Graduates Of Postgraduate

Zadoya Ivanna Ivanivna

Zadoya I I

Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Orlova Viktoriya Oleksandrivna

Orlova V O

Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Law of the Faculty of Management, Marketing and Logistics of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Borshhevska Olena Mykolayivna

Borshenska O N

Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Labor Law of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Najflejsh Volodymyr Davydovych

Naiflesh D D

Judge of the Economic Court of the Odessa region

Lomakina Olena Anatoliyivna

Lomakina O A

Head of the Department of Administrative and Constitutional Law of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Bilyk Pavlo

Білик Павло Петрович

Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 – administration theory, administrative law; financial right (2003).

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

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Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (1998). specialty: Law.

Topic of the dissertation: «Organizational and legal support for administrative the socio-economic development of the region» (2003)


  • Administrative law (General and Special part).
  • Juridical deontology,
  • Public administration,
  • Tax law

Scientific interests: administration, theory of public administration

Scientific works:

  1. Bilyk P.P., Osadchaya I.A. Administrative discretion in public administration and their connection with legal deontology: theoretical and legal aspect. Constitutional state. 2021. № 42. P.52-63
  2. Bilyk P.P. Osadchaya I.A. Administrative discretion and instruments of activity of public administrations: administrative-legal and legal-deontological dimension. Constitutional state. 2021. № 44. P.37-44

Other professional activities:

Responsible secretariat of the Admissions Committee ONU I.I. Mechnikov


PK № 3.2/14/5/33-19 dated 04/13/2019 Certificate of advanced training under a joint program with the International Public Organization «Universal Examination Network» on the topic «Fundamentals of testology and development of test items»

Advanced training, internship:

Pavlo Bilyk Certificate about research in the Centre for European Reforms Studies a.s.b.l. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Topic: The development of tax law in the conditions of the formation of a global scientific space. 26 June/ 25 August 2023. 180 hours/ 6 ECTS credits

Haran Olga

Стукаленко Ольга Володимирівна

Scientific degree, academic title: Doctor of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 –administrative law and procedure; financial right; information law (2016). Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law (2019)

Position: Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law


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  • Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Faculty of Biology, specialty «Biology» (1989).
  • Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Institute of Postgraduate Education, specialty «Jurisprudence» (1999).
  • Higher educational institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine» (Poltava Institute of Economics and Law), specialty «Philology», professional qualification «Master of Translation (English, German), teacher of English and German languages» (2019).
  • Higher educational institution «Interregional Academy of Personnel Management». Educational program – Psychology. Higher education degree – Master. Area of expertise – Social and behavioral sciences. Specialty – Psychology. Specialization – psychology (2021).

Topic of the dissertation:

  • Topic of doctoral dissertation: «Administrative and legal support for the construction industry: theoretical, legal and praxeological aspects» (2016).
  • Topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Administrative responsibility for violation of land legislation (material and procedural aspects)» (2008).


  • Financial right,
  • Administrative proceedings,
  • Administrative procedure,
  • Psychological techniques in legal practice,
  • Current problems of the modern administrative process

Scientific interests: administrative law, current problems of administrative law and process; current problems of administrative proceedings; current problems of financial and construction law; psychological aspects of regulation of business and legal activities.

Other professional activities:

  • Member of the editorial board of the professional scientific publication «Rule of Law» (ONU I.I. Mechnikov). Issued since 1999 at ONU I.I. Mechnikov.
  • Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Bulletin of Odesa National University. Jurisprudence, which is included in the List of scientific publications of Ukraine (category «B»): legal sciences, specialty - 081 Law (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated June 20, 2023).
  • Scientific director of the research topic of the Department of Administrative and Economic Law: Study of the mechanism for the implementation of human and civil rights and freedoms in public and private law № 172, which is carried out without targeted funding. The research on this topic was carried out from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022.
  • Scientific director of the research topic of the Department of Administrative and Economic Law: Study of European integration ways of developing public and private law of Ukraine № 336, which is carried out without targeted funding. Research on this topic is carried out from 04/01/2023 to 12/31/2027. ONU Order № 533-18 dated 03/31/23 on the opening of KT 336
  • Expert of the Odesa regional network UPLAN.
  • member of the public organization «Association of Administrative Law Specialists».

Advanced training, internship:

