Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Head of Department - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Lomachynska Iryna

Gornyak Olha V.

Odessa, Frantsuzsʹkyy bulʹvar 24/26, room 4n (2nd floor)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



We sincerely welcome you on the webpage of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship Faculty of Economics and Law Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the department is preparing bachelors in the educational and professional program "Economics and Legal Regulation of Business", which optimally combines deep theoretical and practical training of a future specialist who knows the laws of economic development and the laws of doing business and its legal regulation. This combination allows you to create high competitive advantages and provides career growth for a specialist.
Respectfully, Lomachynska Iryna


The feature of the current stage of economic development is the emergence of new areas and directions of economic activity, which, generally, are associated with an increase in the level of digitalization, intellectualization, globalization, which necessitates empirical studies of real processes and phenomena using applied models, econometrics, and the development of interdisciplinary relations between the economics and other sciences, primarily psychology, political science, law, the use of economic laws in non-economic activities.

As a result, a new «model of an economist» is being formed, the features of which are integrated knowledge in the field of economics, law and business, finance and management; knowledge of informational technologies, foreign languages; knowledge, skills, competencies according to world standards; close connection between theory and practice; continuing education or «lifelong learning».

All these requirements are best met by the specialty "ECONOMICS", which forms a comprehensive economic outlook of a modern specialist, who is able to independently analyze and predict socio-economic and business processes in the country and in the world economy, identify and evaluate modern transformations in the economic space, formulate economic policy on the micro - and macro level, organize their own business activities in accordance with the legal regulation.

The Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship is a graduate of:

  1. First level of higher education (bachelor's degree)- educational and professional program " ECONOMICS AND LEGAL REGULATION OF BUSINESS" – guarantor – doctor of economics, Associate Professor Lomachynska Iryna A.
  2. First level of higher education (bachelor's degree) – educational and professional program "ECONOMICS" – guarantor – candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor Skorokhod Iryna P.
  3. Second level of higher education (master's degree) – educational and professional program "ECONOMICS" – guarantor – candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor Kryuchkova Natalya M.
  4. Third (educational and research/ educational and creative) level of higher education – educational and professional program " ECONOMICS" – guarantor – doctor of economics, Professor Gorniak Olga

A peculiarity of training at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University is the optimal combination of fundamental theoretical training, research and practice. University education stimulates creativity, students and teachers active communication, individualization of students learning process, socialization, internationalization; forms the ability to adapt to external conditions. All of this is provided by a high level of teaching staff qualification; the use of advanced training technologies; a combination of advanced foreign experience gained by teachers internships at leading universities of Europe and the USA, research experience and practice in the field of finance, banking, accounting and auditing, economic analysis and consulting, public administration; systematic lectures given by foreign professors, well-known economists, financiers, managers; students traineeships and further education in the European and North American universities.
Our graduates work successfully in the leading companies and institutions of Ukraine: "Odessa Regional Energy Saving Company», Maersk Ukraine Ltd, Telecard, Inter Service Plus Student Exchanges Agency, Company «Odessaoblenergo», Luxoft, Transinvestservice (TIS) Group of Terminals, Bank “Vostok", Odessa City Council, Odessa Regional State Administration, Cigar House "Fortuna", C.M.T.Ltd, Pucelik Consulting Group, RISOIL SA, “Oschadbank", "UkrSibbank", Ltd "Tavria V" and others.
Our graduates work successfully in the world leading companies and institutions: Federal Reserve Bank (Boston, USA), Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China), HSBC Holdings plc, Ernst & Young, Université Paris Nord: Paris XIII (Paris, France), BNP Paribas (Geneva, Switzerland) SA, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France) and others.




Specialty 051 "Economics" is a comprehensive economic worldview of a modern specialist who is able to independently analyze, plan, modeling, forecast socio-economic and business-processes in the country and the world economy, identify and evaluate modern transformations in the economic space, form economic policy, organize one's own business activities.

The career of an economist is an incredibly diverse and interesting activity:

  • Researching economic problems and finding effective ways to solve them on basic innovativeness, human capital development, virtualization, customer orientation, responsibility;
  • Development and implementation of economic policy, innovative strategies for the competitive development of the state and business entities in the national and international legal environment;
  • Analysis and modeling of attitudes and behavior of consumers, producers, competitors, substantiation of effective business decisions in conditions of uncertainty;
  • Planning and forecasting of economic activity, market trends based on the analysis of a large array of data using modern information and communication technologies;
  • Organization of one's own creative business activities, professional consulting of business entities regarding the efficiency and rationalization of their economic decisions.

First (bachelor) level of higher education Educational program "Economics and legal business regulation" qualification: Bachelor in Economics

modern integrated knowledge in the field of economy, business, law, forming a complete system effective skills and competencies regarding successful economic policy and entrepreneurship activities in the international and national legal environment. The educational program is optimal combines fundamental theoretical and applied training, innovative skills and competence of a graduate who understands the laws of economics, is able to successfully and creatively carry out professional activities!

