Olena A. Bachyns'ka


Scientific degree

(year of conferring)

Ph.D. (1997), Doctor of Historical Sciences (2003)

Academic degree

(year of conferring)

Associate professor (2001), Рrofessor (2005)

Data about studying (year of graduation)

Graduated from I.I. Mechnikov Odesa State University,

Faculty of History (1993)

The theme of candidate (Ph. D.) thesis

(date of defense)

Danubian (Novorossiian) Cossacks army. 1828-1869 (1997).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Associate professor F.A. Samoilov.

The theme of doctoral (D. of S.) thesis

(date of defense)

Colonization of round-Danube lands by Ukrainian population of XVIIIth – beginning of XXth century. (2003).

Scientific consultant - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Pershina Z.V.

Membership in scientific societies and organizations

From 2000 is the Head of the Department of Cossacks’ History in the south of Ukraine, Research Institute of Cossacks at the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (on the public basis), which was opened at the faculty of history, I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University.

Responsible editor of annual edition "Chornomors’ka   mynuvshyna. The transactions of Department of Cossack History in the South of Ukraine" (since 2006).

Participation in research projects (grants)

- Holder of a grant given by the Ukrainian Fund of Culture, Odessa branch (1994, 1995)

- Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (1994), Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1998-2000).

- Bachynska’s  manuscript "Cossacks in "after-Cossacks" period of Ukrainian history” (late of the XVIIIth – XIXth centuries) won the competition "Ukrainian book - 2010".  It was published by "Vyshcha shkola" publishing house.

Sphere of scientific interests

·   History of Ukrainian Cossacks

·   Settlement and development of Budjak steppe in XVIII - XIX centuries

Scientific guidance

Official scientific consultant of one defended Doctor of Historical Sciences,

and official scientific adviser of seven defended Ph.D. dissertation.

General and special courses reading at the Faculty of History and Philosophy and other faculties

1.      General course "History of Ukraine. IXth - middle of the XVIIth centuries " (for bachelors)

2.      General course "Historical Geography" (for bachelors)

3.      Special course "History of Ukrainian Cossacks and its analogues in the world" (for bachelors)

4.      Special course "Political Culture of the Ukrainian elite. IXth – early XXth centuries " (for masters).

5.      Special course "Ukrainian component in the special branches of historical science" (for masters)


·         Certificate of Honour given by Department of education and scientific activity of the Odessa Regional State Administration for the contribution to the development of science, i.e. local history, education of national consciousness and support of talented youth (December 2007, Order number 139 -OD from 11.03.2008);

·         certificate of honor given by Odessa City Council for a significant personal scientific potential on studying history of Ukrainian Cossacks and the Cossack movement in Odessa and Southern Ukraine (2009);

·         gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2015)

·         M. Kostomarov’s Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for outstanding achievements in the field of history and historical sources (2017).

The total number of publications (monographs, archaeographical publications, brochures, scientific articles etc.)

More than 250 publications

Publications about scientist and a review of her works

1.         Stanko V.N. Bachyns’ka O.A. // Profesora Odes’koho (Novorosiys’koho) universytetu. Biohrafichnyy slovnyk. – T.2: A–I. – Odesa: “Astroprynt”, 2005. – S. 90-91. (In Ukranian)

2.         Shepel’ L. Bachyns’ka O.A. // Ukrayins’ki istoryky XX st.: Biobibliohrafichnyy dovidnyk / Instytut istoriyi Ukrayiny NAN Ukrayiny. − K., 2006. − Vyp.2, ch.3. − S.13. (In Ukranian)

3.         Shyyan R.I. [Rets.] A.D. Bachyns’kyy, O.A. Bachyns’ka. Kozatstvo na Pivdni Ukrayiny. 1775-1869 rr. – Odesa: Mayak, 1995 // Pivdenna Ukrayina XVIII-XIX st. Zapysky naukovo-doslidnyts’koyi laboratoriyi ZDU. – Zaporizhzhya, 1996. – Vyp. 2. – S. 182-183. Butych I. A.D. [Rets.]. Bachyns’kyy, O.A. Bachyns’ka. Kozatstvo na Pivdni Ukrayiny. 1775-1869 rr. – Odesa: Mayak, 1995 // Zapysky NTSh. – T. ССХХХІІІ.: Pratsi istorychno-filosofs’koyi sektsiyi. – L’viv, 1997. – S. 575-577. (In Ukranian)

