Chernadchuk Snizhana


candidate of biological sciences,

associate professor of Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics


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Graduated from the Faculty of Biology at Odesa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov in 2000. In 2006, she defended her candidate dissertation at the specialized council of Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in 2006. In 2011, she received the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry. She participates in scientific research and implements her scientific developments into the educational process, contributing to the expansion of educational programs.

She was awarded the Honorary Certificate of the Odesa Regional Council.

The academic contribution is including over 70 scientific papers published in both national and international specialized journals, among them 10 from scientometric databases such as Web of Science and Scopus. The scholarly portfolio is further augmented by approximately 20 educational and methodological publications, 2 textbooks and 1 monograph.

Scientific interests: vitaminology, enzymology, functional biochemistry, pathological biochemistry, pharmacology.


  • CC "Bioorganic Chemistry" (Laboratory Work) (091; І Level of Higher Education)
  • CC "Biochemistry" (162, 091, 014.05; І Level of Higher Education)
  • CC "Biophysics" (Laboratory Work) (091, 162; І Level of Higher Education)
  • EC "Functional Biochemistry" (014.05, 091, 162; І Level of Higher Education)
  • EC "Stem Cells in Biology" (014.05, 091, 162; І Level of Higher Education)
  • EC "Xenobiochemistry" (091, 162; ІІ Level of Higher Education)
  • EC "Biochemical Pharmacology" (091, 162; ІІ Level of Higher Education)
  • SC "Biochemistry of Proteins and Nucleic Acids" (091, 162; І Level of Higher Education)
  • Selected Sections of the Large Special Practical Course (091, І Level of Higher Education)

Одеська обласна державна адміністрація

Одеська обласна державна адміністрація
Одеська обласна державна адміністрація