Department of Philosophy

Inna Golubovich

The Head of the Department, Doctor оf Philosophy, Professor

The Academic staff of the department:

  • Serhii Secundant, Doctor оf Philosophy, Professor.
  • Serhii Shevtsov, Doctor оf Philosophy, Professor.
  • Natalia Bevzyuk, Doctor оf Philosophy, Professor.
  • Vitaliia Hotynian-Zhuravlova, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor
  • Miroslava Karpenko, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor.
  • Eduard Martyniuk, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor.
  • Konstiantyn Raikhert, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor.
  • Iryna Starovoitova, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor.

In general the Department consists of 13 lecturers including 3 Doctors of Philosophy, Professors; 1 Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor; 11 PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professors; 1 PhD in Philosophy.

Historical background:

The Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Cognition was formed in 1981 while dividing the department of philosophy of the University into two departments. The first name of the Department was "Philosophy of Natural Science Faculties." Setrov Mikhail Ivanovich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, was the first Head of the Department.
The Department was headed by PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Ukraine Education, Academician of the UAJC Oleksandr Chaikovskyi from 1988 till 2015. In 2016 the department was renamed the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Cognition.

During all its history the leading scientists of the Department trained specialists of higher qualification on the specialty "Philosophy".


In 1990 and subsequent years, the department performed a great work at the radical reorganization of teaching the whole complex of philosophical disciplines, restructuring curriculum and programs, methodological information and scientific support of the educational process. In 1995 the department carried out the main work on opening the specialty "Philosophy" and the formation of a philosophical department.

In the period of 1995-2004 the Department began giving such new еducational courses as: "Logic", "Philosophical Propedeutics", "Ancient Philosophy", "Philosophy of the New Time", "German Classical Philosophy", "Modern Foreign Philosophy", "Metaphysics", "Epistemology", "Philosophical Anthropology", "Philosophy of Religion" "Fundamentals of System Studies," "Science and Theology," "Philosophy of Science," "Comparative Religious Studies," "Fundamentals of Axiology," "Social Philosophy," "Rhetoric," "Social Ecology," and many others. Later in 2002 the Department of Culturology was created on the basis of a part of the teaching staff of the department and many new culturological courses were developed and taught. The Department provides many courses at the Faculty of Philosophy and philosophical courses at the faculties of Natural Sciences (for future bachelors and masters) and at the Institute of Social Sciences of Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University.

The Department conducts a large educational and methodical work with postgraduate students of the faculties of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Philosophy. They are lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviewing papers, entrance candidate examinations. Since 2016 the Department has been providing with teaching the obligatory university postgraduate course "Methodology and Philosophy of Scientific Research", aimed at the formation of general methodological and philosophical culture of a postgraduate and ensuring the development of critical reflective thinking.

There are postgraduate and doctoral studies at the department.


The following Scientific centers and seminars of the faculty are headed by lecturers of the Department:

  1. The Center of "Logic and Methodology of Science": the head is professor L.Terentieva .
  2. The Center of the comparative researches of religion: the head is Associate Professor E. Martyniuk.
  3. The Scientific research and Education Center named after Georgy Florovsky: the leaders are Professor I. Golubovich and Associate Professor O. Petrykivska.
  4. The Scientific and educational seminar “Scola classica on anti-study” and the study of the classical tradition: the head is Professor S. Shevtsov.
  5. The Scientific and educational seminar "Eschatos: philosophy of history in the context of the idea of "limit ": the head is Professor O. Dovhopolova.
  6. The Elective course of Jewish Studies (The partners of the project are Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University and Israeli Cultural Center in Odessa, The Center on development of Jewish Studies (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). The heads are Professor O. Dovhopolova, Associate Professor О. Petrykivska.

From 2011 to 2015 the Department was engaged in scientific research within the faculty theme: "Studies of philosophical, methodological, cultural and system-theoretic aspects of knowledge and cognition" (the number of state registration is 011U005724). In September 2016 the new department theme "Investigation of the processes of integration and differentiation in modern scientific and philosophical knowledge" was approved and which will be implemented for five years since 01.01.2017 till 31.12. 2021. (The number of the complex theme is 165, the order of the rector of Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University is No. 3217-18 from 13. 12. 2016). The theme will be accomplished with the staff of all departments of the faculty. The scientific adviser of the theme is the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Assistant Professor O. Chaikovskyi, the responsible executor is Professor I. Golubovich).