4.         Nepomnyashchyy A. A. Ukrayintsi Budzhaka teper mayut’ svoyu istoriyu // Byblyotechnoe delo y kraevedenye: Sb. nauch. tr. – K.; Symferopol’, 2002. – Vyp. IV. – S.154-156. [Rets. na knyhu: Bachyns’ka O. Ukrayins’ke naselennya Prydunays’kykh zemel’. XVIII – pochatok XX st. (zaselennya y ekonomichne osvoyennya). – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2002. – 328 s. ]. (In Ukranian)

5.         Kukharuk O.V. Chytayuchy ta perechytuyuchy – vchytuyemosya // Zapysky istorychnoho fakul’tetu. – Odesa: ONU, 2012. – S.101-106. [Rets.: Bachyns’ka O. Kozatstvo v „pislyakozats’ku dobu” ukrayins’koyi istoriyi (kinets’ XVIII – XIX st.) : monohrafiya /Olena Bachyns’ka. – O. : Astroprynt, 2009. – 251 s. (In Ukranian)

6.         Doslidnyky istoriyi Pivdennoyi Ukrayiny: biobibliohrafichnyy dovidnyk.  − T.1. – K., 2013. –  S. 40-44. (In Ukranian)

Bibliographic information about published monographs, archaeographical publications, brochures, scientific articles

Monographs, brochures

1.Bachyns’ka O.A. Kozatstvo na Pivdni Ukrayiny. 1775-1869. – Odesa: Mayak, 1995. – 55 s. (u spivavtorstvi z A.D.Bachyns’kym). (In Ukranian)

2.         Bachyns’ka O.A. Dunays’ke kozats’ke viys’ko. 1828-1868 rr. (Do 170-richchya zasnuvannya). – Odesa: Astroprynt, 1998. – 232 s. (In Ukranian)

3.         Bachyns’ka O. Ukrayins’ke naselennya Prydunays’kykh zemel’. XVIII – pochatok XIX st. (zaselennya y ekonomichne osvoyennya). – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2002. – 328 s. (In Ukranian).

4.         Bachyns’ka O. Kozatstvo v “pislyakozats’ku” dobu ukrayins’koyi istoriyi (kinets’ XVIII – XIX st.). –K.: Vyshcha shk., 2011. –287 s.: il., vkl. (In Ukranian)

5.  Bachyns’ka O. Osmans’ki fortetsi Budzhaka na mezhi XVIII – XIX st.: zalohy y yikhniy sklad=Bucak vilayetinde Osmanlı kaleleri: garnizonların yapısı ve işleyişi (XVIІI. Yüzyıl sonu – XIX. Yüzyıl başları) / Olena Bachyns’ka = Оlena Baçinska. – Odesa: Astroprynt, 2013. – 168 s.: il.  (In English and in Turkish).

6. Bachyns’ka O.A., Chukhlib T.V. Istoriya kozatstva pislya zruynuvannya Zaporoz’koyi Sichi. 1775 – 1905 rr. – K: Ariy, 2016. – 464 s.: il. (In Ukranian)

Papers, archaeographic publications

7. Bachyns’ka O.A. Do istoriyi Dunays’koho (Novorosiys’koho) kozats’koho viys’ka // Zapysky NTSh. – T. ССХХХІІІ.: Pratsi istorychno-filosofs’koyi sektsiyi. – L’viv, 1997. – S. 442-449. – 0,72 dr.ark. (Pomylkovo zaznacheno Ol’ha Bachyns’ka). (In Ukranian)

8. Kolonizatsiyna polityka Stambula na Prydunays’kykh zemlyakh u XVIII st. // Ukrayina v Tsentral’no-Skhidniy Yevropi (z naydavnishykh chasiv do kintsya XVIII st.). – Vyp.3. – K., 2003. – S.243-252. (In Ukranian)

9. Bachyns’ka O. Polityka Rosiys’koyi imperiyi shchodo zadunays’koho kozatstva: stratehiya, taktyka, zakhody //Ukrayina v Tsentral’no-Skhidniy Yevropi (z naydavnishykh chasiv do kintsya XVIII st.). – Vyp.4. – K.: Instytut istoriyi Ukrayiny NAN Ukrayiny, 2004. – S. 320-328. (In Ukranian)

