Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Biology, Shampansky Lane, 2, Odesa, 65058
Phone: +38 (0482) 68 - 80 - 62

Dean – candidate of sciences in biology, associate professor Veniamin Zamorov

Dean – candidate of sciences in biology, associate professor Veniamin Zamorov
Ph.: +38 (0482) 68 - 80 – 62)

Sub-dean (academic and training processes) - candidate of sciences in biology, associate professor Tetiana Gladkiy
Sub-dean (scientific process) - candidate of sciences in biology, associate professor Snizhana Chernadchuk
Sub-dean (educational process) - candidate of sciences in biology, associate professor Natalia Kyrylenko

Faculty staff

Total 57 teachers, including 6 doctors, 45 candidates of sciences and 6 teachers without a degree are working the Biological Faculty. More than 1,000 students are trained in Faculty.

Departments of Biological Faculty

Department of Zoology, Hydrobiology and General Ecology
Head of Department, doctor of sciences in biology, full professor
Volodimir Stoylovsky

Department of Botany, Plant Physiology and Garden and Park Management
Head of Department, doctor of sciences in biology, full professor
Fedir Tkachenko

Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics
Head of Department, doctor of sciences in biology, full professor
Sabina Chebotar

Department of Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology
Head of Department, doctor of sciences in biology, full professor Tetiana Philipova

Department of Physiology, Human Health and Safety and of Natural Science Education
Head of Department, doctor of sciences in biology, leading researcher Olga Makarenko

Also in the biological faculty includes:

  • Zoo museum
  • Hydrobiological Station
  • Learning Lab of Experimental Botany
  • Educational laboratory of information technologies and physical and chemical methods
  • Base-parking of small vessels
  • Aquarium Lab
  • Biomedical Clinic
  • Collection of marine and practically useful for ecological biotechnology microorganism strains (National Heritage)
  • Herbarium (National Heritage)

Forms of education:

  • stationary education (full-time);
  • correspondence education (part-time).

The faculty prepares specialists both on the state order and on a contractual basis. Financing of the training of specialists, biologists carried out:

  1. Due to the state budget;
  2. Due to the extra-budgetary funds.

The University Department of Pre-University education on a commercial basis conducts preparatory and preliminary courses to prepare students for admission to the Faculty of Biology

Training of specialists with higher education in the Biology Department performed at the following levels of higher education:

  • first (bachelor) level (B.Sc.)
  • second (masters) level (M.Sc.)
  • third (education and research) level (Ph.D.)
  • scientific level (D.Sc.)

On the first level of higher education biology faculty prepares bachelors in the field of knowledge "Biology" (09), a specialty "Biology" (091). Students receive a bachelor's degree, the qualification of engineer research assistant in biology, teacher of biology and chemistry, and the right to work in the field of biology according to qualifications, and teaching at the high school.
At the second level of higher education, students receive a Master's degree (field of knowledge "Biology" (09), a specialty "Biology" (091)) in two specializations - "Biology" and "Microbiology and Virology". Master's qualification is the researcher in the field of biology, reader of higher education institution. Master has the right to professional work in the field of biology, and the right to teach in higher education institutions. Since 2019, the specialty 014 "Secondary education (Biology and Human Health)" has been added.

History of the Faculty

The scientific activity

Scientific Editions of biological faculty

The scientific journal "Odesa National University Herald. Biology", which is included in the list of professional editions of Ukraine. The magazine is indexed and abstracted in such scientometric bases in Ukraine and the world: the National Library of Ukraine Vernadsky, " Україніка наукова" Institutional Depository Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (USA), Index Copernicus (Poland ) and Google Academy, WorldCat, ResearchBib. 

The scientific journal "Microbiology and Biotechnology", which is indexed in the international scientometric base Index Copernicus (Poland) and Google Academy. 

Student Government

The structure of the student government at the Faculty of Biology consists of the student council, the student dean's office and the Union Bureau undergraduate and graduate students of biological faculty. These units are engaged in various aspects of student life: information affairs, of culture and leisure, social, household, sports and recreation, scientific and educational matters, external relations. General meeting of the Student Council are held once a month, the workers - depending on the amount of work.

The faculty has a scientific society of students, graduate students and young scientists, it holds regularly International conference "Biodiversity. Ecology. Evolution. Adaptation."

Cultural events

In October, traditionally celebrates the Day of Freshman. Day of the Faculty is celebrated in April. Physical education and sport in the Biology Faculty payd the great attention, all students have the opportunity to develop their abilities, participate and win in a university-wide and city competitions in many sports. An integral part of student life are the photo exhibitions. Inspiring atmosphere of exploration and creative problem solving is the basis for the development of diverse talents of all who study and work in the Biology Department of the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

The site of Biological faculty biologywiki.onu.edu.ua contains information about the schedule of activities, duration and timing of training and work practices, faculty news, as well as electronic versions of textbooks, programs, guidelines, lecture notes and presentations to a number of disciplines.

Glorious names of herbarium collectors

Between families scientists, who gathered and defined plants, which are in herbarium, there are many glorious names. There are more than 500 families between herbarium collectors.

Scientists, who worked in XIX century

Aleksandr Davidovich Nordmann (1803-1848)  - professor of natural history, naturalist, botanist, zoologist, director of first botanical garden in Odessa, in 1832-1848 worked in Rishelie lyceum.

In North-West Black Sea shore he took part in many expeditions to river Prut’ valley, to island Zmeinyi, in Reny, Izmail, Nerubayskoe, also was in Crimea, Hercinia, Germany etc. Just his collections were the base of university herbarium. Ch. Steven called by his name one from species of abies.  



A.D. Nordmann` avtograf

Nikolay Konstantinovich Sredinskiy (1843-1907) worked in the department of botany of Novorossiyskiy University in 1871-1874. His floristic investigations were devoted to Novorossian land and Bessarabia. He described mushrooms, water-plants, vascular plants, indicated detailed description of sand part of Dniester estuary. His collection indicated more than 500 herbarium lists. After taking the magistrant’ examination he was carried away by investigating of railway flora and in future it became his life.

 Labels of N.K. Sredinskyi

Petr Stepanovich Shesterikov (1859-1929) has not high education, but he was real naturalist – investigator, who prepared and printed first in Russia determinant of Odessa’ flora, in which were indicated 1180 species from 497 genus and 91 families (Barbarich,1984; Shesterikov, 1912). During many years, he was responsible secretary of Novorossian society of naturalists. P.S. described more than 660 species of flower plants with indicating of collection’ places, dates of flowering, local names and synonyms.


Afrikan Nikolaevich Krishtofovich (1885-1953) – geologist, paleo botanist. Academician of UkSSR AS (13.02.1945), member-correspondent of USSR AS (1953).

Laureate of State Premium of USSR (1946). Honorary Member of the National Geographic Society of the United States.

Honorary member of London geography, American and London geological societies (1946), graduated student of Novorossiyskiy University.

From 1903 learned in Novorossiyskiy (Odessa) University, which graduated in 1908 with diploma of first degree.

After university he worked in expeditions in Oksko-Angara territory, in Siberia, Japan. Collections of that time are in herbarium. 

Label of A. N. Krishtofovich

Yakov Yakovlevich Val'c (1841-1904) – graduated student of Kiev university, professor, chief of botany cathedra, dean of physical-mathematical faculty of Novorossiyskiy University.
Very striking and unusual investigator with tragic fate, botanist, mycologist, algologist, whose name receive one of species Vosheria. In herbarium there are his collections 1869-1870 from Bessarabia, Kiev, Cherson, Crimea, Baden-Freiburg.

   Label of Ya.Ya. Val'c

Lyudvig Adal'bertovich Rishavi (1851-1915), pupil of I.G. Borschow, head of botany cathedra of Novorossiyskiy University in 1885-1893. Six years he worked as conservator of botanical study, which in 1893 he divided to botanical study (herbarium) and botanical laboratory. In that period in botanical study worked S.M. Pereyaslavtseva (in flora of Black Sea water plants), N.M. Albov (in flora of West Caucasian), N.M. Zelenetskіy (in flora of Crimea and South Russia), A.M. Pogorelskiу (in flora of Cherson district), N.L. Okinshevich (in Bessarabia dendroflora).

Nikolay Mihaylovich Zeleneckiy (1859-1923) – head of cathedra morphology and systematic of plants in 1920-1923, head of botanical garden in 1920-1921. He graduated the Novorossiyskiy University as candidate of nature science.

Boleslav Boleslavovich Hrineveckiy (1875-1963), head of botany cathedra in hard years after First World War. He investigated here the flora and vegetation of Caucasus, Poland, Lithuania and so investigated stomata, where his work became classical. Next he became member of Poland AS, founder and first head of Poland Botanical Society and League of nature protection.

Georgiy Andreevich Borovikov (1881-1958) – graduated student of Novorossiyskiy University with first degree diploma, in future doctor of science, professor. His main works are connected with plant physiology, but with his attention were connected problems of systematic of plants and geobotany: ferns of Cuban region, soil and botanical division into districts East Siberia district, which were unknown that time

Evgeniya Mihaylovna Morozova-Popova (1888-1916)

Vera Fedorovna Pasternackaya (1886 - 1945) after the graduating of Odessa High Women Pedagogical Courses’ nature faculty worked as docent of university with N.M. Zelenetskyi, which in that time was a head of botany cathedra. Then she became professor, head of botany cathedra in Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1930 she goes to Samara, where she work as professor of botany. On the basis of her investigation she publicized 24 work, between which “From Krasnaya polyana to pereval Pseashcho”, “Botaniko-geographycheskoe obsledovanye v dolyne rechki Lashipse v Abhazii”, “Phyto-phenologycheskie nablyudenija v okrestnostjach Odessy za desjatyletie s 1916-1926”. There are in herbarium her collections from different parts of Crimea, Caucasus, Blsck Sea shore.

Filipp Efremovich Kulik (1898 -) firstly student, than aspirant (1934-1937) of university, who during doing his dissertation work “Pryrodnye kormovye ugodja Razdelnyanskogo raiona Odesskoy oblasti” gathered interesting herbarium, which take possibility to comparison it with modern flora of this region.
Lidiya Dometianovna Bassarskaya (1890-1955) – assistant of morphology and systematic cathedra of biological faculty in 1920-1923, then during 7 years – assistant of Odessa High Women Pedagogical Courses, then docent of Voroneg’ veterinary institute and worker of quarantine station. She investigated plants with great attention, with great responsibility collect and work out herbarium collections, mount them.

Ivan Vasil'evich Novopokrovskiy (1880-1951) worked in Novorossiyskiy University in 1905-1906 and investigated flora of Odessa environs.

In history of biology he is famous as paleobotanists and botanists, who know Kazachstan flora, head of Middle-Asian herbarium in Botanical Institute.  


Karl Fridrih Ledebur (Ledebour) (1785-1851) – famous German botanist, who in 1805-1836 was at first the director of botanical garden in Derpt and then professor of Derpt’ University. Author of first critical summary about flora of Russia vascular plants.

In 1833 took part in expedition to Siberia, investigated the environments of Cherson, flora of Crimea and Caucasus.  


Villibal'd Gotlibovich Besser (Besser)  (1784-1842) – member-correspondent of Peterburg’ AS. Investigated flora and made the herbarium collections of Right-bank and West regions of Ukraine. Hew teach in Kremenetz’ lyceum and then in 1835-1838 was a botany professor in Kiev’ university. He had 43 scientific works. In herbarium there are his collections from Odessa, Cherson, Kishinev, Elysavetgrad, Kremenetz etc. Though on the labels not always there are dates of plants’ collection, it may be proposed, that plants were gathered to 1822, when were published “Enumeratio plantarum…”
Emanuil Lindemann (1795-1845) – the founder of Sankt-Petersburg University’ herbarium in 1814-1832.