  1. The Professional Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy Δοξα (Doxa): a collection of philosophy and philology scientific papers ((Докса): (Збірник наукових праць з філософії та філології) [].
  2. The collected scientific papers: the materials of the scientific readings in memory of A.I.Uemov: Uemov’s readings I - IV (2013 - 2016): Scientific readings in memory of Avenir Uemov / managing editor is K. Raikhert. - (Уемовские чтения I - IV (2013 – 2016): материалы Научных чтений памяти Авенира Уёмова / отв. ред. К. В. Райхерт. – Одесса: Печатный дом 2016. - 470 с.)
  3. The collected papers of the international scientific and practical Internet conference "Cognitive and transforming potential of historical psychology as a science" February 5 - March 5, 2015 - Odessa: Odessa National University, 2015 (Збірка статей П міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Пізнавальний та перетворювальний потенціал історичної психології як науки» 5 лютого – 5 березня 2015 р. / За наук. ред. Яремчук О.В. – Одеса: Одеський національний університет, 2015).
  4. Devoted to Marat. The collected papers in memory of Marat NikolaevichVernikov / Compiled by: L. N. Bogataya, S. M. Povtoreva. - Odessa: The Pechatny House, 2012. - 176 p. (Посвящения Марату. Сборник статей памяти Марата Николаевича Верникова/ Составители: Л. Н. Богатая, С. М. Повторева. – Одесса: Печатний дом, 2012. – 176 с.) 
  5. Curriculum Vitae. – Number 2:  P.M. Bicilli's work and the phenomenon of the humanitarian tradition of Odessa University. - Odessa: FOP Fridman O.S., 2010. - 226 p. (Вып. 2: Творчество П.М. Бицилли и феномен гуманитарной традиции Одесского университета.[зб. наук. праць/ наук. ред. Довгополова О.А.] – Одесса: ФОП Фридман О.С., 2010. – 226 с.).
  6. Curriculum vitae. – Number 1.The biographical method in Humanities knowledge / [Coll. Scien.Paper / Scientific Ed. O. Dovhopolova, I. Golubovich] - Odessa: "Fridman", 2009. - 220 p. (Біографічний метод у гуманітарному знанні/ [зб. наук. праць/ наук. ред. Довгополова О.А., Голубович І.В.] - Одеса: ФОП “Фридман”, 2009.  - 220 с.).
  7. Parametric general theory of systems and its applications. The collected papers are dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor A.I. Uemov. Edited by A.Y. Tsofnas. - Odessa, Astroprint. - 2008. - 244 p. (Параметрическая общая теория систем и ее применения. Сборник трудов, посвященный 80-летию проф. А.И.Уёмова. Под редакцией А.Ю.Цофнаса. – Одесса, Астропринт. – 2008. – 244 с.).
  8. "The philosophy has a Woman's Face ...". The Collected Scientific Papers. - Odessa: Fridman, 2008. - 112 p. («У философии женское лицо…». Сборник научных статей. – Одесса: ФЛП Фридман, 2008. – 112 с.).


