Department of General and Clinical Pharmacy
Head of department - Nefodov Olexandr – Doctor of medical sciences, Professor
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Department staff:
- Gritsuk Alexander Ivanovich doctor of medical sciences, professor e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Tsisak Alona – PhD in biology, senior lecturer, e-mail: kobernikalen
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Eberle Lidiia – PhD in biology, senior lecturer, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Radaeva Iryna – PhD in biology, senior lecturer, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Aleksandrova Aleksandra – PhD in biology, senior lecturer, e-mail: aleksa713135 - Ustjansky Olga – PhD in biology, senior lecturer, e-mail: olga24071527
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The subjects lectured at the department:
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacognosy
- Biotechnology
- Bases of dosage forms manufacturing
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacokinetics
- Organization and economics of pharmacy
- Management and Marketing in Pharmacy
- Medical Chemistry
Special courses:
- Neurochemistry with the basic neurobiology
- Drug metabolism and pharmacogenetics
New courses were developed:
- Physico-chemical pharmacology
- Introduction to pharmacy
- Biological Safety
- Fundamentals of consumer behavior in pharmacy
Department carries out teaching in next ways:
Сhemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, secondary education "Chemistry" and pharmacy.
Graduates of the department work as researchers, lecturers of secondary and higher education institutions, employees of analytical departments of Ukrainian and international pharmaceutical corporations, forensic medical expertise specialists, representatives of drug and health care product manufacturing companies, pharmacists, managers in the medical and pharmaceutical field.
The main scientific directions:
The fields of Department stuff deal with actual problems of natural and synthetic biologicaly active substances, studying of their pharmacological properties as well as development of drug forms.
Phytochemicalanalysis of plant raw matherials, identification of biologicaly active compounds as potential pharmacotherapeutic agents for different pathologies. Optimisation of extraction process, development of technological conditions for drug forms manufacturing with components combination optimization.
The studies of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing activity of dosage forms based on biologically active substances from medicinal plant materials in various models are conducted.
One of the directions is the study of bioenergetics and radiation biochemistry, as well as the state of aerobic energy metabolism of the body under conditions of prolonged restriction of motor activity - hypokinesia, which is a risk factor in the development of most diseases of modern man.
During the existence of the Department, graduates and employees of the department prepared 19 PhD and 5 doctoral dissertations.
Awards for scientific activity received:
- PhD Alona A. Kobernik - The Scholarship of Cabinet on Ministers for Young Scientists (from 01/10/2014 to 30/11/2016).
- Postgraduate student Nesterkina Mariya Volodymyrivna - The Scholarship of Cabinet on Ministers for Young Scientists (from 01/10/2016 to 30/11/2018).
Several pages of the department’s history:
The specialists training in the field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was started at the chemical department of University since 1993. In March 1997 the Ministry of education granted the right to Odessa I.I. Mechnikov University for specialists education in the specialty of “Pharmaceutical Chemistry”.
In 1997, with the joint order of Ukrainian NAS President and Ukrainian Minister of Education the Pharmaceutical Chemistry teaching and scientific-industrial complex was founded (CP ESIC), within this complex the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was opened. The head of CP ESIC and Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was appointed academician of NAS of Ukraine, doctor of sciences in chemistry, professor Andronati Sergey Andreevich.
The Chemical-Pharmaceutical Educational-Scientific-industrial Complex (СPh ESIC) includes the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Problematic Research Laboratory No. 5 of Odessa University, the Department of Medical Chemistry, Molecular Structure, Analytical Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry of Coordination Compounds, Physico-Chemical Pharmacology, Chemical Thermodynamics and Theoretical Chemistry, as well as SLC « Interchim ”, which was created by the Physico-Chemical Institute NAS of Ukraine and specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of medicines.
From July 1, 2019 the department was renamed from the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry to the Department of pharmacology and technology of drugs (Order No. 72-02, dated 31.07.2019). On August 1, 2019, the head of the department of pharmacology and drug technology was appointed doctor of medical sciences, prof. Gritsuk A.I. (Order No. 1745-18, dated July 26, 2019).
Scientific works of teachers of the department published in recent years
- Vinograd. Monografiya. 560 s. Razdel 16 «Vinograd, vino i zdorove (Ampelo- i enoterapiya)» Odessa, Astroprint, 2018, S.468-528. Gricuk A.I., Vlasov V.V., Mulyukina N.A., Levickij A.P.Invention patents
Invention patents
- Pat. № 100350 Ukrayina, MPK A 61 F 13/00, M 35/00 / Sposib vigotovlennya likarskih servetok z peloyidom / I.A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik. № zayavki a 201202219; podano 27.02.2012; opubl. 10.12.2012. – Byul. № 23.
