Churkina Iryna Eugenivna

 Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation

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Scientific degree, academic rank:

  • Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.00.08 – money, finance and credit (2016);
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.08 – money, finance and credit (2010);
  • Associate Professor of the department of Finance, Banking and Insurance (2014).

Education: Odesa Institute of National Economy, specialty "Industrial Planning", economist qualification (1985).

Theme of the doctoral dissertation: “Transformation of the Ukraine’s budget system in the context of globalization” (2016).

Theme of the candidate dissertation (PhD): “Profits taxation of physical persons in Ukraine: state and prospects of development” (2010).

Courses taught:

  • Finance, money and credit
  • Budget management
  • Financial planning and forecasting

Sphere of the scientific interests:

  • state finance,
  • institutional foundations of the development of the budgetary and tax systems of Ukraine,
  • budget and fiscal policy,
  • budgetary regulation of the state's economic development,
  • development of local budgets and inter-budgetary relations in Ukraine.

Other professional activity:

Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 41.051.11 at Odesa Mechnikov National University

Scientific works: GOOGLE SCHOLAR: .

Advanced training, internship:

  • Odesa Mechnikov National University, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance from November 8, 2021 to December 10, 2021.
  • Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubelskiego Parku Naukowo-Technologicznego Іnternational training (webinar) on the topic: Selection, preparation and publication of scientific articles in scientific journals that are indexed in Scopus and Web science databases, 13th of September - 20th of September, 2021 1.5 ECTS credits (45 hours). Certificate ESN №8106/2021 from 20.09.2021 р.
  • Educational lecture of the National Bank of Ukraine in partnership with the USAID project "Transformation of the Financial Sector" and Kyiv School of Economics within the framework of the "Economic Express" program for Odesa lectures / Odesa, Hotel "Arkadia" (24 Genuezka Street), September 19, 2019, certificate dated September 19, 2019.

Hobby: travelling, art, literature.


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