  1. Science and religion: Problems of dialogue. - Odessa: JSC“BAHVA”, 2002. - 120 p. (Наука і релігія: Проблеми діалогу. - Одеса: АО “БАХВА”, 2002. - 120 с.)
  2. Kravchenko V.A. The problem of determinism and indeterminism of science, theology and philosophy. Odessa: JSC“BAHVA”. - 92 p. (Кравченко В.А. Проблема детерминизма и индетерминизма в науке, теологии и философии. Одеса: АО “БАХВА”, 2002. – 92 с.)
  3. Dobroier A. Interfaith dialogue in modern Ukraine (the experience of theological analysis). Odessa: “BAHVA”, 2003. - 144 p. (Доброер А. Межконфессиональный диалог в современной Украине (опыт богословського анализа). Одеса: АО “БАХВА”, 2003. – 144 с.).
  4. Science and religion: the problems of dialogue. Part 2. - Odessa: Science and Technology, 2004. - 208 p. (Наука і релігія: проблеми діалогу. Випуск 2. – Одеса: Наука і техніка, 2004. – 208 с.).
  5. Socio-philosophical aspects of religious studies. - Odessa: "Science and Technology", 2005. - 172 p. (Соціально-філософські аспекти релігієзнавства. – Одеса: “Наука і техніка”, 2005. - 172 с.).
  6. Modern processes in the religious life of the world and Ukraine / [ Coll. scien. papers / scientific editor E. Martynuk.]. - Odessa: "Fridman", 2010. - 288 p. (Сучасні процеси в релігійному житті світу та України / [зб.наук.праць / наук. ред. Мартинюк Е.І. та ін.] . - Одеса: ФОП “Фридман”, 2010. - 288 с.).
  7. Convergent and divergent processes in the modern religious life of the world and Ukraine / Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University: The National Center for Scientific Research: "Comparative studies of religion"; Ed. .: E. Martynyuk (editor-in-chief), A. Ivakin, V. Kravchenko and others – Number 10. - Odessa: "Fridman A.S.", 2012. - 158 p. (Конвергентні та дівергентні процеси в сучасному релігійному житті світу та України / Одеськ. нац. ун-т ім. І. І. Мечникова: наук.-дослідн. центр "Компаративістські дослідження релігії"; ред. кол.: Е. І. Мартинюк (гол.ред.), О. А. Івакін, В. А. Кравченко та ін. - Вип. 10. - Одеса: ФОП "Фрідман О. С.", 2012. – 158 с.).
  8. Modern processes in the religious life of the world and Ukraine. Number 11. (Collected Scientific Papers). - Odessa: "Fridman A.S.", 2014. - 211 p. (Сучасні процеси в релігійному житті світу та України. Випуск 11.(Збірка наукових статей). – Одеса: ФОП «Фрідман О. С.», 2014. – 211 с.).


  1. Actual questions of the creative heritage by G.V. Florovsky. - Odessa: Phoenix, 2009. - 216 p. (Актуальні питання творчої спадщини Г.В.Флоровського. – Одеса: Фенікс, 2009. – 216 с.)
  2. ESHATOS. Philosophy of history in presentiment of the end of history / under ed. O. Dovhopolova, A. A. Kamenskikh. - Odessa: Fridman O. S., 2011. - 336 p. (ЭСХАТОС. Философия истории в предчувствии конца истории / Под ред.       О. А. Довгополова, А. А. Каменских.  – Одесса: ФОП Фридман О. С., 2011. – 336 с.).
  3. "А Jewish “mother-city”..." The collected papers on the results of the optional course on Jewish studies and Israel Studies of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University / edited by O. Dovhopolova, M. Dovev, I. V. Golubovich, E. I. Martynyuk, O. Petrykivska. - Odessa: Fridman O.S., 2011. - 146 p. („Мама городов Израилевых...” Сборник статей по итогам факультатива по иудаике и израилеведению Одесского национального университета имени И. И. Мечникова/ Под ред. О.А. Довгополова, М. Довев, И. В. Голубович, Э. И. Мартынюк, Е. С. Петриковская. – Одесса: ФОП Фридман О. С., 2011. – 146 с.).
  4. ESHATOS - II. Philosophy of history in the context of the idea of "limit": Coll. Papers/ edited by O. Dovhopolova, A. A. Kamenskikh. - Odessa: Fridman O. S., 2012. - 280 p. (ЭСХАТОС - II. Философия истории в контексте идеи «предела»: сб. статей/ Под ред.       О. А. Довгополова, А. А. Каменских. – Одесса: ФОП Фридман О. С., 2012. – 280 с.).
  5. Jewish studies in Odessa: The collected Papers on the results of the program of Jewish Studies and Israel Studies of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University / editorial board: I. Golubovich, O.Dovhopolova, E. Martynyuk, O. Petrykivska. – Number 2. - Odessa: Phoenix, 2013. - 218 с. (Иудаика в Одессе: Сборник статей по итогам работы программы по иудаике и изралиеведению Одесского национального университета имени И. И. Мечникова/  редкол.: И.В.Голубович, О.А.Довгополова, Э.И.Мартынюк, Е. С. Петриковская. – Вып. 2. – Одеса: Фенікс, 2013. – 218 с.). 
  6. Jewish Studies in Odessa: the Collected Papers on the results of the program of Jewish Studies and Israel Studies of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University / editorial board: I. Golubovich, O.Dovhopolova, E. Martynyuk, O. Petrykivska . – Number 3. - Odessa: Phoenix, 2015. - 232 с. (Иудаика в Одессе: Сборник статей по итогам работы программы по иудаике и изралиеведению Одесского национального университета имени И. И. Мечникова/  редкол.: И.В.Голубович, О.А.Довгополова, Э.И.Мартынюк, Е. С. Петриковская. – Выпуск 3. – Одесса: Фенікс, 2015. – 232 с.).
  7. Jewish Studies in Odessa: the Collected Papers on the results of the program of Jewish Studies and Israel Studies of the Odessa / Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University / editorial board: I. Golubovich, O. Dovhopolova, E.Martynyuk, O. Petrykivska . – Number 4. (They are in print). (Иудаика в Одессе: Сборник статей по итогам работы программы по иудаике и изралиеведению Одесского национального университета имени И. И. Мечникова/  редкол.: И.В.Голубович, О.А.Довгополова, Э.И.Мартынюк, Е. С. Петриковская. – Выпуск 4).


