Chair of Marketing and Business Administration

Department of Marketing and Business Administration provides professionals in the specialty «Management»

We teach Business and Marketing professionally!



Most of the teaching staff has taken part in internships at universities of Europe (France, Portugal, the Netherlands, England, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria) and the USA. Annually they raise their professional level, taking part in international and Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables. Many of them are practitioners in the field of business management, marketing, crisis management of companies, etc.

The experience and skills of teaching staff of our department: teaching in the MBA program, business consulting, business - training and seminars in management, marketing, pricing, sales, merchandising.

The innovative approach, modern teaching methods, and also democratic style of communication between students and teachers are used for conducting classes.

Education and qualification level of the graduate: Bachelor (073 “Management”), Master (073 “Management organization and administration”).

There is full-time and correspondence study.

After graduation students who successfully complete the specialty and have a tendency to research activities will study as PhD students.

The scope of activity of graduates:

  • IT-technology. Marketing. Logistic and transport. Banking and financial management. Investment management. Hotel - Restaurant business and tourism. Crewing. Media and Advertising business. HR management. Environmental inspections.
  • Public, private, national and international organizations and corporations, private business
    Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration is

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Elena Sadchenko.


  • The author of over 150 scientific publications (monographs, manuals, brochures and articles).
  • The owner of such grants as Soros grant for the traineeship at Central European University (Budapest) in 1999 year; MacArthur Foundation grant (the USA) on economic and environmental issues in 2001 year.
  • The co-author of the Second National Report on Biodiversity Conservation in Ukraine.
  • The developer of a scientific project of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), supported by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, within the problem “The Preservation and Maintenance of the Knowledge associated with biodiversity, innovations and traditional forms of nature usage by the local authorities”.
  • The developer of such projects as "Conceptual and methodological basics for the creation of marine economic and environmental inventory of Ukraine", "About the institutionalization of types of ownership on objects of natural resource potential", "The Environmental Passport of the subject of the nature usage," "Model project of regional passport of environmental infrastructure," etc.
  • The Member of Specialized Academic Councils of the Institute for Market Problems and Economic-and-Ecological Research of the NAS of Ukraine (Odessa) and the National Mining University of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk).
  • The chairman of the State Examination Commission of leading universities of Odessa.
  • The holder of such certificates as: "Research Studies and Innovation Management", "Business and Sustainable Development", "Environment and Politics", "Partnership for Democracy for the sake of Nation’s Health", "Modern Aspects of Mathematics of Harmony and its Application In the Economy, Science, Technology, Society and Education», “Social and Geographical Problems in East-Central Europe in the early 21st century."


Dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you on the site of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University!

Over 25 years the department has been training bachelors and specialists in the specialty "Management". Students study special subjects, they have the possibility to practice at the leading enterprises of Odessa. In addition, they also have the opportunity to take part in international internships. There is a high exactingness of teaching staff to their work on the faculty. It manifests itself in the educational process at a high scientific and methodological level, in the development of scientific problems, in the preparation of thesis and their defending.

The members of the department do outstanding work with students, PhD students, giving them the knowledge, skills and experience and, of course, the part of their soul. As a result, students and PhD students of the department annually win prizes at different conferences, contests and competitions.

On this site you will find the information about the Department of Marketing and Business Administration, you will get the necessary information for university entrance, meet the teaching staff and students of the department, you will learn about the basic disciplines and scientific achievements and, of course, you will find out about our leisure and interesting events.

We have also prepared a number of interesting photos and videos about the life of the students of the department. We hope that our site will help you to find answers to all your questions, and we will be glad to see you among the students of our department.


The Head of Department of Marketing and Business Administration

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Elena Sadchenko

Contact information:

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Odessa, Frantsuzsʹkyy bulʹvar 24/26, room 55 (2nd floor)
Department of Marketing and Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Law
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Our graduates

Reviews from Graduates of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration (in the past, the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes), “Management” Specialty

Anna Shevchuk. Travel industry

Odessa National University – it is the status; to study here – it is the chance; to study well – it is the pride.
I am very pleased with educational process; its quality bears fruit. I work in a travel agency, and all knowledge, which I got, is very useful. There was not such as people usually say: "Forget everything you learned at the university." Knowledge base and skills easily allowed me to enter the work schedule and quickly become a professional of the field.
There were a lot of emotions from the charm and ease of student life, especially KVN evenings and days of faculty. Memory remained for many years. About the university can say: "good, but not enough!", because the awareness that learning is good does not come immediately, but somewhere to the third year of studying, when you decide about goals and aspirations in life. And if the awareness comes, learning becomes a joy, books are in help and a diploma is in favor.
And I'm really proud of, that I met friends for whole life at university.

Sharoiko Alina. Own consulting firm in Milan

After our university I graduated from university in Milan (Istituto Marangoni). During educational process I realized how good base I got at the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes at IMEM ONU. My fellow students with the similar education got in London, New York or elsewhere, just know the quarter of the information that I possessed. In my case, more specialization, which I was looking for, laid well on a solid foundation.
However, do not forget that you cannot be taught – you can only learn. Knowledge that can be get on our faculty is really very qualitative, even compared to international education, but it is only a tool, albeit a very good one. Without the flexibility of thinking, so-called "inquiring mind", makings of a leader and desire to break out of the gray mass, even the best business education is meaningless. Therefore, go ahead and you will succeed!

Andrey Fedotov. PhStudent of the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes, IMEM, ONU

I am very glad that I entered exactly this specialty, specialty "Business Management" and the fact that I have been taught by this teaching staff. I think not every student can boast such recognition after the release. Probably the most important thing I have learned over the last five years is adequately and rationally look at things, to understand the economic reality in which we live and the value of each word thrown in the business. Whoever you will be in the future, management is a serious reliance in your identity of life and building your professional career.


Lydia Bogdanovich. The Head of the design department of the company Provectus IT (

Eternally grateful to the university for the studentship and the experience that I have received over the 5 years.
In my experience, who wants to learn – learns, and the others criticize the educational system. I think for future entrants will be interesting to read about the skills that you can get during studying on "Business Management and Administration" at IMEM, and that will help them in life. So, the skills that I received:
• Ability to learn
First what you study at university is a skill to learn. And experience shows that in life without this skill you cannot exist. I work in IT sphere. It is very dynamic, technology and requirements change very quickly, we must be able to adapt quickly and learn large volumes of data. There you cannot write off or hach. Here, as it is said, you are in or out.
• Public Speaking
Student conferences, presentations, reports, KVN (especially KVN) have taught not to be afraid of speaking to any audience. If you are dancing with feathers in front of the two thousandth audience, then you have nothing to fear, whether it is foreign customers, international conferences and corporate events. With the ability to clearly, correctly and most importantly interesting to present your thought you will not be lost. Of course, it all depends on your goals and priorities. If you plan to be a leader – without this skill you cannot be.
• Analytical skills
"Our target audience is men and women from 15 to 75 years"
During the studying process we performed a lot of work on the analysis of the enterprises, market, target audience, etc. At my current job I faced with this every day. Basic skills in business analytics help you to understand better the customer's business, the needs of his audience and as a result, get the better product at the exit than the competitors, who focus only on their own experience in the design of the product.
• Team work and the ability to teach
"People are not very good, but the staff is great"
While studying at the university, we are inevitably in the team. And we are already at the age when the successful cooperation can be the key to success.
My department consists of 5 people. Some are working with me in the office, the other are working remotely in other countries. My job as a leader is to form a close-knit team that can work efficiently, quickly learn and grow professionally. Group tasks at the university, in my opinion, prepare us for the basics of that skill. In addition there are common problems and challenges. And you inevitably come to the conclusion that sharing material and preparation of cribs all the department is more efficiently than one is writing them during sleepless nights.
• Planning, organization, motivation and control
I never would have believed it, but this is what I'm working on. I plan projects and employment of my staff, assign duties and delegate authority. I organize the work of my department, introduce a system of training, motivate (although it is more difficult than in theory, a very delicate moment) and control the work. This is how to know that Santa Claus exists. Very unexpected, but it's nice =)
• Business Planning
"Conclusion: the inevitable increase of profit by 10-15%"
A single word I would like to say about the business plans. During the studying we have repeatedly done various types of business planning. Now, in my current position, I am on the other side. I often have to read and analyze business plans written by other "experts." And then, with tears in the eyes, we remember the studentship. Unfortunately, very often the source data, analysis and conclusions are unrealistic and often do not have practical use.
• Theory vs. practice"
“This theory only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum”
Great thanks to our teaching staff for giving us the minimum of theory and maximum of practical skills. I cannot vouch for the adjacent specialties. But the practical skills got at my department were useful for me in a million times more than dry theory, which similar specialties teach their students. I would like to thank the teaching staff of my department for the knowledge base that I received after graduation; I will always fondly remember the 35th audience and rag on the chandelier. It was fun.

Tatiana Kozovaya. IT - business

I graduated from the university in 2010, specialty "Business Management" at IMEM, ONU. By a lucky chance I started to work early after the second year of studying, when the practice was held in one of banks in Odessa. To date, my official work experience is 6 years.
At the moment I am a PR-manager of International R&D Company Provectus IT, which is engaged in software development. My duties include developing of the marketing strategy, the organization of conferences, writing news and information articles, media relations, information support of the corporate website, preparation of corporate presentations and other marketing materials.
At university I got the basic knowledge. University allowed to combine studying with work (I could analyze received theoretical information with practical examples). Studying such subjects as strategic marketing, advertising, management and mathematical disciplines especially helped me in my work.
I am eternally grateful to my teaching staff!

Yulia Janova. Freelancer.

Education in the field of management has given me an understanding of how the organization works, what role the structure has in the company's activities and from which parts of this circuit is built. The main thing is not know everything about all aspects of the company, it is more important to understand where and why there is a problem and what to do to solve it.
I was taught at the faculty: "All in good time!" The time is here and now, and then it may not be. You cannot allow yourself even a little laziness on the work. All that you take is worth doing to the maximum of your capabilities, even if at the moment this work does not give you personal motivation. When you will be able to get a higher position, you can just simply do not fit her.
You as a specialist, your time and the work you do have a price, and do not be afraid to designate it. Anyone who needs a result of your work will pay for it. And the main thing to remember – knowledge is money, and the extra money does not happen. Therefore draw conclusions!

Vadim Rogowskiy. «Founder at Clickky and partner in WannaBiz invest-fund (IT-technologies).»

What am I doing at the moment? I am the CEO of the company- developer of projects such as Clickky and AdCenter, as well as the managing partner of a start-up incubator WannaBiz.
The specialty "Business Management" gave me: first of all useful knowledge in marketing, management and strategic planning, and of course – valuable acquaintance with excellent teaching staff, which, I am sure, will continue to be useful to me in the future.
Regards, Vadim RogowskiyRegards, Vadim Rogowskiy

Yulia Karpova. Air transport

I graduated from the university in 2012, specialty "Business Management" at IMEM, ONU.
Education on "Business Management" provides an opportunity to have a potentially wide range of vacancies for a job, because the knowledge gained can be applied in any field of activity. I chose the airline industry. At the moment I am working for a large company «Senturia», which is offering reservation services and ticket sales online, at the position of VIP-manager for personal customer service, and in addition I am a trainer in the education of new employees. In my opinion, the university education allows each student to lay in his future career a solid foundation of knowledge and practical skills. With 5-year studying of management, I not only gained theoretical knowledge, but also learned the important practical issues that apply not only in work but also in life. Skills in organizing the activities of the team, negotiating effectively, result-oriented, planning and development of new projects, search for information, the efficient allocation of resources, and more. All these you can get on the specialty "Business Management" and successfully apply in their future practice.

Vladimir Polonik. IT - business.

Business analyst at Netpeak Company.
2005-2010 – studying on the specialty "Business Management". Here I learned how to learn. It means that I was not given a portion of the outdated knowledge. The teaching staff developed skills in me, which always and everywhere allows finding the necessary and relevant information. Not only to find, but also use effectively. And, of course, "the planning, organization, motivation and control :)".

Anastasiya Gordusenko. Container transport.

I am working in freight forwarding company "Sea Gate Agency" at the position of manager in container shipping and freight forwarding / operational manager. Due to university studying, and therefore the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes, I firstly learned to find independently the necessary information. This does not mean that we have been little taught, but it was shown how using the basic knowledge to expand your horizons and move in the right informational direction.

Whereas the teaching staff in most subjects illustrated the practical application of knowledge, in the future I easily used obtained information in work and in life.
In addition, I am very grateful to the teaching staff for the loyalty and understanding of those students who wish to study and work simultaneously and well :) Since the third year of studying I have begun working in the field of freight forwarding (at the same time visiting all the lectures of compulsory subjects and almost always on time passing modules, tests and exams) and after the graduation I was a ready specialist in the position, which was interesting to me.
An important point in the development of our creative abilities was support of our KVN initiatives by the teaching staff and administration. It was nice to see the people on the performance of our KVN team, who, in theory, should be against students that spend time on such activities instead of studying :)
In general, the attitude to the department and the memories about university studies are good. Thank you that you have moved us in the right direction.
Sincerely yours, Anastasiya Gordusenko

Anna Kovalenko. Tourist industry.

I am working at the position of the manager of communication technologies at the Tourist Information Centre under Administration of Culture and Tourism in Odessa. At the moment I am using knowledge of management, marketing, statistics, and even basics of tourism guide in practice (never thought, my greetings and thanks to Marina Andreevna Kirilina, Veronika Valer’evna Shmagina, Yuriy Vladimirovich Robul, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zalyubinskaya). I want to say a special thank for the in-depth study of computer science at our faculty, all this is very helpful in my work.

