Department of Management and Innovation

The Department of Management and Innovation (until 2018 - Economics and Management) was established in January 1998 to train specialists at the Faculty of Economics and Law in educational and qualification levels "bachelor", "specialist" and "master" in the direction of "Management".

The head of the Department of Management and Innovation is Doctor of Economics, Professor Eduard Kuznetsov, who in 1989 defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 08.00.01 - "Political Economy" and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1991 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Foundations of Economic Theory. In 2015 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.03 - "Economics and management of the national economy" and in the same year received the title of professor at the Department of Economics and Management. The sphere of his scientific interests covers the problems of formation and development of a professional management system. Has more than 100 scientific papers, including those abroad.


The head of the department   Professor E. Kuznetsov

The department employs 14 teachers, of whom 5 have the scientific degree of Doctor of Economics (Kuznetsov E., Maslennikov E., Nenno I., Radchenko A., Borshch V.), 10 have a scientific degree. degree of candidate of economic sciences (Mazur O., Orlova N., Rakevich S., Rudinskaya O., Stolbunenko N., Yakovlev A., Tserkovna A., Pavlovich V., Ivashko L.).

A significant contribution to ensuring the coordinated work of the department is made by educational support personnel - senior laboratory assistant G. Dvornikova, senior laboratory assistant L. Svatanenko.

All scientific and pedagogical workers are specialists in the relevant scientific and pedagogical specialties, which is confirmed by diplomas of education, academic degree, academic title or experience of many years of practical work at the university and higher educational institutions. Teachers are actively involved in scientific, scientific-organizational and educational-methodical work. Particular attention is paid to work with students and international cooperation.

Scientific and scientific-organizational activity

During the creation of the department, theses were defended for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences: Zakharchenko V. (defense took place in 2001 on the topic "Ensuring the effectiveness of innovations in industry", specialty 08.00.02 - Economics and management of scientific and technological progress), Merkulov N. (defense took place in 2009 on the topic "Methodology of high-tech production management in a transformational economy", specialty 08.02.02 - economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity)), Balakhonova A. (defense took place in 2014 year on the topic "Formation of mechanisms of modern socio-economic development of the region", specialty 08.00.05 - development of productive forces and regional economy, Kuznetsov E. (defense took place in 2015 on the topic "Methodology of professionalization of management activities in Ukraine", specialty 08.00 .03 - Economics and management of the national economy), Maslennikov E. (defense from was held in 2015 on the topic "Ensuring the management system of financial stability of an industrial enterprise: theory and methodology", specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity)), Nenno I. (defense took place in 2018 on the topic "Formation of the state maritime policy of Ukraine in the context of creating effective business models for the development of ports", specialty 08.00.03 - Economics and management of the national economy and specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity). Borshch V. (defense took place in 2020 on the topic "Management capital in the health care system: theory and methodology", specialty 08.00.03 - Economics and management of the national economy., Radchenko A. (defense took place in 2020 on the topic "Structural and functional support for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the context of globalization: theory and methodology", specialty 08.00.03 - Economics and management of the national economy.

At the Department of Economics and Management, postgraduate students are trained under the PhD program for doctors of philosophy and doctors of science in the specialty "073 Management". In December 2020, the defense of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy took place. "The mechanism of functional training of management personnel in Ukraine."

Over the past 5 years, the teachers of the Department of Management and Innovation have prepared more than 15 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the most famous of which are the works of prof. Kuznetsova E.A., prof. Maslennikova EI, prof .. Nenno I., Assoc. Mazur A.

Since 2012, the teachers of the department have published more than 20 monographs, the main of which are the works of such scientists as prof. Kuznetsov E., prof. Maslennikov E., Ph.D., Assoc. Rakevich S., Doctor of Economics, prof. Nenno I. The most famous scientific monograph of the department is “Actual problems of economics and management: theory, innovation and modern practice. Its main goal is to find ways to develop the research potential of the university in the field of economics and management.

The teachers of the department actively publish the results of their research work in the collection of scientific papers of the Faculty of Economics and Law "Market Economy: Modern Theory and Practice of Management", which is a professional publication on economics and management (rinek).

The department annually holds the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategy of professional training of managerial personnel in Ukraine", in which scientists from different countries of the world take part.

Scientific and methodological seminars on topical issues of economics and management are held monthly at the department.

Work with students

Students of the specialty "Management" constantly receive prizes in the International student competition of advertising and PR-projects "Golden Compass". And participation in the projects “Leadership Center of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov ”and the international non-profit organization“ Enactus ”helps students to better reveal their managerial potential and use the knowledge gained in practice. The Department has organized the Intellectual Club "Management of the XXI century", which examines the latest development processes of a professional management system, conducts professional communication with well-known business representatives. Students and graduates of the specialty "management" take an active part in the work of the intellectual club.

The international cooperation

An important factor in the work of the department is the development of a system of international cooperation. Since 2007, the department is a partner of the TEMPUS project "Seminars on the implementation of practical approaches in the transformation of the higher education system in Ukraine" (project TEMPUS-WIPATH_SCM-T015B05-2005, University of Seville., Seville, Spain), project coordinator - head. Department Kuznetsov E.