Eduard Emmanuilovich Lindemann (Lindemann) (1825-1900) – war doctor by profession. He was famous botanists, who 53 years of his life investigated plants. He learned flora of 29 districts of Europe’ Russia: from Curland and Petersburg to Cherson and Bessarabia, including 5 district of Poland’ Rein. Firstly (1867) prepared description of region’ flora of Elisavetgrad, addition to which were in 1868, 1872, 1875. In his classical work «Prodromus Florae Chersonensis» (1872) were 1329 species of vascular plants and more than 700 forms, to which were indicated place of life, time of flowering and fruiting, there were synonyms. Just Novorossiyskiy University in 1877 gave him degree of botany’ doctor honoris causa, and Novorossian society of naturalists in 1855 elected him by honorable member. The part (duplicates) of Sankt-Petersburg university’ herbarium, which was founded by his father, he enlarged to 62 thousand of herbarium lists and gave them to Novorossiyskiy University for, as he said, to take their part of public benefit to young people, who learn in university. In this herbarium, there are many collections of another collectors: more then 400 families.

Herbarium label of Eduard Lindemann

In herbarium there are collections of many famous foreign scientists.

P.S. Pallas (P. Pallas) (1741-1811) in XVIII century first became system investigation of flora of south of modern Ukraine.






L. Rabenhorst (1806-1881) was famous collector, whose herbariums of lichens, water plants, flower plants were bought by Novorossiyskiy University. There are his own collections from Martynika and other places.

P'er Edmon Buas'e (1810-1885) – Switzerland’ botanists, who described six thousands species of new flower plants. He was the author of “East flora”, five volumes of which were published during his life and sixth – after his death, where indicated geography diffusion of 11876 species of plants. In herbarium there are his collections from 1865. 





V. Montrezor (1895-1903) investigated flora of Chernigov, Volyn, Kiev districts. In herbarium there are his collections 1869, 1877, 1879, 1892, 1895 from Kiev, Covel, Kishinev, from territory of Hungary.

Fedor Kondratovich Bibershteyn (Marshal fon Bibershteyn, M. f. Bieberstein) (1768-1826) – famous botanists, whose work was connected with Charkov’ University. He carefulness during many years investigated flora of Crimea and Caucasus. For Crimea’ flora he indicated 1280 species of plants. Main results of his work are in three volumes of «Flora Taurico-Caucasica» (1808-1819). His name have some species of plants/ He was the author of many species names of vascular plants of Flack Sea shore. In herbarium, there are his collection from Caucasus.

Vasiliy Matveevich Chernyaev (Czernjaew)  (1794-1871) – director of Charkov botanical garden (1826-1856), from 1835 – professor of botany.

Famous florist and mycologist. In herbarium there are his collections 1856 year from Charkov.




Label of V. M. Chernyaev

Hristian Hristianovich Steven (1781-1863) – botanists and entomologist. Honor member of Petersburg AS from 1849, founder of Nikita botanical garden.

Approximately fifty years he learned flora of Crimea.

The result of the work was “List of wild plants of Crimea peninsula” (1856-1857), which included 1654 species.

In herbarium there is wide geography of his collection: from Odessa to Crimea, Caucasus. Siberia, outskirts of Moscow.


 Label of H. H. Steven

Afanasiy Semenovich Rogovich (1812-1878) – famous botanists and paleontologist, from 1853 – professor of Kiev university and in that time director of botanical garden. His scientific interests included floristic, systems of plants, paleontology. Near 20 years he learned the flora of Poltava, Chernigov, Kiev, Podol, Nolyn districts. His herbarium has 1469 species from 547 genus and 92 families. In herbarium there are his collections from Kiev, Chernigov, Crimea’ territory.

Label of A. S. Rogovich

Ivan Yakovlevich Akinfiev (1851-1919) – teacher from gymnasium in Ekaterinoslav and Aleksandrovsk (now Zaporozhye), who more then 40 years learned the flora and vegetation of South of Ukraine and Caucasus. For Ekaterinoslav he indicated 936 species of plants, for Bolgrad – 550. His learner was famous florist A.A. Grossgeim. In herbarium there are collections of I.A. Akinfiev 1866-1889 from Kislovodsk and Ekaterinoslav.

Iosef Konradovich Paczoskiy (1864-1942) – Famous polish botanists and zoologist, who in 1897-1920 was the director of natural-historical museum in Cherson, professor of botany of Cherson polytechnic institute, then professor of Poznan university.

He was one from active member Kiev and Novorossian societies of nature investigators. He interested by floristic, systems and geography of plants.

He investigated the flora of South, South-East and South-West of Russia.

He wrote more than 70 fundamental work about Ukraine’ flora. He was one from the first, who described associations of South-Russian steppes, was the author of first text-book of Phytocenology.

His name have some species of plants. In historical herbarium there is  nominal collection of I.K. Paczoskiy

Label of I.K. Paczoskiy

Vladimir Ippolitovich Lipskiy (1863-1937) – third president of Ukraine AS, famous florist, stranger, systematic, geography investigator of plants, expert of herbarium work, organizer and curator of botanical gardens, specialist in history of botany.

In 1887 ended Kiev University, where he became scientist under the leadership of prof. I. F. Schmalhausen.

In 1894-1917 worked in Main Botanical garden of Petersburg as conservator of herbarium, main botanist, and head of department of live plants. That time he had many voyages, get to know the flora, work of herbariums and botanical gardens. He was on the all continents, beside Australia and Antarctica.

From Russian geography society he has premium by Przhevalskyі. From 1917 he worked in Ukraine, take active part in creation of AS, where he was as president in 1922-1928. In 1928-1933 he worked as director of botanical garden in Odessa and then because he didn’t want to support views of T.D. Lysenko – to end of life work as scientific consultant of this garden.

Label of V. I. Lipskiy

On the basis of his investigations he described four new genus: Korschinskia, Galagania, Koslovia, Ladyginia, 220 species of plants, 45 from them have his name. Besides this his name have two genus: Lipskia Nevski (Apiaceae) and Lipskyella Jus. (Asteraceae). One from the first V.I. scientifically described floras of Indonesia, Tunis, Middle Asia. He investigated water plants of Black Sea, much attention gave to Phyllophora. Based on his investigations there were built iodine and agar factories in Odessa. That time iodine and agar supplied from boundary. Herbarium collections of V.I. Lipskiy there are in Institute of Botany in Kiev, in Crimea, in Odessa, in Russia.

Herbarium (National Heritage)

Patres botanici vivunt,
opera eornum immortalia sunt.
Botany’s fathers are not forgetten, their works are immortal 
«Herbarium is higher then any image and is necessary for every botanists».
Carl Linneus «Phylosophy of botany», 1751.


Bondarenko O.Yu., Vasylyeva T.V., Kovalenko S.G.

Herbarium of Novorossian (now Odessa National) university had founded at the same time, as University, in 1865 by first head of Botany department, famous botanist and microbiologist prof. L.S. Tzenkovsky. The beginning of collection connected with Rieshelie Lyceum, which bought the first herbarium, made by professor of natural history A.D. Nordmann. In 1865, this herbarium was given to Botanical Room of University. This time it had 13 thousand specimens.

The enlarging of collection were by University employers’ gathering materials and by buying or receiving as present private collections: L. Rabenchorst (1886), K. Benitz (1884-1889), Ed. Lindemann (1900) etc. Collections of Novorossian (then Odessa’) Society of nature investigators: G.A. Borovikov, N.M. Zelenetsky, V.I. Lypsky, P.S. Shesterikov and others appeared in herbarium too.

By Council of Ministers of Ukraine’ division from 22 September 2004 Herbarium was included to state register of objects, which are the National property of Ukraine. 

In collection, there are uncial specimens from herbarium collections of XVIII-XIX cent., name collections by famous systematics and florists. The typical trait is its embodiment of botanical and local lore culture by Odessa’ University Herbarium and preservation many historical materials.

Herbarium was preserved and filled up during First World War and reorganization of university. During Second World War (Great Patriotic war) part of Herbarium, which had materials about flora of Romania and adjoining territories was taken out to Bucharest. After the war, this part of herbarium returned to university.

Many herbarium specimens injured through the non-comfort conditions of preservation. Some cardboards had the signs of fire, wet, mechanical injuries.

In spite of this herbarium’ materials give us the authentic knowledges about locations of some species in that period. It is very important especially if those locations transformed or absolutely exchanged.

Herbarium consists from such parts: High plants (main fond) – 17000 herbarium specimens (h.s.), Water plants – 5736 h.s., Mushrooms – Rabenchorst exsiccates, Lichen – Rabenchorst exsiccates, Mosses – 1748 h.s. There are also name collections by J.K. Paczosky (8152 h.sh.), E. Lindemann (4000 h.sh.), P.S. Shesterikov (1492 h.sh.), High Women Pedagogical Courses (7540 h.sh.) and botanical garden’ herbarium.

The most valuable is grass book of XVIII cent., which has medical plants of Europe.

Last time in Herbarium worked botanists from Cholodnyi’ Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine, Franko’ LNU, Institute of Carpathian’s Ecology NASU, National scientific-nature museum of NASU, Grishko’ National Botanical garden, A. Mickiewicz’ Poznan University etc.

On the base of herbarium, there were scientific investigations of post-graduate students and doctorants from scientific establishments of Ukraine and Poland.

Monographs of genus Ornithogalum, Euonymus, Rosa received necessary information and so Romanian colleges (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca ) – about spreading some species from genus Astragalus on the territory of North-Western Black Sea Shore.

The school and institute teachers have permanent consultations about creating and preservation of herbarium, work with collections.

The elucidative work connected with popularization of knowledges about creation of herbarium collections and possibility to “reconstruction” some places flora in historical aspect, definition of time and places of appearing, materials about places, were live alien species, rare and disappeared species in region. Besides, there is work for trench-trade and description Herbarium’ collectors and investigation their biographies, estimation of their scientific contribution in knowledge of flora of this region, state, other regions, floristic taxon.

Glorious names of herbarium collectors

Literature with mention about collections of Herbarium ONU (MSUD)

Participation of all persons in herbarium is without payment, in community.

Curators of Herbarium:

  • Kovalenko Svitlana Georgijvna – assistant professor of Botany department, Ph.D., assistant professor – scientific curator of herbarium
  • Bondarenko Olena Yurijvna - assistant professor of Botany department, Ph.D. - manager
  • Vasylyeva Tetyana Volodymyrivna - assistant professor of Botany department, Ph.D., assistant professor
  • Nazarchuk Yulia Sergijvna - assistant professor of Botany department, Ph.D.
  • Nemertsalov Volodymyr Volodymyrovich - assistant professor of Botany department, Ph.D., assistant professor

Address: Shampansky prov. 2, biology faculty, lecture-room 102.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

History of the Faculty

The date of foundation of Odessa Imperial Novorossiya University is considered the May 13, 1865. The separate faculty of biology had not been among the four faculties that were part of an educational institution. The biology education at the Imperial Novorossiya University was obtained on the basis of the Natural department of Physics and Mathematics. The structure of this department included: Department of Botany and Department of Zoology, Comparative Anatomy and Physiology.

As part of the Department of Zoology were zoological, anatomical, zootomical and physiological classrooms – “Cabinets”.

The collection of natural exhibits were belonged to the Cabinets of departments (they became the basis of modern museums of Odessa National University). There were laboratory facilities, where students have been conducted practical exercises and experiments and carried out research work, successful defense which allowed to receive diplomas of higher educational institution. The department of botany included two Cabinets: botany and physiology; since 1895 on the basis of this department was founded laboratory of microbiology.

The natural branch of Physics and Mathematics Department originally was located in the building, where now there is Scientific Library of Odesa National University in the street of the Preobrazhenska, 24, and then into the building on the street Dvorianska, 2.

