Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Education

Address: Odessa, str. Dvoryanskaya, 2, Main Building ONU
str. Elisavetinskaya, 14, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Head of the Department – Olena Martsynko

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
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Scopus Author ID: 6507445064
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3374-5987

Teaching staff of the department

Inna Seifullina – Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor, Honored worker of Science and Technology

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  • Scopus Author ID: 6701864445
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7353-1975

Tatyana Rakitskaya. – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, Academician of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine

  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Scopus Author ID: 6603665674
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9180-0024

Tatyana Koksharova – Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences

  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Scopus Author ID: 6701445645
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4295-2352

Sergey Savin – Ph.D., Associate Professor

  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Scopus Author ID: 7005798909

Tatyana Kiose – Ph.D., Associate Professor

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  • Scopus Author ID: 26425102600
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5991-047X

Ludmila Raskola – Ph.D., Associate Professor

  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Scopus Author ID: 6504594555
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2104-8110

Nataliya Shmatkova. – Ph.D., Associate Professor

  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Scopus Author ID: 6602345349
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3328-4340

PhD students

  1. Nazar A.P. Scopus Author ID:57225952307
  2. Tsymbalyuk K.K.
  3. Martynyuk M.A.
  4. Pechinka D.M.

Teaching and support staff

Tarasyuk M.Y. (head of the laboratory), Berezhnyova O.S. (expert), Budanova N.A. (leading expert), Kiose O.O. (leading expert), Matsyuk N.I. (expert), Rovna N.I. (expert)

The Department provides teaching of the main and selective courses for students that study in the specialties 102 Chemistry, 014.06 Secondary education (Chemistry), 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, 091 Biology, 014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health), 103 Earth Sciences, 106 Geography, 014.07 Secondary Education (Geography). The department suggests a postgraduate degree in the specialty 102 Chemistry.

Scientific research

Science schools on the department:

  • Coordination chemistry of metals with organic molecules (head - prof. Seifullina I. I.)
  • Metallocomplex compounds in catalysis (head - prof. Rakitskaya T.L.).

Research fields:

  1. Chemical material sciences based on the coordination and supramolecular assembles of d-metals with the derivatives of ditiocarbamic acids, benzodiazepine- and pyridine ligands of hydrazide-hydrazone type and thiocarbamoylsulfenamides.
  2. Molecular-crystalline design of biologically active coordination compounds of Germanium(IV), Tin (IV) with multibasic organic acids – complexons, hydroxycarbonic acids.
  3. Theoretical and experimental control basis of complexation processes of GeCl4, SnCl4 with substituted polydentate hydrazides and hydrazones.
  4. Regularities of complexation and polymerization as the basis for development of modern chemical materials.
  5. Ecological catalysis.
  6. Study of structure and functional properties of nanostructured oxides and metallocomplexes of transition metals.
  7. Synthesis and establishment of composition, structure and reaction properties of complex compounds with organic ligands.

Innovative activity of students and young researches is focused on the creation of new materials (coordination compounds, polymers, drug substances, catalyzers, initiators, nanomaterials and so on). Students take active part in the scientific conferences of different level.

There are state budget topics fulfilled on the department: “Strategy of the directed synthesis of different biocoordinational compounds – drug substances with the wide range of biological activity” (2019-2021, state registration number 0119U002195), «Complexation and polymerization regularities as the basis for development of modern chemical materials” (№01.9.10 036875, coordinated in accordance with the plan of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences on the problem “Inorganic chemistry”), “Study of structure and functional properties of nanostructured oxides of metallocomplexes of transition metals” (2021-2015, state registration number 0121U109168).

In the recent years, researchers of the department have defended 18 PhD thesises (Zubkov S.V., Savin S.M., Shmatkova N.V., Martsinko O.E., Raskola L.A., Khoma R.E., Pesaroglo A.G., Truba A.S., Lozhichevska T.V., Khitrich G.M., Kiose T.O., Chebanenko O.A., Khitrich M.V., Grekova A.V., Dziga G. M., Pulya A.V., Golubchik C.O., Mandziy T.V.) and 2 doctoral dissertations (Koksharova T.V., Martsinko O.E.).



Teaching staff of the department increase the level of pedagogical and scientific training by internships in the Ukrainian and foreign institutions: Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Odessa National Polytechnic University, A.V. Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Physical-Chemical Institute for Environment and Human Protection of MES of Ukraine and NAS of Ukraine, University of Opole (Opole, Poland), Institute for Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” (Riga, Latvia).