As a result of training, you will acquire professional competences:

  • Extraordinary, critical thinking, creative approach to knowledge of economic processes and phenomenon; development of analytical skills;
  • Fundamental training in economics and economic policy, theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of entrepreneurial activity and legal regulation of business;
  • Skills of organization and development of own business activities, business planning and business diagnostics, business consulting, efficiency and ensuring competitiveness of business entities on domestic and international markets;
  • Possession of modern methods of search, processing, analysis and use of large arrays of information, business analysis, economic statistics, business modeling, automation and business process management;
  • Mastering the principles and methods of making and implementing management decisions, organization enterprise communications, human resources management, investments, innovations, development and implementation of strategies for the development of various types of economic entities economic activity and organizational and legal forms.

Graduates of the specialty are highly competitive specialists on the labor market in various countries branches and types of activities, in particular:

  • Organization and development of own business activities, both small and large enterprises;
  • Economic, financial, investment, innovation, foreign economic activities private business structures and state administration bodies;
  • Justification of economic decisions, in particular in the context of legal regulation of business activities;
  • Economic analytics, review and business expertise, business and industry analysis, analysis of international markets;
  • Economic policy at the micro, macro, and mega levels;
  • Business planning, business design, business diagnostics;
  • Consulting on economic issues, efficiency and business development activities;
  • Development and implementation of enterprise strategies on domestic and international markets;
  • Organization of activities of economic systems using economic-mathematical one's methods and information

The second (master's) level of higher education Educational program "Economics" qualification: Master in Economics

preparation for research and management activities, analytical work, scientific consulting in the field of economic activity and public administration based on mastering modern economic thinking, theoretical and applied knowledge skills, ability to solve research and management tasks and problems functioning of economic systems of various levels in conditions of uncertainty.

As a result of studies in the "Economics" specialty, you will acquire professional competences:

  • Identify and solve complex economic tasks and problems, make appropriate analytical and managerial decisions in the field of economics or in the learning process, conduct research under uncertain conditions and requirements;
  • Ability to generate new ideas, develop projects and manage them;
  • Possession of modern information technologies, methods and methods of research of economic and social processes, adequate to the established research needs, to determine the key trends of socio-economic and human development;
  • Skills to formulate professional tasks in the field of economics and solve them, choosing appropriate directions and appropriate methods for solving them, taking into account available resources, justifying management decisions regarding the effective development of economic entities, assessing possible risks, socio-economic consequences management decisions.
  • The ability to plan and develop projects in the field of economics, to implement its informational, methodical, material, financial and personnel support.
  • The ability to identify and critically evaluate the key trends of socio-economic development and apply them to the formation of new models of economic systems and processes.


Graduates of the "Economics" educational program of the second (master's) level of higher education have the opportunity to obtain a double diploma within the framework of the double diploma program between Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University and the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy).

The third (educational and scientific) level of higher education Educational program "Economics" scientific degree: doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Economics

development of general and professional competences to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel for scientific research, analytical work, scientific consulting in the field of economic activity and public administration, as well as teaching work. The main focus is the acquisition of research skills for a scientific, analytical, teaching career in the field of economics, as well as commercialization of research results and knowledge transfer. The scientific component is based on studies of the processes of institutionalization of socio-economic activities of economic entities at different levels of the economy, which reflect the features of the modern stage of the formation of economic institutions in the conditions of economic transformations, decentralization, and external challenges.

STUDENTS of specialty 051 "ECONOMICS" at Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University:

Actively participate in various scientific seminars, conferences, trainings, olympiads and competitions, business education projects, social projects.

a7 a8  a9 a10

Initiate public events, excursions, take an active part in charity events, such as helping animals in the "Ark" shelter and realizing the dreams of orphans and children from low-income families on New Year's Eve together with the "Path to Home" Foundation.

Visit various excursions, participate in various university events, such as open-door days, spring and autumn economic schools for high school students, the "Mechnikov Day" presentation festival in the botanical garden of Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University.

Organize and conduct entertaining student events.



In the leading companies and institutions of Ukraine: Maersk Ukraine Ltd, Telekart-Prylad LLC, Inter Service Plus Student Exchanges Agency, JSC DTEK Odeski Elektromerezhi, Luxoft, Netpeak, Terminal Group Transinvestservice (TIS), Vostok Bank, MTB Bank , Southern Thermal Company, LLC "Tavria-V" and others.

In leading companies and institutions of the world: Federal Reserve Bank (Boston, USA), Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China), HSBC Holdings plc (Great Britain), ZIM Integrated Shipping Services (Israel), Ernst & Young, University of Paris-North XIII (Paris, France), BNP Paribas (Geneva, Switzerland) SA, Sophia-Antipolis University (Nice, France), Keyloop (Canada), Raval (Israel) and others.


