Pavlovych Oleksandra

associate professor of the department management and innovation

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scientific degree, scientific title:

The candidate of economic sciences on specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of the enterprises (on kinds of economic activity). (2020).


  • Odessa National University of I.I. Mechnikov, Faculty of Economics and Law and received diploma with honors in "Management of Foreign Economic Activity" and qualified as a specialist in management of foreign economic activity, manager of foreign economic activity.(2014)
  • Odessa National University of I.I.Mechnikov, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology and received diploma in "Philology" and qualified as a philologist.(2016)
  • Odessa National University of I.I.Mechnikov, graduate school specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of the enterprises (on kinds of economic activity).with honors. (2017).

Dissertation topic: "Formation of mechanism of management professionalization of higher education institution".

Courses taught:

  • Administrative management
  • Economy of innovation
  • Research of management systems
  • Innovation management
  • Management studies

Research interests:

Ensuring the management system of higher education institutions

Other professional activities: Management consultant of higher education institution

Advanced training: AF LLC "Evrika" from 10.12.2018 to 14.01.2019.Order dated 07.12.2018 № 3144-18.

Hobby: travel



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Одеська обласна державна адміністрація