Honcharuk Taras Hryhorovych

The Academic degree (the  year of granting)

The Doctor of History Science (2011)

The Academic title (the  year of granting)

The Professor (2015)

Short information about the higher education (year of graduating)

Graduated  the Faculty of History at Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University (1992)

The spheres  of academic interests

The Economic History of Ukraine at the end of XVIII – the first half of XIX century

The totally amount of publications (the monographs, the archeographic publications, the brochures, the scientific articles)

The monographs and the brochures – 12, the scientific articles and the theses of conferences – more than 200

The theme of Ph.D. Thesis (the date of defence)

«The Trade in Ukraine in the first half of XIX century: the history of  researching» (1998). Academic adviser – the Professor Vashchenko V.P.

The theme of Doctoral Thesis (the date of defence)

«The transit trade in Ukraine at the end of XVIII – the first half of XIX century» (2010). Academic adviser – the associated member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – Reient O.P.

The membership in scientific societies and organizations

The member of Ukrainian Heraldry Society

The honours

The honorary local historian of Ukraine

The main and the special courses which the lector gives at the Faculty of History and at the another departments

«The Ukrainian history (the half of XVII – the XVIII centuries», «The Economic History of Ukraine», «The Economic History and the History of economic ideas in Ukraine»,  «The socio-economic development of the southern Ukraine  at the end of XVIII – the first half of XIX century», «The History of socio-economic conceptions in Ukraine», «The Ukrainian history» (for the not special faculties)

The Ph.D. supervising

The official academic adviser of two Ph.D. candidates (O. Doroshenko 2009 and

A. Lozheshnyk 2017)

The biographic data about all monographs, archeographic publications,  brochures and  scientific articles published by the scientist

The history of  Khadzhybei (Odessa) 1415-1795. The popular essay. – Odessa:Astroprint, 1997. – 88 p.

From the history of researching of the Ukrainian economy in the first half of XIX century. The historiographical essays. – Odessa:Astroprint, 1999. – 152 p.

The history of Khadzhybei (Odessa) 1415-1795  in the documets. – Odessa:Astroprint, 2000. – 372 p.

The Cossacs` Odesa. The historical essays. Odessa: Hermes, 2000. – 148 p. (in co-authorship with Bachynska O.A., Hutsaliuk S.B., Mysechko A.I.)

Potiomkin  – the Hetman of Ukrainian Cossacs. The popular-scientific essay. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2002. – 125 p.

The posterity of Ukrainian Cossacs and the «Birth of Odesa». – Odessa:Astroprint, 2006. – 144 p.

The Odesa free port: the History 1819-1859. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2005. – 312  p.

The Cossacs` Odesa. The scientific essays. –  Odessa: Phoenix, 2008. – 240 p. (in co-authorship with Bachynska O.A., Hutsaliuk S.B. Kirov V.I., Mysechko A.I., Novykova L.V., Poltorak V.M.)

The transit trade of west-european goods through the Dnieper Ukraine in the first half of XIX century/ edited by the associated member of NAN Ukraine – Reient O.P. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2008. – 280 p.

Through the newspaper paths. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2012. – 204 p.

(The preamble and summary of Honcharuk H.I.)

The Kosh Otaman Petro Kalnyshevskyi and the  Khadzhybei (Odessa). –  Odessa: Phoenix, 2011. – 192 p.

Mnohohrishnyi Demian. –  Kharkiv: Folio, 2012. – 119 p.

Istoryia Khadzhybeia (Odesy) 1415 – 1795. Populiarnyi ocherk. Odessa: Astroprynt, 1997. – 88s. 

Z istorii vyvchennia  ukrainskoi ekonomiky pershoi polovyny XIX st. (Istoriohrafichni narysy). – Odesa: Astoprynt, 1999. – 152 s. 

Istoriia Khadzhybeia (Odesy) 1415–1795  v dokumentakh. – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2000. – 372 s. 

Odesa kozatska. Istorychni narysy. – Odesa: Hermes, 2000. – 148 s. (v spivavtorstvi z Bachynskoiu O.A., Hutsaliukom T.H., Mysechko A.I.) 

Potomkin – hetman ukrainskoho kozatstva. Naukovo-populiarnyi narys. – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2002. – 125 s. 

Nashchadky ukrainskykh kozakiv i “Narodzhennia Odesy”. – Odesa: Astrprynt, 2006. – 144 s. 

Odeske porto-franko: Istoriia. 1819 – 1859 rr. – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2005. – 312 s. 

Odesa kozatska. Naukovi narysy /– Odesa: Feniks, 2008. – 240 s (u spivavtorstvi z O. A. Bachynskoiu, S.B. Hutsaliukom, V.I. Kirovym, A.I. Mysechko, L.V. Novikovoiu, V.M.Poltorakom). 

Tranzyt zakhidnoievropeiskykh tovariv cherez Naddnipriansku Ukrainu pershoi polovyny XIX st. / za red. chl.-kor. NAN Ukrainy O.P. Reienta. – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2008. – 280 s.

Hazetnymy stezhkamy. – Odesa : Astroprint, 2012. – 204 s. (Vstup ta zakliuchennia H.I. Honcharuka). 

Koshovyi otaman Petro Kalnyshevskyi ta Khadzhybei (Odesa). – Odesa: Feniks, 2011. – 192 s. 

Demian Mnohohrishnyi. – Kharkiv: Folio, 2012. – 119 s.


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