Relations with Ukrainian and international organizations

Scientific Council NAS of Ukraine on the problem "Inorganic Chemistry", Kyiv University T. G. Shevchenko University, IGIC NASU, Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Odessa and Lugansk Medical Universities, Institute of Organoelement Compounds RAS, Bogomolets National Madical University, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Institute of Physics Rostov State University, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, A.V. Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Physical-Chemical Institute for Environment and Human Protection of MES of Ukraine and NAS of Ukraine, State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Scientific publications of the staff members

Over the past 10 years, 18 textbooks, teaching aids and manuals, 20 guidelines, 14 monographs, 270 articles, most of which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science, 240 abstracts at Ukrainian and international conferences have been published by the staff of the department, 31 patents of Ukraine have been received.

Educational and teaching publications of the staff of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Education


  1. Seifullina I.I., Martsinko E.E. Homo- and heterometallic complexonates of Germanium(IV) / – Odesa : Phoenix, 2011. – 165 p.
  2. Seifullina I.I., Martsinko E.E. Coordination compounds of Germanium(IV) with anions of citrate, tartaric and xylaric acids: Odesa National University, 2015. – 146 p.
  3. Martsinko E.E., Seifullina I.I. Design and synthesis of molecular compounds and complexonates of Germanium(IV) with the wide spectrum of pharmacological activity – Odesa: Odesa National University, 2018. – 142 p.
  4. Seifullina I.I., Skorohod L.S., Martsinko E.E., Pulya A.V. Coordination compounds of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Sn(IV) with 2-(7-bromo-2-oxo-5-phenil-3H-1,4-benzdiazepin-1-il)acetohydrazide and its condensation products. – Odesa: Odesa National University, 2019. – 127 p.
  5. Rakitskaya Т. L., Ennan A.A., Volkova V.Y. Low-temperature catalytic air purification from carbon monoxide – Odesa: Ecology, 2005. – 191 p.
  6. Rakitskaya Т. L., Ennan A.A. Phosphine. Physico-chemical properties and practical aspects of its catching – Odesa: Ecology, 2012. – 208 p.
  7. Rakitskaya Т. L., Truba A.S., Ennan A.A. Ozone. Physico-chemical properties and catalytic decomposition methods – Odesa: Astroprint, 2020. –224 p.
  8. Rakitskaya Т. L., Truba A.S., Ennan A.A., Volkova V.Y. Aerosols Containing Nanostructured Polyphase Magnetite: Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties. Chapter in book: «Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications» – New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2019. – С. 327-375.
  9. Rakitskaya T., Truba A., Volkova V., Yaremov P. Structural, Morphological, and Catalytic Properties of Cryptomelane. In: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds) Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites, Nanostructure Surfaces, and Their Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics.: Springer, Cham., 2020. – Vol 246. – P. 59-77. (
  10. Rakitskaya T., Dzhyga G., Kiose T., Volkova V. Natural Nanobentonites as Supports in Palladium(II)–Copper(II) Catalysts for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation with Air Oxygen. In: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds) Nanooptics and Photonics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 247. Springer, Cham., 2020. – P. 141-157. (