Gorgol Elena, Senior Engineer (economist) of the Department of Economic and Contract Work of Odessa Regional Structural Unit of State Enterprise Air Traffic Control in Ukraine

I have graduated in 2005, and during seven years I have not doubted about the selection of faculty. I remember that after the passing of the last session I thought where it all use, half of the subjects seemed to me absolutely unnecessary. However, in the working process I often recalled with gratitude the teaching staff that was strict and required perfect knowledge of subjects and forbiddance of crib sheets! Micro-and macroeconomics, management, marketing, accounting, all these subjects were handy. Even the statistics!, with which I had hoped never to encounter after graduation, was useful in my job in the first year:) We had the excellent teaching staff and the students were the best! Thank you!

Evelina Khmelevskaya. Advertising business.

I studied at Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov at the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes from 2000 to 2005. Work experience after graduation allows me to say with confidence that I have received quality education, which gave me the opportunity to work according my specialty. Immediately after graduation: I worked at the marketing department of a hotel complex of luxury class, then in marketing sphere of automobile sector (up to 2012 I was working as the marketing manager for an international holding company – importer of Volkswagen and Audi in Ukraine). And the skills got from the company management were largely useful for starting my own advertising agency at the national level, which for now exists one and a half years and already has a large pool of customers in different spheres.
I would like to thank the teaching staff of the department for that extensive basic knowledge of management and marketing, which they give their students, as well as the opportunity to develop leadership skills, analytical skills and strategic thinking.

Alla Vavilova, project coordinator.

Club of high music. Odessa, Ukraine (
I want to thank all the teaching staff for the interesting, and most importantly an effective approach to teaching students: relevant and real information from business, economics and management, "live" examples of companies and intelligent cases.
What does make us different from others? We first of all are active and therefore successful, able to manage our time, and most importantly – set real goals and achieve them.
Sincerely,Alla Vavilova

Elena Mirza - tourism.

Graduate of 1999

We – are the first graduates!
It was something brand new, both for students and for teachers. Many disciplines were formed and finalized just during the learning process.
Can it be a reason to think that we did not get a good education or didn’t learn something in appropriate way? Hardly.
For us, who left the school only yesterday, it way pretty difficult to understand what to expect from our future profession. Moreover so innovative discipline for that time as "Management" included a lot of really interesting subjects, especially the ones that were taught as close to practice as possible, some of them were: Hotel industry, Excursion and tourism.
We had a good group, friendly ... Together with our professors we took part in the tourism trade show, which took place in the theater of musical comedy. We used to develop tours in the city for our fellow students and guide them, at first we were embarrassed because people on streets paid attention to us. Some students had their summer internship as the reception in the Turkish hotels, some in travel companies, some people chose different fields of activity.
We still remain in close relationship with a lot of my classmates, some of them are as close as relatives now.
My path led me to the tourism field, and I think that in many ways I owe my teachers and fellow students.
I think this is my specialty, and I made the right choice!
I was going to enter the biology department first, by the way! :)))

Vitaly Dets. Artist, owner of an art studio.

ONU. Mechnikov - Graduation year 2003

I am an artist, the owner of an art studio, where I provide educational master classes.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to my department which I’ve graduated. I would also like to note an excellent selection of classmates. The majority of them are really very talented.
I liked the atmosphere of the learning process, which is very similar to training in the University of Berlin. In the classroom teachers relied not only on theory but also on some particular examples of real situations, which they had experienced by themselves in every field. Still remember the way students could influence the educational program by their wishes and preferences. Teachers and headmasters were trying to be sensitive to all the feedbacks from students and changed any part of the training program.
In this atmosphere, there was a constant creative development! I know that now most of my classmates are either business owners or having responsible positions in business sphere. One can see there has to be something special about the professors and programs they suggest their students that such interesting people chose this faculty and grew up in real business people.
Thank you for the excellent faculty inspiring environment in which every student and every teacher communicate with each other openly and with interest, without fear or constraint.

Irina Radeva, ideologist of CORNER concept store. Store manager

Olesya Tsipii, director of network of multi-brand boutique clothing for children

Elina Caravan, Assistant to the Chairman of the Information and analysis in the social organization

Graduates 2009

If to talk about the amount of knowledge, which was given us during our education, then might repeat a lot of good words that our fellow students have already written. So I would like to pay attention to those people who made our ex-students really prepared and successful professionals. Our Department has a lot of great teachers. But we would like to single out those people who are the heart of the faculty and directly affected our professional success.
Zalyubinskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna- strength of character, and her validity has convinced us that great things can be achieved only through the diligence and zeal. She made us understand that we have to rely only on ourselves, and as long as we do not realize it - none of us will work out. Only after we began study really hard, we discover the genuine relationship between this teacher and students. We began to appreciate any time we spent with the professor, because she not only taught us as a teacher but was a mentor for us, providing some really good advices.
Grinchenko Yuri Leonidovich – we’d like to mention his loyalty to students and creative non-standard teaching methods. If only you could experience those homework on the analysis of large enterprises in Ukraine! We’ll never forget the practical lessons, when Y.L. came into the audience with an intriguing facial expression and undisguised smile - we knew something interesting is to happen ... And here we see a great package with a 5-penny for the game in exchange! Believe me, these lessons are so fast going and fun, that when they were over, we were really upset. But, the mood after such lessons was great for the rest of the day!
Shmagina Veronica Valerievna - in addition to all the knowledge in the field of strategic marketing, tourism, through her practical trainings we have learned the best way how to treat the audience, how to express our ideas in a proper way, how to think analytically and to respond quickly to any stressful situations. For many of us she was a perfect example. Praise of this teacher was more valuable than any mark we could receive! Thanks to her, we realized that the labor market goods are: intelligence, knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, and all of this come at a price. It is really important to remember that depending on how you would present yourself you’ll be examined accordingly by your potential employer.
Well, of course, we could not forget to mention the younger generation of our fellow teachers - Gaivoronskaya Inna Vitalievna and Nechitailova Nelly Sergeivna. Their lessons differed by new methods and a fresh look at the training process. These teachers were always open to communication and we have never hesitated to ask them something once again or to come to the consultation. Once, I remember a consultation about a course paper lasted until 10 pm – it was a real brainstorm!
We still do not understand how our teachers did it so that was a shame not to prepare for their lessons.
And it is really something to be proud about not for everyone!

Balan Victoria. The family business.

Graduate of 2012

When I was entering the university, in my mind I already had ideas about the possibilities of starting a business, that's why I chose the specialty of Business Management and Administration. After all, for success full business, you must first learn how to plan, motivate, organize, and control all the processes. Excellent teachers are very patient and kind to us, they were trying to put the most necessary knowledge in our head. Nice to remember the times. Friendly, kind, funny and sympathetic teachers will always find a moment to explain something if you are interested.
In Mechnikov I gained friends, not only among fellow students but among teachers as well. I'm sure that no matter how much time has passed, I can always ask for help and they will gladly help us.
At this stage of life, I’m in my father's business with a desire to develop and adopt it in the future. We are engaged in horticulture and we supply our plants in many garden centers of Odessa. In the future, I’m planning to open another branch of the nurseries. Business plan for that one I’ve developed while being at university, in the form of qualifying paper work. I want to thank my supervisor, who helped me, and controlled at every stage. I do understand that after a while I have to change some data in it, but having done it once, I can do it again and again.
IMEM is really a worthy institution of higher education, I am thankful for the fact that I had the opportunity to gain knowledge there, to meet such wonderful people and with all that along I still had a great fun.

Kseniya Strelets. Movie industry.

Graduate of 2010

My four years in the walls of the Mechnikov university were not just dedicated to receiving the higher education (bachelor's degree), but also the acquisition of experience with absolutely different people, with a new language for me and the country, and much more. Professors of our faculty and fellow students helped me a lot with this.
Regarding the education itself, I can say the following: as much as you want to receive in the university, only as much you can get. The teachers are extremely responsible and try to invest in theirs students the maximum knowledge. I also want to note that the education is very diversified, which helps students to develop widely, not only in management, but also to become more acknowledged in matters of business ethics, global economics, psychology and much more. I can surely say that my Bachelor degree in the department of management and mathematical modeling of market processes, has an excellent foundation for my current Masters study in Academy of Art University, San Francisco, USA on a filmmaking specialty (producing and management in the industry) a lot related to the specialty management of organizations.
And also I wanted to say a special thank you to the teachers who gladly and willingly keep in touch with us, former students, being interested in our success and support in our start ups. For me personally, the recommendation later received from the university, helped a lot to enter my master studies and at work.
I can only wish you further improvement and interesting, promising students!

Chernoruchko Denis Vasilievitch

«Head of Analytic Department at Ferarri Park (Abu Dabi, UАЕ) Former – Head of Front-office Department at Wellnes Spa Formula (Odesa, Ukraine)»

Graduate of 2011.

Choosing a specialty and a college after high school, in most cases, consciously or unconsciously, we are being led by our parents. Parents almost always know what is the best for us.
Entering the specialty "Management of organizations and management" in IMEM - turned out to be not just a good, but an excellent choice.
The received here package of knowledge will be valuable, not only at work, but simply in life. Here we found hundreds of acquaintances, many of which turned into a friendship, some in strong collaboration.
Warm atmosphere of the department and the people who created it - our professionals, our teachers.
Thank you all for 5 years of great moments and a huge package of knowledge. =)

Baptidanova (Konovorotskaya) Valeria.
Manager of IT-advertising LLC "MIRS"

Graduate of 2006

Field of my responsibilities: the development, testing and implementation of marketing programs, preparation and processing of advertising campaigns, site development and Promotion Company.
Now, about my education at IMEM ONU, at the Department of Management and mathematical modeling of market processes. Qualified professors always created a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, which made it easy to understand all of the material during the lessons. The introduction of teamwork during our seminar activities helped to define the roles in the team, to identify personal leadership and management skills . Classes schedule and intensive training programs perfectly fit the student's way of life, gives possibility to participate actively in the life of IMEM, educational and recreational activities.
All knowledge and skills were useful in my early career, and moreover allowed me to try out different activities and to choose the most attractive to me. I still have warm memories of those student days and moments of learning, I’m having plans in future to continue my education within the walls of my dear department.

Julia Markush.

The hotel business.

My name is Julia. I graduated ONU IMEM specialty "Business Management and Administration" in 2012.
Five years of study, unfortunately, passed very quickly. Our wonderful teachers have developed in us different professional skills, sharing with us the best of their knowledge, experience and practical skills that help us all to build a career and helped us in everyday life. Over the years I grew up in a new person, learned how to understand life better, and they taught me how to communicate on a business level.
Many people ask about what the university can teach us. At work they will teach! It is not correct. Many of knowledge in the field of tourism, management, higher mathematics, statistics, economics, marketing, and English were really useful for me. Already starting from my second year and for three years, I was an intern at the "Black Sea" hotel in the reservation department. The practice has helped me to learn the hospitality industry from the inside and understand that the hotel business - is something to be called "mine."
Immediately after graduation, I was accepted to work in a brand new hotel "California", which opened in Odessa on August 2012. I’ve been working as a hotel administrator for the past 7 months, and due to the knowledge and skills that I have gained during my studies at the university, I have become such a successful and respected employee!
P.S. Thanks, ONU, I mess you a lot!!

Olesya Grosu, a graduate of 2011

Travel agency «TUI». Tourism manager.

I graduated from ONU of I.I. Mechnikov, specialty "Management of organizations," and I can confidently say that thanks to education, which I received here I got all the reference knowledge needed in my current career.
Now, after a while I realize that the fears were redundant. Most of us found ourselves in those areas in which we dremt to work, because it is our department provided us with a variety of opportunities for self-realization.
Comprehensive development is very important in today's world. Now people can not solve modern problems without having all the necessary knowledge in many areas of science.
In my opinion the educational program developed by teachers of the Department of Management of Organization is unique. It contains not only a lot of very interesting and useful specialized courses, but also provides students with basic knowledge in various areas of management - strategic and operational management, financial management, marketing management, human resource management, IT-technologies in management and of course tourism.
You will learn to think analytically and strategically, solve problems of state regulation of the economy and to take responsibility for those decisions.
In addition, the department provides students with many opportunities for the development of creative and organizational skills: this is the opportunity to participate in contests and all kinds of projects, business games, conferences, seminars, guest lectures, as well as the opportunity to participate in the organization of various events. All this allows students to improve different knowledge, skills and abilities. Public speaking, writing and presentation of their research projects - this is not a complete list of things which will help you to feel confident in the future.
Now I’m working in a travel agency «TUI», which is Europe's largest tour operator. The TUI company is the leader in the European tourist market. In Ukraine, it is represented by "TUI Ukraine". A lot of stuff I went through at the university is now being used in my favorite work.
With warmth and gratitude I recall my favorite department and the professors.
Recommend - enter IMEM the specialty "Management of organization and administration", and believe me, you will have a much better chance to succeed in life!

Karina Maky

Middle QA Engineer at Reinvently (Provectus Mobile studio)
Former - Business process operator at PLS (Pitsburg Logistic Servises)
Former - Support manager at KeepSolid Іnc.

To the question: "What gave you the university" is very common we hear the answer, "Everything." For my part I’d like to notice, that it's all always have been. Department of Management, in my case, has played a catalytic role. The highlight, for me, was the radical difference in regarding from teachers to their students. That’s all, school ended and the totalitarian regime too. Here there are the respect you for your views and outlook. Here the beginnings of the ideological germs can find a real basis for implementation.

In addition to the foregoing, I’d like to note one more important point: the flow of information. I did not intend to write "knowledge" because everyone is free to choose what kind of information he wants to transfer to his specialized knowledge. I do not want to confuse, because it is necessary to teach and pass all exams, but because of its vastness, become a pro in everything - not become anything. Therefore, returning to the stream: one man repeatedly in life is faced with the problem of self-realization and choice of occupation / profession in spirit and disposition. So, a lot to choose from when your learning is rather small? Department of Management, even if it sounds very metaphorically, helps you to rub your eyes after such a measured deep slumber, look around and at least think about it. I didn’t know about many trails for further development, but when all the cards are opened before you, and the coolest - make you think, - this is the moment when you feel that there is little in this world is such that you can not do.»