  1. Dovhopolova O. A. Alien, Strange, Rejected as the elements of Social Space. - Odessa: Fridman, 2007. - 300 p. (Долгополова О.А. Другое, Чужое, Отторгаемое как элементы социального пространства. – Одесса: СПД Фридман, 2007. – 300 с.).
  2. Golubovich I.V. Biography: silhouette against the background of Humanities (methodology of analysis in social and humanitarian knowledge). - Odessa: Fridman, 2008. - 420 p. (Голубович І.В. Біографія: силует на фоні Humanities (методологія аналізу в соціогуманітарному знанні). – Одесса: СПД Фридман, 2008. – 420 с.).
  3. Arabadzhy A. D. Essays of Christian Symbolism. - Odessa: Druk, 2008. - 547 p. (Арабаджи А.Д. Очерки христианского символизма. – Одесса: Друк, 2008. – 547 с.).
  4. Petrykivska O. Historical psychology in the context of "anthropologization" of knowledge. Historical psychology: origins and the present state: a collective monograph: under ed. I. N. Koval, V. I. Podshivalkina, O. V. Yaremchuk. - Odessa: ONU, 2012 - pp. 18-38. (Петриковская Е.С. Историческая психология в контексте антропологизации знания. Историческая психология: истоки и современное состояние: коллективная монография: под ред. И.Н.Коваля, В.И.Подшивалкиной, О.В.Яремчук. – Одесса: ОНУ, 2012).
  5. Kravchenko V.A. Ideal and material / V.A. Kravchenko. - Odessa: Ukraine Education, 2013. - 371 с. (Кравченко В.А. Идеальное и материальное / В.А. Кравченко. – Одеса : Освіта України, 2013. – 371 с.)
  6. Shevtsov S.P. Metamorphoses of law. - Odessa: Ukraine Education, 2013. - 448 с. (Шевцов С. П. Метаморфозы права . – Одесса : Освіта України, 2013. – 448 с.).
  7. The philosopher Uiomov. - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Universitas rediviva, 2014. – 374 с. (Философ Уёмов).
  8. Shevtsov S.P. Metamorphoses of law. Law and Legal Tradition. - Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2014. - 408 p. (Шевцов С. П. Метаморфозы права. Право и правовая традиция. - Москва: Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2014. – 408 с.).


  1. Shevtsov S. P. Course of Lectures on History of Philosophy. Part 1. Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Educational supply of S. P. Shevtsov. - Odessa, 2009. - 330 p. (Шевцов С. П. Курс лекций по истории философии. Часть 1. Античность и Средние века: Навчальний посібник С. П. Шевцов /. – Одеса, 2009. – 330 с.).
  2. Uiomov A., Saraeva I., Tsofnas A. General systems theory for humanities. (Уёмов А., Сараева И., Цофнас А. Общая теория системдля гуманитариев) – Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Universitas Rediviva, 2001. – 276 с.
  3. Religious studies / Ed. P. K. Lobazov. - Ed. 4th. - Kherson: "GRIN". 2013. - 448 p. (With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) ( Религиеведение / Под ред. П. К. Лобазова. — Изд. 4-е. - Херсон: "ГРИНЬ". 2013. - 448 с.).
  4. Philosophy: a basic textbook for students // edited by L.V.Huberskoho: E. M. Sulima EM, V.G. Kremen., M. I.Mihalchenko, A.V. Tchaikovsky and others. - Kharkiv, Folio, 2013. - 510 p. (With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). (Філософія: базовий підручник для студентів ВНЗ // кол. авторів за ред. Л.В.Губерського:  Суліма Є.М., Кремень В.Г., Міхальченко М.І., Чайковський О.В. і др. – Харків: Фоліо, 2013. - 510 с.)
  5. Cultural studies: a basic textbook for students // the authors: A. E.Konverskoho: A. S. Onischenko, M.V. Popovich, M. U.Rusin., I. I.Starovoitova and others. - Kharkiv, Folio, 2013. - 863 p. (With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). (Культурологія: базовий підручник для студентів ВНЗ // кол. авторів за ред. А.Є. Конверского:  Оніщенко О.С.,  Попович М.В., Русін М.Ю., Старовойтова І.І. і др. – Харків: Фоліо, 2013. - 863 с.)
  6. Golubovich I.V., Petrikovskaya E.S., Tikhomirova F.A . The problems of modern anthropology. Part 1.Self-determination of anthropology. The Structure of anthropological knowledge: a textbook for students of the philosophical faculty / I.V.Golubovich, E.S.Petrikovskaya, F.A.Tikhomirova; Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University. - Odessa: "Akvatoriya", 2015. - 132 p. (Голубович И.В., Петриковская Е.С., Тихомирова Ф.А. Проблемы современной антропологии. Часть 1. Самоопределение антропологии. Структура антропологического знания : учеб. пособ. для студентов философского ф-та/ И. В. Голубович, Е. С. Петриковская, Ф. А. Тихомирова; Одесский национальный университет шимени И.И. Мечникова. – Одесса: «Акватория», 2015. – 132 с.).


