XIV Students Scientific English Conference of the faculty of Biology «English in touch with life»

April 20, 2017 the fourteenth Scientific English Conference of the students of the biological faculty of our university «English in touch with life» was held.

Foreign languages was not only a sign of good education, but also an integral feature of modern professionals. Talented students of biological faculty prove it not only by words but by deeds as well. For the past fourteen years Biological Department welcomes the participants of the English language conference, rushing to share their successes and achievements in the research field.

Congratulations and good wishes of success in achievement the great results in scientific research were expressed to all the participants of the Conference by the Dean of the faculty of Biology PhD Zamorov V.V., the Head of the Chair of foreign languages for natural faculties PhD Boguslavsky S.S., PhD Gladkii T.V, PhD Gudsenko T.V., PhD Kotliarova L.B.
The conference this year was attended by over 120 students. Scientific English conferences have been conducted for 14 years at the faculty and our alma mater can be proud of many of them. Some of them have successfully defended their scientific works and now deliver lectures at the faculty ( PhD Nemertsalov V.V., PhD Sergeyeva ZH.YU, PhD Krylova K.D., PhD Lisiutin G.A. and etc.), some of them take post graduate course in Odesa and other cities of Ukraine, and some work in the leading laboratories, colleges and universities worldwide. They believe the English biological Conference is a good school of training and skills of professional communication in English and professional communication itself. This year's conference was successfully held by a first year student of biological faculty Bezgubenko D. The working language of the Conference was English.

We would like to note the perfect work of the Organizing Committee. It was formed by the students of group 1of the Biological faculty under the strict guidance of the coryphaeus, irreplaceable organizer and founder of English Conference at the Faculty of Biology, a teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages for natural faculties of ONU PhD Kotliarova Louise Boleslavivna.

22 students presented 9 oral and 13 poster presentations on the assessment of the competent jury, which was formed by the teachers of Biological faculty and the teachers of English. The conference was proceeded in a cozy friendly atmosphere, caused by the performance of students international anthem Gaudeamus and elevated holiday mood of the participants and musical pause, where the1 year students performed very beautiful English and Ukrainian songs. We are very pleased with a trend of increasing the participants and audience of the conference by the students of the first and second courses.

The participants competed for victory in different nominations, such as «The best in profession», «The best in language», «The best presentation", "The best stand report", "Discovery of the Year", "The most active listener," and others. Everyone had a chance to show himself from different sides. And deepen an intrigue the wonderful gifts from the dean of biological faculty, the department of microbiology and virology and Students Trade Union of ONU.
In addition to the diplomas all the speakers were received a certificate that guarantees them plus15 points to modulus in English. In general, there are no outsiders at the Conference, because one hundred percent the invaluable experience will be useful, and experienced sensations and extraordinary experience will never be forgotten.
We are highly appreciated for their assistance in conducting the Conference to Vice-Rector Professor Ivanytsia V.O., the dean of Biological faculty PhD Zamorov V.V., Deputy Dean PhD Gladkii T.V. and PhD Gudzenko T.V. Thanks a lot to English Teachers PhD Kotliarova L.B., Liubimova N.L. and PhD Dolbina K.D., by their efforts the students from year to year demonstrate a high level of mastering foreign language.
Thanks to all who participated in the fourteenth English speaking students scientific conferences of the Biological faculty «English in touch with life», we wish you fruitful work and new victories.

See you next year!


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