  • Selected publications

    1. Afanasenko E., Seifullina I., Martsinko E. et al. Supramolecular organization and enzyme-effector properties of double coordination salts with malatostannate/germanate(IV) anions and Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) 1,10-phenanthroline cations // Journal of Molecular Structure. 2023. Vol. 1271. P. 133996. (Scopus)
    2. Gudzenko O.V., Borzovа N.V., Varbanets L.D., Seifullina I.I., Martsinko O.E., Afanasenko E.V. The influence of coordination compounds with malatogermanate/stannate anions and 1,10-phenanthroline cations of 3D metals on α-L-rhamnosidase activity of Penicillium tardum, Penicillium restrictum and Eupenicillium erubescens // Ukr. Biochem. J. 2023. Vol. 95, N4. Р. 46-54. (Scopus) doi:
    3. Gudzenko O.V., Borzovа N.V., Varbanets L.D., Seifullina I.I., Martsinko O.E., Buchko O.V., Pesaroglo А.G. Influence of new types of biscitratogermanates on Рenicillium restrictum α-L-rhamnosidase // Microbiological Journal. 2023. N 3. Р. 3-11. (Scopus)
    4. Gudzenko O.V., Borzova N.V., Varbanets L.D., Seifullina I.I., Martsinko О.E., Chebanenko О.A. Germanium(IV) Complexes with Gluconic Acid as Eff ectors of Penicillium tardum and Eupenicillium erubescens α-LRhamnosidases // Microbiological journal. 2023. N 4. P. 58-65. (Scopus)
    5. Марцинко О.Е., Цимбалюк К.К. Гібридні органо-неорганічні ансамблі на основі координаційних метал-лігандних фрагментів: синтез, властивості, застосування у хроматографії // Вісник Одеськ. нац. ун-ту. Хімія. 2023. T. 28, № 2(85), с. 5-23.
    6. Кіосе О. О., Савін С. М. Кополімеризація модифікованих амінами ненасичених олігоестерів з метилметакрилатом. Вісник ОНУ. Хімія. 2023. № 1 (84), т. 28. С. 45-52. 
    7. Кіосе О. О., Савін С. М., Афанасенко Е. В. Солі та подвійні тартратогерманати/станнати 3d-металів як модифікатори ненасичених олігоестерів. Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2023, No. 2, pp. 67-74. DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2023-147-2-67-74. (Scopus).
    8. Rakitskaya T., Nazar A., Kiose T., Truba A. Catalyst containing natural nanosilica, palladium(II) and copper(II) salts in oxidation of carbon monoxide with oxygen. Appl. Nanosci. 2023. Vol. 13, Р. 6777-6786. (Scopus).
    9. Kiose T., Rakitskaya T., Ennan A., Vasylechko V., Gryshchouk G. Composition and activity of copper-palladium catalyst on carbon fiber material for air purification from carbon monoxide. Chem. Chem. Technol. 2023. Vol. 17, N 2. Р. 272-278. (Scopus).
    10. Kiose T., Rakitskaya T.. Truba A/ Nanocatalyst for carbon monoxide oxidation based on palladium(II), copper(II) salts and carbon fiber material. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 2023. Vol. 759, P. 1-12. (Scopus).
    11. Kiose T. О., Rakytska T. L., Holubchyk K. О. Pd(II)-Cu(II) compositions fixed on dispersed silica from ammonia solutions for carbon monoxide oxidation with air oxygen. Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2023, No. 5, pp. 36-42. (Scopus)
    12. Кіосе Т.О., Назар А.П., Раскола Л.А. Хемосорбційні композиції на основі флогопіту для низькотемпературної очистки повітря від діоксиду сульфуру // Вісн. Одеськ. нац. ун-ту. Хімія. 2023. Т. 28, вип. 1 (84). С. 35-44. 
    13. Кіосе Т. О.,  Ракитська Т.Л., Назар А.П. Синергетичні ефекти сполук паладію(ІІ) і купруму(ІІ), закріплених на модифікованому флогопіті, в реакціях з діоксидом сульфуру. Вісн. Одеськ. нац. ун-ту. Хімія. 2023. Т. 28, вип. 2 (85). С. 24-32.
    14. Koksharova T.V., Slyvka Y.I., Savchenko A., Mandzii T.V. Synthesis and structure of coordination cjmpounds of cobalt(II) 5-sulfosalycilate with benzohydrazide. Вісник Одеського національного університету, 2023, т. 28, вип. 1(84). Хімія. с.5-14. 
    15. Afanasenko E., Seifullina I., Martsinko E., Konup L., Fizer M., Gudzenko O., Borzova N. Supramolecular Salts of Fe(II)/Co(II)/Ni(II)/Cu(II)/Zn(II) 1,10-Phenanthroline Cations and Similar Complex Tartratostannate(IV) Anions: From Structural Features to Antimicrobial Activity and Enzyme Activation // ChemistrySelect. – 2022. -Vol. 7, No 12. – P. e202200280. DOI: 10.1002/slct.202200280
    16. Truba Alla, Rakitskaya Tatyana, Sokolova Zlata, Slobodianyk Iryna Cryptomelane modified with transition metal ions in the reaction of ozone decomposition / // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. – 2022. – (Scopus)
    17. Rakitskaya T., Truba A., Dzhyga G. The Effect of Halide Ions on the Activity of d-Metal Complexes Supported on Natural Bentonite in the Reaction of Low Temperature Ozone Decomposition // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. – 2022. – Vol. 17, N 1. – P. 37-46. DOI: (Scopus)
    18. Rakitskaya, T.L.; Kiose, T.A.; Truba, A.S; Ennan, A.A. Effect of water on activity and protective properties of catalysts used in respiratory protective equipment. Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society, 2022, 2, pp. 469-499. DOI: (Scopus)
    19. Kiose T.A., Rakitskaya T.L., Ennan A.A.А., Popruha Yu.I. Nanocatalysts for carbon monoxide oxidation based on the acid modified polyphase aluminosilicate support and contained palladium(II) and copper(II) salts / // Acta Physica Polonica A. – 2022. – Vol. 141, N 4. –  Р. 286-292. Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.141.286 (Scopus та WOS)
    20. Rakitskaya T.L., Truba A.S., Nazar А.P., Kiose T.A. Synthesis, phase transformations of polymorphous nanooxidic forms of iron and their interaction with sulfur dioxide // Acta Phys. Pol. A. – 2022. – Vol. 141, N 4. –  Р. 281-285. Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.141.281 (Scopus)