In the early years of the natural department an important role in the development of research and basis organizing for the further development of biological science have played a prominent world-renowned scientists: I. I. Mechnikov - zoologist and anthropologist, L. S. Tsenkovsky - a botanist and microbiologist, I. M. Sechenov - physiologist and O. O. Kovalevsky - embryologist, comparative anatomist and histologist.

Much attention was paid to the study of flora and fauna of the region, the Black Sea and its estuaries. Establishment of such units at the university as zoological museum (1865), and the Botanical Garden (1867), as well as the creation and preservation of herbarium collections (1865) contributed to this studies.

After the October Revolution (1917) Imperial Novorossiya University has undergone several reorganizations. In 1920 on its base were created three institutions, such as Medical Institute, Physics and Mathematics Institute, and Humanities and social Institute. The last two fairly soon became part of the Institute of Public Education (ISE), and since 1930 - the Institute of Vocational Education (IEP).

Biological disciplines in these institutions were taught in separate departments; Only from September 1, 1933, after the organization of the Odessa State University (biological faculty was in its structure) the teaching of biological disciplines has risen to the appropriate level of education.

These departments were included in the first list of the Biological Faculty: Zoology, headed by professor D. K. Tretyakov (he was the first dean of the Faculty of Biology), Hydrobiology (headed by professor N. A. Zagorovsky), Physiology (headed by professor A. I. Sinelnikov), Plant Physiology and Anatomy (headed by professor F. M. Porodko), Taxonomy and morphology of plants (headed by professor G. I. Potapenko), Genetics and darwinism (headed by professor G. A. Mashtaller), Microbiology (headed by professor L. I. Rubenchik). Zoological, anatomical andzootomical museums as well as botanical garden were included in this list. A lot of dedicated scientists and educators, including academician V. V. Zalensky, professors J. M. Lebedinsky, P. N. Buchinskiy, B. F. Verigo, V. M. Repyakh, V. V. Polovtsov, B. B. Grinevetsky E. I Sinelnikov, L. I. Rubenchik, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR D. K. Tretyakov and V. I. Lipsky et al. made a great contribution to the further development of scientific research, processes of students learning and methods biological disciplines teaching.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War (1941), a significant part of students and teachers volunteered to defend their homeland. Many of them died heroically, including the dean, associate professor G. I. Konoplev, head of Hydrobiology Department associate professor A. K. Makarov, deputy dean associate professor S. I. Ditchuk.

In July 1941, the Faculty of Biology with the University were evacuated to the city of Maikop of Adygei Autonomous Region. During the Maikop period took place two graduation of students-biologiests. In late 1942, the university was evacuated to the city of Bairam-Ali Turkmen SSR, in which also continued to work - conducted classes and field practices for students up to the return of university to liberated Odesa in April 1944.

In 1941, when the Romanians have occupied Odesa, they opened the “Odesa University” on the basis of OSU. At this university classes were conducted by the teachers who failed to evacuate themselves for the same students. The Transnistria authorities have proposed to continue education for them. In March 1944, it was the last graduation of this educational institution with the issuance of diplomas. After the Odessa liberation by the Soviet troops, these students were graduating in the Odessa State University which have renewed work with the September 1, 1944.

As a result of military operations, many buildings were destroyed in Odessa, including some university housings. Upon his return to Odessa in 1944, the Faculty of Biology 10 years held at the old place; in 1955 it together with the Zoological Museum was transferred to the area reserved for the campus, in the building of post-war construction, at the address: Champagne lane 2, where it is to this day.

Among the most prominent professors of that time it should be mentioned the rectors: N. P. Savchuk, the corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, P. L. Ivanchenko, S. I. Lebedev, the full member of Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Deans of the Faculty of Biology of different years, professors F. M. Porodko, A. I. Vorobiev, I. I. Pogrebnyak, V. G. Tkachenko, V. S. Chepurnov, F. S. Zambriborsch, V. D. Taranenko, associate professor V. T. Koval; such as heads of Faculty departments, professors A. G. Prendel, S. A. Nikitin, the corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR D. L. Shamis, the Honored scientist of the Ukrainian SSR I. I. Puzanov, K. A. Vinogradov, R. I. Faytelberg, J. K. Medvedev, V. V. Suknev, S. M. Minervin, the corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences V. P. Tulchin, G. A. Borovikov, N. A. Guslyakov, the laureate of Palladin Prize A. Y. Rozanov and others.

The period of the 90s of the last century was difficult for the university. The challenges being faced by young independent country, have reflected in the life and functioning of the Faculty. Despite this, the doctor of sciences in biology, professor V. D. Taranenko, who was dean of the Faculty of Biology in the years 1986-1999, has been successful in maintaining the scientific and pedagogical collective and in the preservation of previous scientists and teachers generations achievements.

In 2000-2006, the Faculty was headed by doctor of sciences in biology, professor V. M. Totskiy. Under his leadership, the activity of scientific research departments was increased; effective measures have been taken to raise number of the students enrolled at the Faculty of Biology.

Since 2006, the dean of the faculty is the candidate of sciences in biology, associate professor V. V. Zamorov. At the present stage as parts of the Faculty of Biology operates eight departments: Biochemistry; Botany; Genetics and Molecular Biology; Hydrobiology and General Ecology; Zoology; Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology; Human and Animal Physiology; Department of medical knowledge and Safety of Life and Activity. For units of the Faculty also include the Hydrobiological station, base-park of small boats, a vivarium, Educational Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research in Biology, Laboratory for Information Technology and technical training, training Isotope Laboratory, Laboratory for Experimental Botany, Zoology Museum, which are used as training and experimental bases.

Faculty of Biology Scientific activity is carried out by lecturers and graduate student of departments. Traditional are comprehensive studies of biodiversity of flora and fauna of Ukraine south-west territories, as well as environmental researches. Along with members of the faculty departments in research are actively involved research scientists of the Zoological Museum (head - doctor of sciences in biology V. A. Lobkov), Botanical Garden (director - doctor of sciences in biology A. N. Slyusarenko) and hydrobiological station (head is candidate of sciences in biology O. A. Kovtun). At the Faculty retained Collection of marine and practically useful for ecological biotechnology microorganism strains and Herbarium that have passports of objects constituting a National property of Ukraine.

There are agreements on cooperation with the Institute of D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the NASU, Plant breeding and genetics institute - National center of seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of Health of Ukraine, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Basin sanitary-epidemiological station of Water transport of Ukraine, the Odessa center of Southern research Institute of marine Fisheries and Oceanography of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine, the Institute of Marine Biology of the NASU and many other scientific institutions.

The Departments affiliates are established in the science and engineering center "Water treatment" of A. V. Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute of NASU, and in the Central immune-virology laboratory for diagnosis of AIDS in Odessa regional sanitary-epidemiological station, as well as at the National Scientific Centre "Institute of viticulture and wine making named after V. E. Tairov" NAASU.

At the Faculty of Biology from 2008 opened Specialized Scientific Council about defense of doctor theses № D.41.051.06 for the following specialties: 03.00.04 - Biochemistry; 03.00.16 - Ecology; 03.00.20 - Biotechnology. Since 2015 it operates as Specialized Scientific Council K.41.051.06 for PhD theses on specialties 03.00.04 - biochemistry, 03.00.20 - Biotechnology.

The faculty published such scientific journals:

Magazine “Odesa National University Herald. Biology", included in the list Oof professional editions of Ukraine, refereed and indexed in such databases in Ukraine and the world: the National library of Ukraine Vernadsky - "Ukrainika naukova", Institutional depository of Odesa I. I Mechnikov national university, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (USA), Index Copernicus (Poland), as well as the Google Academy, Worldcat, Researchbib. 
The magazine "Microbiology and Biotechnology", indexed by international scientometrics databases Index Copernicus (Poland) and Google Academy. 
In 2003 it was created Mechnikov scientific society of students, graduate students and young scientists of biological faculty, whose activities are subsequently covered the entire university. The founders of this company were students (now associate professors) of Faculty of Biology U. S. Nazarchuk and V. V. Nemertsalov. Society of the Biology Faculty publishes a Collection of scientific papers, which can be found on the website of the University Scientific Library.
Over the years, students of the department are actively involved in various stages of Ukrainian student competition, and successfully participate in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on biology. In recent years, eight students of the faculty were scholarships of the President of Ukraine winners, three students - winners of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine scholarship, three students - winners of the Cabinet of Ministers scholarship. Post-graduate students and young scientists of the faculty were repeatedly awarded personal scholarships. Activities for young scientists received the award of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists of higher educational institutions.
Students of biological faculty are actively involved in the cultural and sporting life of the faculty and the university. Teams and groups of biological faculty are repeated winners of academic competitions and contests. Students of the University as part of teams were victorious at the city, regional and all-Ukrainian competitions among higher education institutions.
Departments of Biological Faculty regularly conduct diverse scientific events on a wide range of problems on various subjects. The following activities have been carried out over the last few decades:

The congresses of scientific societies:

  • Х meeting of microbiological Society of Ukraine (2004)
  • ХІІ Congress of Ukrainian Botanical Society (2006)
  • XVIII Congress of the Ukrainian Physiological Society (2010)
  • X Ukrainian Biochemical Congress (2010)
  • VI Congress of the All-Ukrainian Association of Plant Biologists, 2016

Scientific conferences:

  • International CONFERENCE on Waders (1992)
  • Odessa regional conferences on the morphology, physiology, pathology and clinical digestive (1993, 1997)
  • International scientific conferences «Readings in memory of A. A. Brauner» (1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2013)
  • International scientific conference "Development of zoological studies at Odessa University. Academician D.K. Tretyakov and his scientific school" (1999)
  • International scientific conference of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Union (2000, 2002, 2007)
  • International Conference on the problems with digestion and absorption on the 100th anniversary of academician R. O. Faytelberg (2003)
  • VI International conference on Cormorants (2003)
  • Conference of young scientists-botanists of Ukraine «Issues of Botany and Ecology" with the participation of young scientists from other countries (2003)
  • International conference "Population status and control on population of birds migration of Central and Eastern Europe" (2003)
  • International Conferences of Young Scientists „Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.” (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013)
  • VIII Conference of experts on goose (organized by Wetlands International - 2004)
  • International conference "Recent advances in zoological sciences (dedicated to the 120 anniversary of I. Puzanov and the 140th anniversary of Zoology Department of Mechnikov National University of Odessa)" (2005)
  • International conference «Microbial biotechnology» (2006)
  • International scientific conference for young scientist and students “Modern problems of microbiology and biotechnology’ (2007)
  • Ukrainian-poland conference "Modern questions of microbiology" (2009)
  • III International ukrainian-poland Weigl conference „Microbiology serves to human” (2009)
  • The II International conference “Drosophila in the Experimental Genetics and Biology”, (2010)
  • International conference "Ecology and biogeochemical activity of microorganisms" (Odesa, 2010)
  • ІV International ichthyological scientific-practical conference «Current problems of theoretical and practical ichthyology» (2011)
  • II International scientific and applied conference “Modern resource saving technologies. Challenges and perspectives” (Odesa, 2012)
  • International conference for young scientists “Actual problems of microbiology and biotechnology” (2015)
  • XI International scientific conference «Factors in Experimental Evolution of Organisms», 2016

Scientific meeting:

  • Meeting of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Working Group (1994, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013, 2015)
  • International Meeting of wetlands and their role in the protection of birds (2000)


  • International Symposium "Management and conservation of the coast of North-Western Black Sea Region" (1996)


  • Seminar "Project JSO-ERA – tasks, methods and expected results" (2010)
  • Seminar "Potential of British scientific sector in a field of biomaterials" РП7 people: opportunities for Ukrainian researchers in life sciences" (2010)
  • Seminar "Bio-Rad Laboratories", USA (2010)
  • Seminar "Bio-Rad Laboratories"", USA (2013)
  • International seminar on biomedical metabolomic, diagnostics and curing tuberculosis in the project РП7 (2013) according to program finansing Marie Curie «TB prognosis-IRSES; a workshop on biomedical metabolomics, TB diagnostics and treatment»
  • International Summer School «Keeping fish and marine mammals in artificial conditions» (2012, 2013)
  • The summer school «Molecular biology and biotechnology» is conducted annually since 2006.

