Ivashko Larisa Mikhailovna


Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.11 - mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics (2012); Associate Professor of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technology (2015)

Position: Associate Professor of Management and Innovation

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Education: Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, specialty "Mathematics", qualification - Mathematician. Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science (1990); Odessa State University of Economics, specialty "Accounting and Auditing", qualification - Economist (2003)

Dissertation topic:

  • Candidate's dissertation: "Innovative information and communication technologies for quality assurance in higher economic education " (2011)

Courses taught: e-commerce, theory of industry markets, methods of optimization of management and decision-making, substantiation of economic decisions and risk assessment, economics and organization of biotechnological productions, decision-making systems

Research interests: information and communication technologies, economic and mathematical methods and models in management, economics, business and education; e-commerce; industry markets; economics and organization of biotechnological productions; decision making systems

Other professional activities:

  • Scientific consulting of Terra Invest Ukraine LLC on the development and implementation of automated risk assessment systems in investment activities from May 2015 to the present
  • Member of the educational and methodical commission of the EPF of ONU named after II Mechnikov

Scientific works:



Advanced training, internship

  • Training in an international summer school Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University Babes Boyyayi Cluj Napoca (Romania) from08.2017 to 04.08.2017. Order of 14.12.2017, № 3265 -18
  • Full-time and distance training seminar "The concept of Industry 4.0 in the education of managers and economists: theory and practice" 25.09 - 17.10.2020
  • Master class of the Erasmus + 609939-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Strengthening the role of free economic development in promoting industrial transformation in the context of the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine ”(HEIn4). Festo LX online learning experience. Course “Value Stream Analysis. 12.01.2020
  • C tazhuvannya for teachers and trainers at the University of Applied Sciences Fontis (Netherlands) and Vilnius maintenance Universal yteti Hedeminasa (Lithuania) under the "two-tier training program on e-commerce services for the Information Society in Russia, Israel and Ukraine 516813-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-LTTEMPUS-JPCR» (2013-2016)

Hobbies: travel


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