    21. Nazar A., Rakitskaya T., Kiose T. Influence of acid modification of natural phlogopite on catalytic activity of supported Pd(II)-Cu(II) complexes in the reaction of oxidation of carbon monoxide by air oxygen // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. – 2022. – Vol. 17, N 1. –  Р. 47-55. DOI: (Scopus)
    22. Koksharova T., Slyvka Y., Savchenko O., Mandzii T., Smola S.. 5-Sulfosalicylato Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II) coordination compounds with benzohydrazide: Synthesis, structure and luminescent properties // Journal of Molecular Structure. – 2022. – Vol. 1271.  10.1016/j.molstruc.2022.133980 (Scopus)
    23. Грекова А.В., Іванченко П.О., Кокшарова Т.В., Бурдіна Я.Ф. Ініціювання полімеризації вінілових мономерів комплексами гліцилгліцинату та аміноацетату міді(ІІ) з 4-фенілтіосемікарбазидом. Теорет. та експерим. хімія. 2022. Т. 58. № 1. C. 62-66.
    24. Марцинко О.Е., Сейфулліна І.Й. Подвійні Ge(IV)-Co(ІІ) комплекси з 1-гідроксіетилідендифосфоновою кислотою та 2,2’-біпіридином // Вісник ОНУ. Хімія. – 2022. – Т. 27, № 1. – Р. 31–38. 
    25. Ракитська Т.Л., Кіосе Т.О.,  Еннан А. А.-А., Ракитський О.С. Вплив деяких каталітичних отрут на активність нанесених на вуглецевий матеріал купрум-паладієвих комплексів в реакції окиснення монооксиду карбону киснем повітря // Вісн. Одеськ. нац. ун-ту. Хімія. – 2022. – Т. 27, вип. 2 (82). – С. 5-19. 
    26. Elena Martsinko, Olha Buchko, Elena Chebanenko, Inna Seifullina, Viktoriya Dyakonenko, Svitlana Shishkina. Different structural types of hetero-metal bis(citrato)germanates with 1,10-phenanthroline: Targeted synthesis, spectral, thermal properties and Hirshfeld surface // Journal of Molecular Structure. – 2021. - Vol. 1237. – Р. 130297.
    27. Eleonora Afanasenko, Inna Seifullina, Elena Martsinko, Elena Chebanenko, Viktoriya Dyakonenko, Svitlana Shishkina. Supramolecular Salts of Germanium (IV) with Tartaric Acid, Zinc and 1,10-Phenanthroline/2,2‘-Bipirydine: Synthesis, Structural Features and Selective Recognition // Chemistry Select. – 2021. – Vol. 6 – P.1-6.
    28. Gudzenko O.V., Borzova N.V., Varbanets L.D., Seifullina I.I., Chebanenko O.A., Martsinko O.E. Effect of different ligand and different ligand heterometal xylaratohermanates on the activity of α-L-Rhamnosidases Eupenicilliumerubescens, Cryptococcus albidus and Penicillium tardum // Mikrobiol. J. – 2021. - Vol. 83, No 3. – P. 35-45.
    29. Buchko O., Dyakonenko V., Martsinko E., Chebanenko E. Crystal structure of bis­[cis-diaquabis(phenanthroline)cobalt(II)] bis(citrato)germanate(IV) dinitrate. Acta Crystall. Section E. 2021. Vol. 77, N 9. P. E77. DOI:
    30. Gudzenko O.V., Borzovа N.V., Varbanets L.D., Seifullina I.I., Chebanenko O.A., Martsinko E.E. Different-ligand and different-metal xylaratogermanates as effectors of Penicillium restrictum IM V F-100139 α-L-rhamnosidase and α-galactosidase // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2021. – Vol. 93, Nо 5. – Р. 52-62.
    31. Чебаненко О.А., Бучко О.В., Афанасенко Е.В., Сейфулліна І.Й., Марцинко О.Е. Визначення ролі водневих зв’язків у формуванні кристалів купрум (II) 1,10-фенантролін гідроксикарбоксилатогерманатів методом поверхонь Хіршфельда // Вісник ОНУ. Хімія. - 2021. - Т.26, №1 (77). - С. 85-96. 
    32. Rakitskaya T., Truba A., Nazar А., Kiose T. Structure and morphology of cryptomelane samples synthesized by different methods and their activity in the reaction of sulfur dioxide oxidation with air oxygen // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. – 2021. – Vol. 716, N 1. – P. 103-111.
    33. Rakitskaya T., Kiose T., Raskola   L. Synthetic zeolites modified with salts of transition metals in the reaction of chemisorption-catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide by air oxygen // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. – Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 1-12, 2021. DOI
    34. Gudzenko О.V., Varbanets L.D., Seifullina І.I., Chebanenko E.А., Martsinko E.Е., Аfanasenko Е.V. The influence of coordinative tartrate and malatogermanate compounds on the activity of α-L-rhamnosidase preparations from Penicillium tardum, Eupenicillium erubescens and Cryptococcus albidus // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2020. - Vol. 92, No 4 – P. 85-95. (Scopus)
    35. Eleonora Afanasenko, Inna Seifullina, Elena Martsinko, Elena Chebanenko, Viktoriya Dyakonenko, Svitlana Shishkina. Selective Recognition of Different Tartratogermanate Anions using 1,10-phenantroline Complexes of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) // Chemistry Select. – 2020. – Vol. 5, No 7. – P. 2164-2167. (Scopus)
    36. Eleonora Afanasenko, Inna Seifullina, Elena Martsinko, Elena Chebanenko, Viktoriya Dyakonenko, Svitlana Shishkina. Synthesis and stereochemical features of tartratostannates with complex 1,10-phenantroline cations of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) // Polyhedron. – 2020. – Vol. 170. (Scopus)
    37. Rakitskaya T., Kiose T., Golubchik K. Baumer V., Volkova V. Effect of both the phase composition and modification methods on structural-adsorption parameters of dispersed silicas // Colloids and Interfaces. – 2019. – Vol.3, N 1. – 1 (8 р.) (Web of Science) 
    38. Rakitskaya T.L., Dzhyga A.M., Kiose T.A., Oleksenko L.P, Volkova Y. Pd (II), Cu (II), and pillared clay based nanocatalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation // SN Applied Sciences. – 2019. – Vol. 1, N 4. – 291 (8 p.) (Scopus)
  • Patents