The Department of Marketing and Business Administration conducts active scientific work.

Current R&D topic No.208 “Marketing Systems and Management Technologies in Multilevel Convergence” (January 2020).

Research developments of the department have the following directions:

  • R&D topic No. 135 "Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of Management of Societal Systems in the Conditions of Innovative and Ecological Development" (2015-2018).
  • R&D topic No. 206 "Managing Transformation Processes at Different Levels of Economic and Environmental Systems" (2009-2013)
  • R&D topic No. 297 "Human Factor in Marketing Communications (2003 - 2008).

Scientific supervisor of R&D: Professor, D.Sc., Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration – O.V. Sadchenko

Responsible executor: Associate Professor, PhD in Math and Physics – Y. V. Robul

According to the results of the last 7 years of scientific activity, the Department of Marketing and Business Administration published a collective monograph " Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of Management of Societal Systems in the Conditions of Innovative and Ecological Development: marketing aspects".

Lectures of the Department regularly take part in International scientific-practical conferences, publish the results of their research in professional journals of Ukraine and in international editions. Annually the Dapt publishes more than 30 scientific works.

Also, all lectures of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration are members of international and foreign associations, and some - members of editorial boards of Ukrainian and international publications.

Students are also enthusiastically involved in scientific activities and publish the results of their research in professional editions, report at the All-Ukrainian and International scientific-practical conferences. In 2017, students took part in the organization of the International Symposium "I Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej" (Poland - Ukraine, February 25-26, 2017).

There are 11 postgraduate students are conducting research at the Department of Marketing and Business Administration (in 2020).

In 2010, the Department hosted the 1 st International Congress on the topic "MODERN ASPECTS OF HARMONY MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATION IN ECONOMY, ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY, SOCIOMA AND EDUCATION" (October 8-10, 2010).


Famous scientists, specialists in this field participated in the work of the Congress, in particular: Dr. Soroshenko (Belarus, Minsk), Doctor of Philosophy A. Voloshinov (Russia, Saratov), ​​Doctor of Philosophy Scott Olsen (USA), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O. Bodnar (Lviv), Corresponding Member of RAPN, Doctor of Economic Sciences V. Brddarenko (Moscow), Doctor of Philology G. Martynenko (Russia, St. Petersburg) and other scholars.

According to the results of the Congress, a collective monograph "Mathematics of Harmony as a New Paradigm of Fundamental Science and its Application in Economics" and a textbook "Mathematics of Harmony and Contemporary Science" were published.



    Purpose: The course "Crisis Management" examines the modern theory of economic crisis management at the macro and micro levels. The main components of the concept and phenomena of disproportions and crisis situations are considered, such as: environmental crises, food crises, innovative crises, investment disproportions, external trade disproportions, energy crises, social security and demographic security. Crisis phenomena at the enterprise level are considered. The stages of level analysis, approaches, basic indicators and threshold values ​​of disproportions and crisis manifestations are considered. The factors of the external and internal situation of the country and their influence on the state of the spread of crisis phenomena and their influence on the level of the country's economic security are considered. The concepts of crisis transfer and description of this phenomenon are given. The modern theories and concepts on the issues of countering the crisis are given: the theory of noosphereism VI. Vernadsky (environmental safety), the concept of crisis transfer and the methodology for assessing the level of economic security A.I. Sukhorukova, the concept of proportional development I.V. Kryuchkova, given the methods of making management decisions in crisis situations in the enterprise. Modern anti-crisis measures are presented as a method of self-organization, self-harmonization, restructuring based on the law of structural harmony of systems.

    The main objectives of the course "Crisis Management" are:

    1. familiarization with the main provisions of the theory of crisis management;
    2. familiarization with the influence of the environment on the level of the crisis sustainability of the country and its economic security;
    3. familiarization with the concept of shadowing the economy and the impact of the phenomenon of corruption;
    4. the formation of practical skills to analyze the state and assess the level of crisis and the level of economic security;
    5. familiarization with the modern concept of the technological structure as a system element to ensure the anti-crisis sustainability of the country;
    6. familiarization with the most modern conceptual approach to the prevention of the occurrence of energy crises on the basis of the economic and energy concept;
    7. substantiation of the need to take into account the theory of noosphere in the strategic planning of economic growth based on the observance of the conditions of sustainability relative to the occurrence and spread of crisis phenomena;
    8. acquaintance with some aspects of the occurrence of disproportions in the tax sphere (for example, the most criminalized tax - VAT);
    9. familiarization with modern views on the prevention of crises in the field of food supply;
    10. Acquaintance with the correlation of food security indicators with HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis indicators as indicators of social imbalances;
    11. familiarization with the influence of the transfer of the crisis and deindustrialization on the level of the country's economic security.
    12. familiarization with measures to prevent the emergence of disproportions and crisis phenomena at the micro level and their connection with the violation of value added chains.
    13. acquaintance with measures to improve the management of payables and receivables as factors of destabilization of the situation in business

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    fundamentals of the theory and practice of crisis management. and prevention practices.

    be able to:

    1. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods and functions of crisis management, and skills to identify problems and justify management decisions
    2. Describe the content of the functional areas of the organization, is in a crisis state.
    3. To demonstrate the skills of searching, collecting and analyzing information, calculating indicators for substantiating managerial decisions
    4. Show the skills of organizational design of anti crisis projects and programs.
    5. Apply anti-crisis and general management methods to ensure sustainability and organizational effectiveness.
    6. Demonstrate skills of interaction, leadership, teamwork in anti-crisis projects and programs.
    7. Show skills to substantiate effective tools for motivating the staff of the organization, is in a state of crisis.
    8. Explain, analyze and implement communication in various areas of the organization, is in a crisis state.
    9. Assess the legal, social and economic consequences of the functioning of the organization, is in a state of crisis.
    10. Identify the causes of the crisis, adapt themselves and team members to the crisis situation, find the means to neutralize it
    11. Perform research individually and / or in a group under the leadership of a leader.

    The purpose of teaching the discipline "Economics and organization of information business" are: the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills on relatively modern models, methodologies, management tools in a dynamic information environment.

    The task of the discipline:

    • learn to navigate in the modern concepts of IT management and information business
    • conduct research on modern IT processes;
    • master the methodological approaches of information business management;
    • explore the modern methods of generating ideas and technological tools for their support.

    A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of organizations of information business, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of assimilation of the theory, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the preparation of a test.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    • Methods to justify the feasibility of creating an organizational form of information business;
    • the main categories of the information sphere of the economy;
    • types of information activities and business, information products and services,
    • describe information trends, features and stages of development of the information sphere of the economy.

     be able to:

    • analyze and use information resources for the technology of forming and running a business and its entry into the information market,
    • develop and analyze information business model;
    • to identify and justify the laws of operation and principles of information management;
    • develop a model of relations between the subjects of the information market functioning;
    • determine the organizational structure of companies, design the production system of the information business firm.

    The purpose of teaching the e-marketing discipline is: building knowledge about digital marketing tools and the possibility of using them to achieve the general and specific goals of the organization’s marketing activities.

    The main tasks of studying the e-marketing discipline are to form knowledge about the role and importance of e-marketing in the organization’s marketing activities, familiarize themselves with the modern practice of using digital channels, planning e-marketing and switching the organization to using digital channels. A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastering the theory of organization management systems, which may occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    As a result of studying this course, a student must know:

    • what is email marketing,
    • what are the elements of email marketing,
    • tasks are capable of solving each component,
    • with what tools does digital marketing function,
    • how does electronic and digital marketing influence the way marketing is implemented and, in general, the organization and management activities

    be able to:

    • define the goals and objectives of e-marketing
    • draw up an operational and strategic e-marketing plan for the organization.

    The curriculum of the discipline “Organization Management Systems” is compiled in accordance with the educational and professional program for the preparation of masters (second level of higher education) in the specialty 073 “Management” (Management of organizations and administration (by economic activity)). The subject of study of the discipline is the management system of the organization as a set of all elements, subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified functioning of the organization. Interdisciplinary communication: organization theory, management theory, organization management, change management, system theory and system synthesis. The purpose of teaching the discipline "Management Systems Organization" is to prepare for the practical and scientific activities of highly qualified specialists managers. The study of this special course is aimed at the awareness by students of the value of complex organizational forms, management subsystems and information systems that are designed to solve system problems. Mastering their theoretical positions of the theory of systems; the formation of their skills in the correct application of the knowledge and legal norms in solving specific problems. Studying the organization's management systems, the student must learn to analyze the necessary managerial errors, find the right solutions to solve them and effectively apply them in practice.

    The main tasks of studying the discipline "Management Systems Organization" are:

    • familiarization of students with the general provisions of the emergence and development of the theory of systems in the context of complex organizations;
    • highlighting the importance of management systems of organizations in solving complex and large-scale tasks of the organization;
    • promoting the development of independent thinking in students;
    • mastering students of management vocabulary and terminology;
    • the formation of a managerial culture of students.

    A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastering the theory of organization management systems, which may occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    subject management systems organizations; evolution of the development of systems theory; modern management models of complex organizations; organizational subsystems, their essence and mechanisms of application; definition and main characteristics of the information management system of organizations;

    be able to:

    determine the subject, classification and structure of the organization's management systems; use a systematic approach in solving managerial problems; distinguish between complex systems and theories of complex systems; apply software and information systems for effective management of complex systems in the organization.


    The goal - the study of the discipline "The industry of hospitality and tourism" is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and the development of competencies, abilities of students. Also the opportunity to apply the knowledge and competence in their activities in the specialty (in the hospitality and tourism industry)

    Objectives: Consider especially the hospitality industry and tourism as an object of management at the state and regional levels. Consider the system and structure at the level of tourism enterprises and hotels. Examine the functions, principles and methods of management in the hospitality and tourism industry.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    • theoretical and methodological foundations of management in the hospitality and tourism industry;
    • management models of the hospitality and tourism industry;
    • The main components of tour operating;
    • The main components of hotel management at different levels.

    be able to:

    • develop a tourist or hotel product;
    • or develop a tourist contract or agency agreement;
    • make presentations of a country or region.

    The subject of study of the discipline is the management of innovative activities of the enterprise.

    The purpose of studying the discipline "Innovation and Sustainable Development" is to form the future managers of the system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of modern methodologies for managing innovative projects, analyzing the characteristics of the information market, organizing and managing informatization projects as an innovative market sector.

    The main tasks of studying the discipline "Innovation and Sustainable Development" is

    • learn to navigate in the modern concepts of innovation management;
    • lead research on modern innovation processes;
    • master the methodological approaches of innovation management.

    A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastering the theory of organization management systems, which may occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying this course, a student must know:

    • theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of innovation management;
    • the purpose and functions of innovation management;
    • the essence and content of the basic laws and categories of innovation management.

    be able to:

    • to organize innovative processes in the modern environment,
    • select the methodology for managing innovative projects,
    • evaluate the effectiveness of innovative projects.

    The purpose of teaching the discipline "Information and analytical support for management decisions" (IAPUR) are: the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of modern methodologies for the rational use of information systems (IC) and management decision support modeling (CP) technologies in an organization to achieve general and specific objectives of marketing activities in the transition of the organization to the use of digital channels.

    The task of the discipline:

    • making management decisions using information obtained from information systems
    • work in specific automated information systems using modern organizations
    • the use of modern technological directions of development of the enterprise information infrastructure
    • the use of modern methods of managing the implementation of information systems in the organization
    • promoting the strategic and operational orientation of information technology in the organization.

    A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of assimilation of the theory, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the preparation of a test.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    • theoretical foundations of the creation and operation of information systems and technologies, their use in management;
    • modern approaches to the classification of information technologies for use in management information systems,
    • modern concepts of storage and analysis of corporate information;
    • modern strategies, directions and prospects for the development of the IT market;
    • modern technologies of virtualization of IT infrastructure of the enterprise.

    be able to:

    • effectively implement information systems in practice to obtain relevant, timely, reliable, complete information to support management decision-making at all levels of management;
    • Manage projects for the implementation of IP and IT in the organization
    • evaluate and manage the effectiveness of the IT infrastructure of the enterprise.
    • accumulate and analyze information in software products.
    • analyze the current state and development trends of information systems.
    • choose the methodology of IT project management,
    • have skills in evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects.

    The purpose and objectives of studying the discipline "Corporate Business Management" - mastering the system of theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills in the field of corporate management. The subject of study is the corporate governance system and the organizational and economic mechanism of its functioning at the micro and macro levels, the formation of a mechanism for the development of integrated corporate entities, as well as a system of relations between shareholders, managers and other stakeholders to ensure a balance of their interests, which is aimed at the effective operation of the enterprise.

    Course objective:

    • study of the theoretical and practical bases of implementation
    • corporate management of joint-stock company activities;
    • acquisition of practical skills in analyzing the capabilities of the corporation;
    • mastering the fundamental conditions for successful functioning corporations;
    • calculations and their justification;
    • develop systemic management decision making skills; coordination, regulation and motivation of all participants corporate relationships.

    The value of the course: consists in students learning the knowledge necessary for managing organizations in various fields of activity, making management decisions aimed at achieving the goals set, directing work, intelligence, behavior motives of people working in the organization.

