Andrushchenko Olesia

Vakaliuk Olena

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Scientific degree, scientific title: candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D) at specialty 08.00.06 - economics of nature use and environmental protection (2021), associate professor (2023)

Education: Odesa State University of Economics, specialty «Finance», qualification - economist

The topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Organizational and economic support of environmental incentives for energy conservation» (2021)

Courses taught: Greening of economic activity, Circular economy, Ecological entrepreneurship, Economics of nature use, Investment.

Scientific interests: economy of nature use, circular economy, "green" entrepreneurship, innovative development

Other professional activity: executor of an international scientific and methodical project «European universities supporting legal and community capacities of Ukraineʼs environmental recovery / Support by European universities of legal and public capacity for the ecological restoration of Ukraine-GROMADA" of the Erasmus+ program of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Media and Culture of the European Commission, registration number КА220-HED-896635B7

Scientific works:



Advanced training.

  1. Internship at the «Bestway» travel agency, February 1, 2021 - February 20, 2021. (69 hours)
  2. Webinar «Innovative forms of modern education on the example of Google Meet, Google Classroom platforms» (Poland), June 28, 2021. – July 5, 2021 (45 hours)
  3. Training «Lets Cycle at the Black Sea» (Odesa), February 3, 2023р. – February 10, 2023р. (30 hours)
  4. Training «Implementation of knowledge and practices regarding the circular economy in the countries of the Black Sea basin» (Odesa), April 25, 2023. – April 28, 2023 (20 hours)
  5. Webinar «Development of e-education approaches and tools to promote the stabilization of higher education in Ukraine" within the International Project «Ukrainian- German Teaching Network for а Digital Transformation of Environmental Education» (DAAD), June 19, 2023р. – June 23, 2023р. (15 hours)
  6. International workshop «Cycle of educational trainings on the modern circular economy» within the framework of the project «Implementation of knowledge and practices regarding the circular economy in the countries of the Black Sea basin (BSB 1021 CIRCLECON)", July 17, 2023 – July 21, 2023 (30 hours)
  7. Advanced training (internship) from March 18, 2024 to April 22, 2024. under the program «Methodology of economic and ecological research» (specialty 051 «Economics») in the department of economic and ecological development of the seaside regions of the State Organization «Institute of Market and Economic and Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» (60 hours)

Awards and honors:

  • Certificate of honor of Odesa State Environmental University, 2022