- Pat. Ukrayina № 111296, MPK (2016) A 61 K 9/06, A 61 K 35/02, A 61 R 19/00 / M’yaka likarska forma na osnovi kompleksu mineralnih solej z protizapalnoyu aktivnistyu / I. A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik; opubl. 11.04.2016. – Byul. № 7.
- Pat. № Belarus G 01N 21/00 a 20121035 Sposob diagnostiki normy i patologii biologicheskoj kletki s pomoshyu atomno-silovoj mikroskopii. Oficialnyj byulleten, 2014, № 1, S. 325. /Starodubceva M.N., Egorenkov N.I. Suslov A.A., Nikitina I.A., Gricuk A.I. (BY)
- Pat. № Belarus G 01N 33/48. Ustrojstvo dlya diagnostiki virusa gepatita S. Oficialnyj byulleten, 2007, № 4, S. 234. Soroka N.F., Shalamov I.V., Gricuk A.I.
Utility Model Patents:
- Pat. 201202218 Ukrayina, MPK A 61 F 13/00, M 35/02; K 9/70 / Sposib vigotovlennya likarskih servetok z kompleksom mineralnih solej / I.A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik. № 72747; opubl. 27.08.2012. – Byul. № 16.
- Pat. 201202220 Ukrayina, MPK A 61 F 13/00, M 35/02; K 9/70 / Sposib vigotovlennya likarskih servetok z peloyidom / I.A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik. № 72748; opubl. 27.08.2012. – Byul. № 16.
- Pat. Ukrayina, MPK (2015) A 61 K 9/06, A 61 K 35/08, A 61 K 31/732 / M’yaka likarska forma na osnovi kompleksu mineralnih solej z protizapalnoyu aktivnistyu / I. A. Kravchenko, A. O. Kobernik. № 100917; opubl. 10.08.2015. – Byul. № 15.
- Pat. Ukraina № 138814, MPK (2019.01) A 61 K 9/06 (2006.01) A 61 K 36/81 (2006.01) A 61 R 29/00 / «Miakyi protyzapalnyi ta zneboliuiuchyi zasib z ekstraktom Zingeber officinale» / Eberle L.V., Kravchenko I.A. opubl. 10.12.2019. – Biul. № 23.
- Antioksidantna aktivnist sirovatki krovi shuriv liniyi Vistar, yaki zaznali vplivu inkorporovanogo 131I in utero// Naukovi praci. Tehnogenna bezpeka. Radiobiologiya, Kiiv, 2016 – Vipusk 268. Tom 280, S. 64-67. Alohina S. M., Klepko A. V., Vatlicova O. S.,Drozd I. P., Lipska A. I., Talko V. V. Gricuk O.I.
- Rol mochevoj kisloty v sisteme antioksidantnoj zashity organizma // Problemy zdorovya i ekologii. – 2016. – №1. – S. 50- 55. A.I. Gricuk, S.L. Zyblev Z.A. Dundarov S.V. Zybleva
- Tkanevoe dyhanie i topologiya poverhnosti timocitov krys pri odnokratnom obshem g-obluchenii //Problemi radiacijnoyi medicini ta radiobiologiyi. Kiiv, 2017. Vip. 22. C. 216–223. Nikitina I. A., Gricuk A.I.
- Biodostupnost i metabolizm pishevyh polifenolov v organizme// Sb. trudov Mezhdunar. nauchn. konf. «Tairovskie chteniya- 2017» 2 noyabrya 2017 g g. Odessa, Gricuk A.I., Vlasov V.V., Mulyukina N.A., Levickij A.P
- Polifenoly vinograda v reshenii problem postluchevyh oslozhnenij// Mater. Mezhdunar nauchno-prakt kongressa «Nauka, pitanie, zdorove», Minsk, 6-8 iyunya 2017 g. S. 63-68. Gricuk A.I., Vlasov V.V., Mulyukina N.A., Levickij A.P.
- Kravchenko I.A. Sintez i protivovospalitelnaya aktivnost novyh proizvodnyh kaliks[4]arena, soderzhashih ostatki ibuprofena / I.A.Kravchenko, E.A Alekseeva., A.I. Aleksandrova, A.A. Kobernik // HimFarm zhurnal. – 2015. – Tom 49, №3. S. 20-23.
