Professors of the department

Anatoliy A. Korenovskiy - Associated professor, Sc.D.

Anatoliy A. Korenovskiy

Associated professor, Sc.D.

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Eleonora A. Storozhenko - Professor, Sc.D.

Eleonora A. Storozhenko

Professor, Sc.D.

Grigoriy M. Vartanyan - Deputy of director on specielities “Mathematics” and “Applied mathematics”, Candidate of science

Grigoriy M. Vartanyan

Deputy of director on specielities “Mathematics” and “Applied mathematics”, Candidate of science

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Larisa G. Kovalenko

Associated professor, Candidate of science

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Evgeniy Y. Leontchik - Associated professor, Candidate of science

Evgeniy Y. Leontchik

Associated professor, Candidate of science

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Zoya M. Lisenko - Associated professor, Candidate of science

Zoya M. Lisenko

Associated professor, Candidate of science

Ludmila V. Matviuk - Associated professor, Candidate of science

Ludmila V. Matviuk

Associated professor, Candidate of science

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Aleksey A. Adamov - Senior lecturer

Aleksey A. Adamov

Senior lecturer

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Ruslan V. Shanin - Assistant, Postgraduate of the department, scientific leader – associated professor, Sc.D. A.A. Korenovskiy

Ruslan V. Shanin


Postgraduate of the department, scientific leader – associated professor, Sc.D. A.A. Korenovskiy

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Anna V. Ustinchik - Assistant, Postgraduate of the department, scientific leader – associated professor, Sc.D. A.A. Korenovskiy

Anna V. Ustinchik


Postgraduate of the department, scientific leader – associated professor, Sc.D. A.A. Korenovskiy

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