Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law


Yevdokiia J. Streltsova

Head of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law

Dr. Habil. in Law, Professor,

Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine

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  • Welcome from the Head of the Department

      Dear friends! I am glad to welcome you on the web page of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

    The Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law has been functioning at the Faculty of Economics and Law since November 1997 - from the very its foundation. It is a Department that opens doors to students of the specialty "Law".

    Over the years a well-coordinated work of the Department has significantly contributed to the development of domestic legal science and the Ukrainian statehood. To a large extent, this has become possible due to the professionalism and competence of the teaching staff of the Department, close interaction with government agencies and private organizations, academic links with fellow scientists from Ukraine and abroad.

    In our difficult time the importance of legal science, ensuring the sovereignty of Ukraine, human rights and freedoms; comprehensive development of the national legal system of Ukraine, its interaction with foreign national legal systems and the international legal system is growing. Legal education in modern conditions requires reformation of the educational process, the active employment  of effective, innovative teaching tools and methods, a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities to apply them. The implementation of these tasks underlies educational work with students and their active involvement in research and practical work both individually and as a team.

    Today, Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law is a mature and viable team of like-minded scholars, effectively carrying out educational, research,  expert and advisory activities.

    On the Web page of the Department you will learn more about the activities of the Department and its staff.  

    I wish you success in your endeavours and in achieving carrer goals!

    Head of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law Doctor Habil., Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine

    Yevdokiia Streltsova


The Department of General Law Disciplines and International Law has been functioning at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University since the foundation of the Faculty of Economics and Law (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №403 of November 12, 1997). The first head of the department was Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor O. I Dombrovskyi. Since October 23, 1998 the department had been headed by Doctor Habil. in Philosophy, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Plavych V.P.  From October 27, 2020 the department is headed by Doctor Habil. in Law, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Streltsova Ye. J.

Legal traininf is being carried out within the educational levels: first (bachelor's), second (master's) and third (educational-scientific). Throughout the period of its functionning the Department has trained highly qualified personnel through postgraduate studies in scientific specialties: 12.00.01 - theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines; 12.00.11 - international law. Currently, the training of highly qualified personnel is being carried out in accordance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine.

Staff of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law

The department employs highly qualified teachers - specialists in the field of theory and history of state and law, international public and private international law, maritime law, including:

  • 1 Doctor Hab. in Law, Professor:
    • Yevdokiia J. Streltsova
  • 5 Candidates of Juridical Sciences (PhD in Law), Associate Professors:
    • Igor V. Borshchevskyi
    • Oksana D. Hryn
    • Olena I. Donchenko
    • Olena O. Nihreieva
    • Serhii. V. Romashkin
  • 1 Lecturer
    • Vladyslav S. Veremchuk
  • Secretary for the Department:
    • Vera P. Ilyashevich

Courses taught

First (bachelor's) level, specialty 081 “Law”

  • Theory of State and Law
  • History of the State and Law of Ukraine
  • Logics
  • International Public Law
  • Private International Law
  • History of State and Law of Foreign Countries (optional)
  • History of Doctrines on State and Law (optional)
  • Elocution (optional)
  • Legal Logics (optional)
  • Judicial Law-making (optional)
  • Law of International Security and Armed Conflicts (optional) 

Second (master's) level, specialty 081 “Law”

  • Problems of International Public and International Private Law  
  • Maritime law
  • Judicial Rhetoric (optional)
  • International Law of Internet (optional)
  • Philosophy of Law (optional)

 Third - PhD level, specialty 081 “Law”

  • History, Concepts and Modern Achievements of Legal Science
  • International public and international private law (optional)
  • Theory and Practice of International Law-making (optional)

 Other specialties

  • International Law (first (bachelor's) level, specialty 052 “Political Science”
  • International Law (second (master's) level, specialty 242 “Tourism”)
  • Jurisprudence (first (bachelor's) level, specialty 242 “Tourism”)
  • Elocution (first (bachelor's) level, specialty 073 “Management, optional)
  • Theory of State and Law (first (bachelor's) level, specialty 291 “International relations, social communications and regional studies”, optional)
  • Private International Law (second (master's) level, specialty 073 “Management”, optional)

 Scientific and educational work

The academic and teaching stuff of the Department has currently been conducting research within the framework of the common academic theme No. 309 “National Legal System of Ukraine: Current State, Trends and Directions for the Development”, approved by the Order of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (No. 1304-18 dated 07/16/21; the state registration number 0121U112814; a supervisor – the head of the Department Ye. J. Streltsova).  

