Department of Cultural Studies
Head of the Department
Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor
Sobolevskaya Elena Konstantinovna
Personal structure of lecturers:
- Sobolevskaya E. K., Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Hotynian-Zhuravlova Vitaliia Vitaliivna, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Ushakova Klara Victorovna, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for the Department of Cultural Studies; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Belianskaya Elena Yurevna, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Bogacheva Julia Alexandrovna, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Levchenko Viktor Leonidovich, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Nakonechnaya Oksana Vasilevna, Ph.D. in study of Fine Arts, Associate Professor; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Sumchenko Irina Vyacheslavovna, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor; email:
- Lopuha Oresta Ivanovna, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Department of Cultural Studies was established at the Faculty of Philosophy of I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University on July 1st 2002. During the early years the Department prepared new fundamental and professionally oriented courses: "History of foreign culture", "Culture of the 20th century", "Philosophy of Culture", "History of Foreign Literature", "History of Fine Arts", "History of Music", "History of Theatre", "History of Cinema", "Culture of regions", "Culturological Anthropology", as well as special courses: "Typology and Chronology of Culture", "Culture and the Law", "Management in the non-manufacturing sector", "Entrepreneurship and Show business", "Organization and Methods of Show projects", "Organization and Methods of Advertising campaigns", "Organization and Methods of Presentation", "Fundamentals of direction Theatrical forms of Leisure", "Fundamentals of Dramatics", "Fundamentals of scenic Speech", "The organization of cultural Projects", "Lvov-Warsaw philosophical School", "History of Ukrainian Culture" and others.
In recent years the Department improved fundamentals and professionally oriented courses, as well as prepared new courses: "The Culture of the Silver Age", "Philosophy and Literature", "Methodology and stylistics of the Humanities", "Symbol and Myth in the cinematic Art of the 20th century", "The organization and methods of Advertising campaigns", "Methodology of Postmodern", "Science in the system of Cultural Studies" and others.
The Department provides reading of the relevant courses at the Philosophy faculty and Cultural Studies at all faculties and in the institutes of ONU for future bachelors and masters.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, the students, specializing in Cultural Studies, have the opportunity to apply and test their knowledge in practice. Three types of practices are carried out: familiarization practice, which takes place in Kiev and Odessa; museum practice, which is carried out on the basis of the museums of Odessa; pedagogical practice, which is carried out on the basis of secondary schools in Odessa. The Department of Cultural Studies has entered into cooperation agreements with all Cultural centres of Odessa (Centre of Ukrainian Culture, Russian Culture Centre, Bavaria House, Arab Cultural Centre, Centre of Jewish Culture, Centre of Hellenic Culture, Centre of Rehabilitation), as well as with the creative Unions (the Union of Theatre Workers, the Union of Writers, the Union of Journalists) and with all Theatres of Odessa.
Speciality "Cultural Studies" is accredited on the R&D "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master".
The Department has postgraduate studies in the speciality 09.00.04 – "Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture" and 26.00.01 – "Theory and History of Culture".
After Degree examination

Discussion of an important issue
Lecturers of the Department head Faculty Centres and Seminars:
• Centre for Cultural Research named after Stepan Baley: the Head is Professor Vernikov M. N. (up to 2011);
• Seminar on "Philosophy of multidimensionality": the Head is Professor Bogataya L. N.;
• Scientifically-culturological seminar "Maximilian Voloshin and Culture of the Silver Age": the Head is Head of the Department, Associate Professor Sobolevskaya E. K.;
• Artistically-educational Project: the Head is Associate Professor Levchenko V. L.
Lecturers of the Department are actively involved in the implementation of the Faculty Research Complex Topic "Investigation of the processes of integration and differentiation in modern scientific and philosophical knowledge" (date of the performance: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2021). The Scientific Supervisor of the Research is Head of the Department, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Associate Professor Chaikovskiy A.V.; Principal investigator is Professor Golubovich I. V.
Research activities of the Department are carried out in accordance with the scientific profile. Main directions of scientific researches:
• Actual problems of contemporary Culture.
• The multidimensionality of cultural researches.
• Organization of cultural projects.
• Philosophical and substantial analysis of Culture.
• Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Culture.