  1. Philosophy of science: the system aspect. An educational supply for lecturers, postgraduate students, masters of philosophy and non-philosophy specialties / A.I. Uiomov, L. N. Terentieva, A.V Chaikovskyi, F. A. Tykhomyrova. - Odessa: Astroprint, 2010. - 360 p. (Философия науки: системный аспект. Учебное пособие для преподавателей, аспирантов, магистров философских и нефилософских специальностей / А. И. Уйомов, Л. Н. Терентьева, А. В. Чайковский, Ф. А. Тихомирова. - Одесса: Астропринт, 2010. – 360 с.).
  2. Petrikovskaya E.S. Christian anthropology in a comparative study (different approaches to the problem of man in the Western and Eastern Christian consciousness). Educational materials for the courses "History of religion", "Philosophical anthropology" // Comparative study of religious traditions: Russia, Eastern Europe, post-Soviet space. - Ivanovo: Ivanovo State. Univ., 2010. - P. 115-134. - 440 p. (Петриковская Е.С. Христианская антропология в сравнительном изучении (различные подходы к проблеме человека в западном и восточном христианском сознании). Учебно-методические материалы к курсам «История религии», «Философская антропология» // Сравнительное изучение религиозных традиций: Россия, Восточная Европа, постсоветское пространство. – Иваново: Ивановский гос. ун-т, 2010.)
  3. Dovhopolova O. A. Philosophy of the Middle Ages: a way of thinking. A textbook for students of speciality of "Philosophy". - Odessa: Phoenix, 2014. - 136 p. (Довгополова О.А. Философия средних векав: способ мыслить. Учебное пособие для студентов специальности «Философия». – Одесса: Фенікс, 2014. – 136 с.)/
  4. Gotynyan-Zhuravleva V. V. Educational supply for solving the problems on logic for students of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Philosophy and students of non-philosophical faculties. - Odessa: ONU, 2014. - 141 p. (Готинян-Журавльова В. В. Навчально-методичний посібник до вирішення задач з логіки для студентів заочного відділення філософського факультету та студентів нефілософських факультетів. – Одеса: ОНУ, 2014. – 141 с.)
  5. Dovhopolova O.A. Anthropology of the historical: a textbook for students of the specialty "Philosophy" and "Cultural Studies." - Odessa: Phoenix, 2015. - 102 p. (Довгополова О.А. Антропология исторического: учебное пособие для студентов специальности «Философия» и «Культурология». – Одесса: Фенікс, 2015. – 102 с.)
  6. Chaikovskyi O.V. Methodical recommendations to the course "Philosophical Propedeutics"for first- year students. Number 1-8. ONU, 2016. (Чайковський О.В. Методичні рекомендації до курсу "Філософська пропедевтика" для студентів І курсу. Вип. 1-8. ОНУ, 2016).
  7. Terentieva L.N. The nature of philosophical and logical knowledge. - Odessa: ONU, 2016. - 81 p. (Терентьева Л.Н. Природа философского и логического знания. – Одесса: ОНУ имени И.И. Мечникова, 2016. – 81 с.).
  8. Hotunian-Zhuravlova V. V. The concise dictionary of logic to the themes of "concept", "Judgement", "Deductive reasoning." - Odessa: ONU named after Mechnikov, 2016. - 60 p. (Готинян-Журавльова В.В. Короткий словник з логіки до тем «Поняття», «Судження», «Дедуктивні умовиводи». – Одеса: ОНУ імені І.І.Мечникова, 2016. – 60 с.).
  9. Hotunian-ZhuravlovaV.V. Modern philosophy of science: methodical manuals for students of non-philosophical faculties. - Odessa: ONU named after I.I. Mechnikov, 2016. - 36 p. (Готинян-Журавльова В.В. Сучасна філософія науки: методичні вказівки для студентів нефілософських факультетів. – Одеса: ОНУ імені І.І.Мечникова, 2016. – 36 с.).