The implementation of the scientific theme is being carried out through: the work on doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations; the publication of articles for professional journals and contributions to collections of works; the participation in scientific and practical conferences; the provision of expertise and consultations when requested; the supervision of students’ academic activity, etc.

The Department has constantly been involved in Ukrainian and international academic and scholarly events, acting as an organizer and co-organizer of scientific conferences and round tables. For example, together with the Department of Theory of State and Law of the V. M. Koretsky Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the Department organized a round table meeting “Convergence of National Legal Systems and Their Interaction with International Law”. As the event’s outcome a collection of works came out (2012). The Department organized, jointly with the Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, the international scientific and practical conference “Innovations in Education: Essence, Problems, Prospects”.  Based on the results of the conference, a collection of the conference papers was published (October 2019). Members of the Department have actively been participating in the annual conferences of the academic and teaching staff of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University through the work of a separate section on the problems of theory, history of state and law and international law.

One of the directions of the Department’s scientific activity deals with the provision of scientific advice and expertise. Ass. Prof. Streltsova Ye. J. prepared expert opinions at the request of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine regarding the advisability of Ukraine joining the conventions adopted within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (2018, 2019); a scientific and expert opinion on the draft Law of Ukraine “On the Law-Making Activity” (registration No. 5707) (2021) on the request of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine was prepared jointly by Prof. Streltsova Ye. J. and Senior Lecturer Prytchenko R.S.

The Department has, over the past years, prepared a number of collective and individual monographs, as well as teaching manuals and aids.

As a result of the accomplishment of the earlier Department’s research theme  “Features and Trends of the Law-making in the Context of the Transformation of the Society” (state registration number 0113U003317, a supervisor: Dr. Habil. in Philosophy, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Plavich V.P.), there came out a collective monograph:

Formation and Development of Law-making in the Context of the Society Transformation: a monograph / ed. by Prof. V. P. Plavich. Odessa: Fenix, 2018. 348 p.

Individual monographs:

  • Streltsova Ye. J. Unification of International Law and Its Impact on National Legislation: a monograph. Odessa: Publishing house "Helvetika". 2019. 522 p.
  • Plavich V.P. Problems of Modern Legal Understanding: Theoretic-Methodological and Philosophical-legal Analysis: a monograph. Odessa: Astroprint, 2011.
  • Bachur B. S. The Institute of Land Relations in the Civil Customary Law of Ukraine in the 10th – mid-19th centuries: a monograph. Odessa: Publishing House of Odessa Law Institute of KhNUVD, 2008. 206 p.

Teaching manuals and aids:

  • Plavich V.P. Problems of the Modern Legal Understanding: a textbook. Kherson: OLDI-PLUS, 2014. 215 p.
  •  Jurisprudence: a textbook / Edited by Hryn O.D. and Donchenko O.I. Odessa. 2016. 203 p.
  • History, Concepts and Problems of Law: guidelines for the study of the academic discipline for applicants for the third (PhD) level of higher education, specialty 081 “Law” / Comp.: Y. J. Streltsova. Odessa: Helvetika Publishing House, 2018. 44 p.
  • Maritime Law: guidelines for the study of the academic discipline for part-time students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 081 “Law” / Comp.: Y.J. Streltsov. Odessa: Helvetika Publishing House, 2018. 52 p.
  •  History of Doctrines on State and Law: method. recommendations (instructions) for part-time law students / Comp.: O.I. Donchenko, J.D. Hryn, I.V. Borshchevskyi. Odessa: Fenix, 2021. 120 p.
  •  History of doctrines about the state and law: method. recommendations (instructions) for full-time law students / Comp.: O.I. Donchenko, O.D. Hryn, I.V. Borshchevskyi. Odessa: Fenix, 2021. 124 p.
  •  Theory of State and Law: guidelines for the study of the academic discipline for part-time students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 081 “Law” / Comp. by: Y.J. Streltsova, I.V. Borshchevskyi, O.D. Hryn. Odessa: Fenix, 2021. 143 p.
  •  Theory of State and Law: guidelines for the study of the academic discipline for full-time students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 081 “Law” / Comp. by: Y.J. Streltsova, I.V. Borshevskyi, O.D. Hryn. Odessa: Fenix, 2021. 142 p.

