

Specialty 051 "Economics" is a comprehensive economic worldview of a modern specialist who is able to independently analyze, plan, modeling, forecast socio-economic and business-processes in the country and the world economy, identify and evaluate modern transformations in the economic space, form economic policy, organize one's own business activities.

The career of an economist is an incredibly diverse and interesting activity:

  • Researching economic problems and finding effective ways to solve them on basic innovativeness, human capital development, virtualization, customer orientation, responsibility;
  • Development and implementation of economic policy, innovative strategies for the competitive development of the state and business entities in the national and international legal environment;
  • Analysis and modeling of attitudes and behavior of consumers, producers, competitors, substantiation of effective business decisions in conditions of uncertainty;
  • Planning and forecasting of economic activity, market trends based on the analysis of a large array of data using modern information and communication technologies;
  • Organization of one's own creative business activities, professional consulting of business entities regarding the efficiency and rationalization of their economic decisions.

First (bachelor) level of higher education Educational program "Economics and legal business regulation" qualification: Bachelor in Economics

modern integrated knowledge in the field of economy, business, law, forming a complete system effective skills and competencies regarding successful economic policy and entrepreneurship activities in the international and national legal environment. The educational program is optimal combines fundamental theoretical and applied training, innovative skills and competence of a graduate who understands the laws of economics, is able to successfully and creatively carry out professional activities!

As a result of training, you will acquire professional competences:

  • Extraordinary, critical thinking, creative approach to knowledge of economic processes and phenomenon; development of analytical skills;
  • Fundamental training in economics and economic policy, theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of entrepreneurial activity and legal regulation of business;
  • Skills of organization and development of own business activities, business planning and business diagnostics, business consulting, efficiency and ensuring competitiveness of business entities on domestic and international markets;
  • Possession of modern methods of search, processing, analysis and use of large arrays of information, business analysis, economic statistics, business modeling, automation and business process management;
  • Mastering the principles and methods of making and implementing management decisions, organization enterprise communications, human resources management, investments, innovations, development and implementation of strategies for the development of various types of economic entities economic activity and organizational and legal forms.

Graduates of the specialty are highly competitive specialists on the labor market in various countries branches and types of activities, in particular:

  • Organization and development of own business activities, both small and large enterprises;
  • Economic, financial, investment, innovation, foreign economic activities private business structures and state administration bodies;
  • Justification of economic decisions, in particular in the context of legal regulation of business activities;
  • Economic analytics, review and business expertise, business and industry analysis, analysis of international markets;
  • Economic policy at the micro, macro, and mega levels;
  • Business planning, business design, business diagnostics;
  • Consulting on economic issues, efficiency and business development activities;
  • Development and implementation of enterprise strategies on domestic and international markets;
  • Organization of activities of economic systems using economic-mathematical one's methods and information

The second (master's) level of higher education Educational program "Economics" qualification: Master in Economics

preparation for research and management activities, analytical work, scientific consulting in the field of economic activity and public administration based on mastering modern economic thinking, theoretical and applied knowledge skills, ability to solve research and management tasks and problems functioning of economic systems of various levels in conditions of uncertainty.

As a result of studies in the "Economics" specialty, you will acquire professional competences:

  • Identify and solve complex economic tasks and problems, make appropriate analytical and managerial decisions in the field of economics or in the learning process, conduct research under uncertain conditions and requirements;
  • Ability to generate new ideas, develop projects and manage them;
  • Possession of modern information technologies, methods and methods of research of economic and social processes, adequate to the established research needs, to determine the key trends of socio-economic and human development;
  • Skills to formulate professional tasks in the field of economics and solve them, choosing appropriate directions and appropriate methods for solving them, taking into account available resources, justifying management decisions regarding the effective development of economic entities, assessing possible risks, socio-economic consequences management decisions.
  • The ability to plan and develop projects in the field of economics, to implement its informational, methodical, material, financial and personnel support.
  • The ability to identify and critically evaluate the key trends of socio-economic development and apply them to the formation of new models of economic systems and processes.


Graduates of the "Economics" educational program of the second (master's) level of higher education have the opportunity to obtain a double diploma within the framework of the double diploma program between Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University and the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy).

The third (educational and scientific) level of higher education Educational program "Economics" scientific degree: doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Economics

development of general and professional competences to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel for scientific research, analytical work, scientific consulting in the field of economic activity and public administration, as well as teaching work. The main focus is the acquisition of research skills for a scientific, analytical, teaching career in the field of economics, as well as commercialization of research results and knowledge transfer. The scientific component is based on studies of the processes of institutionalization of socio-economic activities of economic entities at different levels of the economy, which reflect the features of the modern stage of the formation of economic institutions in the conditions of economic transformations, decentralization, and external challenges.

STUDENTS of specialty 051 "ECONOMICS" at Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University:

Actively participate in various scientific seminars, conferences, trainings, olympiads and competitions, business education projects, social projects.

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Initiate public events, excursions, take an active part in charity events, such as helping animals in the "Ark" shelter and realizing the dreams of orphans and children from low-income families on New Year's Eve together with the "Path to Home" Foundation.

Visit various excursions, participate in various university events, such as open-door days, spring and autumn economic schools for high school students, the "Mechnikov Day" presentation festival in the botanical garden of Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University.

Organize and conduct entertaining student events.



In the leading companies and institutions of Ukraine: Maersk Ukraine Ltd, Telekart-Prylad LLC, Inter Service Plus Student Exchanges Agency, JSC DTEK Odeski Elektromerezhi, Luxoft, Netpeak, Terminal Group Transinvestservice (TIS), Vostok Bank, MTB Bank , Southern Thermal Company, LLC "Tavria-V" and others.

In leading companies and institutions of the world: Federal Reserve Bank (Boston, USA), Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China), HSBC Holdings plc (Great Britain), ZIM Integrated Shipping Services (Israel), Ernst & Young, University of Paris-North XIII (Paris, France), BNP Paribas (Geneva, Switzerland) SA, Sophia-Antipolis University (Nice, France), Keyloop (Canada), Raval (Israel) and others.

