Department of Zoology, Hydrobiology and General Ecology

Address of the department:

Faculty of Biology, 2, Champagne Lane, Odesa, 65058, Ukraine

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Head of the Department

Volodymyr Stoilovskyi

Doctor of sciences in biology, full professor

Secretary of the Department

Olga Deli

Candidate of sciences in biology (PhD), associate professor

Staff of the department

Teachers of the department

  1. Veniamin Zamorov, candidate of sciences in biology (PhD), associate professor, Dean of the Faculty of Biology
  2. Kateryna Chernychko, candidate of sciences in biology (PhD), associate professor
  3. Dmytro Kivganov, candidate of sciences in biology (PhD), associate professor
  4. Svitlana Pidhorna, candidate of sciences in biology (PhD), associate professor
  5. Denys Radionov, candidate of sciences in biology (PhD), associate professor

Training and support staff

  1. Irina Bogdanchik, engineer of the first category
  2. Olena Borsuk, senior laboratory assistant
  3. Asya Veretennikova, leading specialist

Specialization of the department

Zoology, fundamental and applied hydrobiology, ichthyology, ecology, protection and rational use of biological resources of natural ecosystems

The main directions of scientific activity of the department

  • The study of the species diversity of the animal world (faunistics, systematics), its role in nature and importance for humans.
  • The study of the variability of morphological features of animals of different systematic groups.
  • Parasitology (helminths, parasitic mites and insects).
  • Scientific substantiation of new and increase in existing areas of national parks, reserves, game reserves.
  • Study of fauna and ways of its protection in wetlands of Ukraine.
  • The study of bird migration routes, the distribution of certain species of vertebrates and invertebrates.
  • Complex hydrobiological studies of the northwestern part of the Black Sea and adjacent reservoirs (study of bottom ichthyofauna, macrozoobenthos, zoo- and phytoplankton, phytobenthos).
  • Research in the field of population ecology and the dynamics of the number of wild animals.
  • Improving the methods of differentiation of intraspecific groups of wild animals.
  • Research of products and biotic balance of coastal marine ecosystems.
  • Development of mathematical models for estimating the number and biomass of individual species of animals and plants in aquatic ecosystems.
  • Research in the field of conservation of biological diversity of natural ecosystems.
  • Development of technological bases for breeding, maintenance of rare and protected animal species.
  • Fundamentals of aquaculture and ethology of fish.
Scientific works of the staff of the Department Training courses taught at the Department History of the Department Teaching and methodical works of employees of the Department

The department cooperates with scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine, near and far abroad: Zoological Institute of National Academy of Science (NAS) of Ukraine, Kyiv National University, Melitopol Ornithological Station, State Melitopol Pedagogical University, Odesa Anti-Plague Institute, Odesa Quarantine Station, Institute "Biotechnics", Aix-Marseille University (Marseille, France), Institute om of marine biology of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Hydrobiology of NAS of Ukraine (m. Kyiv), Institute of Botany of the NAS of Ukraine (m. Kyiv), National Science and Natural History Museum of NAS of Ukraine (m. Kyiv), Institute of Fisheries of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv) , Odesa center of the Southern Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography.

Employees of the department are members of a number of Ukrainian and foreign scientific societies and working groups: the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds, the Ukrainian Entomological Society, the Ukrainian Parasitological Society, international working groups on the study of various groups of animals.

Employees of the department have participated and participate in international projects of WWF, BirdLife International, TACIS, EUCC, Black Sea states, governments of Ukraine and Greece, etc.

Employees of the department are members of the scientific and technical councils of the Danube Biosphere Reserve, the National Park "Nizhnednistrovsky", the Landscape Nature Park "Tuzly Lagoons", the Odesa Zoological Park.

The department advises practitioners on the definition of animals, their biology, cultivation, practical significance.

Graduates receive knowledge in fundamental and applied hydrobiology, ichthyology, ecology, ornithology, entomology, arachno-entomology, parasitology, protection and rational use of biological resources of natural ecosystems. Students master modern methods of researching the ecology of different groups of organisms, study the ecology of water bodies, biology and ecology of individual groups and the most important species, etc.

Among the graduates of the department there are employees of the Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute named after I.I. Mechnikov, the Ukrainian Center for Sea Ecology, the Institute of Marine Biology of the NAS of Ukraine, I. I. Schmalhausen Zoological Institute of the NAS of Ukraine (m. Kyiv), environmental institutions, Azov-Black Sea ornithological station (Melitopol), Biotechnics Center, WWF-Ukraine, ornithological service of airports, zoological parks and dolphinariums, Odesa Center of the Southern Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine; laboratories of various profiles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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