Hydrobiological station

Hydrobiological station

Director Kovtun Oleg A. senior lecturer of Hydrobiology and General Ecology Department



  1. Solovjova Olga L. – biologist (hydrochemistry)
  2. Morozov Iury V. – specialist, chief on mooring line
  3. Tarasenko Anastasiya A. – specialist
  4. Slizky Andrew V. – biologist
  5. Novikov Egor N. – specialist


The Hydrobiological station is located on the Maly Fontan, which is a unique place on the Odessa coast that still keeps the features of marine biota with natural complexes of biogeocenoses that practically disappeared everywhere.

From its foundation Hydrobiological station is the base for hydrobiological, ecological, hydrological and hydrochemical researches of scientists from Odessa National Mechnikov University.

Hydrobiological station is educational and scientific department of Biological faculty, it is presided by Hydrobiology and General Ecology Department.

History of station

History of station counts more than 100 years. It was founded in 1902, by professor P.N. Buchinsky, one of the first who began to carry out researches of local flora and fauna. Due to the station the process of inventory of fauna of Odessa Gulf was sped up: Crustaceans (N. Kalishevsky), sponges (P. Kudelin), fishes (K. Kisilevich, A. Jatsentkovsky). In different years outstanding scientists – I. I. Mechnikov, A. O. Kovalevsky, V. V. Zalensky – worked here.

The zoological station or marine branch of zoological laboratory, as it was called at that time, was the base for work of students, employees of university and Society of Naturalists. The excursions with students and pupils were held here with the purpose of acquaintance with methods of gathering and processing of hydrobiological material.
Famous scientist conducted researches on the station. They investigated: zooplankton (A. O. Bujanovskaia), ichthyoplankton (Yu. P. Zaitsev), zoobenthos (S. B. Grinbart), phytobenthos (I. I. Pogrebniak), fishes (F. S. Zambriborcsh).

In different years guidance and leadership of the station belonged to well-known scientists: P. N. Buchinsky, D. K. Tretiakov, I. I. Pusanov; to head of hydrobiological sector of Zoology and Biological Institute N. A. Zagorovsky, director of Odessa Zoopark G. V. Beizert. Directors of the station were Yu. P. Zaitsev (1950-1956), M. A. Vinnikova (1956-1971), А. Shulim (1971-1973), А. D. Goncharov (1974-1980), S. M. Slukin (1980-2004).

Since 1950 the Station has been represented basically as an educational laboratory. Aquariums with different biogeocenoses from the Odessa Bay were created here for demonstration to students; practical classes, educational and industrial practices, sampling for student's scientific works were carried out.

Since 1966 the station became a base of scientific researches which covered not only water area of the Odessa Gulf, but also estuaries of the Dnieper, the Dniestr, the Danube, of Tendrovsky, Yagorlitsky and Dzharilgachsky Bays, and also limans of northwestern part of the Black Sea.

Educational work

At Hydrobiological station laboratory, practical classes and lectures on general and special courses of Hydrobiology and General Ecology Department on problems of marine and continental water ecosystems ecology, ichthyology, algology, nature protection, ecological and toxicological examination, and also a big special practice training (BST) are carried out.

The station provides teachers of Department with biological material for practical classes on BST, hydrobiology, ichthyology; promotes gathering of material for making of Bachelor degree, Master degree and Ph.D. works.

Scientific and research work

Permanent all-the-year-round hydrochemical monitoring of the sea with definition of key parameters (temperature, salinity, etc.) is carried out on station. The material and technical base of station, which includes some motor boats and pair-oars, necessary hydrobiological and diving equipment, is used by teachers and scientific assistants of Biological faculty, Hydrobiology and General Ecology Department and other departments of university during implementation of scientific and research works. From spring to autumn employees of Hydrobiological Station and Hydrobiology and General Ecology Department conduct ichthyological samplings, samplings of phyto-, zoo, ichthyoplankton, zoobenthos and phytobenthos.

Since 2000 the group of specialists engaged in underwater hydrobiological researches (supervisor – director of Hydrobiological Station, Oleg A. Kovtun, the professional diver and instructor) has been created on station. The group has passed special training (divers of international class – CMAS) and can carry out hydrobiological researches by modern methods, conduct the underwater photo and video shootings, and also computer montage of final shooting material. In 2002-2004 O. A. Kovtun created the serial of films about the underwater world of the Black Sea. In 2006 it received the signature stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and is the manual for pupils and students. For today any scientific or educational institutions of the South of Ukraine does not possess similar opportunities.

Hydrobiological station of Odessa National Mechnikov University is entered to the list of Network of Biological Research Stations of the Black and Azov Seas which carry out constant monitoring of the marine environment and biological resources.


Odessa National Mechnikov University cooperates with biological faculties of various universities and scientific research institutes of Ukraine and Europe, in particular with the Kharkov National V. N. Karazin University, with Klaipeda University (Lithuania) and other universities to carry out joint researches and study work on the basis of Hydrobiological Station. The station participates also in the program of exchange of students and scientific specialists.


65058 Ukraine Odessa, Low terrace of Botanical Garden, pier № 171
Tel. +38 048 746 57 16,

Publications with mention of Herbarium collections оf Odessa I.I Mechnikov National University (MSUD)

