Bilyk Pavlo

Білик Павло Петрович

Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Juridical Sciences, 12.00.07 – administration theory, administrative law; financial right (2003).

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law

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Education: Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (1998). specialty: Law.

Topic of the dissertation: «Organizational and legal support for administrative the socio-economic development of the region» (2003)


  • Administrative law (General and Special part).
  • Juridical deontology,
  • Public administration,
  • Tax law

Scientific interests: administration, theory of public administration

Scientific works:

  1. Bilyk P.P., Osadchaya I.A. Administrative discretion in public administration and their connection with legal deontology: theoretical and legal aspect. Constitutional state. 2021. № 42. P.52-63
  2. Bilyk P.P. Osadchaya I.A. Administrative discretion and instruments of activity of public administrations: administrative-legal and legal-deontological dimension. Constitutional state. 2021. № 44. P.37-44

Other professional activities:

Responsible secretariat of the Admissions Committee ONU I.I. Mechnikov


PK № 3.2/14/5/33-19 dated 04/13/2019 Certificate of advanced training under a joint program with the International Public Organization «Universal Examination Network» on the topic «Fundamentals of testology and development of test items»

Advanced training, internship:

Pavlo Bilyk Certificate about research in the Centre for European Reforms Studies a.s.b.l. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Topic: The development of tax law in the conditions of the formation of a global scientific space. 26 June/ 25 August 2023. 180 hours/ 6 ECTS credits