    Upon completion of the course, students should:


    the nature, principles and models of corporate governance, national legal framework of corporate governance, legislation on securities (in particular shares), their types, properties, forms of issuance, participants of corporate relations and corporate governance bodies, rights and obligations of shareholders, features of financial management and financial analysis in the corporate governance system, the reasons and procedure for bankruptcy of a joint stock company, the possibilities and methods of reorganization of a joint stock company.

    be able to:

    prepare the charter and constituent documents of the joint stock company, form the management structure of the organization, calculate the market value of shares, prepare documents for the general meeting of shareholders, be able to formulate requirements for the disclosure of corporate information, calculate the amount of shareholders' dividends, analyze the financial statements of the joint stock company and evaluate its financial condition, analyze the existing ownership structure, the system of control over the organization, conduct anal of the corporate stock company management.


    Purpose: training of qualified managers in the field of logistics, the study of theoretical concepts and practical methods of logistics management; formation of a system of knowledge about the principles and methods of logistics management, familiarization with the factors of the logistics environment, the study of the functional areas of logistics management, the development of practical skills in material management, logistics operations and systems.

    Task: mastering the logistic methods of managing a business organization, developing skills in analyzing the organization's logistic environment and the main elements of the logistic system; the study of theoretical concepts and the acquisition of practical skills for effective logistics management in the following areas: order management, production operations, procurement, distribution activities, stocks, transport operations, quality, warehouse operations, information flows; formation of abilities to optimize the activities of the enterprise in terms of logistics and organization of effective logistics management in the enterprise. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastery of the theory of logistics, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must


    logistic functions and activities, the structure of the logistic system, functional areas of logistic management, methods of administering logistic management.

    be able to:

    carry out analysis of the logistics system, optimize logistics chains, normalize inventory levels and develop supply strategies, make decisions on managing key logistics activities.


    The purpose of studying the academic discipline "Marketing" is to prepare for practical activities and conduct research on the management of organizations through developing students' understanding of the purpose of marketing in the activities of organizations and the economy as a whole and a system of special knowledge in marketing; development of skills and abilities to analyze the market environment, customer value, market activity of the organization and management decisions on marketing; introduction and use of marketing in enterprises, taking into account their features.

    The task of studying the marketing discipline is to

    • determining the role and functions of marketing in the organization, the prerequisites for its occurrence and restrictions on its use;
    • familiarization of students with the prerequisites of occurrence, historical evolution and current trends in the development of marketing;
    • familiarizing students with basic marketing concepts and concepts;
    • research of the main components of the marketing policy;
    • mastering the basic terms and concepts of marketing, the formation of a professional culture.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the marketing discipline "Marketing", the student must know:

    • the subject of marketing, its role and functions in the management of the organization;
    • marketing management concepts;
    • prerequisites for creating a marketing strategy, methods for analyzing the external and internal marketing environment;
    • strategies for creating customer value and its varieties;
    • components and basic tools for the practical implementation of the marketing policy;
    • concepts and examples of socially responsible marketing, ways to harmonize marketing activities with the requirements of sustainable development.

    be able to:

    • analyze the market environment, identify market opportunities and threats, determine the central marketing problem (s) and set marketing goals on the basis of a SWOT analysis and a matrix of confrontations;
    • determine consumer value, points of differentiation and target group of consumers, competitive advantages over competitors' products;
    • plan marketing activities at the enterprise level or individual business unit.

    The goal is to familiarize students with modern marketing concepts in the field of hospitality, consideration of strategic and marketing planning, modern forms of forming and stimulating demand in the hotel and restaurant business.

    The task of examining the ways, methods and approaches of practical use marketing tools (PR - technology) in the hotel and restaurant business.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    • basic concepts in the field of marketing for restaurant and restaurant business;
    • principles of organization of marketing activities in the hotel and restaurant industry;
    • theoretical aspects of strategic and tactical planning of marketing activities in the hotel and restaurant business;
    • mechanisms and tools of marketing and PR-technologies in the hotel and restaurant business
    • information technologies used in the hotel and restaurant business.

    be able to

    • conduct a marketing audit
    • analyze the external environment;
    • build relationships with hotel and restaurant contact audiences.

    The purpose of teaching the discipline "Marketing of software products" are: the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of modern models, methodologies, tools of marketing management of software products in a dynamic information environment.

    The task of studying the discipline "Marketing of software products" is to provide knowledge on:

    • essence of marketing information products;
    • the structure and content of the market of information products;
    • types of information products as a commodity;
    • channels and means of disseminating information products;
    • principles of planning, strategy and tactics of marketing information products.

    A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in managing the marketing of software products and lead the organization of the information business to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of assimilation of the theory, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the preparation of a test.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    • the main categories of the information sphere of the economy;
    • The concept of marketing software products;
    • a system of marketing research and marketing information;
    • types of information products and services as a commodity;
    • policy principles in marketing activities;
    • channels and means of disseminating information products;
    • principles of planning, strategy and tactics of marketing of software products.

    acquire practical skills by:

    • collecting and analyzing marketing information;
    • forecasting the marketing situation;
    • planning and adjusting the company's marketing policy.

    be able to:

    • to characterize the concept of marketing information products and services;
    • analyze the approaches to the definition of consumers of information products;
    • determine the structure and content of the market for information products and services;
    • to characterize the system of marketing research and marketing information;
    • to analyze the principles of policy in marketing activities;
    • navigate the channels and means of disseminating information products and services;
    • to characterize the principles of planning, strategy and tactics of marketing information processes and services.

    The study of the discipline "Marketing of software products" is based on the general knowledge of the disciplines "Economics and Organization of Information Business", "Computer Science and Computer Equipment", "Applied Software".


    The purpose of the study of the discipline "Marketing Research" is to study the ways, methods and tools of research organizations of their marketing environment; methods of planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring research activities in marketing

    The task of studying the discipline "Marketing Research" is to:

    • Studying the marketing research process
    • Teaching the correct setting of marketing research objectives
    • Learning how to organize and conduct marketing research
    • familiarization with data collection methods and criteria for their selection and quality assessment
    • mastering the methods and tools of data analysis in order to obtain a reliable and objective result and increase the reliability of management decisions.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the academic discipline "Marketing Research" the student must know:

    • Definition and main types of marketing research;
    • Ways of organizing marketing research activities in an organization, including planning and defining a research strategy;
    • Ways of doing research, interacting with research organizations, building research units in the structure of organizations;
    • Advantages, disadvantages and areas of application of various data collection methods; ways to analyze the collected data

    be able to:

    • On the basis of the management problem, determine the goals and objectives of the marketing research;
    • Make a request for a study
    • Determine the economic value of the information to be found and, on its basis, estimate the maximum amount of reasonable marketing research costs.
    • Find the main types of secondary information from open sources.
    • Compose a search question, questionnaire or observation form
    • Identify the media you need information.
    • Determine the structure and composition of the sample
    • Assess the accuracy and reliability of the research result

    Objective: the study of the basic provisions of management, familiarization with the historical and classical concept of management, the study of basic management functions, the formation of a complex of knowledge about the principles, principles and methods of effective management.

    Task: familiarization with the main historical schools of management; the formation of practical skills in analyzing the external environment of the organization and making management decisions; the formation of practical skills for the effective implementation of the basic functions of management: planning, organization, motivation and control; development of managerial skills; familiarization with the modern concept of management.

    This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastery of the theory of logistics, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    management theory, basic approaches and basic concepts of modern management, methods of making management decisions, basic management functions: planning, including strategic, organization, motivation, including leadership, and above.

    be able to:

    freely use the provisions of management theory in scientific discourse, distinguish between basic schools and management concepts, make plans and set goals for an organization, apply quantitative planning methods, analyze the structure of an organization, apply basic motivation tools, develop leadership skills, build communications and exercise control over the organization’s activities.


    Objective: to study the basic theories of management, the evolution of management thought, general principles and methods of effective management; modern principles of effective management, its functional areas and practical tools; students mastering the process of making management decisions and the main methods of its development; the development of knowledge about the system nature of management, the role of the leader in the management process, the study of methods for optimizing management systems

    Objective: the acquisition of knowledge on concepts, theoretical approaches and management methods, the development of practical skills of making management decisions, determining the effectiveness of management activities and the design of integrated management systems; providing a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in functional areas of management: marketing, manufacturing, finance, human resources management; systematization and generalization of students' knowledge about the principles of effective management of a business organization in modern conditions. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic check of the degree of assimilation of quality management methods, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    theoretical concepts and approaches to management, principles, methods and functional areas of management.

    be able to:

    conduct an assessment of the level of quality of any product at various enterprises; carry out the introduction of standardization in quality management, product certification; conduct quality management organization, carry out calculations of economic quality problems; conduct modern approaches to human resource management in enterprises.


    The purpose of the course: examines the modern methodology of project management, the main stages, approaches and basic tools of project management methodology. The modern algorithm of the logical-structural approach is presented; they are used by international organizations in developing development and restructuring projects. The factors of the external and internal environment of the project and their influence on the project implementation are considered. Provided management decision making methods. The main components of the methodology are presented: system integration, time management, budget, project quality, risk management, team, project procurement, communications and project changes. We consider modern information technology in project management.

    The main objectives of the course "project management" are:

    1. familiarization with the main tools of project management methodology;
    2. familiarization with the influence of the environment on the project implementation;
    3. familiarization with the algorithm of the logical-structural approach;
    4. the formation of practical skills in the use of logical-structural approach in the development of the project;
    5. familiarization with the mechanism for managing changes in the project;
    6. familiarization with the general approaches to the formation of the project team and the concept of leadership in the project;
    7. familiarization with the general approaches to project management of the harmonious development of the system;
    8. familiarization with modern information technology project management.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    the essence of the project management methodology, the essence of the logical-structural approach to project management, the structure and stages of the project, the principle of constructing the Gant chart, the calculation of the economic efficiency of the project.

    be able to:

    develop a project for development or restructuring, or the creation of a new business based on the use of a logical-structural approach in project management.


    The purpose of the discipline "Public Administration" are: the study of the discipline is the mastering of theoretical knowledge in public administration and the acquisition of practical skills in applying the laws, principles, methods, technologies and procedures in the management of subjects of the public sphere; the acquisition of skills and the formation of competencies necessary to perform the functions and exercise the powers of the head (specialist) of the public administration subject, including for public authorities and local self-government. The objectives of studying the discipline "Public Administration" is a generalization of the theoretical principle of public administration, to give students a deep and systematic knowledge about the nature of the public service, its organization and functioning, tasks and functions, as well as development prospects;

    1. definition of the essence, laws, principles and mechanisms of public administration in the development of society;
    2. mastering the basics of the methodology, technology and procedures of public administration of objects of the public sphere;
    3. mastering the methods of forming, monitoring and controlling managerial decisions at the national, regional and local levels, as well as at the level of subjects of the public sphere from the standpoint of common civilization values, world experience and understanding of scientific achievements;
    4. to promote the choice of public servants of a proper model of behavior in the service, which provides for the flawless implementation of laws, in-depth knowledge of their rights and obligations, readiness and ability to ensure at a high professional level the rights and interests of citizens;
    5. to teach students to properly navigate in the legislation on public service, which regulates all public-service relations, starting with enrollment in public service and ending with its termination;
    6. to promote interest in the further development and improvement
    7. help to deeply understand the essence and significance of European standards and international experience in the organization and functioning of the public service for Ukraine.

    A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastering the theory of organization management systems, which may occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying this course, a student must know:

    the essence of the theoretical approaches of "open administration", the basic principles of public administration, the system of subjects of public administration, the main directions of public administration in describing and forecasting economic.

    be able to:

    determine which theoretical approach should be used to analyze factors and forecast the development of an economic phenomenon, determine and justify the expediency of using the principles of public administration in describing the state and forecasting the development of complex economic phenomena.


    The purpose of the discipline is the assimilation of knowledge on the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of strategies for the development of organizations in the context of globalization, strategic plans, projects and programs taking into account the specifics of world markets; creating a strategic management system and ensuring its functioning in an international market environment.

    The task is to form a complex of knowledge for students on the theoretical foundations and practical methods of strategic management of international companies, mastering their specific management tools in global markets and developing skills in making management decisions and monitoring their effectiveness in the context of international markets. A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastering the theory of organization management systems, which may occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying this course, a student must know:

    theory and practice of strategic management in international markets, a set of measures for the development and implementation of strategies for the development of organizations in international markets.

    be able to:

    explore globalized markets and industries, determine the factors for the development of an organization in the context of globalization, determine the direction of the organization’s development, develop and implement strategies for the development of an organization in the context of globalization.


    The purpose of the course: training of specialists for work in the field of synergetic management, which will ensure the European level of providing services in synergetic management on the basis of the principles of the theory of complexity and consistency. The course "synergistic management" examines the modern methodology of a synergistic and transdisciplinary approach, system synthesis. the main stages, approaches and basic tools of the methodology of synergetic management. The modern algorithm of the transdisciplinary approach is presented, used in scientific and practical research in any direction. The basics of synergetics, the theory of complexity. systems theory, external and internal environment of the system and their impact on the implementation of management actions. Provided by synergetic management methods. The basic concepts and components of the methodology are presented: transdisciplinariness, complexity, system integration, system analysis, system synthesis.

    The main objectives of the course "synergistic management" are:

    1. familiarization with the basic concepts of synergetics and the tools of the methodology of synergetic management;
    2. familiarization with the concept of complexity theory
    3. familiarization with the concept of transdisciplinarity;
    4. familiarization with concepts, integrity.
    5. familiarization with the synergetic control algorithm,
    6. familiarization with the concepts of the system and system properties, examples of systems, system structure, system environment.
    7. familiarization with the concepts of invariants, variations of the system
    8. familiarization with the concepts of attractors and fractals.
    9. familiarization with the concepts of system analysis and system synthesis.
    10. the formation of practical skills in the use of methods of synergistic management
    11. familiarization with practical examples of management systems.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying this course, a student must know:

    the essence of the methodology of synergetic management, the essence of the transdisciplinary approach, the structure and stages of system analysis, the principles of system synthesis, the principles of the formation of integrity, the principles of complexity theory.

    be able to:

    develop a system analysis project, a system synthesis project of a managerial situation or a restructuring project, or the creation of a new business based on the use of the synergetic management methodology.