It is worth highlighting the participation of Streltsova Y. J. as a co-author of The Great Ukrainian Law Encyclopedia. Volume. 13: International Private Law / editorial board: A. S. Dovgert (chairman) and others: Nat. Acad. of Legal Sciences of Ukraine; V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine; Yaroslav Mudryi Law University. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2021. 864 p.

Scientific and practical work of students

The scientific and practical work of students includes their involvement in the research work within the framework of the Department’s scientific theme through the participation in international and national Ukrainian scientific and practical student conferences; the preparation of papers and articles for professional journals and collections of conference materials, as well as master's theses; the supervision of scholarly works for participation in the Ukrainian competition of student scientific works.

In this regard it worth highlighting the work of Nihreieva O.O. who has repeatedly supervised students participating in the Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works on International Law, as well as the activity of Hryn O. D. and Donchenko O. I. as members of the Working Group of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty “Law”.

The Department offers opportunities for students to develop their research and study skills in professional legal English through writing conference papers, making presentations, the participation in competitions etc. Under Streltsova’s Y. J. supervision a student team of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Mechnikov University won the contest “English Language and Legal Career” organized for law students of the Odessa city universities (2016). Since 2019 a Scientific Student Society on Topical Problems of International Public and International Private Law has on a regular basis been functioning within the Department. The working language is English; Streltsova Y. J. and Nihreieva O. O. co-lead the Society.   

International cooperation

The academic and teaching staff of the Department has actively been participating in international projects, scholarly and educational internships abroad.

Streltsova Y. J. was a participant in the Comprehensive Training Program for Law Teachers “Methods for Teaching Law”, organized by the American Bar Association “Rule of Law Initiative” and the USAID (Kyiv, 2007). She also took part in training on the transformation of higher education in Ukraine in the light of the Bologna Process, conducted by representatives of the European Higher Education Agencies (Novy Sącz, Poland, 2007).


International cooperation is also being carried out through participation of students in international contests, mock-trials etc. For example, Streltsova Y. J. coached a student team of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Mechnikov University, which participated in the innovative international project of educational and professional training in the field of international commercial arbitration “Mock arbitration on-line”, organized by the Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece), with the participation of representatives of three European universities (2014 - 2016).

Streltsova Y. J. took part in the training “Academic Teaching Excellence as the Medium of Instruction” within the framework of the British Council project in Ukraine “English for Universities” (English for Universities Project), upon the accomplishments of which she was awarded a certificate confirming her ability to teach special disciplines in English. As part of the American Councils project “Promoting Academic Integrity in Ukraine”, Streltsova Y. J. took part in the training “Tools for Achieving Academic Integrity” (Academic Writing Tools for Integrity), Odessa, 2017, with an obtainment of a certificate; she was also a participant in the international training “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internationalization of Higher Education” (“Information and Communication Technologies and the Internationalization of Higher Education”), organized by the New Horizons of Internationalization project (Swedish Institute) (Odessa, 2019, with an obtainment of a certificate). Streltsova Y. J. has twice completed an internship at the Research Institute of the Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht, Freiburg) (Freiburg, Germany, 2015, 2017).

Nihreieva O. O. completed an internship program at the University of Foggia (Italy) as part of the international project ERASMUS + KA107 Program (2019). Nihreieva O. O. took part as a speaker in the webinar “Section of International Economic Law of the Italian Association of International Law” (“The SIDI DIEcon Interest Group”). Her presentation topic was “Resolution of International Arbitrations on EU-Ukraine Disputes” (April 23, 2021).

Streltsova Y. J. took part as a lecturer in the International Internship Program “Legal Systems of Modernity: Traditions and Transitions” for teachers and doctoral students of the Higher School of Law of the Caspian University (Republic of Kazakhstan) (July 17 - 25, 2021, Odessa) and also made a presentation at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Civil Law in the Era of Transformation of Public Relations” (Almaty, Kazakhstan) (September 30 - October 1, 2021).