1. Бондаренко Е.Ю. Представленность инвазионных видов в гербарии Одесского национального университета им. И.И. Мечникова //«Теорія і практика сучасного природознавства»: Мат. ІІІ-ї Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 90-річчю утворення Херсонського державного університету.- Херсон, 2007.- С. 27.
2. Бондаренко Е.Ю. Флора низовий междуречья Днестр-Тилигул на рубеже ХІХ-ХХ веков // Материалы 1(1Х) Международной конференции молодых ботаников в Санкт-Петербурге (21-26 мая 2006).- СПб: ГЭТУ, 2006. - С. 46.
3. Бондаренко Е.Ю., Васильева Т.В. Инвазионные виды растений в низовьях междуречья Днестр-Тилигул // Молодые исследователи – ботанической науке 2006. Междунар. научно-практическая конференция (21-22 сентября 2006, Гомель). - Гомель: ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины, 2006.- С. 104-107
4. Бондаренко О.Ю. Аналіз інвазійних видів межиріччя Дністер-Тилігул у межах Одеського геоботанічного округу // Вісник аграрної науки Південного регіону. - 2006. - вип. 7. - Одеса: СМИЛ, 2006.- С. 182-186.
5. Бондаренко О.Ю. Аналіз флори пониззя межиріччя Дністер-Тилігул // Мат. XII з’їзду Українського ботанічного товариства (Одеса, 15-18 травня 2006 р.).- Одеса, 2006.- С.22
6. Бондаренко О.Ю. Представленість видів Одеського геоботанічного округу в зборах гербарію ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова // Наук. Вісн. Черн. ун-ту, 2005. - Вип. 260. Біологія. - С. 3-5.
7. Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В. Синантропна флора пониззя межиріччя Дністер-Тилігул у зборах ХІХ-ХХ ст. // Синантропізація рослинного покриву України: тез. наук. доп. (Переяславль-Хмельницький, 27-28 квітня 2006).-Київ-Переяславль – Хмельницький, 2006.- С. 26-29
8. Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Коваленко С.Г. Гербарії як складова частина наукової і виховної роботи. Про перспективи досліджень гербарних фондів Одеського національного університету ім. І.І.Мечникова // Известия Музейного Фонда им. А.А. Браунера. – 2007.- Т. IV. № 2-3.- С.70-72.
9. Бондаренко О.Ю., Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В. Історичний аналіз флори пасовищ Центрального Придністров’я. за даними гербарію П.Є. Кулика // Причерноморский экологический бюллетень.- 2007.- № 4 (26).- С. 149-153.
10. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю. Скарби гербарію Одеського національного університету ім. І. І. Мечникова. Травник XVIII сторіччя // Вісник ОНУ. - 2005.- Т. 10, вип. 5.- С. 191-198
11. Коваленко С.Г., Васильева Т.В., Бондаренко Е.Ю., Бальчева Г.А. Гербарий Одесского национального университета (MSUD) // Мат. конференции по морфологии и систематике растений, посвященной 300-летию со дня рождения Карла Линнея (Москва, 16-19 мая 2007 года).- М.: Т-во научных изданий КМК, 2007.- С. 256-257.
12. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В. Ботанічні дослідження у Новоросійському (Одеському університеті) // Мат. XII з’їзду Українського ботанічного товариства (Одеса, 15-18 травня 2006 р.).- Одеса, 2006.- С. 16-17.
13. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бальчева Г.О. Гербарій Одеського національного університету. Колектори іменної колекції Е.Е.Ліндеманна //«Теорія і практика сучасного природознавства»: Мат. ІІІ-ї Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 90-річчю утворення Херсонського державного університету.- Херсон, 2007.- С.69/
14. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю., Янкіна Н.А. Гербарії як складова частина наукової і виховної роботи. 1. Колектори гербарію Вищих Жіночих Педагогічних курсів // Фальцфейніфські читання: Збірник наукових праць.- Херсон, 2007.- С. 163-166.
15. Назарчук Ю.С. Лишайники в гербарии Одесского национального университета им. И. И. Мечникова (MSUD): состояние и проблемы сохранения // Мат. конференции по морфологии и систематике растений, посвященной 300-летию со дня рождения Карла Линнея (Москва, 16-19 мая 2007 года). - М.: Т-во научных изданий КМК, 2007. - С. 262-263.
16. Бондаренко О.Ю. Конспект флори пониззя межиріччя Дністер-Тилігул. – Фітосоціоцентр. 2009. – 332 с.
17. Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Коваленко С.Г. Колектори колекції Й.К. Пачоського у гербарії Одеського національного університету // V Ботанічні читання пам’яті Й.К. Пачоського / Збірка тез доповідей міжнародної наукової конференції (Херсон, 28 вересня – 1 жовтня 2009 р.). – Херсон: Айлант, 2009. – С. 10.
18. Бондаренко О.Ю., Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В. Гербарій ОНУ (MSUD). Поява інвазійних видів рослин в Одеському повіті та в місті Одесі // Вісник ОНУ.- 2009.- Т. 14, вип. 14.- С. 7-14.
19. Бондаренко О.Ю., Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В. Рідкісні та зникаючі види Одещини у гербарних колекціях ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова (MSUD) // Вісник Київського національного ун-ту ім. Т.Г. Шевченка. Серія «Інтродукція та збереження рослинного різноманіття». – 2009.-№ 22-24.- С. 97-98.
20. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю. Про колекцію вищих жіночих педагогічних курсів. Гербарій ОНУ ім.. І.І. Мечникова (MSUD) // Біорізноманіття: теорія, практика та методичні аспекти вивчення у загальноосвітній та вищий школі: Мат. міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (присвячена пам’яті видатних вчених-ботаніків, які працювали в Полтавському державному педагогічному університеті імені В.Г.Короленка: Р.В. Ганжі, І.М. Голубинського, Д.С. Івашина, С.О. Іллічевського, Ф.К. Курінного, П.Є. Сосіна). - Полтава: Друкарська майстерня, 2010.- С. 92-94.
21. Коваленко С.Г., Васильева Т.В., Бондаренко Е.Ю. Растения сибирской флоры в Гербарии MSUD // Проблемы изучения растительного покрова Сибири: Мат. IV Международной научной конференции, посвящённой 125-летию Гербария им. П.Н. Крылова Томского государственного университета и 160-летию со дня рождения П.Н. Крылова (Томск, 1-3 ноября, 2010).- Томск: Изд-во Томского ун-та, 2010.- C. 22-24.
22. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Гербарні зразки флори Волині у колекції Й.К. Пачоського // Два сторіччя дослідження рослинного покриву Карпат: Матеріали міжнародної наукової конференції, присвяченої 130-річчю від дня народження Антонія Маргітая.- Ужгород, Карпати. 2010. – С. 108-110.
23. Коваленко С.Г. Гербарій Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова / Гербарії України. Index Herbariorum Ucrainicum / Редактор-укладач: к.б.н. Н.М. Шиян. – Київ, 2011. – С. 222-233
24. Коваленко С.Г.. Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В. Гербарні колекції Одеси як основа вивчення біорізноманіття флори регіону // Ботаніка та мікологія: проблеми і перспективи на 2011-2020 роки: Матеріали Всеукраїнської наукової конференції (Київ, 6-8 квітня 2011).- К.: Інститут ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного, 2011- С.73-75.
25. Коваленко С.Г.. Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Роль П.С. Шестерикова у вивченні флори півдня України// Матеріали ХІІІ з’їзду УБТ (Львів, 19-23 вересня 2011 р.).- Львів, 2011.- С. 52.
26. Бондаренко О.Ю., Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В. Карантинні бур’яни півдня України у ХІХ-ХХ ст. //Аграрний вісник Причорномор’я. Збірник наукових праць. А 25 Сільськогосподарські та біологічні науки.-2012. Вип. 61. – С. 30-35.
27. Немерцалов В. В. Рослини-символи Старого та Нового Світу у бібліографічних джерелах / В. В. Немерцалов, О. С. Мурашко // Вісник Одес. нац. ун-ту. Сер. : Бібліографознавство, бібліотекознавство, книгознавство. - 2012. - Т. 17, вип. 1 (7). - С. 105-138.
28. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В., Васильєва Т.В. Поширення деяких видів рідкісних та зникаючих рослин Північно-Західного Причорномор’я у ХХ та ХХІ сторіччях (за матеріалами колекцій MSUD) // Рослинний світ у Червоній книзі України: впровадження Глобальної стратегії збереження рослин. Матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції (9-12 жовтня 2012 р. м. Умань, Черкаська обл.).- Київ: ПАЛИВОДА А.В., 2012.- С. 113- 117.
29. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Ексикати колекції Й.К. Пачоського гербарію Одеського національного університету імені І.І.Мечникова (MSUD) //Чорноморський ботанічний журнал.- 2013. -Т.9, № 3. - С. 6-14.
30. Немерцалов В.В., Коваленко С.Г. Використання матеріалів колекцій гербарію ОНУ (MSUD) при підготовці бакалаврів біологів // Матеріали IV Міжнародної наукової конференції «Сучасна біологія рослин», присвяченої 260-річчю виходу праці К. Ліннея «Species plantarum», 115-річчю відкриття подвійного запліднення С.Г. Навашиним и 60-річчю створення моделі структури ДНК Д. Уотсоном і Ф. Криком (Україна, Луганськ, 03-07 червня 2013 р.) // Ред. І.Д. Соколов. – Луганськ: Елтон-2, 2013. – (105 с.) С. 60-62/
31. Скарби гербарію ОНУ (MSUD). Гербарна колекція Й.К. Пачоського / Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В.- Одеса: Освіта України, 2013. - 331 с.
32. Скарби гербарію ОНУ (MSUD). Гербарна колекція П.С. Шестерикова // Коваленко С.Г., Немерцалов В.В., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В. – Одеса: Освіта України, 2014. - 196 с.
33. Скарби гербарію ОНУ (MSUD). Гербарна колекція Г. Й. Потапенко // Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В., Герасимюк Н.В., Васильєва Т.В. – Одеса: Освіта України, 2014. - 112 с.
34. Шиян Н.М., Бондаренко О.Ю., Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. Автентичні зразки судинних рослин гербарію Й. К. Пачоського (MSUD) // VІ Ботанічні читання пам’яті Й.К. Пачоського. Збірка тез доповідей міжнародної наукової конференції, (Херсон, 19.05.2014 – 22.05.2014) /відповідальний редактор М.Ф. Бойко. – Херсон: Айлант, 2014. – С. 48 - 49.
35. Коваленко С. Г., Бондаренко О. Ю., Васильєва Т. В., Немерцалов В. В. Роль В.І. Липського в розвитку ботанічних досліджень в Одесі // Інтродукція, збереження та моніторинг рослинного різноманіття. Матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції до 175-річчя Ботанічного саду імені акад. О.В. Фоміна Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (20 – 24 травня 2014 р., Київ, Україна). – Київ: ПАЛИВОДА А. В., 2014. – С. 259.
36. Коваленко С. Г., Бондаренко О. Ю., Немерцалов В. В., Васильєва Т. В. Рідкісні та зникаючі види рослин в гербарній колекції П.С. Шестерикова (MSUD) // Рослинний світ у Червоній книзі України: впровадження Глобальної стратегії збереження рослин / Матеріали III Міжнародної наукової конференції (4-7 червня 2014 р., м. Львів). – Львів, 2014. – С.119-122.
37. Коваленко С. Г., Бондаренко Е. Ю., Васильева Т. В., Немерцалов В. В. Сборы учёных Новороссийского университета в гербарии Э. Э. Линдеманна (MSUD) //Ботанические коллекции – национальное достояние России : сб. науч. ст. Всерос. (с междунар. участием) науч. конф., посвящ. 120-летию Гербария имени И. И. Спрыгина и 100-летию Русского ботанического общества (г. Пенза, 17–19 февраля 2015 г.) / под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Л. А. Новиковой. – Пенза : Изд-во ПГУ, 2015. – C. 65-67.
38. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В. Збори Людвига Вагнера та інших угорських натуралістів XIX століття у гербарії Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова (MSUD) // Міжнародна наукова конференція «Внесок натуралістів-аматорів у вивчення біологічного різноманіття», присвячена 200-річчю від дня народження Людвіга Вагнера (м. Берегово, 14-16 травня, 2015 року). - С. 374-379.
39. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В. Збори видатних ботаніків у гербарній колекції Е.Е. Ліндеманна (MSUD) // Вісник ОНУ. Біологія.- 2015.- С. 205-215.
40. Коваленко С.Г., Васильева Т.В., Бондаренко Е.Ю., Немерцалов В.В. Растения засоленных местообитаний Прикаспийской низменности в сборах Г.И. Потапенко (Гербарий Одесского национального университета имени И.И. Мечникова (MSUD) // Вестник КазНУ. Серия экологическая. - 2015. - № 1-2 (43). - С. 460-465.
41. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Студентські колекції Гербарію Одеського університету (MSUD). 1. Д.І. Сосновський // І Міжнародна заочна науково-практична конференція «Актуальні питання біологічної науки» (25 березня 2015 р. Ніжин).- Ніжин, 2015. - С.199-203.
42. Коваленко С.Г., Васильева Т.В., Немерцалов В.В., Бондаренко Е.Ю. В.И. Липский и его роль в создании гербарной коллекции Ботанического сада ОНУ // Роль ботанических садов в сохранении и мониторинге биоразнообразия (Ростов-на-Дону, 27-30 мая 2015 г.). - Ростов-на-Дону, 2015. - С. 56-59.
43. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В. Флора узбережжя Куяльницького лиману (за матеріалами гербарних зборів Г.Й. Потапенка // VIй відкритий з’їзд фітобіологів Причорномор’я. - Херсон, 2015. - С. 59-60.
44. Васильєва Т.В., Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В. Види рослин з родини Orchidaceae з Червоної книги України у гербарії Е.Е. Ліндеманна (MSUD) // Регіональні аспекти флористичних і фауністичних досліджень : матеріали Другої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (24-25 квітня 2015 р., смт Путила) / відп. ред. І. В. Скільський ; М-во екології та природн. ресурсів України, Нац. природн. парк «Черемоський» та ін. – Чернівці : Друк Арт, 2015. – С. 283-286.
45. Немерцалов В. В., Коваленко С. Г., Васильева Т. В., Бондаренко Е. Ю. Сборы основателей РБО в гербарии MSUD //История ботаники в России. Сборник статей участников Международной научной конференции.- Тольятти, 2015. - Т.1. - С. 145-148.
46. Скарби гербарію ОНУ (MSUD). Гербарна колекція Й.К. Пачоського. Частина ІІ // Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. – Одеса: Освіта України, 2016. - 80 с.
47. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко Е.Ю., Немерцалов В.В Студентські колекції Гербарію Одеського університету (MSUD). 2. Збори студенток ОВЖПК // ІІ Міжнародна заочна науково-практична конференція «Актуальні питання біологічної науки»: Зб. статей.- Ніжин: НДУ імені Миколи Гоголя, 2016.- С. 193-196.
48. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В. Ексікати флори північно-східної Європи в колекції MSUD // Матеріали XIV з’їзду Українського ботанічного товариства (м. Київ, 25–26 квітня 2017 р.), Київ, 2017. - С. 221.
49. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Видатні педагоги – біологи Новоросійського університету. Валеріан Вікторович Половцов // ІІІ Міжнародна заочна науково-практична конференція «Актуальні питання біологічної науки». Збірник статей. – Ніжин: НДУ імені Миколи Гоголя, 2017. – С. 144-147.
50. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. Вчені кафедри ботаніки у побудові і розвитку Ботанічного саду імені В.І. Липського Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова // Сучасні проблеми біології, екології та хімії: збірник матеріалів V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 30-річчю біологічного факультету Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, 26-28 квітня 2017 р.). – Запоріжжя: АА Тандем, 2017. – С. 313-315.
51. Коваленко С. Г., Бондаренко О. Ю., Васильєва Т. В., Немерцалов В. В. Збори рослин, які охороняються на міжнародному рівні, в колекції Одеського університету (MSUD) // Регіональні аспекти флористичних і фауністичних досліджень: матеріали Четвертої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (28‒29 квіт. 2017 р., смт Путила, Чернівецька обл., Україна) / наук. ред. І. В. Скільський, А. В. Юзик ; М-во екології та природ. ресурсів України, Нац. природ. парк «Черемоський» та ін. – Чернівці : Друк Арт, 2017. – С. 272-274.
52. Немерцалов В.В., Коваленко С.Г., Васильева Т.В. История формирования и развития дендрофлоры Одессы (к 150-летию Ботанического сада имени В. И. Липского Одесского национального университета имени И. И. Мечникова) // Роль ботанических садов и дендрариев в сохранении, изучении и устойчивом использовании разнообразия растительного мира = Role of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums in conservation, investigation and sustainable using diversity of the plant world : материалы Международной научной конференции, посвященной 85-летию Центрального ботанического сада Национальной академии наук Беларуси (г. Минск, 6–8 июня 2017 г.). В 2 ч. Ч. 1 / Национальная академия наук Беларуси; Центральный ботанический сад ; редкол.: В. В. Титок [и др.]. — Минск : Медисонт, 2017. — С. 206 -211.
53. Скарби гербарію ОНУ (MSUD). Гербарна колекція Е.Е. Ліндеманна. /С.Г. Коваленко, О.Ю. Бондаренко, Т.В. Васильєва, В.В. Немерцалов. - Одеса: «Освіта України», 2017. - 776 с.
54. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В., Васильєва Т.В. Володимир Іполитович Липський – видатний ботанік, флорист, директор Одеського ботанічного саду // Генофонд колекцій ботанічних садів і дендропарків – запорука сталих фітоценозів в умовах кліматичних змін: Зб. ст. міжнар. наук. конф., присвяч. 150-річчю Ботанічного саду ім. акад. В.І. Липського ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова. – Одеса: ОНУ, 2017. - С. 249-253.
55. Коваленко С.Г., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Володимир Іполитович Липський. Учні та родина. // Генофонд колекцій ботанічних садів і дендропарків – запорука сталих фітоценозів в умовах кліматичних змін: Зб. ст. міжнар. наук. конф., присвяч. 150-річчю Ботанічного саду ім. акад. В.І. Липського ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова. – Одеса: ОНУ, 2017. - С. 253-256.
56. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. Колекція О.Д. Нордманна як одна з фундацій гербарію Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова (MSUD) // Вісник ОНУ. Біологія. – 2017. – Т. 22, вип. 1(40). - С. 130-140.
57. Коваленко С.Г., Немерцалов В.В., Васильєва Т.В., Бондаренко О.Ю. Збори Д.І. Сосновського з Тбілісі (Грузія) у гербарії Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова // Укр. бот. журн., 2017, 74(5): 497– 502.
58. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В., Васильєва Т. В. Скарби гербарію ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова (MSUD). Ексикати з «Flora Rossica» // Вісник ОНУ. Біологія. – 2017. – Т. 23, вип. 2(41).- С. 97-114.
59. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Немерцалов В.В., Васильєва Т.В. Вищі жіночі курси в Одесі та їх роль у розвитку ботанічних знань // Освіта і наука в умовах глобальних трансформацій. Матеріали Всеукраїнської наукової конференції. 24-25 листопада 2017 р., м.Дніпро. Частина ІІ. / Наук. ред. О.Ю. Висоцький. – Дніпро: СПД «Охотнік», 2017. - C. 175-176.
60. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. Студентські колекції Гербарію Одеського університету (MSUD). 3. Збори В.Г. Ерделі // ІV Міжнародна заочна науково-практична конференція "Актуальні питання біологічної науки" (присвячена 100-річчю від дня народження академіка Петра Григоровича Богача): Збірник статей. – Ніжин: НДУ імені Миколи Гоголя, 2018. – С. 127-130.
61. Васильєва Т.В. А.О. Сапєгін. Дослідники фітобіоти та мікобіоти України //Укр. бот. журн., 2018, 75(3).- С. 301-302.
62. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. Шлях у науці А. О. Сапєгіна – видатного випускника Новоросійського (Одеського національного імені І.І. Мечникова) університету (до 100-річчя національної Академії наук України) // Вісник ОНУ. Сер.: Біологія. 2018. Т. 23, вип. 1(42). - С. 111-121. DOI 10.18524/2077-1746.2018.1(42).129128
63. Васильєва Т., Бондаренко О., Коваленко С., Немерцалов В. Іменні історичні колекції Гербарію Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова (MSUD) // Міжнародна наукова конференція «Гербарії та збереження фіторізноманіття», (3 – 5 жовтня 2018 року, Львів, Україна) // Вісник Львівського університету. Серія біологічна. 2018. Випуск 78. С. 144–149.
64. Коваленко С.Г., Бондаренко О.Ю., Васильєва Т.В., Немерцалов В.В. Рідкісні та зникаючі види флори України та суміжних східноєвропейських країн в історичній колекції ОВЖПК Гербарію MSUD // Міжнародна наукова конференція «Гербарії та збереження фіторізноманіття», (3 – 5 жовтня 2018 року, Львів, Україна) //Вісник Львівського університету. Серія біологічна. 2018. Випуск 78. С. 104–110.
65. Svetlana G. Kovalenko, Olena Yu. Bondarenko & Tatyana V. Vasylyeva ALIEN PLANTS` COLLECTIONS FROM TERRITORY OF BESSARABIA IN HISTORICAL HERBARIUM OF OHWPC (MSUD) // XIІ International Conference “Synanthropization of Flora and Vegetation”. Book of Abstracts. – Uzhhorod: AUTDOR–SHARK Press, 2018.- Р. 40.
66. Ivanova N.G. Handwritten Herbarium of the 18th Century: Features of Calligraphy (in French) [Ivanova N.G. Herbier manuscrit du XVIIIème siècle : Particularités de sa calligraphie // INTERTEXT. Scientific journal Nr.3/4 (39/40).10th year.-Chişinău, ULIM, 2016.-P.112-126]

