions of Development", approved by the Order of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov No. 1304-18 dated 07/16/21, state registration number 0121U112814. Deadlines: start - 07/01/2021; end - 12/31/2025.

Supervisor: head of the department Streltsova Ye.D.

Responsible executor: Associate Professor Nihreieva O. O.

The main areas of research within the framework of the departmental theme are as follows:

  • General theoretical and historical legal studies of the development of the concept of the legal system from the perspective of national and international law. Study of patterns of the formation of the national legal system of Ukraine and its place in the genesis structure of national legal systems.
  • Study of the state and trends of development of the national legal system of Ukraine in the current conditions of integration processes.
  • Study of the problems of lawmaking, law enforcement and law interpretation within the national legal and international legal systems.
  • Study of the problems of interaction between the national legal system of Ukraine and the international legal system (at the level of normative components; at the level of institutional interaction; at the level of ideology and legal awareness).
  • Study of the problems and prospects of transformation of the national legal system of Ukraine in terms of convergence with the European legal system.

The completion of the first stage of the scientific theme (07/01/2021 - 12/31/2022), has resulted in the preparation of: 1 collective monograph (abroad), 1 encyclopedia (co-authored), 1 article for the journal included in the Scopus scientometric database; 10 articles for the Ukrainian specialized law journals ( the category B, included in the Index Copernicus scientometric database); 16 abstracts of papers and publications, of which - 2 articles and 3 abstracts were prepared by a PhD student of the Department; 4 papers – by bachelor’s and master’s students; 8 guidelines for academic disciplines.

During 2021, the Department has held the following scientific events:

  • Session of the subsection “Problems of Theory, History of State and Law and International Law” of the annual – the 76th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Economics and Law at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (November 24 - 26, 2021)
  • Session of the subsection “Topicl Issues of Theory, History of State and Law and International Law” of the annual – the 77th conference of students, postgraduate students and applicants of the Faculty of Economics and Law at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (April 26, 2021, Odessa)
  • Extended scientific seminar of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law with the participation of colleagues from the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Economics and Law Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Tatyana Sadovaya, a PhD student of the Department, delivered a presentation  titled “The Composition of War Crimes Against the Environment in International Criminal Law: Problematic Issues” (December 8, 2021; supervisor - Associate Professor Nihreieva O. O.)
  • Three sessions of the Scientific student society on the problems of international public and international private law.

Sessions topics: “International Arbitration in Public and Private International Disputes (May 20, 2021); "Regulation of the Internet in International Public and Private International Law" (October 27, 2021) and "Children's Rights Under International Law" (December 15, 202).

Under the guidance of the head of the department, Dr Habil in Law Streltsova Ye.J. two PhD theses were defended in 2021:

  • "Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Theoretical and Practical Bases" by Koch Olena. June 25, 2021; Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University;
  • “Unification of the Norms on the Carriage of Goods by Sea in Private International Law” by Pokora Irina. May 12, 2021; National University “Odessa Law Academy”.

Students as well are being actively involved in scientific work of the Department: under the teachers’s supervision students participate in various conferences, prepare independently and together with teachers articles for domestic professional and other publications. Under the guidance of the Department’s teachers students have repeatedly participated in various scientific competitions and projects. For example, in 2021, the research paper “The role of “soft law” in the formation of international environmental law”, prepared by a 1st-year student of the Master's  of Law program Karlyuga E., was selected for defense at the final conference of the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in the specialty "International Law", which was conducted by Sumy State University in April 2021 (supervisor - Assoc. Prof. Nihreieva O. O.).

Since 2019 a permanent student scientific society on topical issues of international public and private international law (working language: English) has been functioning within the Department under the joint supervision  of Streltsova Ye. J. and Nihreieva O. O.


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