Our graduates


Tanasova Natalia (graduated in 2019)

place of work – SEO specialist at Netpeak

“At one time, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University became for me a kind of lifeline. I didn’t just enter the university as an applicant, but at the moment when hostilities began in the east of Ukraine and I had to leave, and after a year of study, I didn’t know if I could return, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University opened the door for me, and I became a volunteer at the university. At that time, it was the necessary support, and the whole stage was very simple, for which I am very grateful. From the 2nd year, I found a new alma mater that raised me. Our department is a real second family - you are not just a student - you are a friend, a child, an ally, a colleague, and you can always be open in everything. Teachers do not just give lectures, they teach - they teach to study and ask questions, they teach how not to forget to turn on the brain at the right time, they will always help and support, in response to respect for their work. The teachers of the department are people who know what they are talking about, and why, and it is no less important where to apply it, and they will always answer all your questions. I deliberately went to this specialty, economics is a universal specialty for all fields of activity. It is always relevant, as well as a large selection of areas where you can work.”

Salyuk-Kravchenko Oleksandr (graduate in 2018)

place of work – head of the state property control sector of the central office of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, candidate of economic sciences

After postgraduate studies at the Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University and defending my dissertation, I received the most precious thing for professional activity - respect in the circles of scientists, civil servants and representatives of business circles, which constantly helps me grow as a professional and go towards my goal. The solid knowledge gained during postgraduate studies and during the conduct of scientific research is the basis for continuous further education, expansion of the worldview and career growth. The strength of the postgraduate training at the department is the faculty, which is the key and basis for high-quality and prestigious education for postgraduates and doctoral students.

Prokofiev Alexey

place of work – Intermediate Quality Assurance Analyst Keyloop Canada

“Years of postgraduate study at the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University gave me a vision of what modern economic opinion is, how to work effectively on economic and managerial problems, gave me an understanding of the principles of scientific ethics. I am deeply grateful to my supervisor, Professor Olga Gornyak, who suggested an inspiring topic for my Ph.D. thesis and taught me many of the tools that I still use in my research and practice. Postgraduate study provided opportunities to broaden my horizons in my managerial career, providing inspiration to open new markets and forge international mutually beneficial relationships.”

Irina Koneva (graduated in 2018)

place of work - Business Regency Group

“Studying at the university is one of the brightest pages in your life, the teachers said, forcing us to attend classes). And what can I tell you now? It really is :). As a graduate of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, I understand that by entering the specialty "Economic Theory" I made the only right choice. In my classmates, I found friends with whom I learned: to overcome difficulties, to develop and become better. Special thanks to them for a wonderful student time. I want to thank our teachers, who not only taught but also instilled a love for economics. Special thanks for the education, motivation and inspiration for self-development. For my personal competitiveness in the country's labor market as a human resource. After all, as a 4th year student, I passed the competition for a position in the Mozart Hotel Group, which launched my successful career in the hotel industry. I am grateful to Skorokhod Irina and Lomachinska Irina for the opportunities to prove themselves, for interesting cases, heated discussions and multivariate approaches to the right decisions. Thank you for being and staying by my side. I wish you further success and scientific achievements. I wish the university not to stop there, to receive more and more international awards, to educate talented youth within its walls. Students should not be passive, because student years are the period when it is possible to realize oneself. And for teachers - patience and more talented and purposeful students!

Chernous Daria (graduated in 2018)

place of work - in the food industry

“In 2012, I entered the specialty “Economic Theory”, where I received a huge amount of knowledge and skills, and subsequently received a master's degree with honors. During the training I received a huge amount of knowledge and skills, then received a master's degree with honors. The teaching staff of the department are professional specialists who perform their work qualitatively. Since 2017, until now, I have been working as an accountant and head of the automation department in a company engaged in the production and sale of food products. I want to express my gratitude to the leadership of the faculty, all the teaching staff and separately to Irina Skorokhod and Irina Lomachinska for an innovative approach to teaching disciplines, for humanity and sincerity towards students. Thanks to you, your level of responsibility, conscientiousness and discipline, I received high academic achievements and received a prestigious profession.”

Putikhov Andrey (2018 year of release)

place of work - Head of the Central Branch of PJSC "MTB Bank" in Chernomorsk

“What you need to know about Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University? I received two educations at this university and I can say with confidence that the teaching staff is beyond praise.If our goals coincide with you: - obtaining knowledge, not "paper"; - the desire to develop; - communicate with teachers who explain the topic, and not just read from the textbook; - receive a diploma thanks to your own knowledge. Then you are here! Economics and Entrepreneurship at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University are really glad to see you. Good luck to you, dear applicants!”

Davydovich Ilya (2015)

place of work - Bank "Vostok"

“Studying in the specialty “Economic theory” gave me an understanding of what the modern economy is and how to use the acquisition of knowledge in everyday life. In addition, thanks to the study of most interrelated disciplines, I finally understood in what area I want to build my career and develop - in banking. But most of all I am grateful to the teachers for teaching me the most important thing: structured and logical economic thinking, the skills to analyze the available information and draw conclusions from it. The university provided me with excellent knowledge, allowed me to combine my studies with professional activities.”

Oleinichenko Artem (graduated in 2015)

place of work - the department of documentary organizational support of the Odessa City Council, chief specialist of the control sector of the organizational department of the department.