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The Research fields of the Biological Faculty departments

Biochemistry Department

From the earliest days of the Department one of the main area of research was to study the mechanisms of vitamins interaction in the body. Due to the existence of radioisotope laboratory staff of the department were able to study the dynamics of distribution and metabolism in the body 14C thiamine, niacin-14C, 35S-lipoate, 14C-biotin, riboflavin-14C. A significant contribution to the vitamins penetration mechanisms through biological membranes theory gave the research of labeled vitamins and their metabolites accumulation in the mitochondria. It has been demonstrated that this process is carried out by specific proteins. A special attention in the department’ research were devoted to the problem of vitamins interaction in the animal organism. Since 1980, the Department initiated a new research direction for the study of not coenzyme functions of vitamins. At the same time the research of tetanospasmin binding mechanisms in the body, the gerontogenesis mechanisms, investigation of extreme factors influence on biochemical processes in the body, the study of neurochemistry certain issues and so on were conducted.

The department studies in recent years are related to the themes of "The regulation of metabolism of keto acids and amino acids, vitamins and catabolites of some biologically active substances in the body in a variety of experimental pathology" (head is associate professor V. V. Zaporozhchenko) and "Regulation of bioenergy and plastic processes in embryonic cells of mammals" (head is professor S. A. Petrov).

The content of vitamin C, B1, B2, et al., as well as their metabolites hascoenzyme and non-coenzyme activities, which regulates their dependent enzymes. The intensity of these processes depends on the research of the season, as well as the state of the body by the action of the physiological, pathological and stress factors. Effect of hypoxia a closed space, the action of heavy metals and carbon tetrachloride in animals caused similar biochemical changes in the concentration and ratio of active metabolites of vitamins and marker enzymes. Pretreatment with vitamins or use of some dietary supplements has partially or fully restored the indicators. For the first time found that nicotinic acid reduces aminotransferases’ activity (AST, ALT) in vitro experiments 3-8 times, which greatly exceeds the effects obtained in the experiments in vivo. It was found that the introduction of a therapeutic dose tiaminbromid before confined space hypoxia reduces the activity of ALT and AST compared with the rats in the control group and the individuals who were exposed to hypoxia without introducing tiaminbromid. The data can be viewed as evidence of possible competitive relationships between vitamins PP and B6 and pyridoxine and tiaminbromid on the stages of tissue proteidization.

Binding of thiamine and its derivatives with partially purified cathepsin L occurs by reacting pyrimidine with part of the enzyme molecule. Thiamine and its metabolites except tiamintiol, activated with purified cathepsin L by grouping thiazole ring shape.

It is shown that transplantation leads to increased enzyme activity in all tissues examined as the graft and the recipient. Allotransplantation ща embryonic muscle tissue increases the protein content in tissues at any stage of the study. Allotransplantation leads to stimulation of the processes of accumulation of ascorbic acid in fetal tissue. The total level of ascorbic acid in the fetal tissue in the abdominal and femoral, much higher than adult tissue. These results indicate that the tested enzymes can be used as marker enzymes of graft survival. These results will be extremely useful for the development of methods for the use of embryonic stem cells in medicine
In 2010, the Department of Biochemistry has been the organizer of the X Ukrainian Biochemical Congress.

Department of Botany

Two areas can be distinguished in scientific work of the Department of Botany: a study of the composition of the aquatic and terrestrial flora, as well as knowledge of the physiological and biochemical processes inherent in the plants. Within these areas it focuses on the systematics and practical use of the sea and the estuary of algae, fungi, lichens, identification of rare and endangered plant species in the region, the study dendroflora, synanthropic flora and quarantine weeds, plant immunity to diseases, the study of the impact of trace elements and biologically active substances plants and the impact of long-term storage of seeds of different crops on their viability.

Employees of the department took part in the program TACIS «WW / SCRE1 / No.1 Danube Lakes: Sustainable restoration and conservation of natural ecosystems and the state", in the expeditions to study the flora of the Zmiiniy island and the surrounding waters, in drawing up the inventory of flora Odessa region and inventory of natural-reserve Fund of Odessa region, the study of the variety of vegetation of the Black Sea coast of estuaries and adjacent waters. A separate area of work is the study and preservation of the herbarium of the Department, which has the status of a National heritage.

Studies that are held in the department in recent years related to the theme "Studying of diversity, environmental and structural and functional characteristics of phyto- and mycobiota features of natural and artificial ecosystems of the South West of Ukraine with the purpose of conservation and sustainable use" (head is professor F. P. Tkachenko).

In recent years, the flora investigation and analysis of the species composition of vascular plants, algae, macro- and micromycetes of national nature parks and other areas of natural reserve fund, the objects, separate settlements and other local floras, which are perspective for preserve in South West of Ukraine were carried out. Amended lists of plants for Tuzly Lagoons National Nature Park, Lower Dniester National Nature Park. The dendroflora of Izmail fortress (Izmail) have been studied, the composition of Kuchurgan river microphytobenthos have been analyzed, the study of the fatty acid composition of total lipids for marine and estuary populations of Cystoseira barbata (Gooden. Et Woodw.) C. Agardh and marine population C. crinita (Desf.) Bory have been conducted.

Zygnematales algae checklist for North-western Black Sea water bodies was created and published, the species diversity and distribution of obligate parasitic fungi in the territories of a number of objects of Nature reserve fund of the Odessa region, in particular the "Danube Biosphere Reserve" of NASU, National Park "Tuzly Lagoons National Nature Park" and "Bug Gard", the regional landscape park "Tiligulskiy" (Odessa and Mykolaiv region), and parks, monuments of landscape gardening art of local importance: the "Dniester" park, "City garden" and the A. S. Pushkin park were investigated.

The stimulating effect of drugs Radifarm, Novosil, Apron, Mikroplant on biometric and physical and biochemical indicators of some crops (strawberries, sunflowers, cucumbers) in the south of the Odessa region has been displayed. The differences of morphometric parameters of the ear and seed productivity of emmer wheat in the phase of full ripeness, in comparison with the varieties of soft and durum wheat have been determined. The authentic herbarium specimens from the herbarium of the Department of Botany have been analyzed, and information about these collections was disclosed.

In recent years the Department of Botany has organized the following scientific events:

The congresses of scientific societies:

  • ХІІ Congress of Ukrainian Botanical Society (2006)
  • The scientific conferences:
  • Conference of young scientists-botanists of Ukraine «Issues of Botany and Ecology" with the participation of young scientists from other countries (2003)
  • International Conferences of Young Scientists „Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.” (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013)
  • Symposia:
  • International Symposium "Management and conservation of the coast of north-western part of Black Sea" (1996).

Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology

The Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology works in several scientific areas that focus on the problems of phylogenetic and ontogenetic mechanisms of adaptation on the different levels of organization of living matter and the large number of objects. One of the important directions is the molecular genetic analysis of the gene pool of Ukraine winter wheat and related cereals. Another stream is the definition of adaptation, polymorphism and functional status of gene-enzyme systems of animal and plant facilities include a Drosophila melanogaster, some Black Sea aquatic, medicines basidiomycetes etc. The expression of structural genes of enzymes and other proteins, the phenomena of interaction and co-adaptation action by selecting of the natural and experimental populations of plants and animals are exploring. The significant of expressive structural genes of plants in natural and artificial polyploidy are important task. Among the scientific interest of the department are cytoembriology and cytogenetic displays of quantitative traits in plants, as well as the monitoring of mutagenic effects of pesticides on model objects and crops.

Recent studies of the Department related to the topic "Genetic and Biochemical, physiological and morphometric features of Rapana venosa of the Northern areas of the Black Sea" (supervisor Prof. V. Totskiy), "The dynamics of the genetic structure of natural and experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster under the impact of environmental factors" (supervisor Prof. V. Totskiy), "Genetic mechanisms of adaptation of cereals for the evolutionary transformation genome" (supervisor Associate Sichnyak O.L.), "Genetic polymorphism and adaptive potential of organisms under different conditions of existence" (supervisor Professor S. Chebotar).