    1. Патент на корисну модель 152495UA. Спосіб одержання калій гідроксоглюконатогерманату(IV), що проявляє протигіпоксичну активність. Лукʼянчук В.Д., Сейфулліна І.Й., Марцинко О.Е., Ядловський О.Є, Козир В.А., Чебаненко О.А. заявл. 18.01.2021; опубл. 15.02.2023. Бюл. №7.
    2. Патент на винахід 127322UA. Спосіб одержання нової координаційної сполуки ніацинію дигідроксо-m-біс(глюконато)дигерманату(IV) тригідрату. Лукʼянчук В.Д., Сейфулліна І.Й., Бухтіярова Т.А., Марцинко О.Е., Козир В.А., Чебаненко О.А. заявл. 17.02.2021; опубл. 19.07.2023. Бюл. №29.
    3. Патент на винахід № 126189 України. Спосіб виготовлення каталізатора для низькотемпературної очистки повітря від монооксиду карбону / Ракитська Т.Л., Кіосе Т.О., Еннан А.А. Труба А.С.; заявник та патентовласник Одеса, ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова, ФХІЗНСіЛ. – № u 126189; заяв. 25.06.2021; надр. 25.08.2022, Бюл. № 34.
    4. Патент на корисну модель № u 143307 Україна, МПК В 01 J 23/44 Спосіб виготовлення каталізатора для очистки повітря від монооксиду карбону / Ракитська Т.Л., Кіосе Т.О., Тьотушкіна К.А., Раскола Л.А.; заявник та патентовласник Одеса, ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова – № u 201912033; заяв. 19.12.2019 ; надр. 27.07.2020, Бюл. №.14.
    5. Патент на винахід № Амоній етилендіамінтетраацетатогерманат (ІV) з рістстимулюючою активністю / Сейфулліна І.Й., Марцинко О.Е., Чебаненко О.А., Пєсарогло А.Г., Пожарицький О.П. заявл. 4.06.2018, опубл. 27.07.2020. Бюл. №14.
    6. Патент на винахід 122442. Застосування біологічно активного комплексу Sn(IV) з 1-[(2-гідрокси-1-нафтил)метиленгідразино]карбонілметил-7-бром-5-феніл-1,2-дигідро-3Н-1,4-бенздіазепін-2-оном як високоефективного анальгетичного засобу / Сейфулліна І.Й., Яловський Г.В. заявл. 27.11.2018, опубл. 10.11.2020. Бюл. №21
    7. Патент на корисну модель № 131749 Україна, МПК В 01 J 23/72 Каталізатор для очистки повітря вiд діоксиду сірки / Ракитська Т.Л., Кіосе Т.О., Раскола Л.А.; заявник та патентовласник Одеса, ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова – № u 2018 08588; заяв. 08.08.2018.; надр. 25.01.2019, Бюл. №.2.
    8. Патент на корисну модель № 133699 Україна, МПК В01 J 23/02 Хемосорбент для очищення повітря від діоксиду сірки / Ракитська Т.Л., Кіосе Т.О., Назар А.П.; заявник та патентовласник Одеса, ОНУ імені І.І. Мечникова – № u 2018 08571; заяв. 08.08.2018 ; надр. 25.04.2019, Бюл. №.8.
    9. Патент на корисну модель № 134727, Україна. 2-(7-Бром-2-оксо-5-феніл-3H-1,4-бенздіазепін-1-іл)ацетогідразон 2-гідрокси-1-нафтальдегіду як речовина, що має високу анальгетичну активність / Сейфулліна І.Й., Яловський Г.В. заявл. 27.11.2018; опубл. 10.06.2019. Бюл. № 11.
    10. Патент на корисну модель № 131091, Україна. Стимулятор росту рослин ферум(ІІ) біс(цитрато)германат(IV) / Марцинко О.Е., Сейфулліна І.Й., Чебаненко О.А., Пєсарогло А.Г., Пожарицький О.П. заявл. 04.06.2018; опубл. 10.01.2019. Бюл. № 1.
  • History of the department