  • Completed advanced training under the all-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical advanced training program «Corporate management in the public sphere under martial law: institutional paradigm, 06.06.2022 - 17.07.2022. Study load is 180 hours, 6 credits ECTS of Internal Affairs, Center Ukrainian-European scientific cooperation). (Certificate of advanced training № ADV-060616-PubSI dated July 17, 2022).
  • Completed advanced training at the Higher School of Public Administration under a special short-term program «Training for Trainers on General Administrative Procedure» within the framework of the EU project «Support for Comprehensive Public Administration Reform in Ukraine» (EU4PAR). The volume of the program is 1 ECTS credit. (Certificate № CK_TDT 31115684/000038-23).
  • Advanced training took place within the framework of the I School of Administrative Procedure organized by the EU project EU 4 PAR in partnership with the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine with the support of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Lviv, June 29-30, 2023). Scope of the program: 1 ECTS credit. (certificate).
  • Completed the basic course «Mental Health Support» as part of the educational activities of Psychology Support Internation in Ukraine (Certificate dated 05/04/2023)
  • Completed the course «CBT model of counseling for coping with the challenges of war», April 2022 in online format. The total number of hours of theory and development of practical skills is 32 (20 therapy + 12 hours of practice). (Certificate).
  • Completed advanced training according to the author’s advanced training program (participation in a practical course) on the topic: «Fundamentals of neurographic crisis drawing», 06/17/2022-07/08/2022 (30 hours, 1 ECTS credit). (Certificate № 0807/22 from 07/08/2022)
  • Completed the training program «Children and War: Training in Healing Techniques», May-June 2022, total duration 20 hours of theory and practical skills. (Certificate KE 07 RE-CE-000279 dated July 24, 2022)
  • Completed the Schema Therapy training program (standard and advanced level), which is accredited by the International Schema Therapy Association at the Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. (Certificate of completion of the training program with a therapy scheme dated November 26, 2022).
  • Successfully completed the online training course «Litigation» lasting 25 hours at the Online Law School. (Certificate).
  • Remotely improved my skills during the webinar «Online tests» for remote work. In the areas of «ICT», «Practical techniques» (duration 2 hours/0.06 ECTS credit) and acquired the following competencies provided for by education standards: innovation, information and communication, lifelong learning (03/30/2020). (certificate № B256-730528).
  • Completed an online educational project for teachers «Innovative approaches to organizing distance learning.» social networking functions; Working with interactive questionnaires; group work methods and maintaining audience focus; Preparing effective presentations. Volume – 14 academic. hours (August 3-7, 2020). (certificate).
  • Completed a one-year specialized training program «KPT+. The total amount of full-time training is 60 hours and 60 hours of practical skills development, self-study is 50 hours. (certificate).
  • Completed an internship at the European educational and legal project European Integration of Economics, Education and Law at the Institute of European Integration, Warsaw, Poland. Certificate of completion of an internship in the European educational and legal project «European integration of economics, education and law» (Certificate № 2-08/2018 hours / 3 credits), July 31 – August 10, 2018).
  • Took part in the project «Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the European Union: advantages and disadvantages for Ukrainian society» organized and carried out within the framework of the cooperation project of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University and Co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union ( 40 hours) (Certificate of participation № 77-10/2017).
  • and others.

Ilieva Natalia

Ільева Наталія Василівна

Head of the military mobilization department

ONU I.I. Mechnikov

Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 –administrative law and procedure; financial right; information law (2011). Associate professor the Department of Constitutional Law and Justice (2014)

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

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Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (2003) specialty: Law.

Topic of the dissertation: «Legal regulation of notarial activities in Ukraine: administrative and legal framework» (2011)

Courses: Notary in Ukraine

Scientific interests: administrative and legal regulation of notarial activities; interaction of state and non-state bodies with subjects of notarial activities;

state regulation of notarial activities; state and public control of notarial activities.

Scientific works:



Other professional activities:

  • Executive secretary of the scientific publication (category B) «Constitutional State» (indexing by scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, WorldCat, Citefactor, etc.).
  • Chairman of the trade union organization of the Faculty of Economics and Law of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • member of the Presidium of the primary trade union organization of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • Member of the Trade Union Committee of the primary trade union organization of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • member of the commission for organizing cultural, educational work and recreation of workers of the primary trade union organization of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • Member of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine. Participated in the exclusive practical program of the Union of Lawyers of the Odesa Region together with ONU I.I. Mechnikov, which was held from December 2, 2014 to March 2, 2015, where changes to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» were prepared together with students;
  • Scientific director of the student group in the discipline «Notary in Ukraine» on the topic: «Mortgage, inheritance, marriage and other agreements in notarial practice,» etc.
  • Took part in the round table «Reforming the notary system in Ukraine: prospects and consequences», which was held by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Legal Policy, as well as in a special meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Advanced training, internship:

  • Odesa sixth state notary office (Primorska). Order of ONU I.I. Mechnikov № 1350/18 dated May 25, 2015, program and report. Odesa Sixth State Notary Office (Primorska) No. 145-15 dated 07/02/2015
  • Union of Lawyers of the Odesa Region. 10/01/2021 to 12/01/2021 Type – internship by order of the Odessa National University I.I. Mechnikov № 2775/18 dated 12/29/2021, Certificate of the Union of Lawyers of the Odesa Region No. 622/12/22 with general duration of hours - 180 hours. Topic: “Current issues of administrative, judicial and notarial reforms in Ukraine: problems and prospects”

Awards and honors:

Аwarded a Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the Odesa Regional State Administration (2017), Certificates of Honor and gratitude from the Rector of Odesa National University I. I. Mechnikov and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law (1999-2022).

Lazarіeva Mariana

Position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Administrative and Commercial Law, Faculty of Economics and Law, ONU I.I. Mechnikov


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Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (1994)


  • Administrative law (General and Special part).
  • Juridical deontology,
  • Administrative proceedings,
  • Commercial law,
  • Legal foundations of entrepreneurial activity.

