FP7 IRSES-319007-ТВ PROGNOSIS «A progress of tuberculosis and HIV/tuberculosis treatment assessed by fingerprinting of small molecule-biomarkers in patients from Eastern Europe»
FP7 1RSES-319007-TB PROGNOSIS - -24.04.2016
Team leader: Dr. Prof. Tetyana Filipova This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Tetyana Stepanova. PhD, Senior Research fellow, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Umea Universitet, Sweden
- Odesskyy Regional TB health centre (TB dispensary), Ukraine
- Fundacio Institut De Investigacio En Ciencies De La Salut Germans Trias I Pujol, Spain
Project short description: Cheaper and quicker detection of TB is possible as well as assessment of the treatment progress over the time. It could be done through measurement of small molecule biomarkers in body fluids of the patients. A network has been created between Umea University, Sweden, ONU and TB Clinics, Ukraine and University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Spain that has access to a modern metabolomics facility and an extensive work experience with TB and chemical analysis of biomedical samples. We propose to collect samples from Ukrainian TB and HIV/TB patients under treatment and analyze them with several chromatographic methods in order to detect relevant biomarkers. We plan also to genotype M.tuberculosisisolates from these patients, monitor possible antibiotic resistance development and evaluate the host response. An array of these methods will help to get a detailed and dynamic clinical description of the cases and assign certain small molecules levels to respective events during treatment of TB, MDR-TB and HIV/TB co-infection.