• Philosophy of Art.
The Faculty scientific staff participation in international events:
Under M. N. Vernikov’s leadership the Department established scientific ties with foreign scientific institutions, and in particular with the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Rzeszów (Poland). The Department is actively involved in preparation and holding International scientific philosophical and cultural conferences, among which the most important and fruitful were: International Conference "Philosophical and cultural thought in Ukraine in the context of contemporary global socio-cultural process" (June 24-25, Odessa and July 1-2, 2004 in Lviv); "Stepan Baley and problems of formation of modern culture of education. Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Psychology, Pedagogy", Odessa – Lviv, 2005; International Conference of Philosophers of Slavic countries "Philosophy in the Culture of the Slavs" (2-5 June 2007, Poland, Rzeszów).
In recent years the Department has been actively involved in preparation and holding international scientific philosophical and cultural conferences on essence of the phenomenon of laughter and issues of laughter culture (the 11th and 12th International scientific conferences "About Nature of Laughter" (Odessa, 2014, 2016, April), as well as International scientific conferences on issues of the methodology of the Humanities, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researches (International Scientific Conference "Humanitarian Discourse: Disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity" (Odessa, 2015, June).
The Lecturers of the Department participate in international congresses and scientific conferences of near and far abroad. Professor L.N. Bogataya spoke at the conference «Civilisation at the Crossroads. Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences» (Vienna, 22-25 April 2014). Associate professor V.L. Levchenko made reports at the international congresses and conferences on topical issues of the present (II and III International Geological Congress "The History of the Study of Laughter in Russia and the USSR: Scientific Schools and Selected Researchers" (St. Petersburg, 2014) and "The Science of Laughter: Methodology and Terminology" (St. Petersburg, 2015), International Scientific Conference "Laughter in Religious Culture" within the framework of the International Scientific Forum "Humanitarian Readings of the RSUH-2016" (Moscow, 2016, April), International Scientific Conference "Event. War. Society: (Social-Philosophical Analytics)» within the framework of the Congress of Researchers of Belarus (Kaunas, 2016, November). Associate Professor E.K. Sobolevskaya made a report at the XVI International Scientific-Practical Conference Voloshin Readings: "The Questioner of the Century ..." (May 23 - 29, 2011, Koktebel, Crimea), acted and was one of the organizers of the International Scientific-Practical Conference: "The Universe of Freedom and Love" (May 13 - 19, 2013, Koktebel, Crimea), headed the section "The worldview in the Culture of the Silver Age: symbols and archetypes, realities and creative reflections" and Scientific-Practical seminar for students and graduate students "Maximilian Voloshin and Culture of the Silver Age".
Since 2003 the Department of Cultural Studies has been preparing postgraduate students by speciality "Theory and History of Culture", "Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture".
History of the Department:
The Department of Cultural Studies was established at the Faculty of Philosophy of I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University on July 1st 2002. In October 2002 the Head of the Department was elected Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences, Merited Figure of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Logic and Sociology of Lviv Philosophical Union Vernikov Marat Nikolayevich. In 2006 I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University received a license from the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine to the Training of specialists in 7.02010101 "Cultural Studies". A year later, in 2007, on the initiative of M. N. Vernikov, the lecturers of the Faculty and the Department of Cultural Studies, Postgraduate studies were opened in the speciality 09.00.04 – "Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture" and 26.00.01 – "Theory and History of Culture". After M. N. Vernikov, in 2011, the Department was headed by High Achiever of the Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Fine Arts, Professor A. P. Ovchinnikova. Under her guidance the work continued in all these directions. Besides Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for the Department Cultural Studies K. V. Ushakova prepared documents for the licensing of the MA course in the speciality 8.02010101 "Cultural Studies". In January 2014 the accreditation of the MA course successfully passed. In February 2014 the first master-cultural students received their diplomas.
Currentely, since September 2013, the Department has been headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor E. K. Sobolevskaya. She conducts the active scientific, methodical and educational work. The sphere of her scientific interests is the problems of Theory and Philosophy of Culture, Philosophy of Culture of the Silver Age, Poetry and Philosophy, Philosophy of Language. Sobolevskaya E. K. has more than 60 scientific papers, including outside of Ukraine.