The Themes of defended dissertations:

  1. Skalatska O.V. The main determinants of the emergence of religious conflict in modern Ukraine (on the example of new religions): the socio-philosophical dimension.
  2. Gold O. F., "Americanization" as a convergent process in the religious life of the present: a social and philosophical aspect.
  3. Tykhomyrova F.A. Logic and system principles of integration and differentiation in scientific knowledge.
  4. Raikhert K. W. The philosophical and methodological foundations of dual system and parametric modelling.
  5. Shevtsov S.P. Social foundations of formation a sense of justice (doctoral dissertation).
  6. Holubitska A.V. Historical time in the philosophy of history of G. V. Florovsky.
  7. Chekan N.I. Philosophical interpretation of metaphor (a methodological aspect).
  8. Tkachenko A.V. “Gaps” of historical time as an object of philosophical and historical research.
  9. Tkachenko N.A. The phenomenon of alternative history in modern historical consciousness.

Lately such faculty documents and methodological materials have been developed and improved (the author is Associate Professor O. Chaikovskyi ):

  1. Requirements for the written work of students.
  2. How to write a report.
  3. How to write a term paper on junior years.
  4. How to prepare a term paper on the specialty.
  5. The methodical instructions to students of the Faculty of Philosophy for preparing research work of the bachelor." General requirements .
  6. References to a research work.
  7. The structure and design of a research work.
  8. The methodical instructions for students of the Faculty of Philosophy for preparing a degree work. General requirements for a degree work.
  9. The methodical instructions to the students of the Faculty of Philosophy for preparing a master's work." General requirements for a master's work.
  10. The methodical instructions to students of the Faculty of Philosophy for preparing both a master's and a degree work." The references to a degree work and a master's work .
  11. The methodical instructions to students of the Faculty of Philosophy for the preparing of a master's work and a degree work. The structure and design of a degree work or a master's work.


  • Philosophy of Science.
  • Modern logic.
  • System and parametric general theory of systems.
  • Philosophy of Law.
  • Comparative studies of religion.
  • Philosophical problems of modern anthropology.
  • The actual problems of Modern Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History.

The department pays special attention to the legacy of the outstanding philosopher of modern logic, the head of the Odessa Philosophical School of System Studies, the professor of the department of philosophy of the faculties of natural science of Odessa national I.I.Mechnikov university, the scientist with the world name – A.I. Uiomov (1928 – 2012). In 2015, the personal archive of the Philosopher was created and transferred to the fund of the Scientific library of Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University; a memorial plaque to the famous scientist was opened ( The main building of Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University; Dvoryanskaya str., The innovative development of A.I. Uiomov's system theory continues at the annual International Scientific Readings in the memory of Professor A. I. Uiomov.