The new data on the level of polymorphism of loci of hydrolases and oxidoreductases of gastropods were received during the study of gastropods brine Rapana venosa from the waters of the North-western Black Sea. The peculiarities of antioxidant system and hydrolytic enzymes of digestive brine depending of different seasons, in particular in the cold peace state were obtained for the first time. A comparative analysis of the adaptive capacity of brine and its main object food – mussels were studed for the first time else. The description of morphometric parameters, age and sex structure groups of R. venosa simultaneously in different waters of the North-western Black Sea were done. It is shown that the formation of brine morphotypes, age and sex structure of gangs depends on the food base. The features of the functioning of the antioxidant system of R. venosa dependence of the system on age, gender, and environmental conditions. The genetic structure of different groups of brine waters of the North-western Black Sea with isozyme markers were elucidated. These groups despite their different morphotype, are part of a population was found. The results contribute to the deepening of the existing concepts of population genetics and ecological genetics.

The specific trypsin-like peptidehydrolases in extracts of tissue of larvae, pupae and adult D. mercatorum, D. virilis, D. melanogaster and mutant strains has established. During Drosophila ontogenesis there are significant changes of total protein, which depend on the level of specific activity of enzymes, including trypsin-like. In postembryonic stages of these types of significant changes in the manifestation trypsin-like specific activity of peptidehydrolases, with a maximum (3.40 relative units - virilis) expression in its larval stage and minimal (0.02 relative units - mercatorum) at the pupa stage. At all stages of development in postembryonic mutant vestigial observed maximum, compared with mutants Bar and Cinnabar, the level of display of trypsin-like enzymes, indicating a more intense expression of gene enzymatic system. In mutant Bar on pupae and adult stages of flies observed low level of display trypsin-like enzyme compared to wild-type, indicating significant changes in the regulation of proteolysis during histolysis larval tissues and imago histoneogenesis.

The frequency of recombination in the chromosome 2 mutant b-cn-vg Drosophila melanogaster at sites b-cn and cn-vg was studied. The frequency of crossingover at the site of b-cn is 7.42%, and the area cn-vg is 12,55%, which differs from the theoretically calculated data were found. At the same time, we know that according to the location marker mutations in linkage group 2 section b-cn is situated near centromere area that may affect the recombination activity of losing its.

The resistance to Bipolaris sorokiniana and Fusarium graminearum of wheat hybrids with wheat-Thinopyrum incomplete amphydiploides were investigated. Toxins fungus reduce vigor and seed germination, reduce the size-mass characteristics of germs. Some families of hybrids are more stable than the parental forms. Hybrids of NAD (T. aestivum x Th. ponticum) are more stable than hybrids of NAD (T. aestivum x Th. Intermedium).

It was found that the wheat average index of herbicide tolerance was significantly higher than barley’s. For fungicidal action of drugs, by contrast, has been a trend toward greater tolerance of barley. The results regarding the action of herbicides were quite expected, since polyploidy is of great adaptive significance. One of the active ingredients of each of the investigated substance class of fungicides are triazoles. They are able to change the traffic barrier function of membranes of plant cells to cause reduction of the speed of the cytoplasm. As a result, larger in size compared with diploid cells barley, wheat cells suffer more from the effects of triazoles fungicides. Thus the action of some modern anthropogenic environmental factors may reduce the benefits of polyploidy nothing.

The changes of morphological features of short stemmed unique varieties of soft wheat Kooperatorka, 3 Odessa, Odessa 51, Stepniak occurring in plants as a result of cultivation in drought conditions modulated by adding in artificial media PEG-6000 were obtained. The existence of correlative relationships between short stemmed genes Rht in wheat genotype and resistance of plants to drought conditions exist. It is shown that resistance to osmotic stress in plants is not related to quantitative and qualitative composition Rht genes in their genotype. The using of complex growth media for plants with seed germination under conditions of osmotic stress is not justified and does not provide a more precise results of experiments. The data are useful for assessing the starting material for wheat breeding.

In recent years the Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology was organized the following scientific events:

  • II International scientific conference «Drosophila in the Experimental Genetics and Biology», 2010
  • XI International scientific conference «Factors in Experimental Evolution of Organisms», 2016
  • VI Congress of the All-Ukrainian Association of Plant Biologists, 2016

Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology

Scientific interests of staff of the department refer to wide research problems connected with the assessment of the state of water bodies of North West Black Sea. These are long-term complex study of fauna and flora of Odessa Gulf and adjacent areas of the Black Sea. In this direction the studying of zoobenthos and phytobenthos is going on. Atlas on benthic diatom algae of the Black Sea was published.

Nowadays the researches on revealing of assessment criteria of state of population of commercial species of fish are conducted. To accomplish this classic ichthyological and modern molecular and genetic methods are used. On the department the method of mathematical modeling of dynamic parameters of commercial fish population is elaborated with the aim of assessing of their abundance and biomass.

The most important projects of the department are:

Complex study of the adjacent water area of the Zmyiny Island and international TACIS project “The Danube Lakes: sustainable restoration and natural ecosystem state conservation”.

Recent years the study of macrozoobenthos and carp fish of the Danube Lakes has been done. In the frame of this work a comprehensive study was conducted and a mathematical model on evaluation of the potential of abundance and biomass of commercial species carp fish populations of the Danube Lakes was developed "Development of a mathematical model of carp fish populations structure of the Danube Lakes for prediction their commercial exploitation" (under supervision of associate professor V. V. Zamorov).

In the monitoring mode of research a new complete data on the taxonomic characteristics of macrozoobenthos of the lakes in modern hydroecological conditions has been provided. The conclusions about relative stability of the ecosystems of lakes were obtained. For the first time over the past few decades zooplankton productivity and magnitude of the potential biomass of plankton-eating fish have been calculated for the Danube Lakes. Values of average catches of fish-planktophages in recent years and potential productivity of lakes, which has been calculated by feed base estimation, allow us to recommend additional fish-stocking these waters with white carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis.

The data on the genetic population structure of carp fish in the Danube lakes allow us to optimize the industrial process of exploitation of these species. According to the results of molecular genetic studies it was suggested that groupings of silver carp Carassius gibelio from the Cahul Lake and the Danube River can be considered as part of the same population, which is significantly different from the fish from the lake Kotlabuh which is related to other population. There are no other genetic differences in the groups of carp fish were found in the analyzed localities.

A mathematical algorithm as a model for the analysis of the dynamics of commercial fish stocks has been constructed. The basic indicators that describe to the dynamics of biomass and abundance of the industrial part of the population of studied species have been established. The parameters of the quantitative characteristics of the studied species of fish that can be obtained on the basis of the evaluation of commercial catches have been determined. Methods which are required for the calculation of these indicators and parameters in these conditions have been matched.

Based on the data the relationship between catch per refill unit and fishing intensity were analyzed and calculated values for the optimal operation of commercial herd have been calculated. Namely, there were calculated optimal for catching fish length, which corresponds to the largest accumulation of biomass. The maximum allowable catch, showing the maximum permissible level of industrial exploitation of the herd, not causing harm to the environment and preserving the population size has been estimated. On the basis of MS Excel spreadsheet processor were developed software that automates the time-consuming calculation of the assessment of industrial populations of fish ponds, due to the possibility of instantaneous automatic conversion of all data when the change of any component value. Using the obtained results allows fisheries enterprises to more effectively work to fish-stocking lakes to determine the volume of commercial fish catch, which means scientifically conduct fishing and rational use of aquatic resources the lakes.

The resulting hydrobiological and ichthyological data would be useful for professionals – ichthyologists and hydrobiologists in research on relevant topics, as well as for representatives of institutions of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine for their practice.

In recent years the Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology organized the following scientific events:

  • The scientific conferences:
  • International scientific conferences «Readings in memory of A. A. Brauner» (1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2013)
  • ІV International ichthyological scientific-practical conference «Current problems of theoretical and practical ichthyology» (2011)
  • Workshops:
  • International Summer School «Keeping fish and marine mammals in artificial conditions» (2012, 2013)

Department of Zoology

Scientific development of teachers and employees of the department are closely connected with the study of biological diversity. Traditionally, the Department's sphere of interests is the study of zoogeography and taxonomy of arthropod animals, particularly spiders, mites and insects. Ongoing study of the problems of optimization of natural-reserved network, expansion of natural-reserved fund of the region by creating new and increase the area of the existing areas under conservation is one of the scientific directions. Analysis and systematization of all the scientific, technical and application materials on the problems of study and preservation of species diversity, nature conservation, allowed to develop and implement research projects, which are known in Ukraine and abroad.

The Department studies in recent years are associated with the theme "To find out the current state of biodiversity of Northwest Black Sea Animals" (head is professor V. P. Stoylovskiy).

In a process of studying the migratory movements of Palearctic Charadriiform birds through the Azov-Black Sea region, there were identified the main mites groups of waders feather cover. Three new for science feather mites species have been described. The mechanisms of relations of certain mites species with the relevant host species have been described; that allowed to reveal monoxenic, oligoxenic and polyxenic mites species from the point of view of hostal specialization. During studies of bird migrations through Zmiiny Island the dominance of 5 passerine species was found (thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia), chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita), willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus), eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva) accounted for about 60 % of all captured birds). The results are useful for the development of schemes of natural resources and the optimal measures for their protection.

The monitoring studies of the number and spatial distribution in the region of the main orders of terrestrial and aquatic animals are constantly conducting. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the number of game and protected animals under the current legislation.

In recent years the Department of Zoology has organized the following scientific events:

Scientific conferences:

  • International conference on Waders (1992)
  • International scientific conference "Development of zoological studies at Odessa University. Academician D.K. Tretyakov and his scientific school" (1999)
  • International scientific conference of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Union (2000, 2002, 2007)
  • VI International conference on Cormorants (2003)
  • International conference "Population status and control on population of birds migration of Central and Eastern Europe" (2003)
  • VIII Conference of experts on goose (organized by Wetlands International - 2004)
  • International conference "Recent advances in zoological sciences (dedicated to the 120 anniversary of I. Puzanov and the 140th anniversary of Zoology Department of Mechnikov National University of Odessa)" (2005)
  • Scientific meeting:
  • Meeting of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Working Group (1994, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004)
  • International Meeting of wetlands and their role in the protection of birds (2000)


  • International Symposium "Management and conservation of the coast of North-Western Black Sea Region" (1996)

The Department of Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology

To date, the current research directions of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology are varied and cover almost all fields of microbiology, as well as agriculture, healthcare, environment. The Biotechnology Research and Training Center where research and development are carried out by state order has been established on the base of the Department and problem research laboratories of the University.

The Department's studies in recent years are related to following projects: "The study of the functioning of intercellular communication systems of microorganisms in the presence of synthetic and natural bioactive compounds" (project leader is professor T. O. Philippova), "Scientific basis for improvement of health food raw materials and its products safety control" (project leader is professor V. O. Ivanytsia), "Molecular-biological properties of pathogenic bacteria of the genera Agrobacterium, Erwinia, Ralstonia, their bacteriocins, plasmids and bacteriophages, causing the killer activity" (project leader is professor V. O. Ivanytsia), "To study the diversity and interaction mechanisms of lactobacillus from different geographical areas with other organisms and to develop biological products for stimulation of plant growth and fermentation" (project leader is professor V. O. Ivanytsia), "Interaction of lactic acid bacteria with agricultural plants" (project leader is professor V. O. Ivanytsia), "Metagenomic analysis of the biological diversity of the Black sea microbiota and its biotechnological potential" (project leader is professor V. O. Ivanytsia), "Development of scientific and methodical approaches and biotechnology for remediation of coastal waters from chemical and microbiological contamination" (project leader is associate professor T. V. Gudzenko), "Investigation of the biological properties of medicinal mushrooms and their relationship with arthropods and microorganisms" (project leader is professor V. O. Ivanytsia).