    The Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Education was created in 2021 as a result of the merger of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Ecology and the Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Education. Each of these departments has a long, largely common history, which is covered in detail in publications about I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University and separately about the Faculty of Chemistry (currently the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy).

    The Department of Inorganic Chemistry at Odesa University has been open since the founding of the Faculty of Chemistry in 1933. Its first director during 1933-1936 was Doctor of Chemical Sciences, famous Soviet scientist Professor Dmytro Kostyantynovich Dobroserdov (1877-1936). The research in the field of the chemistry of complex compounds which continues at the department until now was initiated by the works of D.K. Dobroserdov. During this period another scientific direction was successfully developed at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, associated with the name of Yevhen Samoilovych Burkser (1887-1965), professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, who first investigated the radioactivity of Odesa estuaries (mineral waters and therapeutic muds), brines of salt ponds, bottom sediments.

    The research in the field of the chemistry of complex compounds received further development in the work of the department's employees led by Associate Professor Avram Mykhailovych Zharnovsky (1900-1974), who headed the department from 1936 to 1941. The heads of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry from 1941 to 1944 were Assoc. A. I. Kogan and V. S. Tsonev. After the return of the university from evacuation in 1944, the department was headed by an outstanding chemist-technologist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Eduard Xaveriyovich Lopatto (1893-1951). Along with traditional research in the field of complex compounds, the department is developing technological works on the physico-chemistry of the processing of phosphate raw materials and the production of sulfuric acid.