  • Associate professor O. Nikolenko received the grant for training course “Science and technology” from The Center for Theology and Natural Sciences, Berkeley, California, USA (1996).
  • Associate professor O. Nikolenko received the grant for development of training course “Science and technology” from the Advisory council of European Centre for Theology and Natural Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA (1998).
  • In 2002-2004 the staff of the department carried out investigation in the project “Philosophical and theological researches of dialogue between science and religion and its influence on the processes of democratization in Ukraine” (John Templeton Foundation).
  • In March 2004 “The addendum to the agreement between Odessa National University and University of Rzeszów” “About scientific collaboration between the Faculty of Philosophy of Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University and the Institute of Philosophy of University of Rzeszów” was signed. The research program “Philosophy in Slavic countries” and the collaboration for the purpose of publishing the Journal of philosophers of Slavic countries were launched.
  • In 2005 the department of Philosophy of Natural Science Faculties, one of the 12 departments of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova, won grant “Academic research grants for the departments of institutes of higher education” from the Institute of Open Society (Central European University, Budapest). Due to the grant professor Tom Soreil (University of Essex, United Kingdom) and Evgeny Afonasin (Novosibirsk State University, Russia) delivered lectures at the Faculty of Philosophy.
  • In 2006 by invitation of Catholic University of Lublin Associate professors Eduard Martynyuk and Elena Petrikovska visited the Faculty of Theology where they delivered lectures in Religion studies.
  • Associate Professor O. Nikolenko Received the grant for participation in development of the conception “Theory of mind: philosophy of action and religious actions” from Salesian Pontifical University, Italy (2006).
  • Professor O. Dovhopolova and Associate professor S. Shevtsov took a part in the International seminar of improvement of teaching in higher school “Teaching classics. Fundamental values in the Changing World” (Novosibirsk, August 2009, May 2010).
  • Associate professor O. Petrykivska took a part in the International seminar “Comparative and Interdisciplinary History of Religious Traditions in Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe” (2008 – 2010) to improve teaching in higher school (Higher Education Support Program) with the support of Central European University.
  • Professor O. Dovhopolova took a part in organization and conduction of the fourth scientific seminar of research group “Borders of Europe” (University of Bergen, Norway) (2013).
    Professor O. Dovhopolova was an organizer of International scientific educational seminar “Phenomenon of University and the fate of humanitarian tradition (in memory of P. Bicilli and G. Florovsky) (Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Georges Florovsky Centre, October 5, 2013).
  • In November 2013, Professor O. Dovhopolova together with the colleagues from the Perm Branch of the Higher School of Economics (Russia, Perm) received a grant from the Russian State Fund for Scientific Research to hold a scientific seminar on the philosophy of history "The Human Dimension of Time", scheduled for August 2014. The consent to participate in the seminar was received from twenty recognized experts in various fields of philosophy of history from Ukraine, Russia, Israel, France, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan, and Switzerland.
  • In June 26-28, 2016 Professor O. Dovhopolova received ASEEES-MAG grant for organization the panel "Reflecting the Past and the Future in the Mirror of the Other: The Experience of the Post-Soviet Countries" at the ASEEES-MAG International Congress "Images of the Other", (Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine).
  • In 2016 Professor O. Dovhopolova received a grant from Federal Agency for Civic Education (Germany) for participation in the international conference "Mapping Memories. Contested Memories of the Difficult Past, which was in Kiev.
  • In 2016, Professor O. Dovhopolova took part in the implementation of the grant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany (Eastern Partnership Support Program) for the project "From Conflicts to Dialogue and Overcoming Trauma"; and she participated in the organization of civil forums "Overcoming" in Odessa and Kharkov.


