Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Head of Department - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Lomachynska Iryna

Gornyak Olha V.

Odessa, Frantsuzsʹkyy bulʹvar 24/26, room 4n (2nd floor)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



We sincerely welcome you on the webpage of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship Faculty of Economics and Law Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the department is preparing bachelors in the educational and professional program "Economics and Legal Regulation of Business", which optimally combines deep theoretical and practical training of a future specialist who knows the laws of economic development and the laws of doing business and its legal regulation. This combination allows you to create high competitive advantages and provides career growth for a specialist.
Respectfully, Lomachynska Iryna


The feature of the current stage of economic development is the emergence of new areas and directions of economic activity, which, generally, are associated with an increase in the level of digitalization, intellectualization, globalization, which necessitates empirical studies of real processes and phenomena using applied models, econometrics, and the development of interdisciplinary relations between the economics and other sciences, primarily psychology, political science, law, the use of economic laws in non-economic activities.

As a result, a new «model of an economist» is being formed, the features of which are integrated knowledge in the field of economics, law and business, finance and management; knowledge of informational technologies, foreign languages; knowledge, skills, competencies according to world standards; close connection between theory and practice; continuing education or «lifelong learning».

All these requirements are best met by the specialty "ECONOMICS", which forms a comprehensive economic outlook of a modern specialist, who is able to independently analyze and predict socio-economic and business processes in the country and in the world economy, identify and evaluate modern transformations in the economic space, formulate economic policy on the micro - and macro level, organize their own business activities in accordance with the legal regulation.

The Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship is a graduate of:

  1. First level of higher education (bachelor's degree)- educational and professional program " ECONOMICS AND LEGAL REGULATION OF BUSINESS" – guarantor – doctor of economics, Associate Professor Lomachynska Iryna A.
  2. First level of higher education (bachelor's degree) – educational and professional program "ECONOMICS" – guarantor – candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor Skorokhod Iryna P.
  3. Second level of higher education (master's degree) – educational and professional program "ECONOMICS" – guarantor – candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor Kryuchkova Natalya M.
  4. Third (educational and research/ educational and creative) level of higher education – educational and professional program " ECONOMICS" – guarantor – doctor of economics, Professor Gorniak Olga

A peculiarity of training at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University is the optimal combination of fundamental theoretical training, research and practice. University education stimulates creativity, students and teachers active communication, individualization of students learning process, socialization, internationalization; forms the ability to adapt to external conditions. All of this is provided by a high level of teaching staff qualification; the use of advanced training technologies; a combination of advanced foreign experience gained by teachers internships at leading universities of Europe and the USA, research experience and practice in the field of finance, banking, accounting and auditing, economic analysis and consulting, public administration; systematic lectures given by foreign professors, well-known economists, financiers, managers; students traineeships and further education in the European and North American universities.
Our graduates work successfully in the leading companies and institutions of Ukraine: "Odessa Regional Energy Saving Company», Maersk Ukraine Ltd, Telecard, Inter Service Plus Student Exchanges Agency, Company «Odessaoblenergo», Luxoft, Transinvestservice (TIS) Group of Terminals, Bank “Vostok", Odessa City Council, Odessa Regional State Administration, Cigar House "Fortuna", C.M.T.Ltd, Pucelik Consulting Group, RISOIL SA, “Oschadbank", "UkrSibbank", Ltd "Tavria V" and others.
Our graduates work successfully in the world leading companies and institutions: Federal Reserve Bank (Boston, USA), Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China), HSBC Holdings plc, Ernst & Young, Université Paris Nord: Paris XIII (Paris, France), BNP Paribas (Geneva, Switzerland) SA, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France) and others.