Scientific interests: system of administrative law of Ukraine, administrative procedural law, administrative proceedings, current problems of administrative law and process, features of public administration, сommercial law, legal foundations of entrepreneurial activity, juridical deontology.

Scientific works:



Scientific works:

  1. Lazareva M.I. Reforming local self-government as the basis for financial independence // Financial aspects of the development of the state, regions and economic entities: current status and prospects. Collection of materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference May 16-17, 2017 Odessa. - Odesa: Bondarenko M. A., 2017 - p.155-156
  2. «Legal regime» as a category of administrative law / M. I. Lazareva // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod National University. Series: Law. – 2016. – Issue. 36(2). – pp. 39-42.
  3. Features of public administration in the administrative and political sphere / Lazareva M. I. // Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series Legal Sciences. – 2015 – Issue. 6 volume 2 – P.75-76

Advanced training, internship:

  • Odesa Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Department of Applied Economics. Advanced training program: «Professional direction for teachers of administrative and legal disciplines» (108 hours). Goal: Improving professional training by updating theoretical and practical knowledge, developing new competencies in psychological and pedagogical activities, mastering innovative technologies, forms and means of training in higher educational institutions. Order of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov No. 605/18 dated March 18, 2016, program and report. Certificate OTEI of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University № 103 dated April 15, 2016;
  • Center for the Study of European Reforms (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) under the program «Legal regulation of business activities» in the period from 06/29/2021 to 08/27/2021 with a total duration of 180 hours (6 EST).

Mykolenko Alexander

Миколенко Олександр Іванович

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor Odesa I. I. Mechnikov

National University

Head the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

Scientific degree, academic title: Doctor of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 –administrative law and procedure; financial right; information law (2011). Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law (2013)

Position: Head of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (1996). specialty: Law.

Topic of the dissertation:

  • Topic of doctoral dissertation: «The place of administrative procedural law in the system of legal knowledge and the legal system of Ukraine» (2011),
  • Topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Problems of compensation for harm caused by an administrative offense» (2000).


  • Problems of administrative law
  • Administrative jurisdiction
  • Preventing corruption and resolving conflicts of interest
  • Current problems of modern administrative law

Scientific interests: administrative procedural law, administrative process, administrative tort law, system of administrative law of Ukraine.

Scientific works:



Other professional activities:

  • Editor-in-Chief of the professional scientific publication (category B) «Constitutional State» (indexing by scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, WorldCat, Citefactor, etc.).
  • Member of the editorial board of the specialized publication «Bulletin of Odesa National University. Series: «Jurisprudence».
  • Member of the Specialized Academic Council SRD 41.086.05 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Science at the National University «Odesa Law Academy», as well as the Specialized Academic Council D 64.700.01 at the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs.
  • Member of the All-Ukrainian public organization «Association of Specialists in Administrative Law»

Advanced training, internship:

  • Odesa Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Department of Applied Economics. Topic: Special direction for teachers of administrative and legal disciplines. Order of ONU I.I. Mechnikov № 2861/18 dated November 5, 2018, program and report. Odessa Trade and Economic Institute KNTEU № 389 dated December 12, 2018
  • • Center for the Study of European Reforms (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) under the program «Development of customs and migration law in the context of the emergence of a global scientific space» in the period from 06.06.2022 to 05.08.2022 with a total duration of 180 hours (6 ESTs).

Awards and honors:

Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Odesa Regional State Administration (2012), a Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the Odesa Regional Council (2018), and a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2019).

Nina Dobrovolska

Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 –administrative law and procedure; financial right; information law (2012).

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

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Education: National University «Odesa Law Academy», specialty: Law (2005)

Topic of the dissertation: «Organizational foundations of legal software in the field of judicial management» (2005)


  • Commercial law,
  • Administrative law (General and Special part).

Scientific interests: Administrative offenses, disputes regarding the implementation of Commercial activities

Scientific works:


Advanced training, internship:

Center for the Study of European Reforms (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) under the program «Legal regulation of business activities» in the period from 06/29/2021 to 08/27/2021 with a total duration of 180 hours (6 EST).

Smitiukh Andrii

Смітюх Андрій Володимирович

Scientific degree, academic title: Doctor of Law: 12.00.04 – commercial law; commercial procedural law (2019), Doctor of Law (2019), Professor of the department of administrative and commercial law (2020)

Position: Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

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Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (1998). specialty: Law.

Topic of the dissertation:

  • Topic of doctoral dissertation: «UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Lex Mercatoria in the context of International Private Law» (2004),
  • Topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Corporate rights and corporate shares (stocks): theoretic and legal basis» (2019).


  • corporate law;
  • legal basis of investment activity;
  • corporate governance

Scientific interests: corporate rights; corporate shares (stocks, shares in authorized capital); private international law; civil and commercial process

Scientific works:



Other professional activities: Vice-Rector of Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University in Teaching, Research and International Cooperation

Awards and honors:

  • Certificates of honor from the Odesa Regional State Administration
  • Diplomas of Odesa National University I. I. Mechnikov, Faculty of Economics and Law