The complex data about the possibility of regulation of communication process in bacteria such as biofilm formation and synthesis of secondary metabolites, including those that are important for practical use by some synthetic compounds (porphyrin analogues and sulfonamides) has been obtained. For Pseudomonas sp. the competition between synthetic regulators and signaling molecules of quorum sensing system have been studied and the components of the system which have changed the functional activity in the presence of tested compounds have been detected. The data on the interaction of Pseudomonas sp. and lactic acid bacteria with phytopathogenic fungi and bacteriophages under the influence of intercellular communication system inhibitors have been obtained.

As a result of experimental studies of contaminant microorganisms of the genus Bacillus in a variety of foods and raw materials the genetic characteristics of these microorganisms have been analyzed. The complex scientific data about the domination of bacteria among mesophilic microorganisms in the studied species of vegetable raw materials have been obtained during the project implementation. It has been shown that those bacteria are represented predominantly by a group of aerobic spore-forming bacilli with 9 morphological types of colonies. The composition of the microbiota of vegetable raw materials and canned food with signs of spoilage has been identified: 13 strains were assigned to the species Lysinibacillus sphaericus-GC subgroup E, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus-GC subgroup A, Bacillus pumilus-GC subgroup on the basis of their morphological, cultural, physiological, biochemical characteristics, as well as the fatty acid composition of the cell. The determination of genetic sequences of bacilli strains confirms the results of the study of their physiological and biochemical properties, which have indicated genus and species identity of investigated strains. The species of three strains of bacilli which were identified as questionable beetween species Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis (strains P90-4, P90-9 and P90-1) by their fatty acid chromatographic data was confirmed by conducting PCR using primers to sequences of bacilli. 40% of investigated strains contain plasmids of various sizes, which are represented by two groups: the small size plasmids – from 2 to 12 kb, and megaplasmids - approximately 200 kb.

The molecular-biological, biophysical and molecular-genetic properties of bacteria Erwinia, Ralstonia and Agrobacterium, their plasmids, macromolecular bacteriocins and bacteriophages have been investigated. It has been shown that Erwinia carotovora bacteriocins are characterized by great diversity of phage origin particles. The methods for purification of antagonistic substances and methods of cultivation of bacteria were optimized and developed. The strain-antagonist Alcaligenes faecalis was used to inhibit Agrobacterium sp. for the first time. As a result of 4 cycle rearing-inactivation the phage stock ZF40 rt2 / 4 containing a temperature resistant phage particles has been selected. It was shown that ZF40 bacteriophage of Erwinia carotovora has a unique genetic stability in contrast to the instability of the particles. The collection of pathogenic bacteria and their phages has been created.

A variety of lactobacilli from plants of different geographical areas (Ukraine, France, Thailand), their properties and mechanisms of their effects on other organisms were studied. It was shown that the best criterium for the identification of lactobacilli strains from different geographic areas was the presence of certain groups of plantaricin genes. The strains capable of fermenting fungal and plant products were selected by their biotechnological properties. The leaven preparation technology for the fermentation of mushroom and plant products was developed. The fermentation technology of fruiting bodies of oyster mushroom and vegetables using lactobacilli was elaborated.

The lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Enterococcus) of Ukrainian plants and plant products were isolated. The molecular biological, biochemical and probiotic properties of strains of lactic acid bacteria were studied and the most active strains were selected. Biologically active substances of strains with a stimulating effect on plants were Isolated and studied. The influence of strains and their biologically active substances on the immune system state and the growth of plants under the lactic acid bacteria introduction on the surface of the seeds, sprouts and young tomato, kalanchoe and wheat plants has been estimated.

For the first time the new data on the biological diversity of abyssal hydrogen sulfide and methanogenic sediments in the Black Sea areas in the Caucasus, the Crimea and Turkey (by the results of analysis of samples collected during an international expedition of RV «Meteor» (Germany) have been obtained. There were also obtained the data on the biological diversity of microorganisms in water and soil in the north-western part of the Black Sea shelf at RV «Mare Nigrum» (Romania), the data on a wide range of biological properties of heterotrophic bacteria and the degree of bacteria kinship using RAPD PCR and gas chromatography. The collection of marine microorganisms of different taxonomic groups was isolated. The system analysis of phylogenetic relationships of isolated strains was held. The techniques of cultivation of annamox and thiobacteria were improved.

The complex microbiological and chemical analysis of water and pore water of interstitial cavities of psammocontour zone in experimental areas of the Black Sea coastal zone was carried out for the first time. The content of opportunistic, sanitary-indicative microorganisms, allochthonous viruses; biogenic elements, the content of chemical toxicants and their genotoxic and mutagenic effects on the genome of isolated microorganisms has been estimated. For the first time the role of psammocontour zone microorganisms in the sea water purification from chemical toxicants and sanitary indicative microorganisms was determined. At the first time a new complex technology of bioremediation of the sea water based on the activation of the natural marine microbiota responsible for self-purification processes of the chemical and microbial contamination has been developed. For this purpose, the new strains of biochemically active bacteria-destructors (mineral oil, synthetic surfactants), which are good sorbents of heavy metal ions and demonstrate antagonistic properties have been isolated from seawater and interstitial pore waters of psammocontour zone of Zmiiniy Island, the coastal zone of the Odessa Bay near the Small Fountain Cape, Kovalevsky Dacha and 16th station of the Big Fountain. Identification of selected strains by classical methods, gas chromatography using the MIDI Sherlock automatic system of microorganism identification, RAPD-PCR method, by the detection of their physiological, molecular biological and biochemical properties has been carried out. For the first time microorganisms with multifunctional activity were selected by their biotechnological properties and also a complex of microorganisms active for the remediation of the aquatic environment from chemical pollutants and opportunistic bacteria was created. For the first time the optimum conditions and composition of nutrient medium for the cultivation of the individual components of complex microbial preparation were selected by the method of mathematical experiment planning. The technological regulations for the preparation production have been developed and its pilot batch has been prepared in the fermenter. For the first time the technology for the immobilization of microorganisms on the surface of the artificial flexible fabric materials has been designed. The laboratory studies using the developed complex microbial preparation have been conducted on the experimental models of psammocontour and biological filter on the artificial flexible fabric material such as "eyelash".

The adaptive properties of G. lucidum ONU F101 and A. auricula-judae F102 collection strains with practical importance in the cultivation have been clarified. It is found that the colony morphology of investigated basidiomycetes has wide modificational variability depending on the composition of the nutrient medium. This should be considered in the primary identification of the strains. The temperature regimes that allow the cultivation of vegetative mycelium of the strains have been determined. The optimum temperature was detected as 27 °C. The value of the growth coefficient and the morphology of colonies showed that the best substrates for the vegetative mycelium of G. lucidum were barley and buckwheat agars and for A. auricula-judae - potato-glucose and buckwheat agars. The number of carboxyl esterase isoforms of G. lucidum and A. auricula-judae mycelia differs significantly depending on the composition of the nutrient medium. Carboxyl esterases of A. auricula-judae have a greater variability than the those of G. lucidum. 7 forms of the enzyme were found in the mycelium of A. auricula-judae and two of them were constant while only five forms including two constant were detected in the mycelium of G. lucidum. The test strains have two common carboxyl esterase isoforms: constant form with Rf 0,510 and variable – with Rf 0,460. A methodology for the assessing the sustainability of basidiomycetes to pathogens is being developed.

The stability of collection medicinal basidiomycetes to pathogenic fungus Trichoderma viride has been determined. The technologies of the producing of fruiting bodies in the laboratory were desinged. Fruiting bodies of Ganoderma, Shii-take, Geritsiya and several strains of oyster mushrooms have been obtained. Their antibiotic capacity and the invluence on the pro- and eukaryotic organisms, as well as plant genome have been investigated.

The following scientific events were organized by the Department of Microbiology, Virology and biotechnology in recent years:

Meetings of scientific societies:

  • Х meeting of microbiological Society of Ukraine (2004);

Scientific conferences:

  • International conference «Microbial biotechnology» (2006);
  • International scientific conference for young scientist and students “Modern problems of microbiology and biotechnology’ (2007);
  • III International ukrainian-poland Weigl conference „Microbiology serves to human” (2009)
  • Ukrainian-poland conference "Modern questions of microbiology" (2009);
  • International conference "Ecology and biogeochemical activity of microorganisms" (Odesa, 2010);
  • II International scientific and applied conference “Modern resource saving technologies. Challenges and perspectives” (Odesa, 2012);
  • International conference for young scientists “Actual problems of microbiology and biotechnology” (2015)


  • Seminar "Project JSO-ERA – tasks, methods and expected results" (2010)
  • Seminar "Potential of British scientific sector in a field of biomaterials" РП7 people: opportunities for Ukrainian researchers in life sciences" (2010)
  • Seminar "Bio-Rad Laboratories", USA (2010)
  • Seminar "Bio-Rad Laboratories"", USA (2013)
  • International seminar on biomedical metabolomic, diagnostics and curing tuberculosis in the project РП7 (2013) according to program finansing Marie Curie «TB prognosis-IRSES; a workshop on biomedical metabolomics, TB diagnostics and treatment»

Summer schools:

  • The summer school «Molecular biology and biotechnology» is conducted annually since 2006.

Department of Human and Animal Physiology

The main focus of research of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology is the study of mechanisms of interneuron interactions in the cerebral cortex. The cellular mechanisms that underlie the paroxysmal activity of the cortex and other brain structures are actively explored. The mechanisms of neurotransmitter receptor systems of the central nervous system are studying by the scientists of Department. Much attention is paid to the study of new physiologically active substances, including those with neurotropic properties and their impact on the various systems of the body in conditions of experimental pathological condition.

The department's studies in recent years are related to the topic "Studying the state of physiological and biochemical systems of the body under the influence of harmful and extreme factors" (head is professor L. M. Karpov).

It is proved that activation not only inhibitory, but and excitatory systems can control the ability of cortical neurons to generate a seizure discharges. It can be assumed that in the conditions of a particular morphological and functional structural organization of the hippocampus and cortex, interactions between hippocampus and cortex, regular interictal spike activity of the ventral hippocampus is capable to controlling of the level of neuronal excitability in the cortical focus even in the absence of GABA-mediated inhibition. It is established (in experiments on rats), that for controlling seizures is inadvisable use of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, but GABA-ergic drugs - derivatives of GABA with pantothenic, homopantothenic and nicotinic acids are capable for effective suppressing the seizure activity in some epileptic models. It has been shown that the addition of natural antioxidants to the rats diet provide protection against the negative effects of radiation (lipid peroxidation, behavioral responses, etc).

In recent years by the Department of Human and Animal Physiology were organized the following scientific events:

  • The congresses of scientific societies:
  • XVIII Congress of the Ukrainian Physiological Society (2010)

The scientific conferences:

  • Odessa regional conferences on the morphology, physiology, pathology and clinical digestive (1993, 1997)
  • International Conference on the problems with digestion and absorption on the 100th anniversary of academician RO Faytelberha (2003)
  • International conference "Recent advances in zoological sciences (dedicated to the 120 anniversary of I. Puzanov and the 140th anniversary of Odessa National University Zoology Department)" (2005).

Summer school

Bank details for the transfer of the registration fee in euro:

company Name: PO “OSSB”,


The bank account of the company: 26004054412239

Name of the bank: Privatbank, 50 Naberezhnaya Pobedy St., Dnipro, 49094, Ukraine


IBAN Code: UA643287040000026004054412239

correspondent banks

Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401

SWIFT-code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF

correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

DETAILS OF PMNT Purpose of payment: “ The registration fee for participation in the conference "Modern problems of microbiology and biotechnology", or " Registration fee for participation in the Summer School " participant must indicate the name.

After completing the two weeks course, the participants of Summer School received the certificates, presented by Prof.


Одеська обласна державна адміністрація

Одеська обласна державна адміністрація
Одеська обласна державна адміністрація