“You can say a lot of good, or not so much, about any educational institution. However, the most important thing is who teaches you and how exactly, because it directs you to that thorny path that everyone should follow. Having entered the specialty "Economics", I could not expect that I would devote eight whole years of my life to it, starting with a bachelor's degree and ending with graduate school. During this period, I was: the head of the trade union bureau of the institute for five whole years, having led many young students along the road not only to study, but also to deepen them into the cultural and mass life of our university and instill love in the university, colleagues with whom they study, attract them to sports as the basis of a friendly team and a new family; a member of the university team in water polo and swimming, to which he devoted seven years, receiving the first team award; lazy student at the start of their studies, and graduate with honors. However, all this would not have happened if I had not entered my specialty, in which I received tremendous life experience, the opportunity to realize myself as a person, and most importantly, the opportunity to get an answer to the question “Who am I?”.

Du Chunbu (graduated in 2012, postgraduate student)

place of work - researcher at the Center for the Study of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Institute for Finance and Economic Research, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Institute for Finance and Economics Research, Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Center), PhD in Economics

“Postgraduate studies at the Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought made it possible to obtain a thorough knowledge of economics, to prepare and successfully defend a dissertation for a candidate of economic sciences. This ensured rapid career growth. At the Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing), I was offered a job related to research, which is very prestigious in China. The knowledge gained in graduate school provided an opportunity to successfully conduct research on topical issues for the Chinese economy and work with graduate students. In addition, I continue to study the economy and financial system of Ukraine. Studying in graduate school, I received not only knowledge, but also learned the methodology of teaching academic disciplines, pedagogical techniques and skills, which ensured the achievement of my goal - to become a highly qualified teacher. The realization of my dreams is a confirmation of the high quality of postgraduate training at the department. I believe that the strength of the postgraduate training at the department is the teaching staff and the structure of the educational process, which is optimally balanced in terms of theory and practice.”

Irina Pugacheva (graduated in 2012)

place of work - Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Information Dissemination, Communications with Users and the Public Department of the Main Department of Statistics in the Odessa Region

“For 5 years of study in the specialty “Economic Theory” at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, I acquired theoretical knowledge and gained practical work skills. A feature of this specialty is that the teachers of the department give students fundamental knowledge in various fields of the economy. The problems and questions that we solved during the training are just steps, overcoming which you enter a new adult life. It was very interesting at the practical classes when you actually develop a business plan, do a SWOT analysis, conduct marketing research and create advertising. And this is only a small part of what we encountered during our studies. The acquired knowledge allows you to choose exactly the field of activity that you like and realize yourself in your professional life based on the university.”

Polinenko Dmitry (graduated in 2010)

place of work - an expert in a consulting company, an auditor of the Big Four company

“Over the past few years, I have established myself in the opinion that the Department of Economic Theory and the History of Economic Thought provides the best economic education in Odessa. After graduation, a fairly wide range of areas for work opens up, ranging from business process analysis to financial analysis. The classes on financial analysis, business planning, marketing, econometrics, as well as the general theoretical base, which allows one to confidently navigate the economic environment, turned out to be useful. In particular, a number of areas covered in the courses of microeconomics and enterprise economics are at a sufficient level to pass several ACCA international qualification exams.”

Islamgaleeva Olga (2009)

place of work - representative of the Odessa Construction and Infrastructure Company in the EU

“Studying within the walls of ONU allowed me to take a fresh look at the world, shaped my life positions and views, revealed my abilities and talents, gave me confidence in myself and in achieving my goals. The knowledge gained, the experience of teachers, the general atmosphere of university education have become an important and indispensable component in my life and served as a good start to my professional activity. I would like to wish the department fruitful scientific work, which will be in demand and necessary for the development of not only the theoretical base, but also the practical sphere of activity of the Ukrainian and world economy as a whole. Teaching staff - health, good luck, strength, patience, desire to create, teach, create, as well as diligent, purposeful students and, of course, worthy material funding for the department and its projects from the state, private and corporate investors who understand the importance and significance of science ".

Leivikov Sergey (2008)

place of work - director of LLC "Oblteplo" and "Southern Thermal Company", adviser to the head of the Odessa Regional Council.Formerly – Energy Efficiency Consultant at UNDP in Ukraine, Director of KP “Odessa Regional Energy Saving Company”, Advisor to the Head of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency

“Despite the rather difficult relationship with university studies, it was the native “Economic Theory” and the surrounding student opportunities that navigated the difficult task of finding their strengths and vocations. University education and atmosphere has been and is indispensable, no matter how digital technologies develop there. The ability to learn, highlight the important, quickly study, quickly forget and just think - these important skills were honed precisely on "economic theory". Probability theory and solid mathematics have formed an important way of looking at things - to see numbers in everything and their relationship. And KVN, trade union committee, student newspapers "Odessa University" and "Image" provided socialization and friends for life.

Sidletska (Verbovetskaya) Anna (graduated in 2008)

place of work - entrepreneurial activity in various fields

“The knowledge gained at the university gave me the opportunity to be confident in my abilities, not to stop in front of difficulties, to achieve my goals. The greatest wealth that a student receives after graduation from the university is not memorized formulas or theories, but the ability to think, analyze and make the right strategic decisions. I wish further prosperity to my beloved and native department, and to all teachers - health, patience and talented students.”

