Program Title: Tempus IV “530599 – Tempus – 1 – 2012 – 1 – DE – Tempus – JPCR ‘Cross-media and quality journalism’ („Crossmedia und Qualitatsjurnalismus“)”.
Term:3 years (until 14 October 2015).
The project is financed by the European Union.
The amount of funding:1 251 046,00 €.
National Project Coordinator from Ukraine: Prof. Alexandr Aleksandrov, Department of Journalism of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
Members of the consortium:
- University, the Wien (Austria).
- Austrian Catholic University.
- “Lucian Blaga” University, the Sibiu (Romania).
- Evangelical Academy Siebenbiurgen, the Sibiu (Romania).
- State University of Moldova, the Chisinau (Moldova).
- Free University, the Chisinau (Moldova).
- European University, the Chisinau (Moldova).
- Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Ukraine).
- Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Gonchar (Ukraine).
- Sumy State University (Ukraine).
- Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. Fedkovich (Ukraine).
- Tavria National Vernadsky University (Ukraine).
- Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatiuk (Ukraine).
Beneficiaries: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Academy of Ukrainian Press (Kiev), Bavarian Radio and News Agency “Nord-Ost” (Germany).
Grant holder: University of Passau (Germany).
The goal of the project: restructuring of curricula to meet new opportunities and new working conditions of future journalists, as well as strengthening material and technical base of the universities that participate in the project. International training program must meet the requirements of the information society with its inherent structural changes that contribute to the improvement of education in the understanding of the Lisbon Strategy of the European Union.
The project “Cross-Media and quality journalism”, initiated by the University of Passau (Germany), is academic in nature and aimed at the creation of educational and methodical, scientific-methodological and logistical framework for the start of training in Ukraine the specialists on specialization “Cross-Media”.
During the activity of project 6 teachers of the Department of Journalism have participated in four theoretical seminars (Sibiu, Romania), as well as in teaching conference (Passau, Germany). Four students of the Department of Journalism participated in a student seminar on cross-media (Passau, Germany), and 2 students in the Summer School of Journalism (Sibiu, Romania). Also, 12 students participated in the Summer School of Journalism in Odessa, where they produced 2 movies. Teachers of the department of journalism developed, published and launched in the learning process 3 training programs for specialization “Cross-Media”, which take into account developments of Western European universities and, at the same time, are adapted to the domestic educational requirements and realities. Received and delivered to the balance of the University the technical equipment with total cost of 325 thousands hrn., namely, computer-pieces Apple iMac of latest generation, professional camcorders and cameras with the necessary accessories, etc. This equipment is used by students-masters for training on the specialization of “Cross-Media”.