Andrushchenko Olesia

Vakaliuk Olena

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scientific degree, scientific title: candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D) at specialty 08.00.06 - economics of nature use and environmental protection (2021), associate professor (2023)

Education: Odesa State University of Economics, specialty «Finance», qualification - economist

The topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Organizational and economic support of environmental incentives for energy conservation» (2021)

Courses taught: Greening of economic activity, Circular economy, Ecological entrepreneurship, Economics of nature use, Investment.

Scientific interests: economy of nature use, circular economy, "green" entrepreneurship, innovative development

Other professional activity: executor of an international scientific and methodical project «European universities supporting legal and community capacities of Ukraineʼs environmental recovery / Support by European universities of legal and public capacity for the ecological restoration of Ukraine-GROMADA" of the Erasmus+ program of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Media and Culture of the European Commission, registration number КА220-HED-896635B7

Scientific works:



Advanced training.

  1. Internship at the «Bestway» travel agency, February 1, 2021 - February 20, 2021. (69 hours)
  2. Webinar «Innovative forms of modern education on the example of Google Meet, Google Classroom platforms» (Poland), June 28, 2021. – July 5, 2021 (45 hours)
  3. Training «Lets Cycle at the Black Sea» (Odesa), February 3, 2023р. – February 10, 2023р. (30 hours)
  4. Training «Implementation of knowledge and practices regarding the circular economy in the countries of the Black Sea basin» (Odesa), April 25, 2023. – April 28, 2023 (20 hours)
  5. Webinar «Development of e-education approaches and tools to promote the stabilization of higher education in Ukraine" within the International Project «Ukrainian- German Teaching Network for а Digital Transformation of Environmental Education» (DAAD), June 19, 2023р. – June 23, 2023р. (15 hours)
  6. International workshop «Cycle of educational trainings on the modern circular economy» within the framework of the project «Implementation of knowledge and practices regarding the circular economy in the countries of the Black Sea basin (BSB 1021 CIRCLECON)", July 17, 2023 – July 21, 2023 (30 hours)
  7. Advanced training (internship) from March 18, 2024 to April 22, 2024. under the program «Methodology of economic and ecological research» (specialty 051 «Economics») in the department of economic and ecological development of the seaside regions of the State Organization «Institute of Market and Economic and Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» (60 hours)

Awards and honors:

  • Certificate of honor of Odesa State Environmental University, 2022

Arestov Serhii

Vakaliuk Olena

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.06- Economics of nature use and environmental protection (2008), Associate Professor (2011)

Education: Odesa Hydrometeorological Institute, specialty "Management of Organizations".

Сandidate's dissertation: «The mechanism of increasing the economic and ecological efficiency of nature conservation investments in ecosystem services» (2008)

The main courses taught: Digitalization of the economy, Economic analysis ,Economic theory , Economics and organization of environmental technologies , Entrepreneurial activity

Research interests: The mechanism of increasing the economic and environmental efficiency of investments in environmental services, theory and practice of global economic development, sustainable economic development, assessment of the economic efficiency of the enterprise

Other professional activity:

  • Participation in the international scientific and methodological project "European universities supporting legal and community capacities of Ukraineʼs environmental recovery / Support by European universities of legal and public capacity for environmental recovery of Ukraine-GROMADA" of the Erasmus+ program of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Means and Culture of the European Commission, registration number KA220-HED-896635B7
  • Work as part of the commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "Management" with the specialization "Management of environmental protection activities"
  • Work as a member of the commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works, specializing in "Tourism"
  • Scientific consulting of "YuVIX"

Scientific works::



Advanced training.

  • Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2011 р.
  • Enterprise "ODS Tour", "Features of tourist activity in modern conditions" 2020р.
  • Courses on organizational and methodical aspects of pedagogical activity in OSENU 2021р.
  • Enterprise "YuVIX", "Features of economic activity in modern conditions"2021 р.