Shatokhina Ekaterina (graduated in 2008)

place of work – Risoil SA Company, economist of the department of foreign economic activity.

“The knowledge gained during the five-year study in the specialty “Economic Theory”, although I didn’t need absolutely everything, I want to note that those that were useful and that I use right now in my work have significantly “simplified my life”. I am grateful to the teachers who put this knowledge into my head and taught me how to use it effectively and correctly. I would like to wish the department and specialty development, success and prosperity, and of course good students, whom you will be proud of and who will be proud that they studied exactly where they studied.

Timofeeva Veronika (graduated in 2005)

place of work - her own business in the field of silk screen printing.

“My choice of major in Economics was important and successful. The versatile knowledge of economics gained, as well as the very system by which we studied, allowed me later on to more easily and quickly delve into the essence of the tasks that were set for me at work. Thanks to this, I was able to accumulate the necessary experience for further development in business. Today I use the resulting base for understanding economic processes in my business activities: to analyze business situations, predict the future development of the company, to better understand market processes, the relationships between markets, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the economic instruments used. Today I can definitely say that economic knowledge is necessary for everyone who wants to succeed in career growth or business. When a person wants to gain knowledge and learn, much depends on what kind of teachers help him. That is why I express my deep gratitude to all the teachers of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, and especially to the teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought. Thank you for your work, time and for believing in each of us. Thank you for being demanding in time and helping at the right time. Your work is priceless! With all my heart I wish the Department prosperity and inspiration! With respect and gratitude, Veronika Timofeeva.”

Postgraduate graduates working in higher education, business, public sector:

  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bychkova Natalia - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations)
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Victoria Butenko - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance)
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences Denis Voloshin - Deputy General Director of Kyiv-Neft LLC, member of the Odessa Regional Council (2010-2015)
  • PhD in Economics, Researcher Du Chunbu - Center for Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies of the Institute for Finance and Economic Research of the Central University of Finance and Economics (China), Institute for Finance and Economics Research, Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Center)
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kopylova Olga - Financial Director of Stark Shipping LLC
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Natalya Kryuchkova - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
  • Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Lomachinska Irina - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences Mumladze Anzor – Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship), co-founder of PROFAGROTRANS LLC
  • Elena Oborina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of PP "INGL-OD"
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Julia Pichugina - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University ( Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations )
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences Salyuk-Kravchenko Oleksandr - Head of the Sector for State Property Control of the Central Office of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Skorokhod Irina - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship)
  • Doctor of Economics, Professor Sergei Yakubovsky - Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations)

Research and practice conference

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

 Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Faculty of Economics and Law
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

The Xth International Research-to-Practice Conference

"Strategic Priorities for Socio-Economic Development in the Context of Institutional Transformation of the Global Environment"

November 11, 2022, Odessa

Dear scientists, university lecturers, graduate students, representatives of business, governmental and public structures! You are invited to take part in the Xth International Research-to- Practice Conference on "Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the context of institutional changes in the global environment," which will be held November 11, 2022 on the basis of the Economics and Entrepreneurship Department of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.

Organizing Committee of the Conference:

Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Olga Gorniak – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economy and Entrepreneurship, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Nataliia Kriuchkova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Members of the Organizing Committee:

Iryna Lomachynska – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Department of Economics and Law, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Eduard Kuznetsov – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Innovation, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Serhiy Yakubovsky – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Nadiia Hrazhevska – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Viktor Melnyk – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, director of the Educational and Methodological Center for Education Quality, State Education Quality Service of Ukraine

Nataliia Tiukhtenko – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vice-Rector of Educational and Pedagogic Activities, Kherson State University

Viktoriia Margasova – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for scientific work, Chernihiv Polytechnic University

Yury Phylypenko – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations, NTU "Dniprovsk Polytechnic"

Olena Shebanina – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

Liu Mancheng – Professor, Dean if Business School, Huaiyin Institute of Technology (Huaiyin, China)

Zuo Jin – Professor, Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Huaiyin Institute of Technology (Huaiyin, China)

Du Chunbu – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Research Scientist, Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China)

Bichescu Cezar – Professor, Vice-Rector of “Dunarea de Jos” University (Galati, Romania)

Eleonora Sanfilippo – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Cassino, Italy)

photo kaf epf 2022The collection of conference abstracts will be published by the Ukrainian- Polish publishing house «Liha-Pres», which is included in the SENSE rating of book publishers. Each abstract included in the collection of conference abstracts will be assigned DOI, which allows authors to find their scientific work on the website Open Ukrainian Citation Index(OUCI), which was developed by specialists of the State Scientific-Technical Library of Ukraine on behalf of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The collection of conference abstracts will be placed on the open platform of Ukrainian-Polish publishing house with many years of experience in publishing scientific books «Liha-Pres» at this link.
To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill in an electronic application about the author and send by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. abstracts and confirmation of payment of organizational fee (requisites are provided after receiving the abstracts) until November 11.

