Important step in the international collaboration: Ambassador of Japan visits ONU


On May 12 rector of the Odessa National University prof. I. KOVAL welcomed in his office a delegation of foreign guests headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine, Mr. SUMI Shigeki.


Mr. Ambassador was acquainted not only with the history and modern activities of the university, but also with the history of the Japanese language studies in ONU. It was emphasized upon the great interest among students towards Japanese culture and language.


After a meeting with the rector, Mr. Ambassador and guests visited the Institute of Social Sciences, where they met with the Institute director V. GLEBOV. The ISS Director informed the guests in details about the history and the present of the Institute and accompanied the guests to the Foreign Languages Centers.


Mr. Ambassador also attended the Japanese classes and met with Japanese students. The students communicated with the Japanese guests in Japanese, asked numerous questions, discussed the events of the world cultural life. The guests highly appreciated their professional level.


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