Sadchenko Elena Vasilyevna

Academic title Professor, Professor (dr.hb.) Higher School of Economics and Humanities (Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiko-Humanistyczna (Bielsko-Biała, Polska)
Position Head of Department of Marketing and Business Administration
Education higher education
Title of dissertation work
- Doctor dissertation "Theoretical and methodological foundations of environmental marketing" (2005)
- Candidate dissertation "Economic and environmental evaluation of water consumption efficiency in industry" (1987)
Teaching experience
- Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
- Licensing (2015) and accreditation (2017) for training specialists at the Odessa National University named I.I. Mechnikov on the educational and qualification level of the master - 0306 Management and administration; 8.03060101 Management of organizations and administration (by types of economic activity).
Member of the expert committee to conduct licensing examination in the specialty 8.03060101 "Management and administration (by economic activity). - Member of the Scientific Council ONU I.I. Mtchnikov.
Head of the State Examination Commission at Odessa National Economic University, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa National Polytechnic University, International Humanitarian University. - Member of Specialized Academic Councils of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine (Odessa) and the National Mining University of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk).
- Organization of the First International Congress „Modern aspects of harmony mathematics and ist application in the economy, science, technology, society and education“ (2010)
- Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Strategic Management", National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Faculty of Management and Marketing (2018, 2019, 2020).
- Member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (Certificate No. 391 of 02.07.2019)
- Consultant, Oxford Academics - marketing expertise of environmental projects, marketing planning for environmental management - from 2016 to the present.
Professional skills and knowledge
- Official reviewer of expert committee under the UN project "Integration of Rio Convention provisions in the national policy of Ukraine."
- Accreditation expert for educational programs (contract E-19-0891 of November 27, 2019).
- Conceptual positions of environmental marketing and developed lectures "Fundamentals of Environmental Marketing" were positively assessed in the Central European University in Budapest in 1999.
- Conceptions of marketing, theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of implementation of environmental marketing in the coast area of Ukraine, organization and regulation of marketing activity by improving the economic and environmental cadastral mechanism were tested during the project work of the MacArthur Foundation
- "Solving Problems of nature management and conservation of biodiversity of coastal areas in Ukraine: economic and ecological know-how to the local authorities".
- Developer of research project in the problem of "preserve and maintain knowledge, related to biodiversity, innovation and traditional forms of natural resources of local authorities" of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
- Developer of memos "Conceptual and methodological basis for the creation of marine economic and environmental cadastre of Ukraine", "Environmental Passport environmental of the subject", "Project of regional passport of environmental infrastructure", "Lean Production", etc.
- Supervisor: Topic number 206 "Managing transformation processes at different levels of economic and ecological systems" was from 05.01.2009. to 12.31.2013 p.
- Supervisor: Topic number 135 "Theoretical and methodological foundations of societal control systems in terms of innovation and environmental development" (2015 - 2020).
- Supervisor: Topic number 208 “Marketing Systems and Management Technologies in Multilevel Convergence” (01.01.2020 to 12.31.2024).
- A member of the editorial board of the scientific journal MIND (Poland), "Economics and Management" (Bulgaria), "Entrepreneurship" (Bulgaria).
Internships and grants
- Grant of Soros for an internship at the Central European University (Budapest) 1999;
- Grant from the MacArthur Foundation (USA) on economic and environmental issues of 2001.
- Internships: European experience in the organization of scientific researches and educational work in marketing and management at university (Poland, 2016),
- Scientific and pedagogical internship in Spain at ESEI International Business School Barcelona "Experience in training highly qualified staff, organization of the training process and innovative teaching methods at ESEI International Business School Barcelona" (Spain, 2017).
- Internship: Project approach in organizing the learning process in Finland. (West Finnish College. 1. Certificate received (108 hours). 2. Certificate english course received. Sadchenko Olena successfully completed an examination equivalent to level B2 of proficiency in English (Finland, 2018).
- Professor Sadchenko Olena has been issued and confirms that she has attended theoretical and practical training “Ensuring the Social Potential of the Labor Market” at the Centrum Integracji Spolecznej w Jelesni (Poland, 2019).
- Sumy State University, Department of Economics and Business Administration (2013), Odessa State Environmental University, Department of Environmental Management (2011).
Awards and grants
- Honorary Diploma of the Odessa Regional Council,
- Certificates of IPREEI NAS of Ukraine for fruitful scientific activity.
