Chair of Marketing and Business Administration

Department of Marketing and Business Administration provides professionals in the specialty «Management»

We teach Business and Marketing professionally!



Most of the teaching staff has taken part in internships at universities of Europe (France, Portugal, the Netherlands, England, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria) and the USA. Annually they raise their professional level, taking part in international and Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables. Many of them are practitioners in the field of business management, marketing, crisis management of companies, etc.

The experience and skills of teaching staff of our department: teaching in the MBA program, business consulting, business - training and seminars in management, marketing, pricing, sales, merchandising.

The innovative approach, modern teaching methods, and also democratic style of communication between students and teachers are used for conducting classes.

Education and qualification level of the graduate: Bachelor (073 “Management”), Master (073 “Management organization and administration”).

There is full-time and correspondence study.

After graduation students who successfully complete the specialty and have a tendency to research activities will study as PhD students.

The scope of activity of graduates:

  • IT-technology. Marketing. Logistic and transport. Banking and financial management. Investment management. Hotel - Restaurant business and tourism. Crewing. Media and Advertising business. HR management. Environmental inspections.
  • Public, private, national and international organizations and corporations, private business
    Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration is

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Elena Sadchenko.


  • The author of over 150 scientific publications (monographs, manuals, brochures and articles).
  • The owner of such grants as Soros grant for the traineeship at Central European University (Budapest) in 1999 year; MacArthur Foundation grant (the USA) on economic and environmental issues in 2001 year.
  • The co-author of the Second National Report on Biodiversity Conservation in Ukraine.
  • The developer of a scientific project of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), supported by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, within the problem “The Preservation and Maintenance of the Knowledge associated with biodiversity, innovations and traditional forms of nature usage by the local authorities”.
  • The developer of such projects as "Conceptual and methodological basics for the creation of marine economic and environmental inventory of Ukraine", "About the institutionalization of types of ownership on objects of natural resource potential", "The Environmental Passport of the subject of the nature usage," "Model project of regional passport of environmental infrastructure," etc.
  • The Member of Specialized Academic Councils of the Institute for Market Problems and Economic-and-Ecological Research of the NAS of Ukraine (Odessa) and the National Mining University of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk).
  • The chairman of the State Examination Commission of leading universities of Odessa.
  • The holder of such certificates as: "Research Studies and Innovation Management", "Business and Sustainable Development", "Environment and Politics", "Partnership for Democracy for the sake of Nation’s Health", "Modern Aspects of Mathematics of Harmony and its Application In the Economy, Science, Technology, Society and Education», “Social and Geographical Problems in East-Central Europe in the early 21st century."


Dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you on the site of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University!

Over 25 years the department has been training bachelors and specialists in the specialty "Management". Students study special subjects, they have the possibility to practice at the leading enterprises of Odessa. In addition, they also have the opportunity to take part in international internships. There is a high exactingness of teaching staff to their work on the faculty. It manifests itself in the educational process at a high scientific and methodological level, in the development of scientific problems, in the preparation of thesis and their defending.

The members of the department do outstanding work with students, PhD students, giving them the knowledge, skills and experience and, of course, the part of their soul. As a result, students and PhD students of the department annually win prizes at different conferences, contests and competitions.

On this site you will find the information about the Department of Marketing and Business Administration, you will get the necessary information for university entrance, meet the teaching staff and students of the department, you will learn about the basic disciplines and scientific achievements and, of course, you will find out about our leisure and interesting events.

We have also prepared a number of interesting photos and videos about the life of the students of the department. We hope that our site will help you to find answers to all your questions, and we will be glad to see you among the students of our department.


The Head of Department of Marketing and Business Administration

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Elena Sadchenko

Contact information:

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Odessa, Frantsuzsʹkyy bulʹvar 24/26, room 55 (2nd floor)
Department of Marketing and Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Law
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University


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Одеська обласна державна адміністрація
Одеська обласна державна адміністрація