10. Bachyns’ka O. Kozatstvo v systemakh Rosiys’koyi i Turets’koyi imperiyi// Istoriya ukrayins’koho kozatstva: Narysy: U 2 t./ Red. kol.: V.A.Smoliy (vidp. red.) ta in. – K., 2007.–T.2. – S. 303-362. (In Ukranian)

11. Bachinskay E. Puti migratsiy i protsess styagivaniya bolgarskogo naseleniya v goroda Budzhaka na rubezhe XVІІІ – XІX st.// Prosveta i promyana. – Sofiya: Institut za istoricheski izsledovaniya, B'lgarska akademiya na naukite pr BAN, 2010. – S.72-78. (In Russian)

12. Bachyns’ka O. Zadunays’ki zaporozhtsi: kozats’ke buttya v “pislyakozats’ku dobu”//Povsyakdennya rann’omodernoyi Ukrayiny. Istorychni studiyi v 2-kh tomakh. – T. 1: Praktyky, kazusy ta deviatsiyi povsyakdennya / Hol. red. V. Smoliy; Vidp. red. V. Horobets’. NAN Ukrayiny. Instytut istoriyi Ukrayiny. – K.: Instytut istoriyi Ukrayiny, 2012. – S. 201-216. (In Ukranian)

13. Bachyns’ka O. Osmans’ko-turets’ki dokumenty pro zadunays’ke kozatstvo naperedodni ta pid chas rosiys’ko-turets’koyi viyny 1828-1829 rr.// Chornomors’ka mynuvshyna. Zapysky Viddilu istoriyi kozatstva na Pivdni Ukrayiny Naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu kozatstva Instytutu istoriyi Ukrayiny NAN Ukrayiny: zb. nauk. pr. − Odesa, 2012. − Vyp.7. − S. 150-159. (u spivavtorstvi z O.Seredoyu). (In Ukranian)  

14. Bachyns’ka O. Zaporoz’ki kozaky v Osmans’kiy imperiyi v kintsi XVIII st.: poyava, status, orhanizatsiya sluzhby ta zhyttya / Olena Baçınska. Uluslararası Türkiye-Ukrayna İlişkileri Sempozyumu: Kazak Dönemi (1500–1800) Bildiriler (Vzayemyny mizh Ukrayinoyu ta Turechchynoyu: kozats’ka doba (1500–1800 rr.). − İstanbul «Çamlıca», 2015. − S. 735–748. (In Ukranian)

15. Bachynska O. XVII. Yüzyılın Başlarında Ukrayna Kazaklarının “Istanbul” Seferleri (XIX. Yüzyılın – XX. Yüzyıl Başlangıcına Ait Bilimsel Yayınlar Üzerine) // Osmanlı Istanbulu – III/ Feridun M., Ali Akylıdız, Emrah S. (ed.). – Istanbul, 2015 (2016). – S. 761 – 768. (In Turkish)

16. Bacynska O. The restoration of the Cossack state building traditions in Bydzjak and Dobrydzja at the end of the XVIII – early XIX centuries // Danubius. – Nom. XXXIV. – Calaţi, 2016. – Р. 245-256. (In English)

17. Bachyns’ka O. Informatsiynyy potentsial periodychnoho vydannya “Amsterdam” dlya stvorennya «obrazu» Ukrayiny pochatku XVIII st. (iz fondiv Naukovoyi biblioteky ONU) //  Visnyk Odes’koho natsional’noho universytetu. – T.22. – Vyp.1(17). –2017. – S.117-126. (In Ukranian)

18.Bachyns’ka O.A. Cezonne vidkhidnytstvo na pivden’ Ukrayiny ta ioho vplyv na povsyakdennya kozakiv Naddnipryans’koï Ukraïny naprykintsi naprykintsi XIX stolittya (za sposterezhennyamy parafiyal’nykh svyashchenykiv) // Ukrayins’kyy arkheohrafichnyy shchorichnyk. – Kyyiv: Ukrayins’ki propileyi, 2018. – Vyp. 21-22. – S.158-163. (In Ukranian)

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