Organizational fee:

  • the amount of the organizational fee for the publication of materials is 350 UAH (30 USD for foreign participants). A collection of abstracts and a certificate will be sent to all participants in electronic form after November 30, 2022;
  • on request, the conference participants can additionally order a printed collection and a The cost of receiving printed materials, including shipping, is 500 UAH (20 USD for foreign participants), which must be paid in addition to the organizational fee. Distribution of printed materials will be made after January 9, 2023.

Conference sections:

  1. Development of companies in the context of strategic configurations.
  2. The formation of strategies for the development of the regions of Ukraine in the context of European integration.
  3. Strategic priorities of the state in the conditions of institutional changes.
  4. Demography, labor economy, social economy and policy.
  5. Financial system of Ukraine: institutionalization of development in the conditions of globalization.
  6. International economic relations under conditions of institutionalization and global convergence.
  7. Mathematical methods, models and technologies in economics.

Languages: Ukrainian, English.

Form of participation: remote.

The structure and design requirements for abstracts:

Volume of abstracts: 3-5 pages (inclusive); text editor: Microsoft Word; page parameters – A4; margins on all sides – 2 cm; font – Times New Roman, font size – 14 pt; line spacing – single spacing; paragraph indent – 1.25 cm.

Sample design abstracts:

Kolokolich O.T.
Graduate Student at the Department of Management,
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University


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  1. Honcharuk A new approach to industrial efficiency management in Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine. 2006. № 11. P. 36–46.

Contact info

Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
French Boulevard, 24/26, Odessa
Phone for information: +38 (095) 314-96-13

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • “Study of the Formation of Institutional Structures in Conditions of Market Transformation” – Supervisor – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Gorniak Olga Deadline: 01.01.2012-31.12.2016 No dedicated funding.
  • "Institutionalization of socio-economic activity in the context of the transformation of the economy" - scientific adviser - Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor Gorniak Olga Deadline: 01.05.2018-31.12.2022 No dedicated funding.
  • "Development of the institutional potential of the post-war economy of Ukraine" - Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor Gorniak Olga Deadline: 01.03.2023 - 31.12.2027 No dedicated funding.

Since 1996, every two years, the department has held an international scientific and practical conference "Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the context of institutional transformations of the global environment" in co-organization with Ukrainian and foreign institutions of higher education. Each time the conference is attended by 60 to 100 participants from universities in Ukraine and other countries (France, Poland). The topics of the conference are related to the areas of scientific research of the department:

  • X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the context of institutional transformations of the global environment" - November 11, 2022
  • IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the context of institutional transformations of the global environment" - September 25, 2020.
  • VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the context of institutional transformations of the global environment" - September 28-29, 2018.
  • VIІ International scientific and practical conference "Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the context of institutional transformations of the global environment" - September 22-24, 2016.
  • VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Market, government and corporate structures in the context of global transformations" - September 25-27, 2014.
  • V scientific-practical conference "Firm and the market in the conditions of institutionalization of economic development" - September 27-29, 2012.

Every year, the department holds a reporting conference of the teaching staff.

Since 2006, the department has been publishing the scientific journal “Bulletin of the Odessa National University. Economics”, which since 2014 has been included in the list of Ukrainian scientific publications on economics, and on March 17, 2020, the journal received Category B in the following specialties: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and taxation; 072 Finance, banking and insurance; 073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities; 292 International economic relations. Since 2015, the journal has been included in the international scientific database Index Copernicus.

Since 2021, the scientific circle "Economics and Business Analytics" has been working at the department for applicants of all levels of education. (Head - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lomachynska Iryna A.,teacher Voytsekhovska Alina O. ).

Students take active participation in scientific work, particular in international and national competitions, conferences, seminars, attend lectures by scientists and specialists in economics and entrepreneurship!


Andrushchenko Olesia

Vakaliuk Olena

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scientific degree, scientific title: candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D) at specialty 08.00.06 - economics of nature use and environmental protection (2021), associate professor (2023)

Education: Odesa State University of Economics, specialty «Finance», qualification - economist

The topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Organizational and economic support of environmental incentives for energy conservation» (2021)

Courses taught: Greening of economic activity, Circular economy, Ecological entrepreneurship, Economics of nature use, Investment.

Scientific interests: economy of nature use, circular economy, "green" entrepreneurship, innovative development

Other professional activity: executor of an international scientific and methodical project «European universities supporting legal and community capacities of Ukraineʼs environmental recovery / Support by European universities of legal and public capacity for the ecological restoration of Ukraine-GROMADA" of the Erasmus+ program of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Media and Culture of the European Commission, registration number КА220-HED-896635B7

Scientific works:



Advanced training.