  • Associate Professor O. Nikolenko underwent training at Oxford University, St. Catherine's College, Great Britain (in 1996), Central European University, Hungary, ( in 1997), Jan Ramsey Center, Oxford University, UK ( in1998).
  • In June 2010, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Associate Professor O. Chaikovskyi took part in the VII International Conference of the International Institute of Philosophy of the Slavic Countries of the University of Zheshiv "Man and His Cognition" .
  • In June 2010, the lecturer K. Raikhert published the theses in the materials of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Logic: Problems of Theory and History", St. Petersburg (Russia).
  • In November 2010 Professor A. Uiomov and L. Terentieva published an article in the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development and Dynamics of Hierarchical (Multilevel) Systems." Theoretical and Applied Aspects. " Kazan (Russia).
  • In September 2011 Associate Professor E. Martyniuk made a report on the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Religion as a Social Phenomenon" - Moscow. The theme was “Convergent Processes in Modern Religious Life."
  • In April 2012 Senior Lecturer F. Tykhomyrova took part in the All-Russian Scientific Conference "History and Philosophical and Methodological problems of Chemistry,Chemical Technology and related areas of Scientific and Technical knowledge", Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan (Russia).
  • In October 2012 Senior Lecturer F. Tykhomyrova took part in the international conference "The Imperatives of Creativity and Harmony in the Design of Human-Dimensional Systems", Minsk (Belarus).
  • In October 2012 Associate Professor O. Nikolenko took part in the international conference on neuroscience "Questions of Brain Research: significance at the Crossing of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology," Cleveland, Ohio (USA) .
  • In December 2012 Associate Professor S. Shevtsov delivered a report on the international school "PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN RIGHTS". Wintersession. (Open Society Institute, Higher Education Support Program, Regional Seminar for Excellence inTeaching), Lviv.
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet conference "Theoretical and practical scientific innovations" (Krakow, Poland, January, 2013).
  • In March 2013 Associate Professor O. Nikolenko took part in the 23rd Annual Conference on Neurosciences Baycrest "Plasticity of the brain and neurorehabilitation", Toronto (Canada),.
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet conference "Science - from theory to practice" (Sopot, Poland, March 2013).
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet conference "The influence of scientific researches" (Bydgoszcz, Poland, April 2013).
  • In April-May 2013, Associate Professor O. Nikolenko took part in the 81st Annual Scientific Conference of the ANS 2013 (American Association of Neurosurgeons), NewOrleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • In May 2013 Professor O. Dovhopolova took part in the colloquium "Absurd: strategies of the image and description" in the frame work of the II International Teleological Congress "History of the study of laughter in Russia and the USSR: Scientific Schools and individual researchers" (St. Petersburg , Russia).
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet conference "Science in the light of the present" (Łódź, Poland, May, 2013).
  • Associate professor O. Nikolenko took part in 48th Annual Congress of Canadian Federation of Neurologic Sciences (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2013).
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert made a report on International Internet Conference "The current questions of contemporary science" (Warsaw, Poland, June 2013).
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet Conference "Theory and practice - the importantance of scientific researches" (Lublin, Poland, July 2013).
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet conference "The trands in contemporary science" (Gdansk, Poland, August 2013).
  • Senior Lecturer K. Raikhert delivered a report on International Internet conference "Scientific researches of our times" (Katowice, Poland, October 2013).
  • In October 2013 Associate Professor O. Nikolenko took part in the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons, San Francisco (California, USA).
  • In October 2013 Associate Professor O. Petrykivska took part in the International Conference " A. F. Losev’s works in the Context of National and European Cultural Traditions. To the 120th anniversary of his birth and the 25th anniversary of his death "(XIV" Losev Readings "). The report was "The Features of Reception of the Ancient Tradition in the Philosophical Heritage of A. F.Losev", Moscow (Russia).
  • In June 2010 – 2016 Professor O.Dovhopolova, and Associate Professor O. Petrykivska took part in the International Conference ‘Krakow Meetings” (organized by the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University named after John Paul II in Krakow).
  • In October 2016 Professor O. Dovhopolova delivered a report "Petr Bitsilly's philosophy of history in the context of the theological discussions of the early 20th century" at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Meaning - Sense - Symbol. Theology, Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Turn of the Century. ". - Kinneret, Israel.


  • The House of Scientists in Odessa, where monthly meetings of the Philosophical Society of Odessa are held; The Head was Professor A. I.Uiomov (from 1968 to 2012), currently the head is Professor L. Terentieva .
  • International collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem within the framework of the agreement on educational collaboration between the Israeli Cultural Center (Odessa, Ukraine) and Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University. The main theme of the collaboration is the implementation of the work of the special course "Modern Jewish Studies and Israeli Studies".
  • The Collaboration with Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture (Macedonia). The President of the Institute, Dr. Kostake Milkov, annually gives lectures to the students of the Faculty of Philosophy.
  • The Collaboration with Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, the executive director of which is the graduate of the department,Yana Barinova.
  • The Collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art in Odessa.
  • The Participation in the work of Ed Claster Impact HubOdessa, the leader of the group of non-formal education Hubs of History is Professor O. Dovhopolova.
  • Working out the online course "Bridges and portals", dedicated to the history of Odessa for secondary schools on the basis of the theoretical concept of the"inclusive" narrative (Professor O. Dovhopolova).
  • The examination of the historical memory in the international project "Overcoming" (work in the public forums "Overcoming" in Odessa and Kharkov in December 2016) which was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (Professor O. Dovhopolova).
  • Professor О. Dovhopolova is a member of the IAH (International Association of Humanists).
  • Associate Professor O. Petrykivska is a member of the International Association of Historians of Religion (Moscow State M.V.Lomonosov University, Russia).
  • Associate Professor E. Martyniuk and Associate Professor O. Petrykivska are members of the Ukrainian Association of ReligiousStudies (UAR). In 2016 the UAR became a member of the European Association of the Study of Religion (EASR). Due to their membership in the UAR the department's religious scholars have an opportunity to draw the EASR information and communication resources and to receive grants for researches.

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