XІV International summer school-conference «Molecular microbiology and biotechnology» Odesa, 2019

From 10 to 22 june 2019 year Odesa Mechnikov National University, Danylo Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Vinograds’kyj Society of Microbiologists of Ukraine and Odesa Society of Biologists and Biotechnologists hold  ХІІ International School-Conference “Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology”. Main thematically direction - Molecular Microbiology.

In the Summer School activities will take parts lectors from Ukraine, Sweden, Poland, France, Chile, Germany. Laboratory course  “Cloning, expression and purification of proteins» will conducted by prof. Alexej Schmidt from Umeå University (Sweden).

English language knowledge is necessarily for all participants.

In frame of International Summer School from 18 to 21 June will be International Conference for young scientists “Modern problems of Microbiology and Biotechnology”.

Young scientists and PhD students are invited to participate Summer School.

Organization fee for participants from academic and educational organizations is 500 hrivnas, for other participants – 100 euro (or 3000 hrivnas).

For bank details see the conference website: http://biosummerschool.onu.edu.ua

Application form must be sent before 8 May on e-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. executive secretary of Summer School Mykola Galkin.

Applications for Summer School participation must be sent as Microsoft Word Document ( *.doc(x) ), includes Name and Surname (in Ukrainian and English or in English for foreign participants), age, position or year of PhD-student education, organation, specialty, scientific interests .

Number of participants is limited. Competitive selection for school participation will end 10 May! Information about the results of competition all participants will resave 11 May.

Please pay attention that all participants could take part in International Conference “Modern problems of Microbiology and Biotechnology” with self discoveries presentation or distant.

Arriving for settling in ONU hostel not earlier then 10 June. Starts of the lessons – 10 of June at 11.00 a.m. Ending – 21 June.

All travel expenses (road, accommodation, meals) carries organization that send a partisipant. Settling by wish of a participant – in ONU .

Lessons are conducted in Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology Chair of ONU. Address: Odesa, Shampansky provulok, 2.

Application for International Summer School participation
  • Surname, name, father name  (ukr. and engl)
  • Year of birth
  • Specialty
  • Organization and position (full name of organization, post address, telephone, е-mail)
  • Contact address 
  • Scientific interes

International conference of young scientists «Modern problems of Microbiology and Biotechnology»

From 18 to 21 June

Arrival and settling   – 18 June.

Conference opening  - 19 June at 11.00.

19-21 June – conference working session.

Conference working language – English.

Application and reports submission deadline – 24 May 2019 According to results of the conference the material will be published. Best works will be published in scientific journal Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Organization fee 250 hrivnas for regular participants and 125 hrivnas for distant partisipants must be paid before 15 June. For bank details see the conference website: http://biosummerschool.onu.edu.ua

Application form for scientific conference participation and reports must be sent on e-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to executive secretary of the conference Mykola Galkin.

Reports Requirements: Reports must be no more than 4 pages in Word 97-2003 (*.doc) Document format (Times New Roman, font 14, automatic interval, not more than 30 lines per page, margins 2 cm). File name must contain the name of the first author.

Report structure: UDC indexs; Surnames and names of authors (speaker surname must be underline), ABSTRACT TITLE, official Name of the Organization, post address, e-mail; abstract (200 words maximum); key words (no more than five); text of the report must include such parts as: introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; conclusions; reference list. Latinic names of biological species, genus Italicized in Latin. References are given in the text as numbers in square brackets. Tables must be compact, with numbers. Figures must be performed in a precise drawings (with graphic editor  in Word, TIF, JPG formats).

Please, do not use any changes in register, fonts, text formatting, and underlining. Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit text reports are not designed according to the requirements.

Application for participation of International Conference «Modern problems of Microbiology and Biothechnology»
  • Surname, name, father name  (ukr. and engl) 
  • Organization and position (full name of organization, post address, telephone, е-mail)
  • Report title (Name of main reporter must be emphasized)  
  • Form of participation (oral report, poster, distant)
  • Accommodation needs (hotel or hostel)

Банківські реквізити для сплати у гривні:

Громадська організація «Спілка біологів і  біотехнологів Одеси»  (ГО «СББО»)  

Банк: Філія Южного  ГРУ ПАТ  КБ Приватбанк м. Одеса

р/р 26007060307205   ЄДРПОУ:    35357166 МФО 328704 

Purpose of payment: “ Рейстраційний внесок для участі в конференції "Сучасні проблеми мікробіології та біотехнології", чи " Рейстраційний внесок для участі в літній школі " учасники мають вказати ПІБ.

Bank details for the transfer of the registration fee in euro:

company Name: PO “OSSB”, 


The bank account of the company: 26004054412239

Name of the bank: Privatbank, 50 Naberezhnaya Pobedy St., Dnipro, 49094, Ukraine


IBAN Code: UA643287040000026004054412239

correspondent banks

Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401

SWIFT-code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF

correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

DETAILS OF PMNT Purpose of payment: “ The registration fee for participation in the conference "Modern problems of microbiology and biotechnology", or " Registration fee for participation in the Summer School " participant must indicate the name.


Frantsuz'ky Blvd, 24/26
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-12-84
Phone: (+38-0482) 68-18-58
Phone: (+38-093) 755-78-24
E-mail: vstup@onu.edu.ua


Dvoryans'ka St, 2, Odesa, 65082
Reception: (+38-048) 723-52-54
Phone: (+38-048) 723-35-15
Email: rector@onu.edu.ua


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