Dobrova Tatyana

Voytsekhovska Alina Olehivna

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status:PhD in Economics (1989), Associate Professor (1992)

Position:Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Education: Odesa Institute of National Economy, specialty "accounting", qualification – specialistof Economics

Candidate’s dissertation:Agro-industrial integration as a factor in the development of property relations (1989)

The main courses taught: Economic theory, Micro- and macroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics - 2 , Economic policy and development strategies, Interorganizational networks in economics and management, Theory of the firm

Scientific interests: social differentiation of the population, socio-economic policy, labor migration, innovative and investment activity of business, small entrepreneurship.

Scientific works:

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8309-9226

Google scholar

Professional activities:

  • Participant of the international project "Norway - Ukraine. Professional adaptation. Integration into the state system", teaching economic disciplines within the project on social adaptation of servicemen and their family members to civilian life by acquiring a new profession "Business Management" (2018 - 2021)
  • Member of the jury III-IV stages of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Economicsfrom Student of secondary school (2017 - present)
  • Member of the jury of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the "Economic Theory" (2018 - 2019)

Training, internship:

  • Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov. Reference No. 02-01-65 dated 13.01.2023 "Economic theory". 10.10.2022 – 10.12.2022 (180 hours)
  • Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov. Reference No. 02-01-537 dated 03/18/2021. "Politology". 09/10/2020 – 03/10/2021 (660 hours)
  • International Social Adaptation Fund (Kyiv). Certificate No. 500/08 dated March 12, 2021 "Business Management". 09/23/2020 - 12/23/2020 (30 hours)
  • State institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky". Certificate No. 0149/2020 dated 05/25/2020 "Office 365: testing program learning outcomes of students of higher education." 05/18/2020-05/25/2020. (30 hours)
  • National Council of Economic Education of the US Department of Education, advanced training in economics teaching methods in secondary schools (2004-2005). Awards and honors: "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" badge of honor (1999)

Awards: "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" badge of honor (1999)

Gorniak Olga

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: Doctor of Economic Sciences (2005), Professor

Education: Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, specialty - political economy, qualification - economist, teacher of political economy

Doctoral dissertation: «Regularities of development and functioning of modern enterprises in the conditions of market transformation» (2004)

The main courses taught: Economic theory; Enterprise economy; Modern economic systems; Theories of organizations, Modern economic theories and current problems of economic policy, Economic development of modern civilizations, Strategies for economic development, History, concepts and modern achievements of science, Interorganizational networks in economics and management

Research interests: modern economic theories, institutional economics, theories of the firm, economic development, interorganizational networks

Scientific works:



Participation in professional associations:

  • NGO "Union of Economists Ukraine"
  • NGO "Association of International Economists"


Kasianova Valeriia

Voytsekhovska Alina Olehivna

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (2012 ), Associate Professor (2015)

Education: Education: Odessa State University I.I. Mechnikov, specialty "Mathematics"

Сandidate's dissertation: Asymptotic handling of solutions of second-order non-autonomous ordinary differential equations with nonlinearities asymptotically close to exponent (2012)

The main courses taught: Information systems and technologies, Econometrics, Forecasting of socio-economic processes, Modern methods of statistical analysis of business performance.

Research interests: mathematical and econometric modeling of economic processes, statistical data analysis using application software packages, forecasting based on built models


ORCID: 0000-0002-6302-366

Kryuchkova Natalia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: PhD in Economics (2009), Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor, Director of the Center of International Education

Education: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, specialty «Economic theory», qualification - Master of Economics

Сandidate's dissertation: "Taxation in the system of macroeconomic regulation" (2009).

The main courses taught: Macroeconomics; Statistical analysis of the business environment ; Modeling and forecasting of economic and social processes based on statistical databases; Internationalization of educational and scientific activity; Basics of international macroeconomics;Applied economic models in management; Statistics and business analytics

Research interests: fiscal policy, macro-finance, public finances, modeling and forecasting financial activity

Participation in professional associations:

  • NGO "Union of Economists Ukraine"

Scientific works:



Professional activities:

  • Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, specialty 051 - Economics, 072 - Finance and Credit (October 2019 - present);
  • Responsible executor of the scientific topic "Study of the processes of institutionalization of socio-economic activities in the context of economic transformation" (2018 - present);
  • Responsible executor of the scientific topic "Study of the formation of institutional structures in a market transformation" (2012-2017);
  • Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Economic Theory" (2017 - present);
  • Member of the branch competition commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, specialty "Finance and Credit" (2016 - present);
  • Member of the branch competition commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy" (2020);
  • Member of the jury of the Small Academy of Sciences, specialty "Economics" (2012 - present);
  • Scientific consulting of the Southern Office of the State Audit Office of Ukraine - reference № 15-09-23-14 / 1958-2019 dated 08.04.2019 (2017 - present);
  • Fellow of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists 2012-2014.
  • Member of the public organization "Union of Economists of Ukraine".
  • Participant of the project of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology "Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence in Higher Education Institutes", 06.08.2023-06.30.2024 (ONU order No. 961-18 dated 08.06 .2023)
  • Manager of the international project Model for cooperation between target groups during internationalization: High Five Reloaded (Umea University, Sweden). 01.01.2021-30.06.2022. (ONU order No. 2307-18 dated 03.12.2020)

Training, internship:

  • International postgraduate practical internship “Internationalization of Higher Education. Organization of the educational process and innovative teaching methods in higher education institutions in Poland ”- Collegium Civitas, Warsaw (23.06.2020-15.07.2020);
  • Scientific and pedagogical internship "Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its implementation in the training of specialists in economics and management", Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship (Ostrovets, Poland), specialty 051 "Economics" (January 2019);
  • Development of cooperation between China and Ukraine in the field of education and science, Shanghai University (Shanghai, China) (September 2018);
  • Staff training week - Internationalization program, DEUSTO University (Bilbao, Spain) (May 2018);
  • Staff training week, University of TURKU (Turku, Finland) (June 2017);
  • Advanced training in the organization of educational, teaching and research work, Odessa National University of Economics, Department of Finance (Odessa, Ukraine) (December 2013 - January 2014).
  • Financial Research Institute of the Academy of Financial Management at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine - dissertation "Taxation in system of macroeconomic regulation" (2008-2009);
  • Student of University SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (Nice, France), Faculty of Economics, Law and Administration (2000-2001);
  • In 2001 - diplom DEUG of university SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (Nice, France);
  • Secretary Project Tempus-Tacis - Ukraine (2000-2001)
  • University SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (Nice, France) - internship (October - December 2001, May-June 2004).


  • Diploma of the Odessa Regional State Administration for many years of fruitful pedagogical work, significant personal contribution to the development and reform of national education, high professionalism and on the occasion of the 155th anniversary of the founding of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov, 2020;
  • Diploma for high scientific and pedagogical professionalism in the preparation of the winner of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance and Credit" 2019/2020 academic year. (signed by the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics), 2020;
  • Gratitude for high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the formation of the scientific elite of Ukraine and active participation in the preparation and holding of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance and Credit" 2017/2018 academic year. (signed by the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics), 2018;
  • Diploma for participation in the organization of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline of Economic Theory (II round), March 28 - 30, 2018;
  • Diploma of the Odessa Regional Council for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the development of education, training and education of the younger generation, high professionalism, 2019;
  • Diploma for high scientific and pedagogical professionalism in the preparation of the winner of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance and Credit" 2018/2019 academic year. (signed by the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics), 2019;
  • Diploma for active participation in the organization and holding of the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Economic Theory", April 22 - 24, 2019;
  • Gratitude for active participation in the work of the jury of the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Economic Theory", April 22 - 24, 2019;
  • "The teacher of the students’ eyes 2011-2012" - ONU I.I. Mechnikov.

Lomachynska Iryna

Lomachynska Iryna

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.00.08 – Money, Finance and Credit (2021), Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.08 - Money, Finance and Credit (2009), PhD in Economic Sciences (2010), Associate Professor (2011)

Education: Odessa State University I.I. Mechnikov, specialty "Economic theory"

Doctoral dissertation: Institutional transformation of the financial system of Ukraine (2021)

Сandidate's dissertation: The mechanism of balancing the finances of enterprises in the context of economic transformation (2009)

The main courses taught: Introduction to the specialty; Microeconomics; Economic and financial policy in the context of globalization; Methodology and organization of scientific research; Pharmacoeconomics; Methods, analysis and presentation of research results in economics; Financial and monetary economics; Financialization of economic development, Digitalization of the economy and finance