  1. Internship at the «Bestway» travel agency, February 1, 2021 - February 20, 2021. (69 hours)
  2. Webinar «Innovative forms of modern education on the example of Google Meet, Google Classroom platforms» (Poland), June 28, 2021. – July 5, 2021 (45 hours)
  3. Training «Lets Cycle at the Black Sea» (Odesa), February 3, 2023р. – February 10, 2023р. (30 hours)
  4. Training «Implementation of knowledge and practices regarding the circular economy in the countries of the Black Sea basin» (Odesa), April 25, 2023. – April 28, 2023 (20 hours)
  5. Webinar «Development of e-education approaches and tools to promote the stabilization of higher education in Ukraine" within the International Project «Ukrainian- German Teaching Network for а Digital Transformation of Environmental Education» (DAAD), June 19, 2023р. – June 23, 2023р. (15 hours)
  6. International workshop «Cycle of educational trainings on the modern circular economy» within the framework of the project «Implementation of knowledge and practices regarding the circular economy in the countries of the Black Sea basin (BSB 1021 CIRCLECON)", July 17, 2023 – July 21, 2023 (30 hours)
  7. Advanced training (internship) from March 18, 2024 to April 22, 2024. under the program «Methodology of economic and ecological research» (specialty 051 «Economics») in the department of economic and ecological development of the seaside regions of the State Organization «Institute of Market and Economic and Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» (60 hours)

Awards and honors:

  • Certificate of honor of Odesa State Environmental University, 2022

Arestov Serhii

Vakaliuk Olena

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.06- Economics of nature use and environmental protection (2008), Associate Professor (2011)

Education: Odesa Hydrometeorological Institute, specialty "Management of Organizations".

Сandidate's dissertation: «The mechanism of increasing the economic and ecological efficiency of nature conservation investments in ecosystem services» (2008)

The main courses taught: Digitalization of the economy, Economic analysis ,Economic theory , Economics and organization of environmental technologies , Entrepreneurial activity

Research interests: The mechanism of increasing the economic and environmental efficiency of investments in environmental services, theory and practice of global economic development, sustainable economic development, assessment of the economic efficiency of the enterprise

Other professional activity:

  • Participation in the international scientific and methodological project "European universities supporting legal and community capacities of Ukraineʼs environmental recovery / Support by European universities of legal and public capacity for environmental recovery of Ukraine-GROMADA" of the Erasmus+ program of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Means and Culture of the European Commission, registration number KA220-HED-896635B7
  • Work as part of the commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "Management" with the specialization "Management of environmental protection activities"
  • Work as a member of the commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works, specializing in "Tourism"
  • Scientific consulting of "YuVIX"

Scientific works::



Advanced training.

  • Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2011 р.
  • Enterprise "ODS Tour", "Features of tourist activity in modern conditions" 2020р.
  • Courses on organizational and methodical aspects of pedagogical activity in OSENU 2021р.
  • Enterprise "YuVIX", "Features of economic activity in modern conditions"2021 р.

Dobrova Tatyana

Voytsekhovska Alina Olehivna

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status:PhD in Economics (1989), Associate Professor (1992)

Position:Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Education: Odesa Institute of National Economy, specialty "accounting", qualification – specialistof Economics

Candidate’s dissertation:Agro-industrial integration as a factor in the development of property relations (1989)

The main courses taught: Economic theory, Micro- and macroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics - 2 , Economic policy and development strategies, Interorganizational networks in economics and management, Theory of the firm

Scientific interests: social differentiation of the population, socio-economic policy, labor migration, innovative and investment activity of business, small entrepreneurship.

Scientific works:

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8309-9226

Google scholar

Professional activities:

  • Participant of the international project "Norway - Ukraine. Professional adaptation. Integration into the state system", teaching economic disciplines within the project on social adaptation of servicemen and their family members to civilian life by acquiring a new profession "Business Management" (2018 - 2021)
  • Member of the jury III-IV stages of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Economicsfrom Student of secondary school (2017 - present)
  • Member of the jury of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the "Economic Theory" (2018 - 2019)

Training, internship:

  • Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov. Reference No. 02-01-65 dated 13.01.2023 "Economic theory". 10.10.2022 – 10.12.2022 (180 hours)
  • Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov. Reference No. 02-01-537 dated 03/18/2021. "Politology". 09/10/2020 – 03/10/2021 (660 hours)
  • International Social Adaptation Fund (Kyiv). Certificate No. 500/08 dated March 12, 2021 "Business Management". 09/23/2020 - 12/23/2020 (30 hours)
  • State institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky". Certificate No. 0149/2020 dated 05/25/2020 "Office 365: testing program learning outcomes of students of higher education." 05/18/2020-05/25/2020. (30 hours)
  • National Council of Economic Education of the US Department of Education, advanced training in economics teaching methods in secondary schools (2004-2005). Awards and honors: "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" badge of honor (1999)

Awards: "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" badge of honor (1999)

Gorniak Olga

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: Doctor of Economic Sciences (2005), Professor

Education: Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, specialty - political economy, qualification - economist, teacher of political economy

Doctoral dissertation: «Regularities of development and functioning of modern enterprises in the conditions of market transformation» (2004)

The main courses taught: Economic theory; Enterprise economy; Modern economic systems; Theories of organizations, Modern economic theories and current problems of economic policy, Economic development of modern civilizations, Strategies for economic development, History, concepts and modern achievements of science, Interorganizational networks in economics and management

Research interests: modern economic theories, institutional economics, theories of the firm, economic development, interorganizational networks

Scientific works:



Participation in professional associations:

  • NGO "Union of Economists Ukraine"
  • NGO "Association of International Economists"


Kasianova Valeriia

Voytsekhovska Alina Olehivna

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (2012 ), Associate Professor (2015)

Education: Education: Odessa State University I.I. Mechnikov, specialty "Mathematics"

Сandidate's dissertation: Asymptotic handling of solutions of second-order non-autonomous ordinary differential equations with nonlinearities asymptotically close to exponent (2012)

The main courses taught: Information systems and technologies, Econometrics, Forecasting of socio-economic processes, Modern methods of statistical analysis of business performance.