    In 1951, the department was headed by associate professor Andriy Ivanovich Pozygun (1910-1973). During this period, the work on the study of complex compounds of some elements of the II and III groups of the Periodic table resumed at the department. In 1969, the department was accepted by Docent Olena Mykhaylivna Bilousova (1919-1986), under whose leadership the department staff focused their efforts on the research of complexes of germanium, indium, and thallium with polydentate ligands in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions, a series of works on the complexation of germanium tetrahalides with fatty and aromatic amino acids, as well as compounds containing heterocyclic nitrogen (picoline, pyridinecarboxylic acids and their derivatives) were carried out.

    Inna Yosypivna Seifullina, who continued to work fruitfully in this scientific direction and in 1992 headed the Department of General Chemistry and Polymers (from 2020 - Applied Chemistry and Chemical Education) was a postgraduate student of Olena Mykhailivna.

    In different years, famous scientists: Professor Lev Dmytrovych Skrylov (1970-1971), Associate Professor Alim Abdul-Amidovych Ennan (1971-1972), Professor Arkadiy Anatoliyovych Opalovskyi (1972-1978), Associate Professor Oleksiy Ivanovich Prysiazhniuk (1978 -1986) were the heads of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. O.I. Prysiazhnyuk, whose scientific interests were in the field of coordination compounds of 3d-metals with N- and N,S-organic ligands was the scientific guide of T.V. Koksharova and V. O. Karpinchik candidate theses. At the same time, the department is successfully developing the scientific direction "Chemical materials science based on coordination compounds of p- and d-metals with organic polydentate ligands" under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. I.Y. Seifullina.

    In 1973, on the initiative of A.A. Ennan, the Department of Chemical Methods of Environment Protection was created, which he headed until 1986. In 1986, this department was merged with the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. Prof. A.A. Ennan was elected as the head of the new Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Ecology. At that time, scientific work was mainly carried out in the field of ecology (theoretical and practical aspects of the development of effective chemosorbents for acid gases and low-temperature catalysts for the neutralization of carbon monoxide, phosphine, and ozone) and coordination chemistry (physicochemical foundations of directed synthesis of compounds with predetermined useful properties).

    In 1991, the department was headed by associate professor Volodymyr Ivanovich Nikitin. In these years, the staff of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Ecology (assistant professors M.I. Gavrylenko, G.P. Sokhranenko, T.V. Koksharova, L.V. Koroeva, S.V. Kurando, V.O. Karpinchyk, O. Y. Bandurko, L.P. Berezina, R.I. Makorday, senior lecturer N.O. Misharina, assistant professor L.A. Raskola, A.S. Truba, etc.) improves and develops lecture courses and implements laboratory practicums in the disciplines "General Chemistry", "Inorganic Chemistry", "Chemical Technology", "Synthesis and Purification of Inorganic Compounds", "Chemical Experiment in the School Course of Inorganic Chemistry", etc.

    From 2001 to 2021, the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Ecology is headed by Professor Tetyana Leonidivna Rakitska. Since 1991, the scientific school of Professor T.L. Rakitska was founded at the department. The scientific school conducts fundamental research in the field of metal-complex redox catalysis. Catalysts are being developed that are intended for low-temperature air purification from ozone, phosphine, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide in means of environmental and human protection - respirators and gas masks. This direction is original and does not duplicate research in other scientific institutions of Ukraine and abroad. The representatives of the scientific school are candidates of chemical sciences, associate professors V.Ya. Volkova, T.D. Redko, O.Yu. Bandurko, A.S. Truba, T.O. Kiose, L.A. Raskola, H.M. Dzhiga, H.O. Golubchik. Having their own scientific achievements, they work on applied and fundamental state budget topics, including "Development of a new generation of metal complex catalysts for low-temperature neutralization of toxic gaseous substances." Scientific achievements are successfully implemented in the educational process in the form of special courses "Ecological catalysis", "Metal complex catalysis of redox reactions with the participation of gaseous toxic substances"; "Latest materials in environmental protection technologies" for bachelors and masters.

    In 1988, the Department of General Chemistry and Polymers (from 2020 – Applied Chemistry and Chemical Education) appeared as a result of the reorganization on the Faculty of Chemistry. It included teachers and scientists of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and the Department of Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Colloids, on the basis of which the new department began to exist. In fact, the history of the department began in 1960, when, on the initiative of the rector, professor, honored scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, a well-known specialist in the field of colloid chemistry and polymer chemistry Oleksandr Ivanovich Yurzhenko (1910-1989), the Department of Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Colloids was created at the Faculty of Chemistry of I.I. Mechnikov Odesa State University. The need for its foundation at that time was due to the accelerated development of polymer chemistry and industry, as well as the lack of qualified personnel in this field.