The department productively cooperates with WSB-NLU (Graduate School of Business of the National Louis University, Novy Sonch, Poland) on the exchange of teachers. Also, students are exchanged and a joint web-portal is organized to expand Ukrainian-Polish relations in the field of business, culture, education.

Lecturers from the National University. Louis (Chicago. USA). The department has created a mini-library of modern literature from leading world publishing houses on international management and management accounting - a gift from a professor at the University. Luis Federica Vidlac. The library is constantly updated.

Within the framework of the project "Universities for Innovation - UNI4INNO" (2010-2013) Teachers of the department, Doctor of Economics, prof. Kuznetsov E. and Doctor of Economics, prof. Nenno I. had an internship, participated in seminars and conferences at the University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain) and Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden).

In July 2011, with the support of the TEMPUS program "Universities for Innovation", the Center "Innovation Office" was created. The aim of the Center is to effectively use intellectual potential and promote the development of a civilized system of commercialization of intellectual property objects.

The department is a member of the Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Encouraging (ELITE) project of the TEMPUS program (2014-2017), the purpose of which is to strengthen the role of Ukrainian universities in the implementation of the state policy of human resource development (HRD) as generators of social progress by implementation of services for the development of leadership and organizational capacity (L & OD). Within the framework of the project, the teachers of the department underwent an internship and participated in seminars and trainings of the Estonian Business School (Tallinn, Estonia) (prof. V. Borshch).

OTP "Management" was founded in close partnership with the international program ERASMUS +, because directly the Department of Management and Innovation and members of the project team, for 12 years in a row, have been receiving grants and are coordinators of ERASMUS + projects at Odessa National University. I.I. Mechnikov: "Strengthening the role of ZVO in promoting the transformation of industry in the context of the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine" at the Odessa National University. I. And Mechnikov (2020 - 2023 rubles) of the ERASMUS + project "Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Ukraine: Development Based on ESG Standards" ("Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: development on the Base of ENQA Standards and Guidelines" ) (2016 - 2019r.), in the framework of which the pilot accreditation examination of the OP "Management" of the German accreditation agency ASIIN.DE was carried out, the manual "The system of ensuring the quality of education in Ukraine: development on based on European standards and recommendations  and the TEMPUS project" Building an innovative culture in Ukrainian universities - Building Innovation Culture in Ukrainian Universities "at the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov (2012 - 2014)

The strategic achievements of the UNI4INNO project were the implementation of structural and organizational reforms in Ukraine, the improvement of the managerial and administrative abilities of universities, the development of an innovative culture of employees and students, relevant authorities and the private sector (innocentre).

And to the present, there is the establishment and maintenance of communications between inventors and researchers with investors, technology parks; network work with the Ukrainian and International technology transfer network; (for a consortium of ten universities in Spain, Sweden, Italy, Austria, Ukraine), creation of reports and the website of the Innovation Center, preparation of reports and writing analytical articles. As a result of the project, scientific and pedagogical cooperation was started and the discipline "Modern development of university technoparks" is presented. The course developer had an internship at the technology transfer office of the University of Alicante.

In 2019 prof. Nenno I.M. won the competition of the ERASMUS + program, completed an internship at the Department of Enterprise Economics at the University of Foggia, Italy, and taught the course "Risk Management in Insurance" with a duration of 16 lecture hours ("Risk Management in Insurance"), after which she won the competition for the vacant position of Guest Professor at the Department of Economics University of Foggia Italy. Together with the Guarantor of the "Management" program (level) PhD prof. Kuznetsov E.A. made a speech at the conference of the department "Corporate Governance & Risk Management in Financial Institutions: to discover new frontiers: International Conference (Gallipoli (Lecce), Italy, September 27-29, 2019" Published an article (Scopus) Dell 'Atti S., Labini S. Sylos, Nyenno I. Matrix forecasting to investigate the capital efficiency of the insurance market: Case of Italy // Journal of Governance & Regulation. 2020. Vol. 9. No. (3). P. 72-83. Http: / /

After participating in international scientific conferences, methodological seminars, in particular, within the framework of the HEIn4.0 project "Strengthening the role of HEIs in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine (HEIn4) ERASMUS +), the educational and educational-scientific programs are being revised. Members of the project team Head of the Department of Management and Innovation, prof. EA Kuznetsov, guarantor of the Management program (bachelor's degree) prof. Nenno I.M., Deputy Dean of the EPF Grinchenko Yu.L., Director of the Institute of International Education Assoc. Kryuchkova N.M. attract researchers and students to the study of the best scientific and educational practices. In particular, prof. Kuznetsov E.A. and prof. Nenno I. M. On February 18, 2021, a methodological seminar of the project "Methodology of training management personnel in the era of Industry 4.0" was held (

In addition to the above opportunities of ERASMUS + for continuing education at the University of Foggia, such an opportunity exists thanks to the current international technical assistance project "Strengthening the role of ZVO in promoting industry transformation in the context of Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine" (HEIn4) " In particular, trainings “Education Industry 4.0 in the Festo LX online learning system” were held for teachers and job seekers (23 people).