Research interests: development and evolution of the national financial system, relationship between financial development and economic growth, financial economics

GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Lomachynska Iryna

ORCID: Lomachynska Iryna

ResearcherID: E-9174-2018

Scopus Author ID: 5722196182222

Participation in professional associations:

  • NGO "Ukrainian-American Association of College Educators"
  • NGO "Union of Economists Ukraine"
  • NGO "Association of International Economists"
  • NGO "Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Science and Development of European Public Initiatives" (Co-founder)
  • American Economic Association

Maksymova Julia

maximova UO1

еmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Position: Senior Lecturer

Education: Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, specialty «Management of foreign economic activity», qualification - manager-economist, manager of foreign economic activity

The main courses taught: Economy of enterprise, Basics of entrepreneurial activity, Pharmacoeconomics, Virtual economy

Research interests: Economic evolution and institutional changes; processing data flows in enterprises.

Scientific works:

Participation in professional associations:

  • NGO «Union of Economists Ukraine»


Mumladze Anzor

Мумладзе Анзор Олександрович

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.03 – economics and management of the national economy

Position: Associate Professor

Education: Odessa State University I. I. Mechnikov, specialty "International Economic Relations", qualification - specialist in international economic relations; Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, specialty "Jurisprudence", qualification – lawyer

Сandidate's dissertation: Ensuring of the national economy innovative development in the context of the transformation of financial and economic processes (2021)

The main courses taught: Entrepreneurship and business culture; Market conditions analysis

Research interests: innovative development of the national economy, financial economics


Advanced training:

  • PJS CINDEX BANK 06.09.2010-01.10.2010 (order of PJSC INDEX BANK No. 251-kdd. 06.08.2010);
  • PJSC "Ukrsotsbank" 02.12.2013-02.01.2014(order of PJSC "Ukrsotsbank" No.1635-н dd. 26.11.2013);
  • Odessa National University, Department of Economics and National Economy Management. – 16.12.2013-17.01.2014 (order of ONU I. I. Mechnikov No. 338-0 dd. 16.12.2013)
  • Macra Trade Guild LLC. 14.05-14.06.2019.
  • International advanced training "Innovative forms of modern education using the GOOGLE MEET, GOOGLE CLASSROOM platforms". Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park and IESF International Foundation for Scientists and Educators. 18-25 of October 2021.
  • International advanced training On Being a Scientist Course authorized by European Academy of Sciences and Research (Hamburg, Germany). February 2022.

Nataliya Tyukhtenko

Nataliya Tyukhtenko - Professor of the Department of Management and Administration

Academic degree, academic title:

  • Doctor of Economics: 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity) (2019);
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.06.02 - Entrepreneurship, management, marketing (2000);
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship (2002);
  • Professor of the Department of Management and Administration (2018)
  • Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine (2016)

Position: Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship


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  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Odesa State University of Economics, specialty "Economics and Sociology of Labor", qualification - economist (1994);
  • Kherson State Agricultural Institute, specialty "Agricultural Construction", qualification - civil engineer (1986).
  • English language proficiency level B2 (Pearson English Test of English Academic: PABELC LLC Level 3 Pearson English Test Academic (B2) (EXT_UA_12_17_14) Pass (B2) No. 659148_DEC_17_19640411-01102)

Thesis topic:

  • Doctoral dissertation: "Formation and evaluation of social strategies for activating the labor activity of enterprise personnel" (2019)
  • PhD thesis: "Organizational and methodological support for the management of professional orientation" (2000).