    The goal of the “Socially Responsible Business” discipline is to: form the students' fundamental knowledge of the theory and practice of social responsibility from the standpoint of modern standards of social policy, social reporting, business ethics and human rights in the context of integrating the concept of sustainable development and acquiring relevant professional competencies that ensure the formation socially responsible behavior. The main tasks of studying the discipline "Socially Responsible Business" is the study of theoretical positions and practices of interaction between the state, business, society and man in the field of social responsibility as a condition for the sustainable development of society; determination of the possibilities of using foreign experience and analysis of the possibilities of using elements of foreign models of social responsibility in the national economy; formation of an understanding of the importance of social responsibility of the state, business, society and man. A thorough study of the discipline will allow you to avoid mistakes in the management of complex organizations, to bring them to high performance indicators. The object of the discipline is social responsibility as a system. The subject of the discipline is the theoretical and methodological, methodological and organizational-economic aspects of the formation and development of social responsibility. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, practical classes relate to classroom studies. When preparing for practical exercises, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze cases on this topic, learn their basic provisions. Independent preparation includes writing abstracts, reports and reports, analysis of cases and literature, bibliography review, practical tasks, problem solving, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastering the theory of organization management systems, which may occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    As a result of studying this course, a student should know:

    • the main content of all sections of the curriculum; master the modern socio-economic way of thinking on the understanding of the modern world and man; have a basic understanding of the basics of modern social knowledge, contribute to the development of a common culture and socialization of the individual; understand the causal relationship of the development of society and human life in it;
    • conceptual foundations of social responsibility; the nature, types, categories, evolution, concepts, models and levels of social responsibility;
    • features of social responsibility of various subjects of social development;
    • the place of social responsibility in the management of the organization;
    • regulatory framework for the development of social responsibility;
    • models of corporate social responsibility and the formation of various types of corporate culture;
    • criteria, indicators and methods for assessing social responsibility;
    • features of the manifestation of the social responsibility of business in the Ukrainian realities;
    • the essence of social investment as a form of manifestation of corporate responsibility of employers;
    • the essence, components and priorities of the development of socially responsible personnel management policy;
    • environmental aspects of social responsibility and their legal regulation;
    • the nature, structure, requirements and features of international standards of social reporting;

    be able to:

    • to form a mechanism for managing corporate social responsibility;
    • collect and evaluate information on corporate social responsibility for decision-making and the formation of proposals in the organization's development programs;
    • identify, analyze and rank the expectations of the organization’s stakeholders from the standpoint of the concept of corporate social responsibility;
    • to form effective interaction of employers with the staff on the principles of social responsibility;
    • to form enterprise relations with external organizations on the basis of corporate social responsibility;
    • determine the directions for enhancing individual and collective environmental responsibility;
    • strengthen the social responsibility of the subjects of social development through social partnership;
    • monitor corporate social responsibility;
    • evaluate the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility;
    • analyze the social reporting of the organization and prepare the necessary information for its formation;
    • summarize the analysis materials for the formation of proposals for the improvement of corporate social responsibility programs;
    • develop corporate social responsibility as a factor in increasing competitiveness;
    • apply the basic principles of ethical management decisions;
    • develop ethical codes of organizations, specialists of various professions;
    • apply the knowledge gained on the issue of social responsibility in the analysis of the current situation of the socio-economic realities of the modern world and the prospects for its development, in the analysis of current problems of our time; to build a universal macromodel of social reality around a person, is the subject of modern social activities and personal life;
    • explore social phenomena, use the theory and practice of social responsibility, analyze the basic processes and phenomena of the external and internal world of a person; process various sources of information, form their own point of view, draw conclusions, make decisions;
    • creatively use knowledge on the issue of social responsibility in their material, practical and spiritual life, competently formulate and formulate their own opinions on any ideological issues, confidently and convincingly defend their position.

    Purpose - When studying the discipline "Strategic Management". The main objective of studying the course "Strategic Management" is the development of strategic and creative thinking, focused on the future, and getting students a systemic effect. The student should gain knowledge on the development of a set of methods and tools for conducting strategic analysis. Measures for the development and implementation of strategies that ensure the adaptation of the enterprise to rapidly changing environmental conditions, as well as the possibility of timely response. Also conducting an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise. The task is to develop strategies at various levels (corporate level, level of strategic business unit, and functional level)

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    • General characteristics of strategic management at various levels
    • Concept of a strategic management process
    • Theoretical knowledge on strategy development

    be able to:

    • Conduct strategic analysis
    • Develop and choose a strategic alternative
    • Implement and develop strategies.

    The purpose of teaching the discipline "Organization Theory" is the formation of a modern, on the basis of a systematic approach, the worldview of the creation, functioning and evolution of organizations.

    The tasks to be solved in the process of teaching the discipline "Organization Theory" are:

    • providing students with knowledge of the theory and practice of the functioning of organizations in the changing conditions of the modern market socio-economic environment, the regulation of processes that occur in interaction with the external environment, and the like;
    • the study of basic organizational theories;
    • the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the creation and functioning of organizations;
    • mastering the main methodological approaches to the analysis of the internal and external environment of organizations;
    • acquisition of skills for building organizational structures of organizations of various types;
    • acquisition of skills of transformation, creation of image and culture of the organization.

    Expected results.

    According to the requirements of the educational and professional program, students should be able to:

    • work with monographic, reference-encyclopedic, statistical, electronic sources with a socio-economic perspective and management;
    • possess the method of calculating the main indicators and the use of methodological tools in order to understand the changing phenomena and processes that affect the state of the organization;
    • use the methodological and methodical methods of studying the effectiveness of the activities and design of organizations;
    • explore and characterize different types of organizations, identifying their advantages and disadvantages;
    • to carry out a comparative analysis and the formation of various types of organizational structures;
    • determine the factors shaping the image and culture of the organization;
    • to develop measures for the transformation of both the organization as a whole and its components, taking into account the influence of environmental factors.

    Objective: to study the fundamentals of system analysis, synthesis and modeling of systems that are necessary in the study of interdisciplinary problems, their system-synergetic foundations and relationships; formation of a system of knowledge about the principles and methods of systems theory and system analysis, familiarization with the sides of the system and their interrelation and classification of methods for modeling systems; acquaintance with the concept of interaction structure and its invariants, acquaintance with the concept of the system quality of a complex object and the quality of the system; familiarity with the concept of the fractality of the world; development of practical skills in systems management. The goal of the course is conceptual and informative, but a strict and at the same time accessible introduction to the basics of the analysis, synthesis and modeling of systems, especially information. The practical significance of system analysis lies in the fact that it is a methodology and practice for the purposeful transformation of both the person himself and the surrounding world.

    Objective: at the conceptual and substantive level, but with a rather strict and formal level of presentation, the concepts and facts are considered that are necessary for the systematic, synergistic and interdisciplinary consideration of various problems, the mastering of the system methods of business organization management development of skills for analyzing the environment of the organization and the main elements of the system, which are accompanied by a large number of specially selected examples explaining the essence of the concepts and facts under consideration; the formation of abilities to optimize the activities of the enterprise in terms of systematic (integrated) effective management in the enterprise This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic check of the degree of mastering the theory of systems in management and marketing, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    the basics of system analysis, synthesis and modeling of systems in management and marketing, principles and methods of systems theory and systems analysis in management and marketing, classification of methods for modeling systems, methods of administering integrated management;

    be able to:

    formulate the directions of development of the theory of systems and systems analysis in management and marketing, carry out system analysis, apply system analysis in the practice of management, marketing and make decisions on managing an organization or enterprise. The course is designed for students interested not only in how to get a specific solution to a specific problem (which is important), but also on how to set, describe, research and use such tasks, find and study the general in systems of different nature, especially in information systems.


    The purpose of the discipline is to study how to manage changes in the organization and methods of diagnosing the current state of the organization. The task of the “Change Management” discipline is to study the theories describing organizational changes and methods of diagnosing the current state of development of an organization and determining the subject and tasks of organizational changes.

    As a result of studying this course, a student must know:

    • modern theories and basic concepts of change management,

    be able to:

    • Determine the current state of evolution of the organization,
    • predict development scenarios,
    • select organization change management tools.

    Purpose: mastering the ability to implement special management tools in personnel management in public and private organizations on the basis of studying the theoretical foundations and foreign experience of personnel management. All these approaches are united by the concept of Human Resource Management and are focused on staff training and its effective use.

    Task: ORGANIZING the educational process is carried out according to the credit-modular system in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration. Knowledge of this discipline is necessary when studying most disciplines of managerial direction.

    As a result of studying the discipline "Personnel Management" students must know:

    • theoretical and methodological foundations of personnel management as a mechanism for the effective management of the organization;
    • principles of organization of modern personnel services;
    • main and auxiliary management style;
    • modern theories of staff motivation;
    • mechanisms for the development of conflicts and ways to use them for the benefit of the development of the organization;
    • the latest psychological approaches to the effects on the consciousness and subconsciousness of staff;
    • women problems in society;
    • team means of achieving a common goal in an organization;
    • non-verbal means of communication and their impact on staff;
    • features of personnel management in Ukraine;
    • the main problems of personnel management in the context of globalization.

    be able to:

    • to be guided in the features of personnel management in various organizations and countries.

    get used to:

    • to think in managerial categories, as well as externally and internally prepare for responsibility for the management decisions made.

    The subject of the course is the study of methods and means of the most rational organization of management in accordance with the national conditions in Ukraine. The object of study in the course there are different aspects of management in Ukraine.


    The goal is to create active economic mechanisms for regulating the processes of using nature. The criteria for the effectiveness of such environmental management is the integrated and rational use of natural resources with the receipt of not only economic but also social and environmental benefits. The discipline "Management of Nature Management" forms the environmentally sound priorities of the ecological and socio-economic development of society and is looking for effective ways to achieve its goals.


    • study of the economic patterns of the use of natural resources by the society in order to meet their needs;
    • development of methods for assessing natural resources with a view to their effective use;
    • creation of economic mechanisms for managing the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;
    • assessment of damage caused to nature and population as a result of ill-considered economic activity;
    • development of methods for calculating the economic efficiency of capital investments in the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;
    • development of approaches to the regulation and management of environmental management in the economic mechanism;
    • justification of the economic aspects of regional and national environmental policies.

    This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic check of the degree of mastering the theory of environmental management, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    the basics of environmental economics, environmental principles and methods of the theory of environmental economics, economic management methods and ways to stimulate environmental protection and greening of production, methods of integrated environmental management.

    be able to:

    formulate directions for the development of the theory of environmental economics; to determine damage resulting from environmental pollution, violation of laws, regulations or rules of nature protection; to determine the amount of costs necessary for the elimination in the near and distant future of the consequences of negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment; apply a systematic economic and environmental approach in the practice of management and make decisions on the management of an organization or enterprise; to evaluate the absolute and relative cost-effectiveness of the protection and restoration of nature, to make the choice of optimal options for environmental protection activities and the use of natural resources. The course is designed for students interested not only in how to get a specific solution to a specific problem (which is important), but also on how to set, describe, research and use such tasks, find and study the general in systems of different nature, especially in information systems.


    The purpose of studying the discipline "Managing the financial behavior of organizations" is to master students with basic knowledge of the theory and practice of financial management of enterprises, strategies and tactics of financial support for business entities, creating the ability to manage the operating and investment activities of the enterprise, make optimal financial decisions.

    The list of specialist knowledge after mastering the program on “Managing the financial behavior of organizations,” namely, he should know how:

    • Determine financial strategy, apply methodical tools of enterprise finance management
    • Effectively manage cash flows, ensure their synchronization
    • Manage the formation of profits, to find reserves of its growth and increase profitability.
    • Make the best decisions regarding finding the sources of formation of financial resources of enterprises to ensure current and investment activities.
    • To carry out financial forecasting and planning, drawing up the operational and financial budgets of an enterprise.
    • Analyze and evaluate the financial and economic activities, the financial condition of enterprises.
    • Use financial controlling to support the management of costs, costs, profitability, and financial flows of an enterprise.
    • Plan the tax payments of the enterprise, ensuring the neutralization and reduction of their negative impact of taxation on the activities of enterprises.
    • Manage the financial risks of the enterprise, ensuring the timely neutralization of their negative impact on economic activity.
    • Manage real and financial investments, ensuring their effectiveness.
    • Manage the formation of the company's own and attracted capital, taking into account its cost and the cost of various sources of formation.

    As a result of studying the discipline "Management of financial behavior of organizations," a student should receive the following skills:

    • to formulate the financial strategy of the enterprise, the goals of financial activities and financial control;
    • to substantiate management decisions regarding the operating, financial and investment activities of the enterprise,
    • apply the methodological tools of enterprise finance management;
    • manage incoming and outgoing cash flows at the enterprise, profit, investments, assets;
    • determine the cost of capital and optimize its structure;
    • assess financial risks;
    • apply crisis management tools;
    • predict the financial situation;
    • make the best decisions on financial management of the enterprise.

    The subject of the course “Managing the financial behavior of organizations” is the study of methods and means to increase the value of enterprises, increase its economic potential, ensure the well-being of shareholders as a result of a stable profit, which should contribute to the development of the national economy of Ukraine. The object of study is the process of formation of financial resources and financial activities in the enterprises of Ukraine. The content of the course “Management of financial behavior of organizations” is the study of approaches to the use of equity capital, attracting investments, other borrowed capital and evaluating the feasibility of investing in various projects in Ukraine.


    Purpose: formation of a complex of knowledge about quality management in students, assessment of the quality level of standardization and certification for quality management, organization of quality management, economic quality problems, human factor in quality management. Introduction on this basis of special knowledge and skills to make effective decisions to assess the level of product quality, quality management to create organizational issues of quality management in a market environment.