Research interests: mathematical and econometric modeling of economic processes, statistical data analysis using application software packages, forecasting based on built models


ORCID: 0000-0002-6302-366

Kryuchkova Natalia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: PhD in Economics (2009), Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor, Director of the Center of International Education

Education: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, specialty «Economic theory», qualification - Master of Economics

Сandidate's dissertation: "Taxation in the system of macroeconomic regulation" (2009).

The main courses taught: Macroeconomics; Statistical analysis of the business environment ; Modeling and forecasting of economic and social processes based on statistical databases; Internationalization of educational and scientific activity; Basics of international macroeconomics;Applied economic models in management; Statistics and business analytics

Research interests: fiscal policy, macro-finance, public finances, modeling and forecasting financial activity

Participation in professional associations:

  • NGO "Union of Economists Ukraine"

Scientific works:



Professional activities:

  • Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, specialty 051 - Economics, 072 - Finance and Credit (October 2019 - present);
  • Responsible executor of the scientific topic "Study of the processes of institutionalization of socio-economic activities in the context of economic transformation" (2018 - present);
  • Responsible executor of the scientific topic "Study of the formation of institutional structures in a market transformation" (2012-2017);
  • Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Economic Theory" (2017 - present);
  • Member of the branch competition commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, specialty "Finance and Credit" (2016 - present);
  • Member of the branch competition commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy" (2020);
  • Member of the jury of the Small Academy of Sciences, specialty "Economics" (2012 - present);
  • Scientific consulting of the Southern Office of the State Audit Office of Ukraine - reference № 15-09-23-14 / 1958-2019 dated 08.04.2019 (2017 - present);
  • Fellow of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists 2012-2014.
  • Member of the public organization "Union of Economists of Ukraine".
  • Participant of the project of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology "Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence in Higher Education Institutes", 06.08.2023-06.30.2024 (ONU order No. 961-18 dated 08.06 .2023)
  • Manager of the international project Model for cooperation between target groups during internationalization: High Five Reloaded (Umea University, Sweden). 01.01.2021-30.06.2022. (ONU order No. 2307-18 dated 03.12.2020)

Training, internship:

  • International postgraduate practical internship “Internationalization of Higher Education. Organization of the educational process and innovative teaching methods in higher education institutions in Poland ”- Collegium Civitas, Warsaw (23.06.2020-15.07.2020);
  • Scientific and pedagogical internship "Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its implementation in the training of specialists in economics and management", Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship (Ostrovets, Poland), specialty 051 "Economics" (January 2019);
  • Development of cooperation between China and Ukraine in the field of education and science, Shanghai University (Shanghai, China) (September 2018);
  • Staff training week - Internationalization program, DEUSTO University (Bilbao, Spain) (May 2018);
  • Staff training week, University of TURKU (Turku, Finland) (June 2017);
  • Advanced training in the organization of educational, teaching and research work, Odessa National University of Economics, Department of Finance (Odessa, Ukraine) (December 2013 - January 2014).
  • Financial Research Institute of the Academy of Financial Management at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine - dissertation "Taxation in system of macroeconomic regulation" (2008-2009);
  • Student of University SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (Nice, France), Faculty of Economics, Law and Administration (2000-2001);
  • In 2001 - diplom DEUG of university SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (Nice, France);
  • Secretary Project Tempus-Tacis - Ukraine (2000-2001)
  • University SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (Nice, France) - internship (October - December 2001, May-June 2004).


  • Diploma of the Odessa Regional State Administration for many years of fruitful pedagogical work, significant personal contribution to the development and reform of national education, high professionalism and on the occasion of the 155th anniversary of the founding of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov, 2020;
  • Diploma for high scientific and pedagogical professionalism in the preparation of the winner of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance and Credit" 2019/2020 academic year. (signed by the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics), 2020;
  • Gratitude for high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the formation of the scientific elite of Ukraine and active participation in the preparation and holding of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance and Credit" 2017/2018 academic year. (signed by the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics), 2018;
  • Diploma for participation in the organization of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline of Economic Theory (II round), March 28 - 30, 2018;
  • Diploma of the Odessa Regional Council for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the development of education, training and education of the younger generation, high professionalism, 2019;
  • Diploma for high scientific and pedagogical professionalism in the preparation of the winner of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance and Credit" 2018/2019 academic year. (signed by the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics), 2019;
  • Diploma for active participation in the organization and holding of the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Economic Theory", April 22 - 24, 2019;
  • Gratitude for active participation in the work of the jury of the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Economic Theory", April 22 - 24, 2019;
  • "The teacher of the students’ eyes 2011-2012" - ONU I.I. Mechnikov.