    From 1979 to 1989, under the guidance of the head of the department, associate professor Yury Mykytovych Anisimov (since 2000, professor), the department continued research into polymerization initiation processes using peroxides and organometallic compounds, developed synthesis methods, and investigated the initiating activity of new organic peroxides, the kinetics of radical reactions (associate professor V. I. Galibey, senior lecturer Yu. K. Epimakhov, associate professor P. O. Ivanchenko, assistant professor V. I. Oleschuk). During these years, due to the realization of a significant amount of economic and contractual work for industrial and research enterprises, the department managed to improve the material base for scientific and educational and laboratory work to a large extent.

    In 1988, the Department of Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Colloids was reorganized into the Department of General Chemistry and Polymers, which in 1989 was headed by an associate professor, head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry from 1978 to 1986 Oleksiy Ivanovich Prysiazhnyuk (1936-1992) - specialist in chemistry of polymers and inorganic chemistry, defended his doctoral thesis in 1990. The united staff of the department, which included teachers of the department of inorganic chemistry - Ph.D. A.I. Gansh, associate professors T.F. Gudymovich, R.I. Makorday, I.Y. Seyfullina, research staff T.P. Batalova, L.S. Skorokhod, V.M. Tkachenko, M.V. Khitrich and graduate student S.V. Zubkov, did a lot to create a modern teaching-methodical and scientific base of the department.

    From 1992 to 2021, the department was headed by a leading specialist in the field of coordination chemistry, Doctor of Science, Professor Inna Yosipivna Seifullina. Under her guidance, the scientific activity of the department is carried out within the scientific school "Coordination chemistry of p-, d- and f-metals with organic nitrogen-, oxygen-, sulfur- and phosphorus-containing molecules" and is aimed at the development of science and technology in the priority direction "New substances and materials". The concept of controlling the processes of directed synthesis of a wide range of new complex compounds, which, in contrast to ordinary ones, have unique properties, has been developed. More than 200 new homo- and heteronuclear supramolecular compounds of germanium, tin, s-, d- and f-elements were obtained. Based on them, new functional materials, including biologically active substances, were developed. A number of drug substances of a new type with a wide spectrum of physiological action have been patented (Prof. Seifullina I.Y., Prof. Martsinko O.E., Assoc. Prof. Skorokhod L.S., Assoc. Prof. Shmatkova N.V., Assoc. Prof. Khitrich M. V., Senior Research Fellow Tkachenko V.M., Senior Research Fellow Chebanenko O.A.). In parallel, research is being conducted in the field of chemistry of polymers. The regularities of copolymerization of vinyl monomers and oligomer-oligomer systems initiated by peroxides and coordination compounds of transition metals have been established. With the use of energy-saving technologies, filled polymer composites with electrically conductive properties and increased strength characteristics were developed (Prof. Yu.M. Anisimov, Assoc. Prof. S.M. Savin). Highly effective initiating systems based on intracomplex compounds of acetylacetonates and dithiocarbamates of variable valence metals and hydroperoxides of various nature have been created for the implementation of homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerization of vinyl monomers in the region of moderately low temperatures (Assoc. Prof. Ivanchenko P.O., Epimakhov Yu.K., Assoc. Prof. Khitrich M.V.).

    The teachers of the department have developed general and special courses of lectures for students of chemical, biological, geological-geographical and philosophical faculties: "Inorganic chemistry", "General chemistry", "Chemistry with the basics of geochemistry", "History of chemistry", "Chemistry of coordination compounds", "High-molecular compounds", "Methodology of teaching chemistry", "Synthesis, structure and properties of coordination compounds", "Complex formation in solution and methods of its research", "Reactivity of coordination compounds", "Bio-inorganic chemistry", "Supramolecular chemistry", etc. After the introduction of the "Secondary Education (Chemistry)" educational program at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, the department was renamed the Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Education, as it provided most of the disciplines under this OPP: "Methodology of teaching chemistry", "Methodology of tasks solving", "Theoretical foundations of a school chemistry course" etc.

    In 2021, a merger took place and a new Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Education was established, the head of which was elected Olena Eduardivna Martsynko.


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