    Objective: the acquisition of knowledge on concepts, theoretical approaches and methods of quality management, the development of practical quality, providing a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in quality management, systematization and synthesis of students' knowledge about the principles of effective quality management. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic check of the degree of assimilation of quality management methods, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.

    As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know:

    the concept of quality, quality management tools, quality management system, approaches to bone management, factors of quality management.

    be able to:

    conduct an assessment of the level of quality of any product at various enterprises; carry out the introduction of standardization in quality management, product certification; conduct quality management organization, carry out calculations of economic quality problems; conduct modern approaches to human resource management in enterprises.


    Purpose: The science of management currently has at its disposal various approaches to the study and development of effective methods and techniques for managing an organization, for example, a functional approach, systemic, situational, etc. This course is devoted to the study of the approach to management, which is management process is seen as an endless chain of management decisions. The effectiveness of management depends primarily on the ability of the manager to develop and make effective management decisions. A manager's skill in this case involves the use of system analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, rational planning methods, the successful implementation of basic management functions, as well as the creation of effective communication links and a favorable social and psychological climate in a team.

    Task: this course examines the process of developing a management decision consisting of separate stages, each of which involves the manager performing certain types of work, taking into account the numerous factors affecting the effectiveness of the decision. A significant part of the course is devoted to the common concept of management - modeling management decisions, helps to overcome many problems associated with decision-making in difficult situations, as well as the consideration of various methods of developing solutions that are adequate to management problems. The goal of the course is not only to show how methods and models are applied in practice, to give an idea of ​​the possibility of management science. The course focuses on empirical decision-making methods, including expert assessments, which, due to the increasing complexity of management, especially in conditions of uncertainty and mobility of environmental factors, play an important role in the process of developing management decisions. This course is taught by combining classroom activities with independent work. Lectures, seminars, practical classes are classroom studies. When preparing for seminars, it is necessary, guided by the notes made during the lecture, as well as methodological instructions for each topic, to develop relevant sections of the textbook and recommended literature; find and analyze practical examples on this topic. Independent training includes writing essays, reports and reports, analyzing literary sources, reviewing bibliography, performing practical tasks, solving problems, etc. The key to successful study of the discipline will be a systematic verification of the degree of mastery of the theory of logistics, which can occur in the form of a survey, interview, testing, writing tests, solving specific problems. The final form of knowledge control is the exam.

    Expected learning outcomes.


    decision functions in the methodology and organization of the management process; typology of management decisions; conditions and factors of quality management decisions; models, methodology and organization of the management decision development process; management orientation; analysis of alternatives to action; analysis of the external environment and its impact on the implementation of alternatives: conditions of uncertainty and risk; methods of developing and choosing management decisions under conditions of uncertainty and risk; economic, mathematical, and empirical decision-making methods; decision effectiveness; control implementation of management decisions; management decisions and responsibility.

    be able to:

    carry out the analysis needed to develop and make management decisions, use quantitative and qualitative methods to predict the development of the environment and the organization, determine the causes of the problem and establish criteria for effective management decisions, develop alternative management solutions and use analytical methods to select the optimal solution, develop a program for implementing a management decision, evaluate the effectiveness of management o solutions and method of its increase.

Chaikovskaya Maryna Petrovna

grinchenkoY 1
Scientific degree, academic title:
  • Doctor of Economics: 08.00.03 – economics and management of the national economy (2021)
  • Candidate of Economic sciences: 08.02.03 - organization, management, planning and regulation of the economy (1997)
  • Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration (2023)
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes (2003)

Position: Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration

E-Mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  •  Odesa I.I. Mechnikov State University, specialty «Applied mathematics» (diploma with honors).
  • Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dissertation topic:
  • Doctoral dissertation: «Ensuring the management system of marketing IT projects in the conditions of digital transformations» (2021)
  •  Candidate dissertation «Consumer’s behavior prognostication and management in the conditions of the economic reforms» (1997 р.)
Courses taught:
  • Information and analytical support management decisions
  • Modeling, analysis and automation of business processes
  • Marketing and protection of intellectual property in the IT industry
  • Scientific and project activities and intellectual property
  • Modern information technologies for the study of socio-economic processes and applied statistics
  • Economics and organization of information business
  • Automation of business processes
Research interests:
  • Industry 4.0/5.0 marketing and management
  • IT project management
  • information systems and technologies in business
  • innovation management and marketing
  • startup marketing and management
  • mathematical methods and modeling in economics, management, marketing
Other professional activity:
  • The Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal «Science. Business. Society» (Bulgaria)
  • Lector of NIMA-A and NIMA-B programs in Marketing on behalf of the Netherland Institute of Marketing in Ukraine
  • МВА ОNEU (since 2009) associate professor at the joint MBA programme of ONEU and Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France
  • Coach of the Internal academic mobility program
  • Coach of the Internal Mind Education Institute
  • Member of the jury marketing plans (Poland, Czestochowa, Polonia Academy, 2016, gratitude)
  • Member of the jury of business - plans and co-organizer of the II International scientific-practical forum «Business, education and science: the vectors of cooperation» (Kyiv, OU KMA, 2015)
Awards and Acknowledgments:
  • Thanks to the supervisor for training the participant who won the 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian competition for qualifying papers in the specialty 073 «Management» at the second (master's) level of higher education (2023)
  • Acknowledgments for the successful implementation of the internal academic mobility program (Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University 2016-2017)
  • Certificate for many years of fruitful scientific activity, conscientious teaching and organizational work and significant contribution to the development of national education (Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2015)
  • The best presentation in workshop on problems of Economics & Management (Tel Aviv, 2009)
  • Thanks for active participation in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad «Information Systems in Management» (Dnipropetrovsk, 2005)
  • Certificate of English proficiency at B2 level
Participation in professional associations:
  • Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (since 2019)
  • Member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (since 2019)
  • Member of the Association for the Promotion of Globalization of Education and Science SPACETIME (since 2019)
  • Member of the appeal commission of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad for students in the discipline «Investment» (2019, ODABA Order dated February 12, 2019 No. 29/od)
  • A member of the Network Coordination Team of the NUIFE (Network of Universities in Free Enterprise) as a Manager of University Start-up Projects for students
  • A member of the International Programming Committee of the International Conference for Young Researchers «Technical Sciences. Industrial Management»
  • Instructor of the Academy Cisco.

Foreign languages: English

Scientific works: GOOGLE SCHOLAR – ORCID -

Scopus Author ІD: 57205608930

Publications (more than 250)

  1. Chaikovska M. P. Conceptual and methodological principles of management of marketing IT projects in the conditions of digital transformations: monograph. Odesa: OLDI-PLUS, 2021. 370 p.
  2. Chaikovska M. Investing: Textbook. Odesa: ONU, 2016. 312 p.
  3. Chaikovska M.Innovation Management: Textbook. Odesa: ONU, 2015. 370 p.
  4. Chaikovska M. Modeling of enterprises: Textbook. Odessa: ONU, 2013. 360 p.
  5. Chaikovska M. Information systems in management: Textbook. Odesa: Astroprint, 2010. 256 p.
Advanced training, internship:
  • Foreign internship «GOES GREENER -Sustainable Development Goals project of the Seas (SEA-EU) », Gdansk, Poland, 27.06-08.07.2023
  • General English course for Upper-Intermediate (5 credits ECTS: 150 hours, 2022)
  • Grant ERASMUS+ KA107 Staff Teaching Mobility/ Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Computer Science and Management. Poland (2017, 2019)
  • Internship «XXI century teaching techniques», Business school Barcelona, Spain (2019)
  • «Information and communication technology (ICT) and internationalization of higher education» (2019)
  • International internship «Innovation in education process, methods, approaches, technologies» (University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic, 108 a. h, 2018).
  • Foreign internship INDUSTRY 4.0 в НТТМ (Varna, Bulgaria, 2018)
  • Foreign internship in Western Finland College (Finland, 2018).
  • Foreign internship Tbilisi State University named after I. Javakhishvili (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2017)
  • Foreign internship «Advanced skills from Economics, Management and Marketing». Academic society of Michal Baludansky, Slovak republic (2015)
  • Workshop program «Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IT» (European Academy of Management, 2015)
  • International Scientific School «Paradigma Summer-2015», Bulgaria (2015)
  • «Modern advances in science and education». Institute of Innovative Education. Tel-Aviv (2009)
  • «Modular training course teaching composition». Civic Education Project (2001-2002)
  • Third Winter School in Economics (2002)
  • «Application of information technology in education and practice of accounting» held IBTCI as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) «The reform of accounting and audit in Ukraine» KNYEU (March 2002)
  • Transforming the enterprise. Administrative tools. Consortium to improve business education in Ukraine (CEUME), Financial Agency for International Development (USAID) (March 2002)
  • Repeatedly participated in conferences and seminars SEEMAN, SEUME, EERS and international educational projects and programs (CEP, USAID, TEMPUS-TACIS).

Gayvoronskaya Inna Vitaliivna


Academic degree, academic title:

  • D. in Economics: 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity) (2020)
  • Associate Professor of Marketing and Business Administration (2023)

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, specialty "International Economic Relations"
  • Postgraduate studies: Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Dissertation topic: "Theoretical and methodological foundations of branding and marketing management of tourist destination enterprises" (2023)

Courses taught:

  • Leadership
  • Brand management
  • Fundamentals of communication in management
  • Marketing
  • Logistics

Research interests: business communications, leadership and power, branding, marketing and marketing communications, tourism and hospitality marketing and management, business planning, logistics.

Other professional activities:

  • Consultant at Oxford Academics in the field of marketing expertise of projects, marketing planning
  • Business consultant, analyst, business coach
  • Experience in business in the field of tourism and hospitality
  • Experience in marketing, branding and advertising


  • Certificate of Advanced Training "Progressive Teaching: Components of the Higher Education Quality System" (2023)
  • Certificate of Advanced Training "Fundamentals of Testology and Test Task Development" (2023)
  • Certificate of English at B2 level (2022)
  • Certificate of international internship at the Center for European Reform Studies (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), under the program "Problems and Prospects of Market Activity in Modern Conditions" (2022)
  • Certificate of Advanced Training "Barrier-Free Education: Practical Aspects and Prospects" (2022)
  • Certificate of advanced training "Digital marketing training program" (Lifecell digital Academy) (2021)
  • Certificate of membership in the Ukrainian Marketing Association (UAM) (2021)
  • Certificate of participation in the 1st International Congress "Modern aspects of the mathematics of harmony and its application in economics, natural science, technology, society and education" (2010)
  • Certificate of business coach of the consulting center "Business Service" (2008)
  • Certificate of participation in the seminar for teachers "Group dynamics in organizational behavior and motivation" (CEUME) (2005)
  • Certificate of participation in the seminar for teachers "Effective Company Pricing Policy" (CEUME) (2005)
  • Certificate of participation in the seminar for teachers "Development of methodological support of the training course" (CEUME) (2004)
  • Certificate of participation in the seminar for teachers "Teaching skills in case studies in management" (CEUME) (2004)
  • Certificate of attendance at the environmental conference "Going towards the Green Europe" (2003)

Membership in professional communities:

  • Member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (UAM)

Awards and acknowledgments:

  • Diploma of the EEF of the I. Mechnikov ONU for many years of dedicated work for the benefit of the faculty, its popularization and on the occasion of the Day of Economist (2023)

Foreign languages: English (B2).

Scientific papers: GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Professional development, internships:

  • International internship at the Center for European Reform Studies (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) under the program "Problems and Prospects of Market Activity in Modern Conditions" (2022)
  • Professional development course from the NGO "Progressive: "Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education" (2023)
  • Training under the program of advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the development and examination of EIT tasks: "Fundamentals of Testology and Test Task Development" (development and examination of the EQF tasks of the subject test in management and administration) (2023)
  • Language courses at the ONU named after I. I. Mechnikov. English, level B2 (2022)
  • Online seminar on advanced training from the Ukrainian Marketing Association on the topic: "Digital marketing training program" (Lifecell digital Academy) (2021)
  • All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological seminar on professional development from Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University: "Barrier-Free Education: Practical Aspects and Prospects" (2022)
  • Internship at the Institute for Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2018)

Hrinchenko Yuriy Leonidovych

grinchenkoY 1

Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (since 2021); PhD, Candidate sciences in Economy

Academic title Associate professor

Position: Professor of Department of Marketing and business administration

Education Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, specialty "International Economic Relations" (diploma with honours)

Title of dissertation: PhD thesis: “The influence of the institutional factor on the structure and efficiency of the economic polіcy of the EU”
Doctor’s thesis: “Provision of the strategic development of the aviation industry of Ukraine in the framework of open economy”

Teaching experience

  • Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (since1998);
  • MBA ONEU (since 2006);
  • International Humanitarian University (2004-2007).

Professional skills and knowledge

  • Modern management, effective organizational strategy, quality management, logistics and supply chain management, price policy.
  • Development of study courses on economics and management, teaching lections and seminars within modern teaching methods, development of methodology for management courses teaching, conducting and mentoring of scientific and research activity.


  • Institute of market problems and economic and ecological research of the National Science Academy of Ukraine (2014, 2019)
  • Tempus – University of Goteborg (2011);
  • CDC of Central European University (2008);
  • Leader of the Future for MBA, University of Michigan (2004);
  • Tempus – Erasmus University, Rotterdam (2000);
  • Tempus – University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (1995-2005);
  • University of Regensburg business training program (1995-2000).

Membership in professional associations Ukrainian Association of Marketing

Area of research interests Economic policy of sustainable development, industry development, dynamic of market structures.

Foreign languages English (Advanced), French (Advanced), German (Basic).