- Kravchenko I. A. Protizapalna aktivnist esteriv ibuprofenu pri transdermalnomu vvedenni / I. A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik, B.V. Pristupa, M.V. Kiryeva// Visnik ONU (Seriya – Biologiya). – 2015. – T.20. –Vip.1 (36).
- Kravchenko I.A. Protizapalna aktivnist esteriv ibuprofenu na modeli aseptichnogo formalin-indukovanogo zapalennya pri peroralnomu ta transdermalnomu vvedenni / I.A.Kravchenko, B.V.Pristupa, M.V. Kiryeva, A.O.Kobernik // Odeskij medichnij zhurnal. – 2015.– № 3 (149). – S.20-25.
- Kobernik A.A. Identifikaciya biologicheski aktivnyh veshestv sloevishe Cetraria islandica / A.A. Kobernik, I.A. Kravchenko, E.F. Chervonenko, T.V. Mihajlova, M. Nabih // Aktualni pitannya transportnoyi medicini. – 2015. – № 2.
- Kravchenko I.A. Anti-Inflammatory activity of the Sea Coastal Lake Salt in a combination to ultrasound. / Kravchenko I.A., Lepikh Y.I., Kobernik A.A., Aleksandrova A.I., Snegur P.A., Zatovskaya N.P. // Biosensors Jornal. – 2015. – V. 4 (2). P. 1 – 4.
- Katan V.O. Medichne zastosuvannya optichnogo volokna: oglyad suchasnogo stanu rozvitku volokonno-optichnih sensoriv / V.O. Katan, G.V. Nechiporenko, A.O. Kobernik, M.O. Melnik A.R. Agadzhanyan // Optiko-elektronni informacijno-energetichni tehnologiyi. – 2015. – №1 (29). – S. 124-131.
- Eberle L.V. Analgetichna aktivnist gustogo ekstraktu imbiru (Zingiber officinale) / L.V. Eberle, A.O. Kobernik, I.A. Kravchenko // Aktualni problemi transportnoyi medicini. – 2017. – №4 (50). – S. 120-125.
- Smaglyuk A.A. Identifikaciya biologichno aktivnih rechovin v ekstraktah plodiv Citrullus colocynthis / A.A. Smaglyuk, A.O. Kobernik // Aktualni problemi transportnoyi medicini. – 2017. – №4 (50). – S. 114-119.
- Eberle L.V. Protizapalna aktivnist gustogo ekstraktu imbiru (Zingiber officinale) pri transdermalnomu vvedenni / I.A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik.V. Eberle // Farmakologiya ta likarska toksikologiya. – 2017. – №6 (56). – S. 43-49.
- Kravchenko I.A. Optimization of extraction methods for total polyphenolic compounds obtained from rhizomes of Zingiber officinale / Kravchenko I.A., Kobernik A.A., Еberle L. V. // Trends in Phytochemical Research. – 2018. – №2(1). Р. 37-42.
- Kravchenko I.A. Protizapalna aktivnist gustogo ekstraktu imbiru (Zingiber officinale) na modeli tripsinovogo zapalennya / I.A. Kravchenko, A.O. Kobernik, L.V. Eberle // Visnik Odeskogo Nacionalnogo universitetu. – 2018. – T.16. –Vip.18 (25). – S. 74-80.
- Kobernik A.O. Porivnyalna harakteristika komponentnogo skladu peloyidiv Shabolatskogo ta Kuyalnickogo limanu ta yih protizapalna aktivnist / A.O. Kobernik, G.I. Sivko // Aktualni problemi transportnoyi medicini. – 2017. – №5 (51).
- Kobernik A.O. Farmakologichna diya mazi z ekstraktu imbiru Zingiber officinale za umov alilizotiocionat-indukovanogo zapalennya // I.A. Kravchenko, L.V. Eberle, A.O. Kobernik / Aktualni problemi transportnoyi medicini. – 2018. – №3 (53). – S. 123-130.
- Kobernik A.O. Pharmacotherapy of inflammatory process by ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) ointment //I.A. Kravchenko, L.V. Eberle, A.O. Kobernik, M.V. Nesterkina / Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology. – 2019. – №8 (2). – С.101-107.
- Kobernik A.O. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of ointment based on dense ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) //I.A. Kravchenko, L.V. Eberle, A.O. Kobernik, M.V. Nesterkina / Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology. – 2019. – №8 (2). – С.126-132.
- Kobernik A.O. Fitohimichnij analiz Chamaenerion angustifolium // Kobernik A.O., Pogorilij O.P. / Aktualni problemi transportnoyi medicini. – 2019. – №3 (57). – S. 103-108.