Ministry of Education and Sciencе of Ukraine, State fond of fundamental research of Ukraine, Department of physics and astronomy of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Scientific Council of NASU on the problem "Physics of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices", Ukrainian Physical Society, the Academy of sciences of the higher school of Ukraine, V.E. Lashkaryov Institute for Semiconductor Physics of NASU, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Interdepartmental scientific-educational physics and technical centre of MES and NAS of Ukraine
7th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Sensor Electronics and
Microsystem Technologies (SEMST-7)”
(with the Exhibition of sensor developments and industrial samples)
“SEMST-7”, Ukraine, Odessa, May 30 – June 3, 2016
The aim of the conference and the exhibition is to review achievements in the field and to discuss modern problems in various branches of Sensorics.
- Chairmen Prof. V.A. Smyntyna (Odessa, Ukraine)
- Vice-chairmen Prof. A.D’Amico (Romе, Italy)
- Vice-chairmen NASU corresponding member A.E. Belyaev (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Vice-chairmen NASU corresponding member V.G. Litovchenko (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Scientific secretary Prof. Ya.I. Lepikh (Odessa, Ukraine)