Department of Administrative and Commercial Law


Since September 2014, the department is headed by Doctor of Law, Professor O. I. Mykolenko

Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Prof. O. I. Mykolenko

Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Prof. O. I. Mykolenko

There are 8 lecturers working at the department, 4 of whom have the degree of Doctor of Laws (O.I. Mykolenko, A.V. Smitiukh, O.V. Garan), 4 lecturers have the degree of Candidate of Law (M.A. Balamush, P.P. Bilyk, N.V. Dobrovolska, N.V. Ilieva,), 2 - without a scientific degree (M.I. Lazareva).

A significant contribution to ensuring the coordinated work of the department is made by support staff - senior laboratory assistant Y.V. Skliarenko and laboratory assistant H.F. Hrabova.

Lecturers of the department actively participate in scientific, scientific-organizational and educational-methodical work. Special attention is paid to work with students. In particular, the department has two student research groups - on administrative, commercial and financial law (head: Associate Professor N.V. Dobrovolska) and «Notary of Ukraine» (head: Associate Professor N.V. Ilieva).

During the whole period of its existence, the department trained highly qualified personnel through postgraduate studies in the following specialties: 12.00.07 administrative law and process; financial law, information law, 12.00.04 commercial law; commercial procedural law. Now the training of highly qualified personnel at the department is carried out in accordance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine.

Since the founding of the department and still, lecturers of the department work in the scientific field very fruitfully, which resulted is, firstly, numerous defenses of Doctoral and Candidate's theses by lecturers and graduate students, and secondly, scientific achievements in the form of monographs, scientific articles, textbooks and textbooks on administrative, tax, customs, migration, commercial, corporate law and administrative and commercial process.

Lecturers of the department continue good traditions:

  • Odesa Scientific School of Administrative Law and Procedure, represented by the names of such well-known scholars in the field of administrative law as A.S. Vasyliev, E. Dodin, I.M. Pakhomov etc.;
  • Odesa Scientific School of Commercial Law and Process, which was founded and represented in the famous scientist of Odesa I.I. Mechnicov National University, N.A. Abramov.

Since the establishment of the department and until now, its lecturers carry out research in the framework of planned research topics. In addition, they participate in interesting research projects. For example, the staff of the department took part in the development of the first in Ukraine scientific and practical commentary to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine (edited by Academician A.S. Vasyliev), which was periodically republished from 1998 to 2010. O.I. Mykolenko is a member of the author's team of scientific and practical commentary on the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine (2009, 2016) and the Code on Administrative Offenses of Ukraine (2020). O.V. Garan, O.I. Mykolenko and А.V. Smitiukh are members of author's textbooks and manuals on commercial law, corporate law and disciplinary-tort law of Ukraine.

Lecturers of the department have published individual textbooks and manuals (Mykolenko O.I. Administrative process and administrative responsibility in Ukraine: Odysey, 2010. 368 pp.; A.V. Smitiukh. Legal basis of investment activities course Atlant, 2009. 208 pp.; Smitiukh A.V. Legal aspects of investing in housing construction: a practical guide: Pravda, 2012. 184 pp.; Smitiukh A.V. Legal basis of investment activities: Pravda, 2013. 420 pp.; Smitiukh A.V. Corporate law in schemes: Odesa National University, 2017. 321 p..

In addition, lecturers of the department condact individual and co-authorship monographic research (Mykolenko O.I. Theory of administrative procedural law: monograph. Burun Book, 2010. 336 pp.; Mykolenko O.I., Berdnyk V.S. Administrative and legal regulation of jurisdictional activities of administrative commissions in Ukraine: monograph. Phenix, 2013. 248 pp.; Mykolenko O.I., Orlova V.A. Management procedures in the activities of industrial organizations as an object of administrative and legal research: monograph. Phenix, 2014. 168 p.p. Mykolenko O.I., Dulina A.V. The subject of administrative responsibility in the doctrine of modern administrative law (on the example of administrative offenses in the field of land relations): monograph. Phenix, 2015. 200 pp.; Mechanisms of public law and private law regulation of public relations in the administrative-political, socio-cultural and commercial spheres: monograph / P.P. Bilyk, O.I. Mykolenko, O.M. Mykolenko and others. ed. O.I. Mykolenko. Odesa: Phoenix, 2016. 342 p.; Stukalenko O.V. Administrative and legal support of the construction industry: monograph / O.V. Stukalenko.: Center for Educational Literature, 2016. 376 p.; Smitiukh A.V. Corporate rights and corporate shares: theoretical and legal aspects: monograph. Odesa: Phenix, 2018. 662 p.), Study of the mechanism for realizing the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in public and private law: color. monograph / M. A. Balamush, N. V. Ilieva, O. M. Mykolenko [etc.]; under general ed.: O. V. Garan, O. I. Mykolenko. – Odesa: Phoenix, 2023. 300 p.