- "Research and Innovation Management", "Business and Sustainable Development", "Environment and Politics", "Partnership for Democracy for the health of the nation",
- “Modern aspects of harmony mathematics and its application in the economy, science, technology, society and education“, "The social and geographical problems in East Central Europe in the early 21st century", Perspective directions of scientific researches(United Kingdom), Problems of development modern science: theory and practice (Madrid, España), Economics, management, law: сhallenges and prospects (New Delhi, India), Economics, management, law: realities and perspectives (Paris, France),
- Economy and Society: Modern Foundation For Human Development (Leipzig, Germany), European experience in organization of scientific researches and educational work in marketing and management at university (Poland), Teoria I praktyka marketingu terytorialnego – techniki promocji miast I gmin (Poland). «Certyfikat znajomości języka polskiego» (średni ogólny B2). Poznań et al.
Membership in professional associations Ukrainian Association of Marketers
Area of research interests Management, marketing, systems synthesis in management and marketing, environmental management, innovation management, environmental marketing, system synthesis in management, public administration, environmental economics, quality management, recreation.
Foreign languages English, Polish
Scientific research
Google Scholar – Olena Sadchenko
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LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (more than 250 scientific papers and there are articles in Scopus)
- Садченко О.В. Бережливе підприємство / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова. – Одеса: Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова, 2014. – 116 с.
- Садченко О.В. Контроллінг / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова. – Одеса: Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова, 2013. – 172 с.
- Садченко О.В. Економіки природокористування / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова, Андерсон Н.В., Ничитайлова М.С. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2011. – 185 с.
- Садченко О.В. Економіка підприємства: навчально-методичний посібник / О.В.Садченко, Ю.С. Філіпков. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2010. – 128 с.
- Садченко О.В. Основи науково-технічної та інноваційної політики в Україні: навчально-методичний посібник / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2010. – 84 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Динамические процессы в природоохранной деятельности: современные маркетинговые тенденции: монография / Попова М.А., Садченко Е.В. НАН Украины, Ин-т пробл. рынка и экон.-экол. исследов. Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 2020. 180 с.
- Теоретико-методичні основи управління соцієтальними системами в умовах інноваційно-екологічного розвитку: маркетингові аспекти: монографія/ під ред. д.е.н., проф. О. В. Садченко, к.ф.-м. н., доц. Ю.В. Робула. Одеса: ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова МОН України, 2020. 99 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Экономико-экологические риски в хозяйственной деятельности: монография / Е.В. Садченко, М.Н. Барчан; НАН Украины, Ин-т пробл. рынка и экон.-экол.исследов. - Одеса: ІПРЕЕД НАН України, 2016. – 222 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Принципы и концепции экологического маркетинга: Монография. – Одесса: Астропринт, 2002. – 400 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Экологический маркетинг: понятия, теория, практика и перспективы развития / Е.В. Садченко Е.В., С.К. Харичков. – Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 2001. – 146 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Зоны экологического бедствия и решение их проблем на основе развития СЭЗ / Е.В. Садченко, А.И. Мартиенко. – Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 1999. – 120 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Предпринимательство в зонах экологического бедствия (Чернобыльский регион) / Е.В. Садченко, А.И. Мартиенко. – Одесса: УМАОИ Консалтинг,1998. – 111 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Совершенствование системы экономических механизмов природопользования (территориальный аспект) / Харичков С.К., Садченко Е.В., Мартиенко А.И., Спинатий Л.С. – Деп. в ВИНИТИ 13.09.1993, №2408, 1993. – 103 с.
- Садченко Е.В. Технико-экономические показатели использования и охраны водных ресурсов / Ковалева Н.Г., Ковалев В.Г., Харичков С.К., Садченко Е.В. / Эффективность водохозяйственной деятельности на морском транспорте. – М.: «Транспорт», 1988. – 144 с.
- Elene Sadchenko. Odpowiedzialność biznesu za środowisko jako instrument kształtowania gospodarki marketingowej na Ukrainie // Innowacje a dobrostan społeczeństwa, gospodarki i przedsiębiorstw Próba pomiaru / Malara Zbigniew, Tutaj Jerzy (red.). Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 2019. С. 197-207. (259 s.) ISBN: 978-83-7493-093-2.
- Sadchenko O. O socjetalnym systemie innowacyjnego rozwoju społeczeństwa // Innovations in science, society, economis: monograph (Poland) Scientific editing Zbigniew Malara, Jan Skonieczny. Wroclaw, Wroclaw Polytechnic Institute, 2018. Pg.87-95.