Vaisfel’d Nataliya Daniilovna

Head of the Chair of methods of mathematical physics,
Dr. Sci. in physical and mathematical sciences, Professor

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Ph.D. in Physics - Mathematical Sciences - 1995
Rank of the docent - 1997.
Doctor in Physics - Mathematical Sciences – 2005.
Now Professor of the Chair of the methods of mathematical physics.

Curriculum Vitae

In 1990 she graduated from Odessa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Applied Mathematics of the Mechanics and Mathematics faculty.

In 1995 she defended her thesis in " Mechanics of deformable solid" (scientific adviser Ph. D. in physical and mathematical sciences V .G. Popov) in a specialized council for Ph. D theses at the Odessa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
In 1997 Vaisfel’d N.D. received the certificate of docent at the chair of methods of mathematical physics.
In 2005 she defended her doctoral thesis on " Mechanics of deformable solid” (scientific consultant - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Popov G.Ya.) in a specialized council for doctoral theses at the Institute of Applied Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics named after Ya. S. Podstrigach, Lvov.
From 1984 to 1989 - Computing Center oblprofsoveta.
Since 1989. - Up to present Vaysfel’d N.D. has been working at Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics, Chair of methods of mathematical physics as an assistant, senior lecturer, docent and the head of the chair of the methods of mathematical physics.
From 2007 - 2008 - Lecturing at the Chair of Higher Mathematics of Odessa Academy of Food Technologies
Since 2009 - present time lecturing at ONAFT.
From 2009 to present - Head of the Regional Branch of Small Academy of Sciences (Mathematics Section) .
From 2007 to present - Head of Laboratory number 13 "Laboratory of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics".
Since 2013 to the present time - Head of methods of mathematical physics at the Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics, ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov.

Scientific interests

The main scientific interests is mathematical problems in the theory of elasticity.
In particular:

  • Methods of dynamic elasticity problems;
  • Problems of diffraction and wave propagation;
  • Mathematical modeling of dynamic fracture mechanics;
  • The theory of singular integral equations;
  • The theory of differential equations with variable coefficients;
  • Applications of the theory of operators in problems of mechanics and physics.

List of reading courses

1. Equations of mathematical physics
2. Probability theory and mathematical statistics
3. Data analysis
4. Dynamic theory of elasticity
5. The method of orthogonal polynomials
6. The asymptotic analysis in mathematical physics
7. Problem incoherent non-stationary thermo-elasticity
8. Electro-elasticity
9. Mathematical problems in fracture mechanics
10. Theory of elasticity
11. The method of discontinuous solutions

Recent Publications

  • Вайсфельд Н.Д., Попов Г.Я., Реут В.В. Осесимметричная смешанная задача теории упругости для защемленного по боковой поверхности конуса с присоединенным шаровым сегментом// Прикладная математика и механика. – 2013.- Т.77. вып.1. – С.102-112
  • Vaysfeld N., Popov G.Ya The torsion of the conical layered elastic cone. //Acta Mechanica - 2013. - DOI10.1007/s00707-013-0957-4
  • Вайсфельд Н.Д., Мойсеєнок О.П. Антиплоська деформація клиношаруватого середовища. Вісник Київського ун-ту ім.. Т.Г. Шевченка. – С. 89-93.
  • Вайсфельд Н.Д., Реут А.В. Осесимметричная смешанная задача теории упругости для полого дважды усеченного конуса. Вісник Київського ун-ту ім. Т.Г. Шевченка. – С. 93- 98.
  • Вайсфельд Н.Д., Реут А.В. Осесимметричная задача теории упругости для кругового конуса с острием при учете его собственного веса// Вестник Одесского университета. – Т. 17. Вып. 3 – 2012. – С. 99-107.
  • Вайсфельд Н.Д Вторая основная задача для бесконечного упругого клина. – 2012. – Проблемы вычислительной механики и прочности конструкций. – Вып.19. – С. 27-33.


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