Fundamental Research Laboratory of Medicinal Product Synthesis

Updated 17.09.2015

Division Head: D. Biol. Sci., Prof. Galkin Boris Nikolaevich

Scientific employees:

Now PNIL-5 consists of 17 employees, post-graduate students and students. The scientific employees who have a scientific degree:

  • Galkin Boris Nikolaevich, the Head of Laboratory, D. Sci. Biol., Prof.
  • Soboleva Svetlana Grigorevna, Ph. D. of Chemistry, S. S. E.
  • Ishkov Yury Vasilevich, Ph. D. of Chemistry, S. S. E.
  • Vodzinskiy Sergey Valentinovich, Ph. D. of Chemistry, S. S. E.
  • Vostrova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Ph. D. of Chemistry, S. S. E.
  • Barinova Irina Evgenevna, Ph. D. of Biology, S. E.
  • Stankevich Elena Alekseevna, Ph. D. of Biology, S. S. E.

The Historical Information.

Problem Research Laboratory of Medicine Synthesis of I.I.Mechnikov Odessa National University was created in 1971 according to the decision of USSR Council of Ministers 462-9.
The basic scientific direction - «Purposeful basic researches of medicine synthesis for medicine needs and synthesis of practical importance organic compounds ».
The founder and the first supervisor of the Laboratory (1971-1983) was the famous scientist, the member of the USSR Science Academy A.V. Bogatsky. He has been awarded the title of the State premium laureate for scientific and organizational activity contribution, also three “Krasnoe Znamya” orders, USSR and VDNH medals have been given to him.

After untimely A.V. Bogatsky’s death the famous scientist in the field of physiologically active substance chemistry, the member of NASU, the A.V. Bogatsky Physical-Chemical Institute Head S.A. Andronati became the supervisor of this Laboratory. Under his supervision the PLMS-5 staff has continued scientific program performance on the instruction of USSR Council of Ministers and development of A.V. Bogatsky’s scientific school. The new scientific research directions have created and training of students and highly skilled specialist has begun under its initiative. The basic researches were carried out within the bounds of priority directions «Medicines and Medical Technics » (1981-1991); «to Develop and Apply in Practice Methods and Ways of Precautions, Diagnostics and Treatment of Alcoholism» (1986-1991); «to Develop, Apply in Practice Methods, Ways of Diagnostics and Disturbance Correction of the Human Internal Environment» (1986), and also the All-Union program of the major basic researches «Macrocyclic Complexons and Their Analogues» (1983-1990) and the direction «Human Health».

For years of the Laboratory existence there have been defended 8 thesis for a Doctor’s degree and 20 Ph. D. ones. During different years in PLMS-5 the famous scientists, a lot of whom have been studied here, worked: the member of NASU, the honored worker of Ukrainian Science and Technics, N.Ya. Golovenko; D. Sci. Biol., Prof., T.L. Karaseva; D. Sci. Chem., Prof., Z.I. Zhilina; D. Sci. Biol., Prof., V.G. Zinkovsky; D. Sci. Biol., Prof., O.V. Zhuk; D. Sci. Biol., Prof., T.O. Filippova; Ph. D. of Chemistry, Senior Scientific Employee, L.N. Jakubovskaya; Ph. D. of Chemistry and Biology, G.Yu. Kolomeychenko; E.I. Nazarov; O.P. Rudenko and many other persons.

Scientific activity

The basic scientific interests of PLMS-5 employees:

  • Synthesis, studying of structure, properties, biological activity, dependence “structure-activity” among pyperazine and pyrimidine derivatives to create anxiolytic, antihypoxant and working capacity stimulators (Soboleva S.G.).
  • Studying of the substitute influence on physical and chemical properties of synthetic meso-substituted porphyrin metal complexes (Ishkov Yu.V., Vodzinskiy S.V., Kirichenko A.M.).
  • Studying of human internal environment protective mechanisms from harmful environmental influence (Galkin B.N., Barinova I.E.).
  • Studying of immunopharmacological and immunotoxicological properties of new synthetic and natural substances (Prof. of Microbiology and Virology Department Filippova T., Ph. D. students).
  • Synthesis, structure and chemical transformation studying of nitrogenous mesoheterocycles as potential biologically active compounds (Vostrova L., Grenaderova M.).
  • Complex studying of synthetic porphyrin and their metal complex biological activity (photosensitizing, antimicrobic, hepatoprotective, antiviral activity) (Galkin B.N., Prof. of Microbiology and Virology Department Filippova T., Ishkov Yu., Vodzinskij S., Rusakova M., Vodzinskaya N., Ph. D. students, students of Biological and Chemical Departments).
  • Complex studying of nitrogenous mesoheterocycles characterized by antimicrobic, antiviral and antifungal properties (Galkin B.N., Vostrova L.N., Grenadyorova M.V., Prof. of Microbiology and Virology Department Filippova T., Rusakova M., Vodzinskaya N., Ph. D. students, students of Biological and Chemical Departments).

The 7 monographies, about 500 scientific articles in leading domestically produced and foreign journals, over 400 reports at conferences, congresses, symposiums by the basic research results of these directions have been made. In collaboration with A. V. Bogatsky Physical-Chemical Institute of NASU (Odessa) and the Pharmacology Institute AMS were obtained the first domestically produced tranquilizer - phenazepam and a daily tranquilizer - hidazepam.
There were obtained over 30 copyright certificates (patents) and two USSR VDNH medals. A number of new nootropics, antihypoxants, immunomodulators, stimulators of working capacity development is at the Laboratory rule level.

Interactions with the Ukrainian and International Organizations

From 1975 till 1985 the scientific researches were carried out within «Academy-University scientific complex of organic chemistry and catalysis» limits on the instruction of A.V. Bogatsky. Staff: A.V. Bogatsky Physical-Chemical Institute of NASU (Odessa), Department of Organic Chemistry and PLMS-5 of I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University. From 1999 within the limits of the chemical-pharmaceutical complex of the Education and Sciences Ministry and NASU on the instruction of the member of the NASU Andronati S.A.

The joint researches

The joint researches are carried out actively with the Pharmacology and Toxicology Institute of NASU, A.A.Bogomolets Physiology Institute of NASU, with the International Society on Xenobiotic Studying JSSI; Molecular and Nuclear Physics Institute of NAS Byelorussia.

Scientific contacts

  • Microbiology and Virology Institute of NASU, Kiev; Virology Department of T.G. Shevchenko National University, Kiev.

The Information for potential partners

  • Collaboration in the field of organic synthesis, research of synthetic and natural porphyrin and their metal complex pharmacological properties (grants obtaining).
  • In collaboration with NASU PCI we obtained the plant melanin extraction technology and its pharmacological properties were shown. Plant melanin can be of interest for cosmetic firms and firms which produce food supplements.

All organic compound class synthesis can be of interest for potential partners.

Contact information

Ukraine, 65058, Odessa, st. Dovzhenko 7а, ОNU, PLMS-5
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24


Vsevoloda Zmiienka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15


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