Oleksandr Budniak
Candidate of biological sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8256-4664
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Graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov in 1993, in 2001 he defended his candidate's thesis at the specialized Council of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the degree of candidate of sciences was awarded in 2001, in 2004 - the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Biochemistry. Performs the duties of the secretary of the General Assembly of UBT.
Author of about 100 scientific publications, 8 articles in scientometric databases (Web of Science, Scopus), 22 educational and methodological publications, articles in professional publications of Ukraine, 3 patents.
Scientific interests: Biochemistry, biophysics, vitaminology, ecology, regulation of biocatalysis, pharmacology, toxicology, biologically active substances, hormones.
- CC «Bioorganic Chemistry (laboratory works), (091, I level of higher education)
- СС «Biochemistry» (lectures and laboratory works), (162, 091, 014.05, I level of higher education)
- СС «Biophysics» (lectures and laboratory works), (091, 162, І I level of higher education)
- EC 69. «Environmental Biochemistry», (162, 091, 014.05, 206, I level of higher education)
- EC 72. «Evolutionary Biochemistry», (162, 091, 014.05, 206, І level of higher education)
- EC 75. «Biochemical Toxicology», (162, 091, 014.05, 206, І level of higher education) «Laboratory Diagnostics» (102 Chemistry, Educational and Professional Program - Pharmaceutical Chemistry, lectures and laboratory works; I level of higher education)
- EC 23. «Biochemistry of Vitamins and Cofactors» (162, 091, ІI level of higher education)
- EC 24. «Pathological Biochemistry» (162, 091, ІI level of higher education
- EC 26. «Biochemistry of Membranes and Mechanisms of Substance Transport» (162, 091, ІI level of higher education
- EC 27. «Mechanisms of Biocatalysis Regulation» (162, 091, ІI level of higher education)
- EC 16. «New approaches to studying the metabolism of bioactive substances» (091, ІІІ (PhD) level of higher education)