Courses taught:

  • Management capital
  • Professionalization of management activities
  • Business partnership
  • Management culture
  • Human resource management
  • Economics of labor and social and labor relations
  • Leadership

Research interests:

  • Human resources management (personnel)
  • Management of education and self-development, self-management
  • Socio-cultural factors of management
  • Modern trends in management and leadership
  • Quality management and innovation in business
  • Creative management
  • Competitiveness of modern business based on effective human resource management
  • Adaptive concepts of management and administration

Other professional and public activities:

  • Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Administration of Kherson State University
  • Member of the specialized academic council D41.051.11 at the I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University
  • Member of the editorial board of professional publications (category B):
    • Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series "Economic Sciences", Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
    • Member of the editorial board of the scientific professional edition of Ukraine of category B "ECONOMIC SYNERGY" (founder - Academician Yuri Buhay International Scientific and Technical University) in the following specialties: 051 - Economics, 073 - Management, 075 - Marketing, 076 - Entrepreneurship and Trade, 281 - Public Administration and Management.
    • Member of the editorial board of the scientific professional publication of Ukraine of category B "Market Economy: Modern Theory and Practice of Management" (Founder - I. I. Mechnikov ONU).
    • Member of the editorial board of the scientific professional edition of Ukraine of category B "Actual problems of regional economic development" (Founder - Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University).
  • Associate Member of the Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education - Certificate No. 761 dated February 15, 2020;
  • Associate Member of the NGO "Socio-Economic Initiatives and Projects" (SEIP) - Certificate No. 038-12 (valid from 06/25/2021 to 06/25/2023);
  • Associate Member of the Public Organization "Association of Marketers of Ukraine" - Certificate No. 218 dated 01.09.2020;
  • Member of the Audit Commission of the Ukrainian Union of Economists (2009 to present) - letter of confirmation;
  • Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences (certificate No. 668 dated May 14, 2010);
  • Member of the Public Council at the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in Kherson Region (2016-present)

Scientific papers: GOOGLE SCHOLAR | ORCID

Advanced training, internships

  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of International Economics and Marketing from 03.09.2022 to 14.11.2022 (180 hours, 6 ECTS credits). Order of 27.09.2022 № 269-k.
  • OUTLINE OF THE DISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM "ORGANIZATION OF EUROPEAN EDUCATION, PARTNERSHIP IN RESEARCH PROJECTS AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY" (April 26 - June 15, 2022 Warsaw, Poland). The training program consisted of 180 hours (4 modules) Certificate No. GS 220118
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID) "Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE)", full-time participation in the training on the implementation of postgraduate programs, 2020
  • International school of pedagogical excellence Create Creative Entrepreneurs Leaders School (2-16.11.2022), within the framework of Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Program by British Council - certificate №-NGOIG-CSPBC-TTSCCELS-30-11-22-111
  • Online workshop on the development of startup skills within the EIT Food Regional Innovation Scheme (RIC) on December 3-4, 2022 (organizers: FOOD, cyber/nnov8, co-funded by the European Union) - certificate
  • University of Gdansk (Poland) (27.06-08.07.2023) - participation in the program "Complementary support of activities undertaken by the University of the Seas [SEA-EU] in the scope of academic cooperation with the Odesa National University named after I. Mechnicov - NAWA COOPERATION AGREEMENT No. BPI/UE/2022/3-00"

Hobbies: traveling around Ukraine and the world

Orlova Natalia


e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree, academic status: Candidate of Economic Sciences: - 08.00.01. – Political economy (1991), Associate Professor of Economics and Management (2007).

Position: Associate Professor of the Department Economics and Entrepreneurship.

Education: Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, specialty Economics and organization of water transport, qualification - Marine transport engineer-economist.

Сandidate's dissertation: «improvement of the professional and qualification structure of the total employee at the present stage» (1991 р.)

The main courses taught: Economic Theory; Business planning; Economic analysis; Antimonopoly regulation; Strategy of enterprises in industry markets.

Research interests: modern economic theories, theories of the firm, problems of business economy in modern conditions; integration of industry markets and transformation of business models.

Scientific works:

Participation in professional associations:

  •  International Foundation Educators and Scholars

Advanced qualification:

  •  Agrarian company "Eureka" Ltd by order of the rector of Odesa I. I. Mechnykov National University № 3144-18 07.12.2018 р.
  •  International advanced training «ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IN THE TRAINING OF BACHELOR AND MASTER’S DEGREES IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND UKRAINE». Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park & IESF International Foundation Educators and Scholars. 31.01- 06.02.2023р.
  •  International advanced training «INFORMAL EDUCATION IN THE RRAINING OF BACHELORS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES AND UKRAINE». Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park & IESF International Foundation Educators and Scholars. 20.02.-27.02.2023 р.