Scientific research

Google Scholar

E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Грінченко Ю.Л. Селезньова О.А. Бенчмаркинг в управлении маркетинговой деятельностью предприятия: теоретический аспект // Держава та регіони. Сер.: економіка та підприємництво. 2019. № 5(110). С. 143-149.
  2. Грінченко Ю.Л. Нєнно І.М. Інноваційні форми інтеграції в високотехнологічних галузях економіки // Інноваційна економіка: теоретичні та практичні аспекти: монографія / за ред. Л.О. Волощук, Є.І. Масленнікова. Херсон: ОЛДІ-ПЛЮС, 2019. Вип. 4. С. 483-504.
  3. Грінченко Ю.Л. Авіаційна галузь України в умовах відкритої економіки // Проблеми системного підходу в економіці. Зб.наук. праць. Вип 6 (74) частина 1. 2019. Київ. Національний авіаційний унверситет. С. 98-105.
  4. Grinchenko Y. Nyenno I. Analytical tool for integrating finance and management data. // Modern Science- Moderni veda. Praha. №8.б 2019. P 117-123.
  5. Hrinchenko Y. Defining Entrepreneurship Contributions to Economic Development // MIND Journal. #6. 2018. P1-11.
  6. Hrinchenko Y. L., Robul Y. V., Zalubinska L.M. Development of price strategies to support brand positioning: strategic issues for marketing policies // Економічні інновації: зб. наук. праць. Одеса: Ін-т проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, 2018. Т. 20. № 4(69). С. 44-54. DOI:
  7. Robul Y. V., Hrinchenko Y. L., Zalubinska L.M. Social media marketing influence on brand equity and impact on intention to buy in fashion marketing // Економічні інновації: зб. наук. праць. Одеса: Ін-т проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, 2018. Т. 21. № 1(70). С. 146-159. DOI:
  8. Грінченко Ю.Л. Моделювання та аналіз економічної політики в умовах економічного і валютного союзу// Вісник Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова. Сер.: Економіка. 2015. Т. 20. Вип. 6. С. 11-14.
  9. Грінченко Ю.Л. Головні тенденції розвитку управління ланцюгами постачань в умовах глобальної економіки // Економічні інновації: зб. наук. праць. Одеса: Ін-т проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, 2015. Вип. 60(3). С. 90-99.
  10. Hrinchenko Y.L. International coordination of economic policies as a European perspective for sustainable development / Methodological bases and practice of sustainable development implementation : monograph / edited by O. Prokopenko, N. Kostyuchenko, Ruda Slaska: Drukarnia s Studio Graficzne, 2015, 467 c.
  11.  Гринченко Ю.Л. Комплексная оценка конкурентоспособности на основе системного подхода / Актуальные проблемы экономики и менеджмента: теория, инновации и современная практика: монография, книга третья Кузнецов Э.А., Захарченко В.И., Янковой А.Г. и др., Херсон: Гринь Д.С., 2014, 584 с.
  12. Грінченко Ю.Л. Концептуальні засади наднаціональної інституційної структури на прикладі Європейського Союзу / Сталий розвиток - ХХІ століття: управління, технології моделі: колективна монографія /М.Ф. Аверкина, Н.М. Андрєєва, М.Д. Балджи та ін. Черкаси, видавець Чабаненко Ю.А., 2014, 540 с.
  13. Грінченко Ю.Л. Вплив транснаціонально-го обміну на формування структури управління в Європейському Союзі / Актуальные проблемы экономики и менеджмента: теория, инновации и современная практика : [моногр.] ; в 3 т. / под ред. Э.А. Кузнецова. Херсон: Гринь Д.С., 2014. Т. 3. 584 с.
  14. Маркетинг: Підручник / В. Руделіус, О. М. Азарян, Н. О. Бабенко та ін.; Ред. О. І. Сидоренко, Л. С. Макарова. 4-те вид. К.: Навчально-методичний центр «Консорціум із удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в Україні», 2009. 648 с.

Kirilina Maryna Andriyivna

Марина Андреевна 
Ст. преподаватель 


  • Senior Lecturer of Department of Management and mathematical modeling of market processes (since 2003)
  • Assistant Lecturer of Department of Management and mathematical modeling of market processes (2000-2003)

Education Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, specialty “Management of organizations”

Teaching experience

  • Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (since 2000)
  • KNUCA (2004-2006);
  • IUH (2006-2010);
  • Centre for Applied Cultural Management (2006-2008).

Professional skills and knowledge Business coach, business consultant


  • Institute for Market Problems and Environmental Economics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 20.05.2019 – 20.06.2019 (№ 1058 -18 от 17.05.2019)
  • Institute for Market Problems and Environmental Economics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 14.04.2014 – 19.05.2014 (№ 1113 – 18 от 25.04.14)
  • Odessa State Economic University, 19.03.2009 – 19.04.2009 (№845 – 18 от 06.04.09)
  • «Tempus Tasis» Program, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (2002)


  • Certificate of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future from 21.01.2019 on the completion of the course Learning to learn: "Powerful mental tools for the development of complex subjects"
  • Certificate of fluency in Ukrainian from February 15, 2018 № 627
  • Certificate of attendance the master-class of Dr. Philipp Kotler "Managing and marketing in the age of turbulence», 2009.
  • Certificate of participation in the 1st International Congress "Modern aspects of mathematics of harmony and its application in the economy, science, technology, society and education", 2010.
  • Certificate of participation in VI International Scientific Conference "Scientific support reform processes of social and economic relations in the context of globalization", 2012.
  • Certificate of participation in the conference "Implementing standards of corporate behavior through better training on corporate governance in higher education," IFC-2004.
  • Certificate of participation in seminars on corporate governance of the Consortium for the improvement of business education in Ukraine (CEUME), 2001.
  • Certificate of participation in the workshop for the teachers “Teaching skills of case studies in Management "organized by the Consortium for the improvement of business management education in Ukraine (CEUME), 2004.
  • Certificate of participation in the workshop for the teachers “Efficient pricing policy” organized by the Consortium for the improvement of business management education in Ukraine (CEUME), 2005.

Area of research interests Economics of Ukraine, international economics, management and marketing.

Іноземні мови English (Advanced)

Scientific research 

Google Scholar – Кіріліна Марина Андріївна

E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Кіріліна М.А. Маркетинг в побудові системи управління. Матеріали 74-ї звітної наукової конференції професорсько-викладацького складу і наукових працівників економіко-правового факультету Одеського національного університету імені І.І.Мечникова ( м.Одеса,27-29 листопада 2019р.) / відп.ред. А.В.Смітюх; ред.кол.: Л.Н.Кусик, А.В. Левенець, Т.В.Степанова та ін. Одеса: Фенікс, 2019. C. 119 – 120.
  2. Кіріліна М.А. Роль планування та прогнозування в контексті конкурентоспроможності ЗВО. Матеріали 73-ї звітної наукової конференції професорсько-викладацького складу і наукових працівників економіко-правового факультету Одеського національного університету імені І.І.Мечникова ( 28-30 листопада 2018р., м Одеса ) / відп.ред. А.В.Смітюх; ред.кол.: А.В.Андрейченко, О.М.Савастєєва, Т.В. Степанова [та ін.]. Одеса: Фенікс, 2018. C. 162 – 163.
  3. Кирилина М.А. Планирование как необходимый инструмент в системе образования. III International scientific conference winter session Industry 4.0 , Proceedings ,12-15 December, 2018. – Borovets, Bulgaria, 2018. Year II, Volume 2/4 . С. 266 - 268
  4. Кіріліна М.А.,Саламаха Ю.Ю. Ринок праці та ринок освіти: аналіз рівноваги. Сучасні стратегії регіонального розвитку Українського Причорномор’я: виклики та рішення: Матеріали десятої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Херсон: Херсонський національний технічний університет, 2017. Мова: укр., рос, пол. С. 110 – 112.
  5. Кіріліна М.А.,Саламаха Ю.Ю. Стан ринку праці як результат концепції розвитку системи освіти. Економічні інновації: зб. наук. праць. Одеса, 2017. Вип.64. С. 136 – 140.
  6. Кіріліна М.А.,Саламаха Ю.Ю. Особливості стратегії розвитку закладів освіти в сучасних умовах. Стратегічні пріоритети соціально-економічного розвитку в умовах інституційних перетворень глобального середовища: Матеріали VII міжнародної науково-практичної конференції., 22-24 вересня 2016 р. Одеса: «Одеський національний університет імені І.І.Мечникова», 2016. С. 33 – 36.
  7. Кіріліна М.А. Операційний менеджмент : методичний посібник для студентів напряму підготовки 6.030601 «Менеджмент» / М.А.Кіріліна. – Одеса: «Одеський національний університет імені І.І.Мечникова», 2015. - 38 с.
  8. Кіріліна М.А. Практикум з розвитку менеджерських якостей»:навчальний посібник для студентів зі спеціальності «Менеджмент організацій» у 4-х частинах.Частина 3/М.А.Кіріліна. – Одеса: Астропринт,2010. – 116с.
  9. М.А.Кіріліна. Проблеми розвитку сучасної науки та мотивації науковців//Збірник наукових праць НУК.Миколаїв: НУК, 2006. - №5/1 (410). – с.74-79.

Robul Yuriy Volodymyrovych

Юрий Владимирович 
Доц., канд. физ.-мат. наук
Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (since 2021); PhD, Candidate sciences in physics and mathematics (since 2004)

Academic title Associate Professor (since 2011)

Position Professor at the Chair of Marketing and Business Administration (since 2022), Associate Professor at the Chair of Marketing and Business Administration (since 2006, prior to 2019 – Chair of Management and Mathematical Modelling of Market Processes)

Education Odesa I. I. Mechnikov State University, Department of Physics, Management of High-Tec division (1998, graduate with distinction)

Title of dissertation: 

  • PhD thesis: “Luminescent phenomena in oxide films of aluminium caused by interaction with ions” (defended in 2004)
  • Doctor’s thesis: “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of marketing systems under the influence of the development of information technology” (defended in 2021)

Teaching experience

  • From the fall of 2000 up to present: lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor at the Chair of Management and Mathematical Modelling of Market Processes (from 2019 – Chair of Marketing and Business Administration)
  • From 2007 trainer and examiner, and from 2010 academic director and programme leader of the Netherland Institute of Marketing (NIMA) programmes in Ukraine
  • From 2011 has a visiting appointment (professeur vacataire) at the Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Institute of International Management (Paris, France)
  • 2006 - 2013 – associate professor at the joint MBA programme of Odesa National Economic University and CNAM
  • 2012 – 2019 Approved tutor and Module leader of MSc Programme in Project Management at the University of Chester (UK)
  • More that 40 short term educational programmes throughout Ukraine and more than 100 workshops

Professional skills and knowledge Project Management and Engineering, Marketing, Marketing-management


  • Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, 2002 – 2003
  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa (Warsaw School of Economics), 2004
  • Ross Business School, University of Michigan, USA, 2004
  • Kellogg Business School, North-Western University, USA, 2004
  • Karson Business School, University of Minnesota, USA, 2004
  • Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France, 2010
  • Digital Marketing Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 2015


  • InScape: Certified trainer of DiSC (2008)
  • Digital Marketing Institute: Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Syllabus version 4.0 (2015)

Membership in professional associations

Membership of Ukrainian Marketing association (UAM) Associated member of Association française du marketing (AFM)

Awards and prizes

  • Special Award in National competition of scientific papers of students and young scientists in physics (1999).
  • Special award of the Minister of education and science of Ukraine for a considerable personal contribution to the development of marketing education in Ukraine (2005)

Area of research interests Marketing and sustainable development, marketing systems, efficiency and productivity of marketing, organisational changes

Foreign languages English, French

Scientific research

Google Scholar – Yuriy Robul

ORCID – Iurii Robul

E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


  1. Руделіус В. Маркетинг. 4 вид. — Пер. з англ. / Ред. Робул Ю.В. Київ: Консорціум з удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в Україні, 2009. — 648 с.  
  2. Робул Ю. Маркетингова політика в умовах сталого розвитку: розширення маркетингової орієнтації та розвиток цифрового маркетингу // Сталий розвиток - ХХІ століття: управління, технології, моделі / Під ред. Хлобистов Є.В. Черкаси, 2014. С. 493–501.
  3. Robul Y. Evolution of Marketing and Sustainable Development / Y. Robul // Methodological bases and practical issues of sustainable development implementation: monograph; edited by O. Prokopenko, N. Kostyuchenko. — Ruda Śląska : "Drukarnia i Studio Graficzne Omnidium", 2015 — P. 59-70.
  4. Робул Ю. Еволюція задач маркетингу на різних етапах еволюції компанії // Механізм регулювання економіки, 2010. Т. 2, № 3. С. 158–164.
  5. Робул Ю. В. Холістична концепція ефективності маркетингу / Робул Ю. В. // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. — 2011, №4 (2) — c. 124 - 130.
  6. Робул Ю. В. Цільова функція маркетингу на різних рівнях економічної системи / Робул Ю. В. // Вісник Одеського національного університету, серія Економіка. — 2011. — Т. 16, №20.— c. 158-165.
  7. Robul Y. Development of using IT technologies, macromarketing development and societal change. MIND Journal. 2018. Vol. 6.
  8. Робул Ю. В. Роль і місце маркетингу у багаторівневій̆ соціотехнологічній системі. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія: Економіка і менеджмент. 2019, №40. С. 38-43. DOI:
  9. Робул Ю. В. Маркетингова політика, функціонування маркетингових систем та забезпечення суб’єктивного добробуту. Приазовський економічний вісник. 2019, №6 (17). С. 57-62. DOI:
  10. Робул Ю. В. Ефективність маркетингової політики у контексті маркетингу відносин і логіки мережевої взаємодії Причорноморські економічні студії. 2019, №48 (Частина 1). С. 166-171. DOI:
  11. Робул Ю. В. Маркетинг, добробут, доступ до технологій та розвиток соціо-економічних систем. Інтелект ХХІ. 2019, № 6 (Частина 1). С. 159-163. DOI:
  12.  Робул Ю. В. Динаміка розвитку маркетингових систем, розвиток інновацій і завдання маркетингової політики. Підприємництво та інновації. 2019. Вип. 9. С. 43-48. DOI:
  13.  Робул Ю. В. Функціонування і розвиток цифрового маркетингу як маркетингової системи. Бізнес-навігатор. 2019, № 6.1-1 (56). С. 119-123.
  14. Робул Ю. В. Розвиток теоретичного підґрунтя цифрового маркетингу з урахуванням особливостей формування споживчої цінності у ньому. Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Серія: Економіка і управління. 2020. Том 31 (70), № 1. С. 72-78. DOI:
  15.  Робул Ю. В. Концептуалізація цифрового маркетингу як багаторівневої маркетингової системи на макрорівні. Проблеми системного підходу в економіці. 2020. Випуск 1(75), частина 1. С. 50-57. DOI:


Sadchenko Elena Vasilyevna

Садченко Елена Васильевна
Academic degree Doctor of Economic Sciences

Academic title Professor, Professor (dr.hb.) Higher School of Economics and Humanities (Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiko-Humanistyczna (Bielsko-Biała, Polska)

Position Head of Department of Marketing and Business Administration

Education higher education

Title of dissertation work

  1. Doctor dissertation "Theoretical and methodological foundations of environmental marketing" (2005)
  2. Candidate dissertation "Economic and environmental evaluation of water consumption efficiency in industry" (1987)

Teaching experience

  1. Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
  2. Licensing (2015) and accreditation (2017) for training specialists at the Odessa National University named I.I. Mechnikov on the educational and qualification level of the master - 0306 Management and administration; 8.03060101 Management of organizations and administration (by types of economic activity).
    Member of the expert committee to conduct licensing examination in the specialty 8.03060101 "Management and administration (by economic activity).
  3. Member of the Scientific Council ONU I.I. Mtchnikov.
    Head of the State Examination Commission at Odessa National Economic University, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa National Polytechnic University, International Humanitarian University.
  4. Member of Specialized Academic Councils of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine (Odessa) and the National Mining University of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk).
  5. Organization of the First International Congress „Modern aspects of harmony mathematics and ist application in the economy, science, technology, society and education“ (2010)
  6. Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Strategic Management", National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Faculty of Management and Marketing (2018, 2019, 2020).
  7. Member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (Certificate No. 391 of 02.07.2019)
  8. Consultant, Oxford Academics - marketing expertise of environmental projects, marketing planning for environmental management - from 2016 to the present.

Professional skills and knowledge

  • Official reviewer of expert committee under the UN project "Integration of Rio Convention provisions in the national policy of Ukraine."
  • Accreditation expert for educational programs (contract E-19-0891 of November 27, 2019).
  • Conceptual positions of environmental marketing and developed lectures "Fundamentals of Environmental Marketing" were positively assessed in the Central European University in Budapest in 1999.
  • Conceptions of marketing, theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of implementation of environmental marketing in the coast area of Ukraine, organization and regulation of marketing activity by improving the economic and environmental cadastral mechanism were tested during the project work of the MacArthur Foundation
  • "Solving Problems of nature management and conservation of biodiversity of coastal areas in Ukraine: economic and ecological know-how to the local authorities".
  • Developer of research project in the problem of "preserve and maintain knowledge, related to biodiversity, innovation and traditional forms of natural resources of local authorities" of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
  • Developer of memos "Conceptual and methodological basis for the creation of marine economic and environmental cadastre of Ukraine", "Environmental Passport environmental of the subject", "Project of regional passport of environmental infrastructure", "Lean Production", etc.
  • Supervisor: Topic number 206 "Managing transformation processes at different levels of economic and ecological systems" was from 05.01.2009. to 12.31.2013 p.
  • Supervisor: Topic number 135 "Theoretical and methodological foundations of societal control systems in terms of innovation and environmental development" (2015 - 2020).
  • Supervisor: Topic number 208 “Marketing Systems and Management Technologies in Multilevel Convergence” (01.01.2020 to 12.31.2024).
  • A member of the editorial board of the scientific journal MIND (Poland), "Economics and Management" (Bulgaria), "Entrepreneurship" (Bulgaria).

Internships and grants

  1. Grant of Soros for an internship at the Central European University (Budapest) 1999;
  2. Grant from the MacArthur Foundation (USA) on economic and environmental issues of 2001.
  3. Internships: European experience in the organization of scientific researches and educational work in marketing and management at university (Poland, 2016),
  4. Scientific and pedagogical internship in Spain at ESEI International Business School Barcelona "Experience in training highly qualified staff, organization of the training process and innovative teaching methods at ESEI International Business School Barcelona" (Spain, 2017).
  5. Internship: Project approach in organizing the learning process in Finland. (West Finnish College. 1. Certificate received (108 hours). 2. Certificate english course received. Sadchenko Olena successfully completed an examination equivalent to level B2 of proficiency in English (Finland, 2018).
  6. Professor Sadchenko Olena has been issued and confirms that she has attended theoretical and practical training “Ensuring the Social Potential of the Labor Market” at the Centrum Integracji Spolecznej w Jelesni (Poland, 2019).
  7. Sumy State University, Department of Economics and Business Administration (2013), Odessa State Environmental University, Department of Environmental Management (2011).

Awards and grants

  1. Honorary Diploma of the Odessa Regional Council,
  2. Certificates of IPREEI NAS of Ukraine for fruitful scientific activity.


  1. "Research and Innovation Management", "Business and Sustainable Development", "Environment and Politics", "Partnership for Democracy for the health of the nation",
  2. “Modern aspects of harmony mathematics and its application in the economy, science, technology, society and education“, "The social and geographical problems in East Central Europe in the early 21st century", Perspective directions of scientific researches(United Kingdom), Problems of development modern science: theory and practice (Madrid, España), Economics, management, law: сhallenges and prospects (New Delhi, India), Economics, management, law: realities and perspectives (Paris, France),
  3. Economy and Society: Modern Foundation For Human Development (Leipzig, Germany), European experience in organization of scientific researches and educational work in marketing and management at university (Poland), Teoria I praktyka marketingu terytorialnego – techniki promocji miast I gmin (Poland). «Certyfikat znajomości języka polskiego» (średni ogólny B2). Poznań et al.

Membership in professional associations Ukrainian Association of Marketers

Area of research interests Management, marketing, systems synthesis in management and marketing, environmental management, innovation management, environmental marketing, system synthesis in management, public administration, environmental economics, quality management, recreation.

Foreign languages English, Polish

Scientific research

Google Scholar – Olena Sadchenko

E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (more than 250 scientific papers and there are articles in Scopus)


  1. Садченко О.В. Бережливе підприємство / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова. – Одеса: Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова, 2014. – 116 с.
  2. Садченко О.В. Контроллінг / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова. – Одеса: Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова, 2013. – 172 с.
  3. Садченко О.В. Економіки природокористування / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова, Андерсон Н.В., Ничитайлова М.С. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2011. – 185 с.
  4. Садченко О.В. Економіка підприємства: навчально-методичний посібник / О.В.Садченко, Ю.С. Філіпков. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2010. – 128 с.
  5. Садченко О.В. Основи науково-технічної та інноваційної політики в Україні: навчально-методичний посібник / О.В. Садченко, Н.С. Нічітайлова. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2010. – 84 с.


  1. Садченко Е.В. Динамические процессы в природоохранной деятельности: современные маркетинговые тенденции: монография / Попова М.А., Садченко Е.В. НАН Украины, Ин-т пробл. рынка и экон.-экол. исследов. Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 2020. 180 с.
  2. Теоретико-методичні основи управління соцієтальними системами в умовах інноваційно-екологічного розвитку: маркетингові аспекти: монографія/ під ред. д.е.н., проф. О. В. Садченко, к.ф.-м. н., доц. Ю.В. Робула. Одеса: ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова МОН України, 2020. 99 с.
  3. Садченко Е.В. Экономико-экологические риски в хозяйственной деятельности: монография / Е.В. Садченко, М.Н. Барчан; НАН Украины, Ин-т пробл. рынка и экон.-экол.исследов. - Одеса: ІПРЕЕД НАН України, 2016. – 222 с.
  4. Садченко Е.В. Принципы и концепции экологического маркетинга: Монография. – Одесса: Астропринт, 2002. – 400 с.
  5. Садченко Е.В. Экологический маркетинг: понятия, теория, практика и перспективы развития / Е.В. Садченко Е.В., С.К. Харичков. – Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 2001. – 146 с.
  6. Садченко Е.В. Зоны экологического бедствия и решение их проблем на основе развития СЭЗ / Е.В. Садченко, А.И. Мартиенко. – Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 1999. – 120 с.
  7. Садченко Е.В. Предпринимательство в зонах экологического бедствия (Чернобыльский регион) / Е.В. Садченко, А.И. Мартиенко. – Одесса: УМАОИ Консалтинг,1998. – 111 с.
  8. Садченко Е.В. Совершенствование системы экономических механизмов природопользования (территориальный аспект) / Харичков С.К., Садченко Е.В., Мартиенко А.И., Спинатий Л.С. – Деп. в ВИНИТИ 13.09.1993, №2408, 1993. – 103 с.
  9. Садченко Е.В. Технико-экономические показатели использования и охраны водных ресурсов / Ковалева Н.Г., Ковалев В.Г., Харичков С.К., Садченко Е.В. / Эффективность водохозяйственной деятельности на морском транспорте. – М.: «Транспорт», 1988. – 144 с.
  10. Elene Sadchenko. Odpowiedzialność biznesu za środowisko jako instrument kształtowania gospodarki marketingowej na Ukrainie // Innowacje a dobrostan społeczeństwa, gospodarki i przedsiębiorstw Próba pomiaru / Malara Zbigniew, Tutaj Jerzy (red.). Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 2019. С. 197-207. (259 s.) ISBN: 978-83-7493-093-2.
  11. Sadchenko O. O socjetalnym systemie innowacyjnego rozwoju społeczeństwa // Innovations in science, society, economis: monograph (Poland) Scientific editing Zbigniew Malara, Jan Skonieczny. Wroclaw, Wroclaw Polytechnic Institute, 2018. Pg.87-95.


Seleznova Olha Oleksandrivna

Academic degree Doctor in Economics

Academic title Associate Professor

Position Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration

Education Higher education

Title of dissertation work “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Management of Marketing Activities of Construction Enterprises”

Teaching experience 10 years 8 months

Professional skills and knowledge

  • Preparation and conduct of lecture and practical classes.
  • Development and publication of lecture notes, guidelines, study guides.
  • Working with different audiences, public speaking.
  • Conducting research and publishing articles, monographs, abstracts.
  • Organization and holding of presentations, conferences, other events.
  • Organization and conduct of marketing research.
  • Development of a marketing strategy, preparation of a marketing plan for an enterprise.
  • Development and implementation of PR campaigns.
  • Maintaining business documentation.
  • Working in a team.
  • Teaching Marketing, International Marketing

Internships and grants

  • «Modern Teaching Methods and Innovative Technologies in Higher Education: European Experience and Global Trend» organized by University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship - The training consisted of the lectures and workshops (total 180 hours = 6 credits ECTS) Sofia, Bulgaria, 01 January – 31 March 2020. Sertificate № BG/VUZF/486-2019.

Membership in professional associations

  • The existing member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association
  • Member of the specialized scientific council D41.051.11 in the specialties 08.00.03 and 08.00.04., Odessa II Mechnikov National University.
  • Head of the State Examination Commission of the specialty "Marketing" of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Member of the Editorial Board and Reviewer of the Scientific Professional Edition «Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: Economics and Management

Area of research interests Marketing, management

Foreign languages English, Polish

Scientific research

Google ScholarSeleznova Olha Oleksandrivna

Orcid - Seleznova Olha Oleksandrivna

E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


  1. Селезньова О. О. Розвиток управління маркетинговою діяльністю будівельних підприємств в Україні: [монографія] / О.О. Селезньова. – Одеса: Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури, 2017. – 356 с.
  2. Olha Seleznova, Iryna Azhaman, Olha Yevdokimova. Current trends in the management of marketing activities of construction companies in Ukraine. EPH-International Journal of Business & Management Science. Volume-6. Issue-1. January, 2020. Рр. 32 – 46. ISSN: 2208-2190. URL:
  3. Селезньова О. О. Оптимізація вибору проекту багатоквартирного житлового будівництва в Україні [Електронний ресурс] / О. О. Селезньова // Східна Європа: економіка, бізнес та управління. – 2016. №2. С. 203 – 208. – Режим доступу:
  4. Селезньова О. О. Ідентифікація понятійно-категоріального апарату управління маркетинговою діяльністю будівельних підприємств / О. О. Селезньова // Причорноморські економічні студії. Випуск 16. – Одеса: ПУ «Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій», 2017. – С. 94 – 98. URL:
  5. Селезньова О. О. Оцінка економічної результативності управління маркетинговою діяльністю будівельних підприємств / О. О. Селезньова // Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія «Економіка». – Мукачево: Вид-во МДУ, 2016. – Вип. 1(5). – 285 с. – С. 175 – 183.
  6. Селезньова О.О., Собченко А.Ю., Євдокімова О.М. Ділова репутація як визначальний фактор формування бренду підприємства. Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Міжнародні економічні відносини та світове господарство. Випуск 25. Частина 2. 2019. С. 115 – 119. URL:
  7. Seleznova, O. (2016). The development of the construction company's pricing policy. Socio-Economic Problems and the State [online]. 14 (1), p. 110-116. [Accessed May 30, 2016]. Available from:

Одеська обласна державна адміністрація

Одеська обласна державна адміністрація
Одеська обласна державна адміністрація