Ilieva Natalia

Ільева Наталія Василівна

Head of the military mobilization department

ONU I.I. Mechnikov

Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 –administrative law and procedure; financial right; information law (2011). Associate professor the Department of Constitutional Law and Justice (2014)

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

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Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (2003) specialty: Law.

Topic of the dissertation: «Legal regulation of notarial activities in Ukraine: administrative and legal framework» (2011)

Courses: Notary in Ukraine

Scientific interests: administrative and legal regulation of notarial activities; interaction of state and non-state bodies with subjects of notarial activities;

state regulation of notarial activities; state and public control of notarial activities.

Scientific works:



Other professional activities:

  • Executive secretary of the scientific publication (category B) «Constitutional State» (indexing by scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, WorldCat, Citefactor, etc.).
  • Chairman of the trade union organization of the Faculty of Economics and Law of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • member of the Presidium of the primary trade union organization of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • Member of the Trade Union Committee of the primary trade union organization of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • member of the commission for organizing cultural, educational work and recreation of workers of the primary trade union organization of ONU I. I. Mechnikov;
  • Member of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine. Participated in the exclusive practical program of the Union of Lawyers of the Odesa Region together with ONU I.I. Mechnikov, which was held from December 2, 2014 to March 2, 2015, where changes to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» were prepared together with students;
  • Scientific director of the student group in the discipline «Notary in Ukraine» on the topic: «Mortgage, inheritance, marriage and other agreements in notarial practice,» etc.
  • Took part in the round table «Reforming the notary system in Ukraine: prospects and consequences», which was held by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Legal Policy, as well as in a special meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Advanced training, internship:

  • Odesa sixth state notary office (Primorska). Order of ONU I.I. Mechnikov № 1350/18 dated May 25, 2015, program and report. Odesa Sixth State Notary Office (Primorska) No. 145-15 dated 07/02/2015
  • Union of Lawyers of the Odesa Region. 10/01/2021 to 12/01/2021 Type – internship by order of the Odessa National University I.I. Mechnikov № 2775/18 dated 12/29/2021, Certificate of the Union of Lawyers of the Odesa Region No. 622/12/22 with general duration of hours - 180 hours. Topic: “Current issues of administrative, judicial and notarial reforms in Ukraine: problems and prospects”

Awards and honors:

Аwarded a Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the Odesa Regional State Administration (2017), Certificates of Honor and gratitude from the Rector of Odesa National University I. I. Mechnikov and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law (1999-2022).
