Kuznetsov Eduard Anatoliyovych
Head of the Department of Management and Innovation
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Academic degree, academic title:
- doctor of economic sciences: 08.00.03 - economics and management of the national economy (2016);
- candidate of economic sciences: 08.00.01 - political economy (1989);
- Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Theory (1991);
- Professor of the Department of Economics and Management (2015)
Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, specialty "Political economy", qualification - economist, teacher of political economy (1981);
Odesa National University I.I. Mechnikov, specialty "Jurisprudence", qualification - lawyer (2000)
Dissertation topic:
- doctoral dissertation: "Methodology of professionalization of managerial activity in Ukraine" (2016)
- candidate's thesis: "Socio-economic conditions of the integration of science and production (on the example of the agricultural industry)" (1989)
Courses taught:
- integrated management
- management
- management studies
- management capital
- professionalization of managerial activity
- innovative development: management theory of bifurcation
Scientific interests:
- professional management system
- processes of professionalization of managerial activity
- management education and professional training of management personnel
- formation and development of processes of capitalization of intellectual human resources
- innovative development of management in the era of singularity
Other professional activity:
- Head of the Department of Management and Innovation
- Head of the specialized academic council D41.051.11 at Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov
- Member of the specialized academic council D 41.055.01 at the Odessa National University of Economics
- Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Economics and Law of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikova
- Member of the Academic Council of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikova
- Editor-in-Chief of the professional edition of the collection of scientific works "Market Economy: Modern Theory and Practice of Management" of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific publication Visnyk of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. Economy
- Founder of Advisor Scientific Research Company LLC
- Scientific consulting of the "Niva" STOV on issues of management activities at the enterprise from 05.05.2017 to the present time
- Consultant on management, innovation, management education and professionalization of management activities
- Founder and scientific editor of the specialized periodical "Actual problems of economics and management: theory, innovations and modern practice"
Scientific works: GOOGLE SCHOLAR | ORCID
Advanced training, internship
- ONPU, Department of Management of Foreign Economic and Innovation Activities from October 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017. Order dated October 31, 2017 No. 2796-18.
- The project of the ERASMUS+ program "Strengthening the role of higher education institutions in promoting the transformation of industry in the context of the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine" (HEIn4) from Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov for 2020-2023. (Order No. 46-02 dated 04/13/2020 on the implementation of the Erasmus+ international project 609939-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)
Hobbies: Football, guitar music, historical literature